DIRECTING them to dispatch four hundred Goonies of grain to Zuferâbâd; and to leave a gun and guard* from each of their divisions at Hybutpoor, from whence the Sultan would bring them on, when he arrived there, which would be soon, as he had that day [viz. the 22d Zuburjudy] entered his tents, for the purpose of proceeding against the rebels.
Meer Zynûl Aabideen Shoostry, was informed, in Letter CXXXI, that Ahmed Baig had been sent to join him; so that it is probable, that he is meant by the Zynûl Aabideen, named in the title of the present letter, though the usual addition to his name, or Shoostry, has been omitted. If omitted in this instance, it may also have been omitted in the title of Letter CXVII, which see.