
A’ALI [ELI], 40-42

Aaron. See Harûn

Abdâls, note 32

Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Khalil, 228

Abiadh, his story, 202-206

Absalom, 67. See Shalûm

Abu Ala’llâi Moussuli, 228

Abu Hanifah Dinvari, the his­torian, 359, 371, 375, 376, 378, 402

Abu Harira, 93

Adam, 229, 265

Adultery, 14, 18

Æsculapius, 287. See Asqlabios

Aflatûn [Plato], 265, 276, 277, 281-285, 288, 302

Aflûn, the idol, 214, 216, 223, 224

Afrasiâb, 232-234

Afritun, a disciple of Socrates, 274, 275.

Ahasuerus, 239

Ahl Kitâb, The, note 3

Aisha [Jesse], 46-48

Aiûb [Job], 38

Akhlâqi Nassiri, The, 284

Alexander the Great, ix., 238, 240. See Eskandar.

Ali Bin Abu Tâleb, 11, 61, 101

Ali Bin Ka’b, 12

Amalekites, The, 17, 44

Amir Ali Shir, 229, 265, 407

Amrulqais, 290

Anaksaghoras [Anaxagoras], 299

Ankâs, 299

Ant, Story of the, 80-83

Antaqia [Antioch], 184, 187

Antioch, 184. See Antaqia

Aomiros [Homer], 290

Aoria [Uriah], 62, 63, 65, 66, 71

Apostles, The, 162, 165, 169, 170, 177, 178, 183

Apostleship, 228

Aqlides [Euclid], 300

Arabic authors, note 113

Arâis, The, 21, 32

Arbil, wife of Vâjub, King of Ba’lbec, 27

Archæmenian or Kaiânian dynasty, 239

Ardeshir Bâbegân, the first Sasa­nian king, 326-329

Ariha [Jericho], 15-17, 35

Aristotle, 243, 265, 284-287, 300

Ark of tranquillity, Story of the, 8. Its construction, 9. Opinions about it, 10

Armia [Jeremiah], 11, 121, 127-129, 146

Artaxerxes Longimanus, 237, 239. See Behmen

Asaf, Solomon’s minister, 86, 90, 92-94, 96

Asfilsûf the philosopher, 267

Ashbaa’, sister of the Virgin Mary, 147, 148

Ashkânian Kings of Persia, 320-326; for list of them see table of contents, vii.

Asia, Fara’ûn’s daughter, 4. The murder of her maid, 5

Asia, Fara’ûn’s wife, 5. Her murder, 6. Her torments and the alleviation of her suffer­ings, 6

Asqlabios the first [Æsculapius], 281, 287, 293

Asqlabios the second [Æsculapius] 287, 288, 293

Asûl Lama’a, The, 38

Atheniah [Athens], 267, 274, 281, 282, 285, 293


Babel [Babylon], 121, 125

Babylon, 121, 139. See Babel

Bakhtanassar [Nebuchadnezzar], 76, 77, 120, 122, 124-138, 144, 237, 238

B’al, 26, 27

Bala’m, or Bala’âm, 17-19

Ba’lbek, 26, 27

Balqa, 17, 18

Balqis, Story of [Queen of Sheba], 83-92

Balûq, King of Balqa, 17-19

Banqas, King of Maqdoniah, 294, 297

Barssissa the hermit, his record, 202-207

Barûk the King, 20, 22

Bashar, or Bashir, 38

Bâsolûs the philosopher, 292

Batolimos [Ptolemy], 291, 292

Baz, King of the Maghrab, 294-297

Bedr, Battle of, 45; note 57

Behâristan, The, note 111

Behmen [Artaxerxes Longima­nus], 237-239

Behrâm Chubîn, the General, 391-396

Behrâm Gûr, 351, 354-362

Beit-ul-lahm [Bethlehem], 159, 161

Boqrât [Hippocrates], 277, 287-289

Bujarjamehr the philosopher, 381-384


Caleb. See Kalûb.

Cambyses, 234. See Kai Kâoos

Certificate of security, 39; note 47

Chain, Story of the, 59, 60

Chess, The game of, 381

Christendom, Rise of, ix., x.

Christianity, ix., x.

Christian literature and stories, ix., x.

Chugân, The game of, 331, 343; notes 257, 264

Companion of the Fish, 112. See Yûnas

Companions of the Cave [the seven sleepers], 190-202

Constantinople, 345, 397. See Qostantiniah

Cyrus, 235, 239. See Kai Khusrau


Dâniâl the Greater, 125-128, 130, 133

Dâniâl, the son of Hazqil, 11, 127, 128, 130-132, 134, 135-139

Damascus, 161

Dârâh [Darius II.], 238

Dârâh the Less [Darius III.], 238, 239

Daraz Dast, or Longhanded, 237. See Behmen

Darius Hystaspes, 236, 239. See Gushtasp

Daûd [David], son of Aisha [Jesse], 46. His record, 46-61. His sling, stones and staff, 46. His selection by Shamuil, 47, 48. His hearing the stones speak, 48. His offer to fight Jalût, 49. His fight and victory, 50, 51. His difficulties with Tâlut, 51, 52. His attempted murder, 52. His flight and concealment, 53, 54. His suc­cession, 57. His pleasing voice, 57. Why he learnt a profession, 58. His occupations, 58, 59. His prayer and its answer, 59. His judgment, 60, 61. His trial and temptation, 61, 62. Story of Aoria [Uriah] and his wife, 62, 63. Dâud’s marriage with the latter, 64. His inter­view with two men and the story of the sheep and the ewe, 64. His repentance, 65. His visit to the tomb of Aoria and interview with him, 65, 66. His troubles with Shalûm [Absa­lom], 67, 78. His choice of the famine, or the conquest, or the plague, 68, 69. The commence­ment of the building of the temple, 69, 70. His death, 71. His appreciation of Solomon’s judgment, 71-75.

David, 46. See Dâud

Deqianus [Decius?], note 224; 191-195, 197, 200

Diogenes the cynic, 279. See Diujânos

Diujânos Kalbi [Diogenes], 279-281

Dreams of Nebuchadnezzar, 130, 131, 134, 135


Eblis [Satan], 57, 202, 203, 224

Ebn A’bbâs the historian, 25, 100, 115, 150, 157, 179, 188, 200, 202, 206

Ebn Athir the historian, 339, 349, 352, 356, 364, 403

Ebn Hanân, 228

Ebn Qotaiba, 353

Ebrahim [Abraham], 68, 229

Eclipse of the sun, 233

Editor’s note about David Shea’s translation of the ‘Early Kings of Persia,’ and brief sketch of that work, 230-239

Edris [Enoch], 26, 33, 266, 267

Elghâzâr the Emâm, 2

Eli the high priest, 40. See A’ali

Eliâs [Elijah], his record, 26-32. His exhortations, 27, 28, 31. His miracle, 30. His appointing Elisa’ his successor, 32. His ascent to heaven, 32. His per­sonal description, etc., 34. Story about his being met in the desert, 32-34

Elijah, 26. See Elias

Elisa’ [Elisha], 31, 32. His record, 34-38. His call to follow Eliâs, 35. His miracles, 35-37. His death, 38

Elisha, 34. See Elisa’

Emâm Muhammad Edris Shâfa’i, 301

Emâm Mûsa Bin Jafer, 140. His replies to the Christian monk, 140-143

Emâm Nâtuq, 11

E’mrân Bin Mâthân, the father of the Virgin Mary, 146

Enoch. See Edris.

Ephesus, 190, 191, 196, 197, 200

Esfendiar [Xerxes?], 237

Eskandar [Alexander the Great], his birth, 240, 241. His acces­sion to the throne, 242, 243. The consolidation of his king­dom at home, 244. His corre­spondence with Dârâ the Less, 245, 246. His war with Dârâ, 247. The two battles, 247, 248. Dârâ’s death and funeral, 248, 249. Eskandar marches to India, 250. His battle with Fûr [Porus], 250, 251. The latter’s defeat, 251. Eskandar’s inter­view with the Brahmans, 252. His dealings with Kyd, the Indian king, 253. The presents received from the latter, 254. His interview with the philosopher sent by Kyd, 254-256. His march to China, 256; and his return westwards, 257. His consultation with Aristotle how to deal with the Persian princes, 257. Some stories about him, 258-260. His death, 261; and funeral, 262, 263. His personal appearance and character, 263. About his name, 264. His con­nection with Aristotle, 286, 287

Esrâil [Israel], Children of, 1, 2, 4, 9, 13, 15-20, 22, 26, 35-40, 68-70, 120, 122

Estakhar [Persepolis], 81, 327, 369, 406

Euclid, 300. See Aqlides

Ezekiel’s vision, note 28

Ezra, 139. See O’zair


Fara’ûn [Pharaoh], 4-6

Fate and predestination, 144-146

Feridoon, a Peshdâdian king, 232, 234

Filqûs [Philip, Prince of Rûm], 238, 241-243

Firdausi the poet, 232, 301

Fithagorath [Pythagoras], 268-271, 281


Galen the physician, 293. See Jâlinus

Gavah the blacksmith, 231, 232, note *

Georgius the martyr, 214-225. See Jarjis

Ghoniah, The, 264, 375, 392

Gibbon the historian, ix., x.; notes 255, 256, 263, 268, 278

Goliath, 44. See Jalût

Gospel, The, 229

Greece, 284. See Yonân

Greeks, The, 281, 290. See Yonâni

Gurshâsf, the last Peshdâdian king, 233

Gushtasp [Darius Hystaspes], 236, 237, 239


Habib the carpenter, 186, 187

Hafez Abru the historian, 321, 339, 364, 374, 403, 405

Hafiz the poet, note 200

Hamdullah Mustoufi the his­torian, 321, 322

Hanna, wife of E’mrân, and mother of the Virgin Mary, 146, 147

Hanna, wife of Helkan, and mother of Shamu’il [Samuel], 40, 41

Hantalah the righteous, 188

Harqal [Heraclius], 397

Harûn [Aaron], his personal description, etc., 3. His tomb, 4. His knowledge of the entire Mosaic law, 11, 144

Hasan Bossri the author, 98, 177, 187

House, The holy, 76, 77, 121

Hazkil, the prophet [Ezekiel], 23-26. Resuscitates many corpses, 25. His tomb, 26. Remarks about him, 38.

Hezekiah the king, 120. See Sadiqa

Hippocrates, 277, 287. See Boqrât.

Homer, 290. See Aomiros

Hormuz Bin Shâpûr, a Sasanian king, 334, 335

Houshung, a Peshdâdian king, 230

Hyksos, or shepherd kings, 234


Ibn Hishâm the historian, xi.

Ibn Ishâk the historian, xi. See Muhammad Bin Esahâq

I’sa [Jesus], his knowledge of the entire Mosaic Law, 11. In heaven, 33. His companionship with Yahia [John the Baptist], 151. His relationship to him, 155. His record, 156-183. His naming before birth, 156. His miraculous conception, 157. His birth, 159. His conduct as a babe in the womb, 156. His speech as an infant in the cradle, 160. His going to Damascus, 161. His discovery of a theft there, 161. His coming to Jerusalem and selection of the Apostles, 162. His character­istics and habits, 163. Some miracles, 164. His resuscitating Sâm [Shem], the son of Noah, 165-169. His supplying the multitude with food, 169-171. His flight from Jerusalem, 172. Some of his miracles, 172-177. The years of his mission, 178. His elevation on the gibbet and ascent to heaven, 178-182. His future coming, 182, 183. As founder of a religion, 229

Isaiah, 120. See Sha’ia

Israel, Children of. See Esrâil


Jaber the alchemist, 12

Jâlinus the physician [Galen], 190, 191, 293-298, 302

Jalût [Goliath], 44. His war with Tâlut, or Saul, 44-46, 48. His fight with David, 49-51. His death, 51

Jâmi the poet, note 111

Jâmi ’Aa’zim, The, 6, 228

Jarjis the martyr [Georgius], his record and his miracles, 214-225

Jarih the monk, 206-209

Jebrâil [Gabriel], 88, 114, 117, 228

Jamsheed, the Peshdâdian king, 231, 234

Jeremiah the prophet, 121. See Armia

Jericho, 15. See Ariha

Jesus, 156. See I’sa

Jewish literature and stories, ix., x.

Joab, 63. See Thoâb

Johnson, Mr. Edwin, ix., x.

John the Baptist, 146. See Yahia

Jonah, 112. See Yûnas

Joseph the carpenter, 158. See Yusuf

Joshua. See Yoshua’

Judaism, x.

Judas Iscariot, 179 See Jûda

Judgment, The sudden, 13, 16


Ka’b-ullâkhbâr the traditionist, 81, 120, 162; note 192

Kaiânian dynasty, 230, 234-239

Kai Kâoos [Cambyses?], 234-236, 239

Kai Khusrau [Cyrus?], 235, 236, 239

Kaikobad, the first Kaiânian king, 234

Kaiomars, or Kaiomarth, the first Peshdâdian king, 230, 363

Kaliath [Goliath], 44. See Jalût

Kalila va Dimna, 301, 381; note 272

Kalûb [Caleb], 1, 21-23.

Kama Shastra Society, note 111

Kâmel-ut-tovârikh, The, 374, 396, 402

Kermâni the poet, note 111

Khaled Bin Senân, 227

Khizer, 33, 34

Khodaifa, 122

Khoshnavâg, King of Hayatalah, 363, 365-367

Khosru Parviz, a Sasanian king, 392-401, 403-406

Knowledge, Excellency of, 301, 302

Korân, The, ix., x. See Qurân


Labâb-ut-tafâsir, The, 8, 11

Lapwing, The, 83-86

Lohorasp [Hystaspes?], a Kai­ânian king, 236, 237, 239

Loqmân the philosopher, his record, 104-111. Stories about him, 105-107; and his son, 108-110. His death, 111. His moral maxims, 111


Maa’rif Hassibi, The, 178, 182, 227

Madâin, 328, 348, 355, 368

Madinah, 81

Maghâzi, The, 122, 138

Mahdi, The, 122; note 131

Malcolm’s ‘History of Persia,’ 235, 237

Mâni, the Zendiqand painter, 333, 336, 337

Mariam [the Virgin Mary], 146. Her birth, 147. Her dedication, 147. Her bringing up, 148. Her conception and pregnancy, 157, 158. Her giving birth to I’sa [Jesus], 159. Accusations against her, 160. Her going to Egypt or Damascus, 161. Her travelling with I’sa, 172, 173

Mary 146. See Mariam

Masih [Messiah], 158, 159

Masu’di the historian, 256, 333, 336, 341; note 279

Mazdak, the false prophet, 369-371, 373, 374

Meadows of Gold by Masu’di, 341, 343, 345, 402

Mekkah, 81

Merwân the Omayide, 33

Messiah, The, 156, 158. See Masih

Minucheher, a Peshdâdian king, 232, 233

Mithana, 192

Moa’viah, son of Abu Sofiân, 201, 202

Moqatul, 12

Mosaic Law, 1, 4. Description of the, 11. The reading of it, 27, 35

Moses. See Musâ

Mosque, The farther, i.e., the temple at Jerusalem, 76, 77

Mousul, King of, 214

Mufâtih, The, 325, 326, 348, 356, 364, 396

Muhammad Bin Esa’hâq, 122, 124, 200

Muhammad the Apostle, xi., xii., 162, 179, 228, 229

Muluk-ut-toûaif [kings of the nations], or the Ashkânian dynasty of Persia, 257, 320, 321, 324, 325, 330

Munâhaj-us-sâlakeen, The, 6

Mundhir Bin A’mru, 87, 89

Muntahab-ul-ma’arif, The, 39, 120

Muntazim, The, 21

Mûsa [Moses], his final numbering of the children of Esrâil, 1; and exposition of the Mosaic Law, 1. His copy of it, 1. His appoint­ment of Joshua as his successor, 1. His final exhortations, 2. His death, 2. His personal description, etc., 3. His staff and its properties, 6. His knowledge of the entire Mosaic Law, 11. His miracles, 12-14. As founder of a religion, 229

Murder of Yahia [John the Bap­tist], 153


Nassir-ud-din Tûsi the author, 284

Nathan, note 80

Naushirvân, a Sasanian king, 368, 372-388

Nauzer, a Peshdâdian king, 233

Nebuchadnezzar, 77. See Bakh­tanassar

Nigaristân, The, xi.

Nimrud, 76

No’mân Bin Amrulqais, 352, 353

Nuh [Noah], 229


Omar the Khalifah, 138, 213

Oriental Translation Fund, Old, 230; note 242

Oriental Translation Fund, New Series, xi

O’zair [Ezra], 139-146


Parables and stories, 303-319

Parmenides the physician, 288

Parviz, 392. See Khosru Parviz

Pentateuch, The, 229

Persian portraits, note 272

Peshdâdian dynasty, 230-234

Pharoah. See Fara’ûn

Philip of Macedon, 238. See Filqûs

Philosophers, Biographies of, 265-300

Pit, Lords or contrivers of the, 209; notes 213, 237

Plato, 265, 276, 281. See Aflatûn

Predestination, 144-146

Prophecy, 228

Prophecy about Jesus and Muhammad, 123; notes 132, 162

Prophets, Number of, 228, 229

Psalms, The, 57, 224, 229, 266

Ptolemy, 291. See Batolimos

Pythagoras, 268. See Fithag­horath


Qazvini, author of the ‘Wonders of Countries,’ notes, 7, 246, and 265

Qostantiniah [Constantinople], 345, 347, 362

Qotaiba, 121

Qurân, The [Korân], 229


Rakim, Al, 190; notes 198, 194,

Rehatsek, Edward, xi., xii. [224

Rock, Story of the, 7, 8

Roushang [Roxana], 239, 240

Roxana, 239, 240


Saba [Sheba], 83

Sa’di the poet, notes 111, 205

Sadiqa [Hezekiah], 120, 121, 123, 124

Sadr-ud-din Esfahâni, 39

Sakhar the demon, 97, 99, 100

Sâm [Shem], 165, 168, 169

Samnâr the architect, 352, 353

Samuel, 40. See Shamuil

Sanjârib [Sennacherib], 121-127

Sâqratis, 300

Sasanian Kings of Persia, 326-406. See list of them in table of con­tents, vii., viii.

Satan, 57, 202, 205, 206. See Eblis

Saul, 43, 44. See Tâlut

Sealship, 228, 229

Seas, The two, 11

Security of Zulkefl, 38, 39

Sennacherib, 121. See Sanjârib

Seth, 265. See Sheth

Seven Sleepers, The, note 224. See Companions of the Cave

Shaharruzi the historian, 104, 242.

Shâhnamâh, The, 399, 402 [265

Sha’ia [Isaiah], 120, 123, 124, 153

Shalûm [Absalom], 67, 68

Shamsûn the hermit, 225, 226

Shamuil [Samuel], his record, 40-44. His serving A’ali [Eli], 41. His hearing the allocution of the Almighty, 41, 42. His assumption of the govern­ment and prophetic dignity, 42. His selection of Saul as king, 43. His anointing him with oil, 44. His visit to Jesse, 47. His selection of David, 47. What he did and said to him, 48. His protests against Saul’s persecu­tion of David, 51. His tomb visited by Saul and the old woman, 55. His resurrection, 55. His advice to Saul, 56; and return to his grave, 56

Shâpûr Bin Ardeshir, a Sasanian king, 330-334

Sharastani, 190; note 223

Shâuk [Saul], 43, 44. See Tâlut

Shea, David, his translation of the ‘Early Kings of Persia,’ note 242; 230-239

Sheba, 83. See Saba

Sheba, Queen of, 83. See Balqis

Sheth [Seth], 265, 266

Shima’un [Simon Peter], 165-167, 179, 180, 183-187, 191; notes 213 and 214

Shirin, wife of Khosru Parviz, 302, 399, 405, 406

Socrates, 271. See Soqrât

Solmân the Persian, 168, 169

Solomon, 71. See Sulimân

Solon the philosopher, 267

Soqrât [Socrates], 271-279, 281

Son of Bakhtanassar [Nebuchad­nezzar], 135, 137, 138

Stories and parables, 303-319

Sulimân [Solomon], 64, 68, 70, 71. His record, 71-76. Story of the woman and the false witnesses, 72, 73. Of the two women and the infant, 73, 74. Of the son of blood, 74. Of the dispute about the land and the sheep, 74, 75. About his wonderful carpet, 75, 76. The size of his kingdom, 76. His building of the Holy House or Farther Mosque, 76, 77. His knowledge of the language of birds, 78. His banquet to the animals, etc., 79, 80. His journey to Yaman by Madinah and Mekkah, 81. His dealings with the ants, 82. The story of him and Balqis, Queen of Sheba, 83-92. The trial of Solomon, 93-101. His wanderings, 98. His restoration to the throne, 100. His decease, 102, 103

Sun, Retrogradation of the, 19, 101.

Swallows, The, 128.


Tabari the historian, ix., x.; 11, 202, 348, 349, 356, 364, 399

Tables, The, 1. Story of, 10, 11

Tâlut [Saul], 10. His appoint­ment as king, 43, 44. His war with Goliath, 44-46. His proclamation, 49. His interview with David, 49. His mistrust and persecution of David, 51. His attempt to murder him, 52. His repentance, 53. His further persecution and repentance, 54. His interview with the old woman and the deceased Samuel, 55. The latter’s instructions, 56. Death of Saul and his sons, 56

Tamlikha, a Companion of the Cave, 194, 196-199, 201

Târikh Guzidah, 321, 323-325

Târikh Hukmâ, 104, 257, 263, 282, 287

Târikh Ja’fari, 321, 323, 324, 364

Târikh Moa’jum, 257, 340, 346, 350

Tehmuras, a Peshdâdian king, 231

Tha’alebi the historian, 21

Thales the Miletian, 298. See Thâlis

Thâlis [Thales], 298, 299

Thoâb [Joab], 63, 67, 68

Tûmân [Thomas?], 165-167, 184-187


U’lâma, The, 147, 179, 189, 190, 229, 337

Uriah, 62. See Aoria

Uvlu-l-a’zm, 3, 112, 113; notes 118, 228, 229


Vâjub [Ahab?], 26-29


Wife of Zakria [Zachariah], and mother of Yahia [John the Bap­tist], 149-151

Wisdom, Excellency of, 301, 302

Wuhub Bin Muniah, 25, 57, 58, 65, 71, 81, 95, 136, 153, 184, 264


Xerxes, 237. See Esfendiar


Yahia [John the Baptist], 146, 149-151, 153-155

Yahia the Apostle, 178, 184-187

Yaman, 81, 83, 209

Ya’qûb the Apostle, 165, 166, 178

Yonân [Greece], 284

Yonâni [Greeks], 281, 285, 290, 291

Yoshua’ [Joshua], 1. His appointment as Moses’ successor, 2. His final interview with Moses, 2. His knowledge of the entire Mosaic Law, 11. His story, 15-21. Capture of Jeri­cho, 16; and other towns, 17-20. His death, 21. His per­sonal description, miracles, etc., 21

Yûda [Judas Iscariot], 179, 180

Yûnas [Jonah], the Companion of the Fish, 29, 112-120

Yûnas the Jew, 188, 189

Yusuf [Joseph], the carpenter, 158. The questions put by him to Mariam [Mary], 158. His departure with her to Syria, 159; and to Damascus, 161


Zachariah, 146. See Zakria

Zakria [Zachariah], 146-154

Zaub, a Peshdâdian king, 233

Zinôn Bin Tâlôghôras the philosopher, 290, 291

Zi Qratâs [Zenocrates?], 299

Zohak the Arab, 231, 232, 234

Zulkefl the Prophet, 38-40

Zulqarneen [greater two-horned], 76, 240

Zulqarneen [lesser two-horned], 240, 264. See Eskandar

Zunnuwâs, a king, 209-213