Ash‘arī, Sharafu-l-Mulk, of the Amīrs
of Sulān ‘Alāu-d-Dīn Mas‘ūd Shāh,
of Dihlī, 125.
‘Ashars, portions of ten Āyats into
which the Qur'ān has been divided,
102 and n 4.
Al-Ashbāh wa-n-Naāir
, a work on
Fiqh or Jurisprudence, by Zainu-l-
‘Ābidīn bin Najīm, 5 n 4.
, or white ambergris, 182 n 1.
, a poem by Mīr Khusrū, of
Dihlī, 256, 264, 266, 267 n 1, 274 n
1, 276 n
Ashraf Pādshāh, 635 n 5.
, a gold coin, called after
Ashraf Pādshāh, 635 n 5.
Ashrafu-d-Dīn Ḥasan ibn Nāṣiri-l-
‘Alavī,—a poet of the time of
Bahrām Shāh Ghaznawī, 56 n 3.
Same as Sayyid Ḥasan Ghaznawī
the Poet, q. v.
‘Āshūrā’, day of, 199 n 3, 200 and n.
320 and n 4, 464, 622.
Asī river, the, otherwise known as
the Medakī, 419 n 6.
Asia, Northern, 191 n 2.
Asiatic Lithographic Press, the, 102
n 1.
Asiatic Researches, 374 n
Asiatic Society of Bengal, 127 n 2,
511 n
Aīr, Qāẓī,—contemporary of Sulān
Ghiyāu-d-Dīn Balban, 217.
‘Asjadī, Ḥakīm Abū Naar ‘Abdu-l-
‘Azīz ibn Manṣūr, a celebrated poet
of Merv, 17 and n 3.
‘Askarī, Mīrzā, one of the Mughul
chiefs under Humāyūn, 455, 465,
567, 568, 573, 574, 575, 585 and
n 9.
Aṣl wa Far‘
, signification of the
term, 5 n 4.
, names or attributes of the
Deity, 459 n 2.
Aṣma‘ī,—the celebrated Arab gram­marian and philologist, 75 n.
Asmāu-l-ḥusn, the best of names,
603 and n 5.
, terrible attributes
of the Deity, 459 n 2.
, amiable attributes
of the Deity, 459 n 2.
, a herb, 173 n 2.
Ashrafu-l-Mulk, of the Amīrs of
Sulān Fīroz Shāh, brother's son of
Ghiyāu-d-Dīn Tughlaq, 324.
As-Suyūī. See under Suyūī.
Aṣarjī, the jinn who stole Solomon's
signet ring, and ruled in his place,
205 n 3, 206 n.
Astronomers of Greece, 75 n 2.
Asun river, the,—flowing west of
Gwāliār, 419 n 6.
, a father, in Turkī, 568 n 6.
or Atābek, a Turkī word,
signification of, 568 n 5.
, the office of Atābak (q. v.),
568 n
Atābaks of Āẕarbaijān, the, 158 n 3.
, a Turkī word, meaning of, 464
n 5, 568 n 6.
Atala Masjid, at Jaunpūr, built by
Sulān Ibrāhīm of Jaunpūr, 364
n 3.
, or Atālīq, a Turkī word,
signification of, 468 and n 2, 569 n
5, 597.
Ātashkadā i-Āẕur
, the, 32 nn 1 and
2, 35 n 1, 53 n, 54 n 1, 96 n 2, 134
n 3, 187 n 2, 270 n 6, 341 nn
and 2, 584 n 3.
Atāva, a town in the Sarkār of Agra,
70 n 3. See under Aṭāwah.
Aṭāwah, town of, in Hindustān, 70
and n 3. Also written Atāva, (q. v.).
Atgah, 568 n
Atgah Khān, Shamsu-d-Dīn Muḥam­mad. See under Atka Khān.
Atīkā, a Turkī word, meaning of, 464
n 5.
, a Turkī word, meaning of, 464
n 5, 568 n 6.
Atka Khān, Shamsu-d-Dīn Muḥam­mad, son of Mīr Yār Muḥammad of
Ghaznī, one of the Amīrs of
Humāyūn, and foster-father to
Prince Akbar, 464 n 5, 563, 568
and n 6.
Atkinson's Shāh Nāmah, 32 n 1, 116
n 5, 178 n 2, 180 n 2, 321 n 1, 435
n 2.
, meanings of the word, 142 n 1,
246 n 3.
, Keith Johnson's Royal, 567 n 1,
570 n 7.
Atlas of India, 384 n
Attock, on the Indus, 20 n 1, 44 n 6
358 n 6.
, the,—a geopraphical work,
14 n 3, 29 n 6, 30 n 1.
‘Auf ibn Qassī (called also aqīf),
12 n 1.
‘Aufī, Muḥammad, author of the
Jāmi‘u-l-Ḥikāyāt and Taẕkiratu-sh-
, 220.
Auḥad Khān Auḥadī, Governor of
Baiāna, 385.
Auḥadī's Life of Khwājā ‘Alī Sha­ranjī, 114 n 2.
Auḥadī family of Baiāna, the
Governors of the city, 386.
Aulaka or aulakā, a Turkī word, signi­fication of, 354 n 7.
Aunla, town of, 71 n 2.
Aurangzeb, Emperor of India, 82
n 4.
Avicenna, 533 n 1.
Awadh (Oudh), 415.
Awais Jalāyer, Sulān, son of Amīr
Shaikh Ḥasan, King of Khurāsān,
571 n 9. See also under Aweis.
Awais Sirwānī, Khwājā, one of the
Amīrs of Islem Shāh, 493 n 7.
Awe, Loch, 301 n 3.
Aweis, Sulān, son of Shaikh Ḥasan
Jalāyer, King of Khurāsān, 633 n 1.
See also under Awais.
A‘yānī, uterine brothers, 466 n 7.
Ayek, the,—a small river of Siālkot,
67 n.
Ay-tutulmash, eclipse of the moon,
probable origin of the name Iyalti­mish, 89 n 1
Ayūb, takhalluṣ or poetical name of
Khwāja Aiyūb ibn Khwāja Abu-l-
Barakāt, a poet of the time of
Humāyūn, 633.
Āzādpūr, fortress of, 324 n 6.
A‘am Humāyūn, Bāyazīd, nephew of
Sulān Buhlūl Lodī, 409, 410 and
n 1.
A‘am Humāyūn, Haibat Khān of
Lāhore,—one of the Amīrs of Shīr
Shāh, 490, 492, 493, 497 and n 3,
498, 500.
A‘am Humāyūn Shirwānī, Governor
of Karra,—one of the Amīrs of
Sulān Ibrāhīm bin Sulān Sikandar
Lodī, 430, 432, 433, 434, 435.
A‘am Humāyūn, son of Sulān
Sikandar Lodī, 431 n 1.
A‘am Humāyūn Sirwānī, Bihār Khān,
Governor of Handīya,—one of the
Amīrs of Islem Shāh, 517, 541.
A‘am Khān Haibat, of Lāhore, 492.
See A‘am Humāyūn Haibat.
A‘am Khān Humāyūn, son of Bāya­zīd, son of Sulān Buhlūl Lodī, 410
n 1, 411 n 2, 412 n 2, 414 and n 2.
A‘am Khān Humāyūn, son of Khān-i-
Jahān Lodī,—one of the Amīrs of
Sulān Sikandar Lodī, 416, 434.
A‘am Khān Shamsu-d-Dīn Muḥam­mad of Ghaznī, one of the Amīrs of
Humāyūn, 464. Same as Atkah
Khān, (q. v.).
A‘ām Malik, Shaikhzāda-i-Busāmī,
—of the Amīrs of Sulān Fīroz
Shāh, 328.
A‘amu-l-Mulk, Malik ‘Izzu-d-Dīn
Yaḥyā, one of the Amīrs of Sulān
Muḥammad Tughlaq Shāh, 302, 308.
Aẕān, the,—or call to prayer, 472 n 6,
600 n
9, 601 and n.
Aẕarbaijān, province of, 30 n 1, 61 n
5, 158 n
Aẓdu-d-Daulah Alp Arslān, third
monarch of the Saljūqiyah dynasty,
35 and n 1. See under Alp Arslān.
‘Aẓdu-d-Daulat, title given by the
Khalīfah Al-Qādir billāh to Amīr
Yūsuf, son of Sulān Maḥmūd of
Ghaznīn, 29.
‘Azīz Ḥimār, 313 n 2. Same as the
next (q. v.).
‘Azīz Khumār,—of the servants of
Sulān Muḥammad Tughlaq Shāh,
313 and n 2.
‘Azīzu-llah Tulumbī of Sambhal,
Shaikh,—one of the great and
learned men of the time of Sulān
Sikandar Lodī, 426, 427, 429.
Azlām, the arrows in the game of
maisir, 369 n 1.
‘Azra, heroine of a Turkish romance,
mistress of Wāmiq, 40 and n 1.