Ash‘arī, Sharafu-l-Mulk, of the Amīrs
of Sulān ‘Alāu-d-Dīn Mas‘ūd Shāh,
of Dihlī, 125.
‘Ashars, portions of ten Āyats into
which the Qur'ān has been divided,
102 and n 4.
Al-Ashbāh wa-n-Naāir, a work on
Fiqh or Jurisprudence, by Zainu-l-
‘Ābidīn bin Najīm, 5 n 4.
Ashhab, or white ambergris, 182 n 1.
‘Ashīqa, a poem by Mīr Khusrū, of
Dihlī, 256, 264, 266, 267 n 1, 274 n
1, 276 n 1.
Ashraf Pādshāh, 635 n 5.
Ashrafī, a gold coin, called after
Ashraf Pādshāh, 635 n 5.
Ashrafu-d-Dīn Ḥasan ibn Nāṣiri-l-
‘Alavī,—a poet of the time of
Bahrām Shāh Ghaznawī, 56 n 3.
Same as Sayyid Ḥasan Ghaznawī
the Poet, q. v.
‘Āshūrā’, day of, 199 n 3, 200 and n.
320 and n 4, 464, 622.
Asī river, the, otherwise known as
the Medakī, 419 n 6.
Asia, Northern, 191 n 2.
Asiatic Lithographic Press, the, 102
n 1.
Asiatic Researches, 374 n.
Asiatic Society of Bengal, 127 n 2,
511 n 2.
Aīr, Qāẓī,—contemporary of Sulān
Ghiyāu-d-Dīn Balban, 217.
‘Asjadī, Ḥakīm Abū Naar ‘Abdu-l-
‘Azīz ibn Manṣūr, a celebrated poet
of Merv, 17 and n 3.
‘Askarī, Mīrzā, one of the Mughul
chiefs under Humāyūn, 455, 465,
567, 568, 573, 574, 575, 585 and
n 9.
Aṣl wa Far‘, signification of the
term, 5 n 4.
Asmā', names or attributes of the
Deity, 459 n 2.
Aṣma‘ī,—the celebrated Arab grammarian and philologist, 75 n.
Asmāu-l-ḥusn, the best of names,
603 and n 5.
Asmāu-l-Jalālīyeh, terrible attributes
of the Deity, 459 n 2.
Asmāu-l-Jamālīyeh, amiable attributes
of the Deity, 459 n 2.
Asparag, a herb, 173 n 2.
Ashrafu-l-Mulk, of the Amīrs of
Sulān Fīroz Shāh, brother's son of
Ghiyāu-d-Dīn Tughlaq, 324.
As-Suyūī. See under Suyūī.
Aṣarjī, the jinn who stole Solomon's
signet ring, and ruled in his place,
205 n 3, 206 n.
Astronomers of Greece, 75 n 2.
Asun river, the,—flowing west of
Gwāliār, 419 n 6.
Atā, a father, in Turkī, 568 n 6.
Atābak or Atābek, a Turkī word,
signification of, 568 n 5.
Atābakī, the office of Atābak (q. v.),
568 n 5.
Atābaks of Āẕarbaijān, the, 158 n 3.
Atākā, a Turkī word, meaning of, 464
n 5, 568 n 6.
Atala Masjid, at Jaunpūr, built by
Sulān Ibrāhīm of Jaunpūr, 364
n 3.
Atālīgh, or Atālīq, a Turkī word,
signification of, 468 and n 2, 569 n
5, 597.
Ātashkadā i-Āẕur, the, 32 nn 1 and
2, 35 n 1, 53 n, 54 n 1, 96 n 2, 134
n 3, 187 n 2, 270 n 6, 341 nn 1
and 2, 584 n 3.
Atāva, a town in the Sarkār of Agra,
70 n 3. See under Aṭāwah.
Aṭāwah, town of, in Hindustān, 70
and n 3. Also written Atāva, (q. v.).
Atgah, 568 n 6.
Atgah Khān, Shamsu-d-Dīn Muḥammad. See under Atka Khān.
Atīkā, a Turkī word, meaning of, 464
n 5.
Atka, a Turkī word, meaning of, 464
n 5, 568 n 6.
Atka Khān, Shamsu-d-Dīn Muḥammad, son of Mīr Yār Muḥammad of
Ghaznī, one of the Amīrs of
Humāyūn, and foster-father to
Prince Akbar, 464 n 5, 563, 568
and n 6.
Atkinson's Shāh Nāmah, 32 n 1, 116
n 5, 178 n 2, 180 n 2, 321 n 1, 435
n 2.
Alas, meanings of the word, 142 n 1,
246 n 3.
Atlas, Keith Johnson's Royal, 567 n 1,
570 n 7.
Atlas of India, 384 n 1.
Attock, on the Indus, 20 n 1, 44 n 6
358 n 6.
Awāl, the,—a geopraphical work,
14 n 3, 29 n 6, 30 n 1.
‘Auf ibn Qassī (called also aqīf),
12 n 1.
‘Aufī, Muḥammad, author of the
Jāmi‘u-l-Ḥikāyāt and Taẕkiratu-sh-
Shu‘arā, 220.
Auḥad Khān Auḥadī, Governor of
Baiāna, 385.
Auḥadī's Life of Khwājā ‘Alī Sharanjī, 114 n 2.
Auḥadī family of Baiāna, the
Governors of the city, 386.
Aulaka or aulakā, a Turkī word, signification of, 354 n 7.
Aunla, town of, 71 n 2.
Aurangzeb, Emperor of India, 82
n 4.
Avicenna, 533 n 1.
Awadh (Oudh), 415.
Awais Jalāyer, Sulān, son of Amīr
Shaikh Ḥasan, King of Khurāsān,
571 n 9. See also under Aweis.
Awais Sirwānī, Khwājā, one of the
Amīrs of Islem Shāh, 493 n 7.
Awe, Loch, 301 n 3.
Aweis, Sulān, son of Shaikh Ḥasan
Jalāyer, King of Khurāsān, 633 n 1.
See also under Awais.
A‘yānī, uterine brothers, 466 n 7.
Ayek, the,—a small river of Siālkot,
67 n.
Ay-tutulmash, eclipse of the moon,
probable origin of the name Iyaltimish, 89 n 1
Ayūb, takhalluṣ or poetical name of
Khwāja Aiyūb ibn Khwāja Abu-l-
Barakāt, a poet of the time of
Humāyūn, 633.
Āzādpūr, fortress of, 324 n 6.
A‘am Humāyūn, Bāyazīd, nephew of
Sulān Buhlūl Lodī, 409, 410 and
n 1.
A‘am Humāyūn, Haibat Khān of
Lāhore,—one of the Amīrs of Shīr
Shāh, 490, 492, 493, 497 and n 3,
498, 500.
A‘am Humāyūn Shirwānī, Governor
of Karra,—one of the Amīrs of
Sulān Ibrāhīm bin Sulān Sikandar
Lodī, 430, 432, 433, 434, 435.
A‘am Humāyūn, son of Sulān
Sikandar Lodī, 431 n 1.
A‘am Humāyūn Sirwānī, Bihār Khān,
Governor of Handīya,—one of the
Amīrs of Islem Shāh, 517, 541.
A‘am Khān Haibat, of Lāhore, 492.
See A‘am Humāyūn Haibat.
A‘am Khān Humāyūn, son of Bāyazīd, son of Sulān Buhlūl Lodī, 410
n 1, 411 n 2, 412 n 2, 414 and n 2.
A‘am Khān Humāyūn, son of Khān-i-
Jahān Lodī,—one of the Amīrs of
Sulān Sikandar Lodī, 416, 434.
A‘am Khān Shamsu-d-Dīn Muḥammad of Ghaznī, one of the Amīrs of
Humāyūn, 464. Same as Atkah
Khān, (q. v.).
A‘ām Malik, Shaikhzāda-i-Busāmī,
—of the Amīrs of Sulān Fīroz
Shāh, 328.
A‘amu-l-Mulk, Malik ‘Izzu-d-Dīn
Yaḥyā, one of the Amīrs of Sulān
Muḥammad Tughlaq Shāh, 302, 308.
Aẕān, the,—or call to prayer, 472 n 6,
600 n 9, 601 and n.
Aẕarbaijān, province of, 30 n 1, 61 n
5, 158 n 3.
Aẓdu-d-Daulah Alp Arslān, third
monarch of the Saljūqiyah dynasty,
35 and n 1. See under Alp Arslān.
‘Aẓdu-d-Daulat, title given by the
Khalīfah Al-Qādir billāh to Amīr
Yūsuf, son of Sulān Maḥmūd of
Ghaznīn, 29.
‘Azīz Ḥimār, 313 n 2. Same as the
next (q. v.).
‘Azīz Khumār,—of the servants of
Sulān Muḥammad Tughlaq Shāh,
313 and n 2.
‘Azīzu-llah Tulumbī of Sambhal,
Shaikh,—one of the great and
learned men of the time of Sulān
Sikandar Lodī, 426, 427, 429.
Azlām, the arrows in the game of
maisir, 369 n 1.
‘Azra, heroine of a Turkish romance,
mistress of Wāmiq, 40 and n 1.