In 942 A.H. (1535 A.D.) Humáyún, who had succeeded

Mirzá Sháh Hasan goes to Patan in Gujrát to meet Humáyún and returns to Tattá.

his father Báber on the throne of Dehlí,* marched against Gujrát and laid siege to Jitór,* Sultán Mahmúd Bahádur, the ruler of Gujrát, wrote a strong letter to Humáyún, in defence of the Rajáh of Jitór, who was a tributary of his. This annoyed the Mughul Emperor. He turned his face to the ruler of Gujrát himself. He soon put Sultán Mahmúd to flight and at the same time wrote to Mírzá Sháh Hasan, on the strength of the friendship existing between him and his father Báber, to come to Patan with an army to check the progress of the fugitive prince. Upon this invitation Mírzá Sháh Hasan started from Nasarpur viâ Rádanpur, to Patan. Khizir Khán the governor of Patan had already put himself in the fort to defend the place for the king of Gujrát. Sultán Mahmúd Khán had been sent with 500 horse, in advance, by Sháhbeg. This general so threatened the governor of the place that he, with the advice of his old mother, presented one lac of Feróz Sháhí rupees to Mírzá Sháh Hasan and 30,000 rupees to Sultán Mahmúd as a gratification to leave the place and go away. Accordingly Sháh Hasan turned aside and sent a letter with some presents to Humáyún, intimating that he had arrived at Patan in accordance with his orders. Meanwhile, Sháhbeg halted for about a fortnight in the vicinity of the place and Sultán Mahmúd moved about plundering the country up to Mahmúdábád. Mír Farrukh having just then arrived, he advised Sháhbeg to make excuses and decline to join the Emperor of Dehlí, for, said he, when their Arghún and Tarkhán forces would see the Emperor’s men getting the rich booty of Gujrát, they would be induced to desert him and join Humáyún’s army. After some further consultation and consideration Sháhbeg sent Mírzá Kásimbeg with a letter to the Emperor, stating that “On receiving your order I have come here with all my forces; but I have just now received despatches from the chiefs of Bakhar and Tattá stating that some Kalmátí Jatoís have made a conspiracy with some local landowners and revolted. I am therefore obliged to go back to check their rebellion.”

Mirzá Sháh Hasan now returned to Tattá, in the

Humáyún comes to Sind, and encamps at Lóhrí and Babarló.

beginning of 945 A.H. (1538 A.D.), through Rádanpur, and on his way he once more chastised the Járejahs and Sódhás. In 947 A.H. after the Emperor Humáyún had conquered Bengál and Gujrát, he was opposed by Sher Sháh Súrí Afghán.* Near the ferry of the river Jún two or three battles were fought between them, and then Humáyún turned to Júnpur. In 948 A.H. (1541 A.D.) Mírzá Sháh Hasan sent Mír Alíkah Arghún to congratu­late the Emperor on his behalf, on his late victories at Bengál and Gujrát. At the same time he sent another envoy to Humáyún’s brother Mírzá Kámrán to congratu­late him on his victory at Kandhár. During his stay in the Emperors’ camp Mír Alíkah who was a very shrewd statesman, came to know that a large number of Humá­yún’s men were about to desert him and that the Emperor was in danger of losing his power. He, therefore without waiting there and taking formal permission from the Emperor, came back to Tattá and acquainted his master with what he thought would probably come to pass. Just then information was received that the Emperor was defeated by Sher Sháh Afghán. Mír Alíkah was much praised for his fore-thought and expediency. It was now arranged that the country on both banks of the river from Uch to Bakhar should be laid waste to and made desolate; as likewise that from Bakhar to Sehwán. But Babarló with its four celebrated gardens was decorated, its buildings adorned and its fort repaired, in order to be fit for the residence and protection of Emperor Humáyún and his family, for they were sure that Humáyún would come to Sind, in order to join his brothers, Mírzá Kámrán and Mírzá Askarí, with whom he was on friendly terms now.

On the 1st of Rabí-ul awwal 947 A. H. (1540 A.D.) Humáyún arrived at Láhór, where he was joined by his brothers and other chiefs. Shortly after that Sher Sháh Afghán came to Láhór and began to oppress the Mughuls wherever he found them.

Humáyún was therefore obliged to leave that place too and resolved to go to Kábul. On coming to the river Chenáb, however, his brothers Kámrán and Askarí left him and went to Kábul, without his permission. Seeing that his brothers had turned against him Humáyún set out for Sind, in the month of Rajjib and in the next month he came to Uch. Here Bakhsho Lángáh, the chief of the place sent a boat full of corn as a present to the Emperor, who gave him the title of “Khán Jahán” coupled with a robe of honour and permission to carry a standard and kettle drums. About the close of the month of Ramazan, Humáyún’s camp was fixed at Lóhrí and he himself went over to the gardens of Babarló which was a very pleasant spot.

Meanwhile Sultán Mahmúd Khán strengthened the

Humáyún goes to Pát and comes back to Bakhar.

defences of the fortified town of Bakhar and removed all the boats from the Lóhrí side to Bakhar. He was called by Humáyún to pay homage to him, but he sent a reply that he could not do so without the permission of his master Mírzá Sháh Hasan. He, however, sent 500 Kharárs of corn and some other provisions to the Emperor’s camp, as he had learnt that there was scarcity there.

Humáyún now wrote a letter to Mírzá Sháh Hasan at Tattá, reminding him of his gratitute towards and friendship with Emperor Báber, and asking his help at the present juncture.

Mírzá Sháh Hasan’s reply to the envoys was that when the Emperor would go that side, he would give him the country from Hálakandí to Bathórah and that he would accompany him in his invasion against Gujrát. He also advised the Emperor to shift from Bakhar to Cháchikán, as the former place was not rich and productive enough to meet the expenditure of the royal camp, and he promised to meet him at the latter place.

On receiving this message Humáyún wanted at first to act according to Sháh Hasan’s suggestion, but he was subsequently moved by his counsellors to secure the fort of Bakhar to serve as a temporary and convenient shelter against the pursuit of Sher Sháh who was then at Láhór, and then to proceed to Gujrát. They showed him that Mírzá Sháh Hasan was giving false excuses and that he was not faithful to him. Humáyún accordingly deter­mined to take Bakhar.

Humáyún had about 2 lacs of people with him and from Babarló, where he had fixed his residence with his family, to Lóhrí where Mírzá Yádgár Násir had put up in the college attached to the great mosque, a distance of 6 miles, was all occupied by his troops and camp followers. The chief men of the place paid respects to the Emperor and mentioned his name in the Friday orations. Famine began to make itself felt in Bakhar and Lóhrí. This state of things continued for about 6 months, and Humáyún was waiting all this time and hoping against hope that Sháh Hasan would come to his help. After all he was obliged to send his other brother Mírzá Hindál to Pát with a great part of his camp, to secure provisions. The Emperor soon followed him. But as malaria broke out in the camp, they came back to Bakhar, the fort of which still remained in the hands of Sháh Hasan’s agents. Shortly after this his brother Mírzá Hindál left the Emperor and went away to Kandhár, which fact further disheartened Humáyún.

On the 18th of Jamádi-al-Awwal, 948 A.H. (1541 A.D.)

Humáyún lays siege to Sehwán but fails to take it.

Tuesday, Humáyún started for Seh­wán, leaving Bakhar in charge of Mírzá Yádgár Násir. On 17th of Rajjib, he arrived at Sehwán with his whole camp. Before his arrival Sháh Hasan’s agents at the place, Mír Sultánalíbeg, Mír Muhammad Sárbán and others had desolated the country all round and they defended the fort against his attacks. About the same time Mírzá Sháh Hasan himself arrived at the place, and declaring open enmity, began to take offensive and defensive steps. He deputed Mír Alíkah Arghún to commence hostilities and himself dug a large trench round the fort But the Imperial army had already pressed hard on the castle walls and caused a breach, throwing down a piece of the tower. The garrison immediately repaired the breach, without giving the enemy any time to effect an entry. This baffled the Emperor’s attempts to seize the fort. After a siege of 7 months, disappointed in the under­taking and inconvenienced by strong breeze and fearful floods, and by the stoppage of communication for provi­sions by Sháhbeg, Humáyún’s men began to desert him.

At Bakhar Mírzá Yádgár Násir had been twice attacked

He comes back, to Lóhri and Bakhan.

by the garrison of the fort and put to some loss. A third time also an engagement took place between the two parties near Lóhrí, in which the Mírzá put the enemy’s forces to flight and killed a large number of them with his own hands.

Mírzá Sháh Hasán now tried to win over Mírzá Yádgár Násir to his side. He sent messengers to him promising to give him the hand of his daughter and to adopt him as his son and heir as he had none. At length Mírzá Yádgár left Humáyún’s side and went over to Sháh Hasan. Humáyún coming to know of this, sent for Mírzá Yádgár, but on his giving some excuses, he left Sehwán and came back to Lóhrí. As there was scarcity of provisions, Sultán Mahmúd Khán and Mírzá Násir sent some corn to the Emperor’s camp at his urgent representa­tion. But this supply being insufficient for the people, they spread themselves over the country plundering villages. Several attempts were made to take the fort of Bakhar, which had been carefully stored with abundant provisions, but as they had got no machines or instruments required for the purpose, they could not do any harm to it or its occupants.

Being surrounded by misfortunes and disappointments Humáyún thought of leaving the shores of Hind and going to Meccá to become a permanent resident there; but his counsellors showed him the necessity of first acquiring some wealth when they could go wherever they liked. Just then a letter was received from Rájah Máldew of Jódhpur inviting Humáyún to his state and promising to render him as much service as was within his power. Humáyún was much pleased to get such an invitation at such a juncture and without much hesitation he started for that state in Muharram of 949 A. H. (1542 A. D.).

From Bakhar and Lóhrí, Humáyún came to Uch, and

He goes to Jódhpur and turns suddenly to Jesalme.

thence proceeded, on the 8th of Rabí-ul-awwal on his journey, arriv­ing at the fort of Diláwar on the 14th of the same month. On 20th of Rabí-ul-ákhar he came to Bekánír. Here for, the first time, Humáyún came to know that the Rájah’s invitation was not honest, but treacherous. So he sent a spy to get at the true facts, and soon learnt to his mortification that there was strong ground for suspecting treason and conspiracy against him, plotted by Sher Sháh. Humáyún had already come to Bahlúdí, about 60 miles from Jódhpur. Learning that all was not right he turned to Sátilmer, rejecting the kind offers of Máldew’s chiefs. From there, fighting his way through some hostile parties, Humáyún arrived at Jesal­mer on the 1st of Jamádi-al-awwal 949 A.H. (1542 A.D.) where he was met by the stragglers of his camp. The camp was pitched on the bank of the Kúl, after a severe fight with the Rájah’s men who wanted to prevent him and his men from being near the water and to make them die of thirst.

From Jesalmer Humáyún came to Umarkót on the 10th

He goes to Umarkót where prince Akbar is born.

of the same month. Ráná Wírsal, the then ruler of the place, received the Emperor with honour and distinc­tion. He vacated the castle, in which Humáyún lodged his ladies, while the people encamped round about the place. It was at this place on the 5th of Rajjib 949 A.H. (1542 A.D.) on the night of Sunday that queen Hamídah Bánú Begum gave birth to prince Jaláluddín Muhammad Akbar.*

As Umarkót was too small and poor a place for supplies, Humáyún thought of leaving it and going to Sind. So he moved to Júnpur, on the bank of the liver, which place was celebrated for the beauty of natural scenery and freshness of climate.

Here he determined to make a long stay. Mírzá Sháh

Fighting between the two parties in Bathórah.

Hasan after coming to Bakhar and reprimanding Sultán Mahmúd Khán for supplying provisions to Humáyún and hanging the storekeeper and flaying two other officers concerned, came to Sehwán where he repaired the fort that had been injured during Humáyún’s stay there. Then he went back to Tattá.

Hearing now that Humáyún intended to come back to Sind and that he had already encamped at the town of Jún, Sháh Hasan came and encamped on the bank of the river, opposite the above town. Humáyún coming to know that there was a fort in the district of Bathórah, that was full of provisions, sent some of his men in that direction to take the fort. Sháh Hasan asked Mírzá Ísá Tarkhán to go and defend that fort, but that nobleman refused to do so, being much moved with compassion for the sufferings of Humáyún. Sháh Hasan next asked Sultán Mahmúd Khán, who had been for the last few days thrown out of his master’s favour, to go on the duty. Sultán Mahmúd Khán in order to regain Sháh Hasan’s favour, accepted the offer and went to Bathórah. Severe fights took place between the two parties in which both sides lost a large number of men. Seeing failure on all sides to the arms and aims of Humáyún, most of his people left him and went to Kandhár.

At this junctive Bairam Khán having arrived alone

Humáyún leaves Sind for Kandhár.

from Gujrát, on the 7th of Muharram 950 A.H. (1543 A.D.) he consoled Humáyún and brought about a reconciliation with Mírzá Sháh Hasan * according to which the Mírzá gave 100,000 miskáls * in cash, 300 horses, 300 camels and other things necessary to Humáyún for the journey and ordered a bridge of boats to be made near the town of Jún for him to pass over with his men. On the 7th of Rabí-ul-ákhar Humáyún crossed the river with his whole army and proceeded to Kandhár.

Two Months after this Bakhshó Lángáh collected people

Bakhshó Lángáh marches against Bakhar, but is repulsed.

of the tribes of Lángáh, Balóch and Náhir in a fort near Multán, on the bank opposite Júnpur, resolved to march against the fort of Bakhar, as he was informed that Sháh Hasan had gone to Tattá and all his governors and chiefs had assembled there under him. With that object in view, he put his troops in 50 boats and sent them ahead to fall suddenly on the island at night, break open the gates and take it before his arrival. Accordingly these men landed at Bakhar about midnight, on the 15th of Jamádissání and set fire to the gate. The garrison, though small, tried their best to check the Lánghás. The assailants were at length repulsed and driven back to their boats. Some were burnt in the fire they had kindled and some were drowned in the river and the rest fled away. The next day, about noon, Bakhshó Lángáh came on beating drums, hoping to see the fort already in the possession of his men. But as soon as he approached, guns and muskets were fired at him from the ramparts of the fort and he was obliged to go to Lóhrí where he spent 3 days and then went back to Multán, after plundering some of the villages in the country.

The above event took place on the Friday night of 14th

Mírzá Kámrán is put to flight, comes to Sind, marries Sháh Hasan’s daughter, and goes to Meccá.

Jamádissání 950 A.H. (1543 A.D.) In the beginning of 951 A.H. (1544 A.D.) when Humáyún, being deserted by his brothers, was preparing to go to Irák, Mírzá Kámrán sent envoys to Mírzá Sháh Hasan asking the hand of his daughter. The envoys were received well by Sháh Hasan and they returned successful to their master. Soon after that, when Humáyún returned from Irák to Kandhár where Mírzá Askarí was a prisoner, and thence proceeded to Kábul, he was opposed by his brother Mírzá Kámrán. But as now all the chiefs took the side of Humáyún, Kámrán fled to Sind, viâ Hazárah. He was met by Mírzá Sháh Hasan at Pát, where the marriage between Mírzá Kámrán and Sháh Hasan’s daughter Chuchak Begum was celebrated with great pomp. After spending 3 months there Mírzá Kámrán returned to Kandhár, with 1,000 horse given to him by Sháh Hasan. He took Ghazní on his way and fell upon Kábul all unawares. Humáyún had then gone to Badakhshán. Hearing of his brother’s attack, he came back, retook Kábul and put Mírzá Kámrán to flight, but he was soon taken prisoner.

In 957 A.H. (1550 A.D.) Mírzá Kámrán again came to Bakhar. Mírzá Sháh Hasan gave him Sháh Belo, now called Sádh Belo, as his residence, and the revenue of the district of Bathórah for his kitchen expenses. After spending some time here peacefully in the company of his wife, Mírzá Kámrán prepared to go on a pilgrimage to Meccá. His wife also wanted to go with him, but Mírzá Sháh Hasan would not give his permission. She was therefore obliged to follow her husband alone in a boat against her father’s consent. Sháh Hasan overtook her and once more tried to induce her to remain with him, but she would not agree to it. “Father” said she, entreatingly, “when the prince was healthy and strong and his eyes were all right, you gave me away to him. Now when he has become blind you prevent me from being with him. I will not do so and bring the reproach of people on my head.” Sháh Hasan felt the force of her contention and he furnished her with all the necessary things for the journey and sent her to her husband’s camp. Mírzá Kámrán and his wife thus came to Meccá, where they lived for 2 or 3 years, when Mírzá Kámrán died on the Haj holiday, and his wife followed him to the next world after 7 months. These events occurred in the year 967 A.H. (1559 A.D.)

In the last days of Mírzá Sháh Hasan’s reign, when he

The last days of Sháh Hasan and disaffection among his men.

was suffering from paralysis, several mischievous and roguish persons got into his favour to the great chagrin and annoyance of Arghún and Tarkhán nobles in his employ. He himself was quite unable to carry on administration work effectually, which fell into the hands of men unworthy of managing it, while he himself passed most of his time in boats sailing from Tattá to Bakhar and from Bakhar to Tattá. In 960 A.H. (1552 A.D.) he gave the governorship of Tattá to one Arabí Gáhí who with his mean relations greatly oppressed Arghúns and Tarkháns. Several complaints were taken to Sháh Hasan against the governor’s misbehaviour, but Sháh Hasan paid no heed to them. Similarly the governorship of Nasratábád was given to his slaves Shanbah and Rakík. He then came to Babarló and thence to Bakhar, where he arrived in Muharram, 961 A.H. (1553 A.D.). Bakhar had been entrusted to Mír Sháh Mahmúd Arghún, who in conspiracy with some other dissatisfied persons, was plan­ning to make a short work of Sháh Hasan and the rogues in power, but before anything could be arranged Sháh Hasan went away to Tattá.

Sháh Hasan getting this information sent for Mír Sháh Mahmúd, who was obliged to obey the summons and he went and joined Sháh Hasan opposite the town of Sann. Sultán Mahmúd Khán was at Siwí at that time. His mother fearing that Mír Sháh Mahmúd was about to revolt and seize Bakhar, sent urgent messages to his son to come and take advantage of the crisis. Accordingly Sultán Mahmúd Khán came to Bakhar, and informed Sháh Hasan that he had come to Bakhar hearing of Mír Sháh Mahmúd’s conspiracy and asked for orders as to what he should do. But before Sháh Hasan got his letter he had already appointed Mír Malak Muhammad and Mír Lutfí to the charge of Bakhar. Sultán Mahmúd Khán, was therefore greatly disappointed and enraged. The new joint governors of the place, on their coming to Bakhar saw the old veteran general on the scene and considered it proper to take him into their confidence. To please him, therefore they sent the keys of the fort to Sultán Mahmúd Khán who had the satisfaction of knowing that his right had not been forgotten even by his rivals.

In the Muharram of 962 A.H. (1554 A.D.) the Arghúns

Mírzá Ísá Tarkhán’s revolt.

and Tarkháns of Tattá made common cause and taking Mírzá Ísá Tarkhán as their leader, openly caused a revolt. They murdered Arabí Gáhí, Shanbah, and Rakík, Sháh Hasan’s favourites, and took Sháh Hasan’s wife Máh Begum prisoner. They broke open the public treasury and distributed money among the soldiers. Even Mír Sháh Mahmúd was obliged to join the insurgents. In a fit of anger Sháh Hasan wrote to Sultán Mahmúd Khán at Bakhar to massacre all the Arghúns and Tarkháns there. An Arghún chief was at the same time slain at Tattá and his head exposed publicly on the point of a spear. This exasperated the Arghúns and Tarkháns the more. Sultán Mahmúd Khán on getting Sháh Hasan’s orders captured the Mughuls, but following the advice of his mother instead of slaughtering them, as directed, he sent them as prisoners to Sháh Hasan to deal with them as he thought proper, and himself followed them, leaving Bakhar in the hands of his mother and his trustworthy men. He met Mírzá Sháh Hasan, who seemed to be very much pleased with him. Forthwith he went and joined the fight going on with Tarkháns near Tattá. A good many men were lost on both sides. Mírzá Ísá Tarkhán now secretly sent a person to Sultán Mahmúd Khán requesting him to stop fighting in view of amicable settlement. On the 2nd of Rabí-ul-awwal they met secretly and came to the following settlement, viz., that Mírzá Sháh Hasan was past recovery and so would not live long; that as long as he lived they should obey him and act according to his wishes; that after his death they should divide the kingdom of Sind among themselves, the portion from Lakí hills southwards going to Mírzá Ísá Tarkhán and that northwards, to Sultán Mahmúd Khán. These conditions were written on a paper and signed and sealed by both of them. They also solemnly swore by touching the Korán that they would keep the terms of the secret treaty. About the same time, through the interces­sion of some men Mírzá Ísá Tarkhán was pardoned by Mírzá Sháh Hasan and reconciliation was effected. He now returned Sháh Hasan’s wife Máh Begum.

Mírzá Sháh Hasan now left Tattá in order to proceed to

Mírzá Sháh Hasan’s death.

Sehwán. The disease from which the Mírzá was suffering was daily increasing and now took a very severe form. On his arrival at the village of Alípótó, on Monday the 12th of Rabí-ul-awwal of the same year 962 A.H. (1554 A.D.) Mírzá Sháh Hasan expired. Sultán Mahmúd Khán, who was present there, wept bitterly, and uncovering the dead man’s head and kissing his feet he called the bystanders to bear witness to what he was going to say. He then spoke as follows—“For the whole of my life I have remained faithful to the Mírzá, even up to this moment, and I am indebted to no other person so much as to this man, for kindness and patronage.” Shán Hasan’s body was then washed and funeral prayers were offered over it. It was first suggested that the body be taken to Bakhar, but as the late Mírzá’s wife wanted to send it to Meccá, which was nearer from Tattá, the body was brought to the latter place. Here they were met by Mírzá Ísá Tarkhán too. Sháh Hasan’s coffin was first deposited underground in the compound of Mír Ahmad Walí, on the bank of the river. Within 3 months, a Mausoleum was built on the Makli hills, to which it was then removed by several Arghún and Tarkhán mourners. After two years, it was removed from there and carried to Meccá, where it was buried by the side of his father’s tomb.

Immediately on Mírzá Sháh Hasan’s death it was

Division of the country.

widely known that Tattá had fallen to the lot of Mírzá Ísá Tarkhán and Bakhar to that of Sultán Mahmúd Khán. A few other chiefs like Mírzá Sháh Mas-úd, Mír Sháh Hasan Takdírí, Mír Abul Khair, Mír Hámíd Sárbán and Khwájah Bákí, therefore determined to seize Sehwán, which was about midway between the above two cities. So they came to Sehwán and occupied it. When Sultán Mahmúd Khán came to take possession of it they would not open the gates to him. He was therefore obliged to hurry on to Bakhar. Mírzá Ísá Tarkhán, learning the state of affairs at Sehwán, sent his son Mírzá Muhammad Sálih with some forces to besiege the fort and take it. He himself also soon came and joined his son. When much pressure was put upon the fort, Sayyed Mír Kalán, the grandfather of Mír Massúm, the author of the Táríkh Maasúmí, interceded and brought about a reconciliation. The fort was given to Mírzá Ísá. Mírzá Sháh Mas-úd and other chiefs, being much disap­pointed and ashamed, left the place and went to Gujrát, through Párkar, on the pretext of going on a pilgrimage to Meccá. But they soon went over to Hindustán and ever afterwards remained there.

Mírzá Sháh Hasan, was born in 776 A.H. (1374 A.D.)

Sháh Hasan’s character and his family.

and died in 962 A.H. (1554 A.D.) His age was 66 years,* and his reign lasted for 34 years. He was a brave soldier. From his youth to his old age he was successful in all the battles he fought. He performed several good and praiseworthy deeds. He was fond of study and was a close reader of histories. He was a good Persian writer, and wrote a good hand too. Mír Maasúm Sháh says that he had seen his writing with Kází Dittó of Sehwán, when he was the Kází’s pupil. He was a good poet and a reader of poetry. He paid great rever­ence to learned and pious men and to Sayyeds of his time, and spent much of his time in their company. He was a very just and kind ruler and carried on the administration of the country with great ability. In his youth he entered the Emperor Báber’s service at Kandhár, and went with him to Kábul, where he remained for 2 years. That Emperor was always pleased with him and used to say “Sháh Hasan has not come to serve under me but to learn the way of ruling a kingdom.”

Mírzá Sháh Hasan had two wives; the first was Máh Begum, daughter to Mírzá Muhammad Mukím Arghún, who was his own paternal uncle, and the other Gulbarg Begum, daughter to Mír Khalífah and sister to Muhibalí Khán. By his former wife Mírzá Sháh Hasan had a daughter by name Chuchak Begum, who was married to Mírzá Kámrán, Humáyún’s brother. This same Máh Begum had first been married to Kásim Kúkah by whom she had a daughter, called Náhíd Begum. After Sháh Hasan’s death Máh Begum married Mírzá Ísá Tarkhán and after his death was taken prisoner by his son Mírzá Bákí and she died in confinement. Sháh Hasan’s second wife, Gulbarg Begum, had been divorced by him two years after their marriage as they did not get on well together. She immediately went to Hindustán and died there. She was buried at Dehlí. Sháh Hasan had a son by name Abul Mansúr, who died at the age of 2 years.