When these tribes had increased so that they became straitened for room in the mountain, they determined to separate; and as part of the mountains contained mines of iroh, they dug up the earth and melted the iron until they formed a road to pass out from their pleasant valley. They then marched to the country of their forefathers, Moghoolistan, and began to attack and expel the Tatars and other tribes who had usurped their possessions. The Moghools, who had formerly retired to Khatai, also returned and joined their brethren. The Moghools, however, do not admit any race to be of the original stock but the descendants of these two families.
The former extent and boundaries of Moghoolistan, agreeably to record, were as follows:
The eastern boundary extended to the borders of China and Khatai; so that from the south<-?>east to the north-west, China was its boundary; and from the north-east to the south-east, Khatai. On the west, the Moghool boundaries extended to Oighoor; on the north to, Kurakur and Salnukoie; and on the south, to Thibet.
It is related that the Moghools lived entirely on the flesh of animals they caught in hunting, and that of their cattle. The reason of this is, that in this tract the soil is not cultivated, and these people are all rich (in herds); whereas in a cultivated country, it is impossible the greater number should be rich, from the difficulty they find in accumulating property and in retaining possession of their wealth.
The clothing of the Moghools is the skins of animals, as the sunjab, sumoor, kokum, and altai.