31. After the end of the year the Aumil, Serishtadars, and Shamboges, shall go through the district to every village, and shall take a particular account of the measurement of the lands by the derra sultaunee*, specifying the quantity of land appertaining to each village, and how many lubs (each lub containing 82 derrahs) have been sown by one Khundee of seed.—Also the quantity of land covered by tanks, rivers, and streams, together with the lands of the Deostaun* and the Bramins. The Enaum lands, public roads, gardens, &c. distinguishing the cultivated and the waste, the watered and the dry, as also the soil, whether of the first, second, third, or fourth, quality. Moreover, what quantity of grain is produced in each from one Khundee of seed, with a specification of the revenue, or the share of produce which it yields. This account is to be taken down in the presence of the Reyuts, from whom a Mochulka is to be taken; and agreeably thereto a general account of the lands of all the villages in the district, according to the standard of measurement above specified, is to be prepared, and every year transmitted to the Huzzoor and to your Cutchery, and you are also to keep a copy thereof in your own office.
32. If, at the time when the above account is forming, the Shamboges and others, from apprehension of the discovery of their defalcations, shall instigate the Reyuts to throw obstacles in the way of its being done, and they be detected, they shall be severely reprehended and fined.
33. All lands under the denomination of Inaumaut, (excepting the Deostaun and the lands of Bramins) and all lands under the denominations of Kutcodukee*, Aoluk Maunum, Meerkunthee, Josee, Bhut-wurtee, Tootee, Tuallaruss, &c. appertaining to the villages, shall be brought into the measurement, and shall be included in the Jumma; and the Inamaut lands which are to be continued to the proprietors, shall be written off against the Jumma in the accounts. Whoever is under engagement to perform service, such service shall be exacted from him.