At sunrise, when the earth resembled flowers
Of fenugreek, the gallant Gív approached
With girded loins, upon a steed with feet
As swift as wind. Gúdarz inquired of him:—
“What comrade hast thou? Who will fare with thee?”
He thus replied: “O chief of paladins,
Brave, ardent, and exalted! I have need
Of no companions save my horse and lasso.
Suspicion will be roused if I take men,
And I shall bring a quarrel on myself.
A lasso in the straps, a rapid steed,
A sword and Indian vesture are enough,
Unless perhaps a guide to lead the way.
My home a while will be the plain and mountain,
I may not pass through cities, for the folk
Will recognise me and I shall repent it.
I shall return rejoicing, bright of soul,
Through thy good fortune, chief of paladins!
Tend heedfully my little son Bízhan*
And guard him carefully against mischance,
of noble height and yielding fruit,
A Tree that dealing with him as was just
Sent both his wits and palace up in dust.
The Lord of Saturn, Sun, and Moon is He
That giveth victory and mastery;
The Lord of being and of righteousness,
'Tis He that giveth us our more and less.
There is one path—His will—and only one—
A knowledge hidden from the moon and sun.
At His command Gív girded up his loins,
And like a savage lion sallied forth;
He took no comrade with him, but resigned
To God his body used to luxury;
If, when he reached the marches of Túrán,
He found a man alone Gív questioned him
In Turkman as to Kai Khusrau. When such
Replied: “I wot not of that prince,” Gív used
To slay him, hitch him in the lasso's noose,
Drag him aside, and cover him with dust,
That no one might discover his own secret,
Or hear his name or any news of him.
He had awhile a countryman as guide
From whom he hid the object of his quest.
At length he said: “I fain would ask a question
In confidence. If thou shalt wisely purge
Thy heart of craft and answer truthfully
“Where,” said Gív,
“Is Kai Khusrau? Thou must declare the truth.”
The guide thus answered: “I have never heard
Or asked concerning one so named.”
And so
Gív smote him with the sword and laid him low.