To MÂH MIRZÂ KHÂN; dated 14th ZUBURJUDY. (23d October.)

THE Governor of Madras has written to us, “that, agreeably to our “desire, he has sent strict orders to the Taalûkdârs of Sâtghur not to “afford protection to the Zemindâr of Punganoor, or to any people “of the latter district.” We therefore direct, that you give no disturb­ance to the country of the English, but pursue the business you have been sent upon. You will be speedily joined by the Sipahdâr, Imâm Khân, who has been sent with his Kushoon to reinforce you.


The Sultan would appear to have been put into better humour than usual with the English, by the ready compliance of the government of Fort St. George with the application he had made to it, respecting the Zemindâr of Punganoor. He drops, in the present letter, the disrespectful appellation of Fringy, and (grounding his order, as it were,* on the British governor’s amicable conduct) directs Mâh Mirzâ Khân not to give any disturbance to the English territory. It will be recollected, however, that the same order was issued to this officer, on his first appointment to proceed against Oalpilly. (See Letter CXIX.)