Caetani, Leone, 88 n2
Cairo, 48 n3, 49 n(ii), 50 n(vi), (vii), 51, 63 n2, 94, 96 n1, 97 n2, 242
Cambay, see Kanbáyat
Cambridge, 96 n2, 107, 111, 120 n1, 122 m, 123
Carmathians, 78 n6, 9, 153
Caspian Sea, 13, 103, 249, 270
Catalogue of Arabic and Persian MSS. Oriental Public Library, Bankipore, 108 n1
Catalogue, Die arabischen, persischen und tür­kischen Handschriften der K. K. Hof-bibliothek zu Wien, by G. Flügel, 4, 31, 88 n6, 99 n1, 118, 130 n1
Catalogue, Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Orientalium qui in Museo Britannico asser­vantur. Pars Secunda, codices arabicos amplectens (= Old Arabic Cat.), 69 n1, 98 n6
Catalogue, Catalogus Codicum Orientalium Biblio­thecae Academiae Lugduno Batavae (= Leyden Cat.), 40 n1, 86 n2, 88 n1, 92 n1
Catalogue, Descriptive List of Oriental MSS. 1902—1910, British Museum (handwritten), 115 n1
Catalogue, Descriptive — of the Persian Manu­scripts in the Collection of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, by W. Ivanow, 68 n6, 124
Catalogue, Indices alphabetici codicum manu scrip­torum persicorum, turcicorum, arabicorum, qui in Bibliotheca Imperialis Literarum Universitatis Petropolitanae adservantur, 119 n1
Catalogue of the MSS. etc. by W. H. Morley, 124 n1
Catalogue des Manuscrits Persans de la Biblio­thèque Nationale, by E. Blochet, 84 n1, 87 n9
Catalogue des manuscrits et xylographes orientaux de la Bibliothèque Impériale Publique de St. Pétersbourg, 124
Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts in the British Museum, by Charles Rieu, 3 n3, 14 n7, 18 n2, 27 n1, 29 n1, 39, 40 n1, 60 n2, 3, 72 n9, 119, 120
Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, by Hermann Ethé (= Ind. Off.), 4, n1, 6 n5, 14 n8, 15, 16, 19, 73 n2, 93 n3, 94 n1, 2, 107 n8
Catalogue, Persischen Handschriften der K. Hof- und Staatsbibliothek in Muenchen, 122 n1
Catalogue of Several Hundred Manuscript Works in Various Oriental Languages, collected by Sir W. Ouseley, 122, 124
Catalogue, Supplement to the — of Persian Manu­scripts in the British Museum, by Charles Rieu, 70 n3, 115
Catalogue, Supplement to the — of Arabic Manu­scripts in the British Museum, by Charles Rieu (= Suppl. Ar. Cat. Br. Mus.), 69 n1, 8, 87 n8, 11, 98 n6
Catalogue of the Turkish Manuscripts in the British Museum, by Charles Rieu, 31 n1
Catalogue, Verzeichnisse der arabischen Hand­schriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, by W. Ahlwardt, 87 n7
Central Asia, 247
Chaghánís, the, 181
Chagrí, 247
Chahár Maqála, 40 n1, 41, 44n2, n6, 45n3, 72n8, 95n6, 213, 223, 248
Chín or China, 79, 102, 146, 155, 215, 219, 220, 247, 270
Chinese, 247, 251
Chingíz Khán, 13, 19, 168
Chronicle of Hilál b. Muḥassin -Ṣábí, 44, 48
Chronographia Islamica, 88 n2
College of Physicians (London), 32
Constantinople, 26, 30, 50 n(iii), 51, 56, 85 n5, 89, 107, 111, 123 m, n1, 168, 169, 216, 248
Crawford (?), 111, 122, m
Ctesiphon, see Madá'in
Cureton, Rev. William, 41 n4