P. 4, Notes wrongly numbered. In line 3 the note should be 2, No. 3 refers to Kalānūr, 4 to “screens,” and 5 to last line of poetry.
P. 37, l. 19. For Ali read Abū.
P. 72, No. 1, for Hatch read Hata. Five lines from foot insert 2 after Hājī K., and also prefix to note n. For Annotations in, read Annotations on, and for Rai Kaapatar read Rai Kalapatar.
P. 73, three lines from foot, no. 2 should be 1, No. 2 refers to last line, and 3 belongs to p. 74.
P. 81, n. 2, second sentence belongs to p. 82 and refers to Shāh Qandahārī.
P. 82, n. 1, belongs to p. 81.
P. 87, l. 17, Backotī read Bachgotī.
P. 97, n. 4, should be 3, and 3 should be 4, and n. 3 is continued on p. 98.
P. 98, n. 1, refers to Chagānīān. The Pāsha n. belongs to p. 97.
P. 99, add to note about Selīma's age. “The B. M. copy, Or. 171, of Kāmgār Ḥusainī's Jahāngīrnāma, p. 72a, has a note stating that Selīma was 76 at her death. See also B. M. MS. of T. Muḥammadī, Or. 1824, p. 140, and note in A.S.B.J. for December, 1906, p. 509.
P. 103—Insert Sayid Maḥmūd Bārha before Shāh Qulī. n. 1, for “wooden” read “woollen.”
P. 129, n. 2. See R.A.S.J. for 1905, pp. 131 and 364, and do. for 1909, p. 165.
P. 130, l. 9, for capre, read cup.
P. 135, l. 9, for Bahlūl read Ghau, do. n. for Ghans read Ghau.
P. 136, l. 16, several MSS. read Mubāriz, and this is right.
P. 143, l. 21, for Missron read summon.
P. 157, l. 5, Shāh Budāgh K.'s name should be inserted before Majnūn.
P. 192, top line, for M, read Mīr.
P. 208, l. 16, for Ḥabīb Qulī read Habīb 'Alī.
P. 325, for Amān read Aman.
P. 344, for Ranad read Ranūd.
P. 352, for Nālcha read N'alcha.
P. 362, top line, dele “and.”
P. 377, for Nīmkhar read Nīmkār.
P. 381, dele dot in Maḥapattar.
P. 386, n. 2, for Ahū-i-karan read Ahū-i-ḥaram.
P. 415, n. 1, for 42 read 424.
P. 436, l. 3, line of text omitted here, insert after Yār 'Alī “and Khūshḥāl Beg who for a time was in Humāyūn's body-guard.”
P. 455, ten lines from foot, for “farmed” read “famed.”