Bábak-Khurramí, 55, 84, 152, 158, 203, 220
-Babbaghá’, see ‘Abdu’l-Waḥíd
Babylon, 27, 52, 65, 251
Badá’i‘a, 230
Bádhán, 143
Badhlu’r-Raḥmán, Muḥammad, Dr., 96 n2
Badí‘, see Muntajibu’d-Dín Juwayní
Badíhí (?), 183
Badí‘u’z-Zamán Hamadání, 188, 269
Badr, see Ḥájib-i-Buzurg
Badru’d-Dín Tirbál (?), 112 n4
Badru’d-Dín b. Núru’d-Dín -Harawí, 10
-Baghawí, 39
Baghdád 6, 15, 27, 42, 43, 47, 48, n3, 49, 53, 78, 80, 91, 93, 95 na, 117, 143, 149, 161, 162, 172, 179, 180, 181, 185, 186, 188, 207, 208, 210, 211, 216, 227, 235, 236, 240, 241, 244, 250, 258
Baghdádí, see Aḥmad b. ‘Alí -Khaṭíb; Aḥmad b. Abí Ṭáhir Ṭayfúr; Muḥammad, Abu’l-‘Abbás; Junayd; Dá’úd
-Baghdádí (of Khwárazm), see Majdu’d-Dín Sharaf; Bahá’u’d-Dín Muḥammad
Bahádur-Sháh (Sultan of Gujrát), 30
Bahá’u’d-Dín, Amír ‘Amíd, 5
Bahá’u’d-Dín ‘Alí b. Aḥmad -Jámají, Majdu’l-Mulk, 13
Bahá’u’d-Dín Bámiyán, Sultan, 251
Bahá’u’d-Dín Muḥammad Juwayní, Ṣáḥibu’d-Díwán, 18
Bahá’u’d-Dín Muḥammad b. ‘Alí b. Muḥammad b. ‘Umar (or Ḥasan)-Ẓahírí -Kátib-Samarqandí 36, 40, 41, 72, 73, m, 74, m, n1, 124 n1
Bahá’u’d-Dín Muḥammad b.-Mu'ayyad-Baghdádí, 9
-Báhilí, see Muḥammad b. Talḥa; Umáma
Baḥíra, 142
Bahman b. Isfandiyár, 147, 183
Bahrám (Kisrá), 79
Bahrám Chúbín, 53, 78 n8, 81, 148, 227, 234
Bahrám Gúr, (Bahrám V), 56, 58, 79, 80, 148, 154, 191, 203, 209, 225
Bahrám I b. Hurmuz, 40, 147, 220
Bahrám II b. Bahrám b. Hurmuz, called the ”Ṣalif”, 148
Bahrám III b. Bahrám b. Bahrám, 53
Bahrám IV b. Shápúr III b. Shápúr II b. Hur­muz II, called ”Kirmánsháh”, 148
Bahrámsháh, see Yamínu’d-Dín
Baḥrayn, 174
Baillie, John, 108, 109, 111, 118 m
Abúl-Bakhtarí, 143
Bakht-´Azmáy, 141
Bakhtiyár (Prince), 74, 75, 76, 160
Bakhtiyár-náma, 24, 36, 72, 74, m, 75, m, n7, 203, 215, 228, 232
Abú Bakr (Caliph), 53, 112, n4, 141, 149, 195, 196, 218
Abú Bakr -Bugásh, 239
Abú Bakr Fadhlu’llah, Khwája, Imám, 207
Abú Bakr-i-Hudhalí, 183
Abú Bakr Qúhistání, see ‘Alí b. Ḥasan
Abú Bakr Ṣandalí, 157
Abú Bakr-i-Shiblí, 145, 161
Abú Bakr-i-Warráq -Tirmidhí, 179
Abú Bakr b. ‘Abdi’llah, 187
Abú Bakr b. Aḥmad, 177
Abú Bakr b. Aḥmad, see ‘Alá’u’l-Mulk-Jámají
Abú Bakr b. Abí Ḥamíd, 241
Abú Bakr b. Khayr (?), 85
Bakr Ḥámid Bukhárí, Khwája Imám, 179
Bakr b. Mu‘tamir, 48, 49, 242
Banú Bakr, 217
-Bakrí, 102, n2
Ba‘labakk (Heliopolis) 250
Ba‘labakk, the Mu’adhdhin, 170
-Baládhurí, 101
Balaḥ, 44
-Bal‘amí, see Abú ‘Alí; Abu’l-Fadhl
Bal‘am-i-Bá‘úr, 231
Balásh b. Fírúz, 148
Balká, see Ikhtiyáru’d-Dín; Ruknu’d-Dín
Balkátigín, 167
Balkh, 38, 83, 144, 163, 172, 173, 179, 187, 188, 207, 208, 241, 250, 252
-Balkhí, see Aḥmad b. Khidhrawayh; Aḥmad b. Sahl; Ibráhím b. Adham; Ja‘far b. Muḥammad, Abú Ma‘shar; Shaqíq b. Ibráhím
Balqá’ (steed), 100, 254
Balúch, 80, 168
Bámiyán, 11
Banjhír, 63 n1
Bánkipore, 108 n1
Abu’l-Barakát, the Qádhí, 177
Baraní, see Dhiyá’u’d-Dín
Bárbad, 81, 174, 189
Barbier de Meynard, C., 29, 41 n2, 57 n8
Bareilly, 107
-Barídí, see Abú ‘Abdi’llah
Barmak (the ancestor of the Barmecides), 83, 252, 266
Barmakí, see Jaḥẓa; Ja‘far; Fadhl; Yaḥyá; Khálid
Barmecide —s, (Barámika), 28, 38, 39, 47, 55, 66, 152, 159, 204, 234, 266, 269
Les Barmécides d’après les Historiens Arabes et Persans, 38 n1
Barṣíṣá (Israelite hermit), 26, 227
Barthold, W. (or Vasily Vladimirovich), 31, 38 n1, 41, 44, m, n3, 45, 46, m, n5, 47, 50 n(vi), 60 n4, 73, 102, 113, 118, 123, 267
Barzuwayh, 148
Abu’l-Bashar, 227
Bashír (Slave of Alexander), 164, 212
Bashshár b. Burd, 212, 213, 237
Baṣra, 39, 49, 91, 93, 162, 167, 184, 198, 199, 205, 210, 211, 219, 220, 221, 223, 225, 231, 232, 236, 238, 240, 241
Basset, René, 75 n5
Baṭak, 177
Báṭinís, Báṭinids, Báṭiniyya, (Esoterics), 55, 78 n6, 79, 83, 204
Baṭlímús, 159
Battle of Badr, 164, 184
Battle of the Bridge, 149
Battle of the Ditch, 142, 143, 202
Battle of Qádisiyya, 100, 149, 254
Battle of Ṣiffín, 165, 221
Battle of Tabúk, 88, 200
Battle of Yarmúk, 149
Bátú, 18
Báward, 155
Báwardí (?), 67, 224
Ibnu’l-Bawwáb, 194
Bayánu’l-Adyán, 55
Bayánu’l-Haqq -Níshápúrí, see Maḥmúd b. Aḥmad
Báyazíd II, Sultan, 118
Báyazíd of Bisṭám, Shaykh, see Ṭayfúr b. ‘Ísá
Báyazíd b. Sulaymán, Sultan of Turkey, 31
-Bayhaqí, see ‘Alí b. Aḥmad -Sallámí; Abu’l-Fadhl; Aḥmad b. Ḥusayn b. ‘Alí (Traditionist)
Báysunqur, 27
Báysunqurian preface, 58 n8
Báytú, see Báytúz
Báytúz, 62, 65, 222
Bázíd (for Bárbad), 81
Bazm-Áráy, 29
Bedouin, 88, 103, 192, 231, 248, 260
Beidhawi, or Baydháwí, 39 n5
Bengal, 13, 31, 68 n6, 107, 124
Berlin, 31, 50 n(vi), 58 n6, 14, 69 n8, 86 n3, 92 n10
Beyrouth, 50 n(iii), 75 n5
Bhakkar, 20, 225
Bible (The), 195
Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum Series, (= Bib. Geog. Arab.), 57 n5, 63 n1, 102 n1, 3
Bibliotheca Indica Series, 86 n4
Bibliotheca Lindesiana, 122
Aus den Bibliotheken von Kairo, Damaskus und Konstantinopel”, 50 n(vi)
Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, 117
Bibliothèque Imperiale, 117
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (= Bib. Nat.), 5 m, 50 n(iv), 84 n1, 87, n9, 107, 108, 111, 112 m, 114 m, 117 m, n3, 122 m, 123 m, 132 n1, 2, 4, 133 n1, 4, 134 n1, 4, 135 n1, 4
Bih-áfarídh, see Máh-áfaríd, 37
Bihrúz, 76, 228
Bihrúz b. Aḥmad, Khwája Buzurg, Wazír, 68, 185
Bíjápúr, 119
Bilál (Ḥabashí), 193
Bilinás, 251
Bímáristán of Ghazna, 172, 218
-Bírúní, see Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, Abú Rayḥán
Bishr or Sírín b. ‘Abdu’llah, called -Ashtar, 242
Bishr b. -Ḥárith, Abú Naṣr, -Ḥáfí, 144
Bisṭám, 225, 236
Bisṭámi, see Ṭayfúr b. ‘Ísá; Abú Ja‘far
Black, J. S., 46 n1
Bland, Nathaniel, 3, 108, 118, 122
Blochet, M. Edgard, 84 n1, 87 n9, 117
Bodleian Library (Oxford), (= Bodl.), 31, 75, 107, 111, 118, m, 121, m, n3, 122 m
Bombay, 18 n3, 28, 39 n2
Brahmin -s, 155, 168, 191
Bouvat, Lucien, 38 n1
Briggs, J., 8 n5
British Museum, London, (= Br. Mus.), see Cata­logue also, 3 n3, 9, 12 n5, 14 n7, 15 n2, 17, 18 n2, 20 n3, 26 n1, 27, n1, 28, 29 n1, 30, 31 n1, 38, 39, 40, 45 n3, 49 n5, 60 n2, 3, 4, 62 n1, 2, 63 n2, 68 n3, 69 n1, 8, 9, 70, 71, 72 n9, 73, n1, 74, n1, 86 n2, 3, 87, n1, 8, 11, 95 n7, 98 n6, 99, n3, 107, 108, 111, n3, 115, m, n1, 116 m, 119, m, 120, m, 124 n1, 132 n3, 133 n2, 3, 134 n2, 3, 135 n2, 3, 181, 243, 261
Brockelmann (Carl), (= Brock.), 39 n4, 43 n1, 49 n1, 51 n1, 57 n2, 60 n3, 65, n1, 69, n1, 8, 72 n4, 77 n3, 85, n1, 87 n6, 89 n1, 96 n2, 100 n3, 101 n3, 102 n3
Browne, Edward Granville, 3, n1, 5 n1, 2, 7, 16 n(a), 19 n3, 26, n2, 32, 42 n4, 55 n2, 76 n1, 3 84 n1, 89 n4, 95 n1, 107, 111, 116 n2, 121, m, 122, m, 123, 150, 169, 190, 269
Budge, Wallis, 108, 116
Buhlúl, 172
Buḥturí, poet, 187
Bukayr b. ‘Abdu’llah -Laythí, 254
Bukhárá, 5, 6, 7, n1, 9, 11, m, 12, 95, 160, 174, 179, 180, 193, 207, 208, 217, 223, 249, 254, 256
-Bukhárí, see Muḥammad b. Ismá‘íl; Bakr Ḥámid
Bukht Naṣṣar, 203, 237
Bukht-Yishú‘, the Physician, 230, 252
Búláq, 37, 69 n4, 5, 8, 258
Bulghár, 249
-Bundárí, see -Fatḥ
Búrán, Caliph -Ma’mún’s wife, 230
Búrán, daughter of Parwíz, 149
Burhán, ´Al-i, (a learned family of Bukhárá) 7, 249
Burhánpúr, 121
Burqa‘í (?), the Chief of the Zangís, 231
Burṣul (a bird), 98, 258, 259
Búsang, 167
Bust, 62, 63 n1, 65, 166, 187, 222
Bústán of Sa‘dí, 117, n4
Bustís, (army of Ṣáliḥ), 167
Buwayhid -s, 24, 43 n6, 153, 171, 243, 260, 267
Búy-báz or Búy-bár, 245
Buzurjmihr, 78 n8, 148, 170, 171, 176, 184, 185, 189, 190, 203, 206, 208, 244, 269
Byzantine -s, 149, 166, 208, 219, 230, 247, 248, 250, 254, 255, 270
Byzantium, 27, 90, 102, 143, 149, 181, 197, 251