Preface, p. 1.—Book I. Description of Hindústán and the súbas and sarkárs dependent on Dehlí, with a statement of the revenues collected from each, p. 4; II. The Kauravas and Pándavas, p. 29; III. The Hindú Rájas from the time of Paríchit, including an account of Bikramájít, p. 45; IV. The Muhammadan Sovereigns of Ghazní, Láhore, and Dehlí, in­cluding the Ghaznívides, Ghorians, Slave Kings, Khiljís, Saiyids and Lodís, p. 77; V. The Tímúrian Dynasty from Bábar down to the close of Aurangzeb's reign, including an account of the Súr Afghán Dynasty, p. 123; VI. From the reign of Bahádur Sháh to the death of Sháh 'Álam, including an account of Nádir Sháh, the Abdálís, Rohillas, Mahrattas, and English, p. 233; VII. Accession of Muhammad Akbar II., the capture of the forts of 'Alígarh, Kamona, etc., and the duration of reigns from Judhishthar to Sháh 'Álam, p. 556.

This work contains nothing in matter or manner worthy of translation.

The only copy which I know of the Zubdatu-l Akhbár is in the possession of the Sadr Bakhshí of 'Alígarh. It contains 612 pages, with 16 lines to the page.