The Arghún Dynasty.

The family of the Arghúns derive their name, as stated at p. 303, from Arghún Khán Tarkhán, the grandson of Hulákú, the grandson of Changíz Khán. Amír Basrí is there said, in general terms, to be one of the descendants of Arghún Khán. The descent more ac­curately traced, is as follows:—

Arghún Khán. Amír Elchí.
Uljáitú Sultán Muhammad Amír Ekú Tímúr.
Khudábanda. Amír Shakal Beg
Bartak Beg. Míram Beg.
Mír Shekhú Beg. Ahmad Walí.
Mahmúd Beg. Farrukh Beg.
Yár Beg. Amír Basrí.
Mír Farrukh Beg.

The Arghún dynasty of Sind consisted of only two individuals— Shujá', or Sháh, Beg, and his son Mirzá Sháh Husain, with whom the family became extinct. The relations of the former with the Emperor Bábar, when possession of the province of Kandahár was contested between them, and of the latter with the Emperor Humá-yún, when that unfortunate monarch took refuge in Sind for nearly three years, constitute their reigns as of some importance in the general history of India, especially when we consider that the memoirs of Bábar are defective in the period alluded to.

The duration of their rule is variously stated at 35, 36, and 41 years. The last period is correct only if we date from 921 H. (1515 A.D.), when, according to the Táríkh-i Táhirí,* Sháh Beg invaded and occupied a portion of Upper Sind: but as the final conquest of Lower, as well as Upper Sind was not effected from the Sammas till 927 H. (1521 A.D.), it is more correct to assume 35 years as the period.

All authorities concur in representing that the Arghún dynasty— Sháh Husain having died childless—closed in 962 A.H. (1554-5 A.D.)*