This Index and the Table of Contents at the beginning of the volume are complementary. References to the latter are in Roman numerals.


Abbreviations, list of, 5
Abdaas, bishop, 372
Abraham, the patriarch, 65
Abú'l Kásim, Firdausí, 20, 207
Abú'l Muzaffar. See Nasr.
Abú Mansúr, 16
Accession of a Sháh, ceremony
at, 409
Achæmenids, 194, 197, 198
dynasty of, 194
Adan, seaport and territory in
southern Arabia, 386
Ægean sea, 204
Afrásiyáb, ruler of Túrán, 15, 79,
177, 240 and note
Africa, 30
Ahdnámak (Andarznámak), Pah-
laví treatise, 257
Áhriman, the Evil Principle, 106,
112, 206, 240, 281, 290, 299,
318, 384
Faith of, 281, 290
Ahwáz (Khúzistán, Susiana), 35,
199, 298, 357
Akesines (Chináb), Indian river,
31, 64
Aknaton, Pharaoh, 371
a lover of peace like Yazda-
gird, son of Shápúr, 371
Aláns (Alani), the, people, 395
monarch of, 395
Alár, place, 205
Alexander I., king of Epirus, 12;
his Italian expedition, 12
Alexander the Great (Iskandar,
Sikandar, q.v.), 11 seq.,
15 seq., 29 seq., 61 seq., 72,
74 seq., 84, 193, 194, 197,
204, 252, 253, 373
accompanied by experts to
the East, 11
origin and growth of the
romance of, 12 seq.
Syriac Christian Legend of.
See Syriac.
referred to by Muhammad in
the Kurán, 15, 77
how he became a Persian
national hero, 15
paternity of, 16, 18
founds cities, 13, 18
why so named, 19
tutored by Aristotle, 29
and Roxana (Rúshanak), 30,
historic and romantic ac-
counts of the first years of
his reign, 30
his flight from Darius' ban-
quet, 30
his pursuit of Darius, 31
his historical treatment of
the murderers of Darius,
his romantic treatment of the
murderers of Darius, 33
marries Darius' daughter, 33
Alexander the Great, and the
Fakirs, 61
and Calanus, 61
and Porus, historical account
of, 63
his device of the iron steeds,
his stature, 64
his visit to the camp of Porus,
and Cleophis, 65
his visit to the Oasis of
Ammon, 65
and Candace (Kaidáfa), 65 seq.
assumes the name of Anti-
gonus (Naitkún), 66
Life of, Plutarch's, 67
his visit to the Brahmans, 67
his letter to Aristotle, 68
mistakes the Indus for the
Nile, 68
his return march productive
of marvels, 69
his admiral (Nearchus), 69
and the Amazons, 12, 72
legend of, 72
his expedition to the Gloom
and the Fount of Life,
legend?? of, in the Pseudo-
Callisthenes, 74 seq.
legend of his cook (Andreas),
version of, in the Kurán,
his barrier in the Caucasus,
legend of, in the Kurán,
his correspondence with
Aristotle about the suc-
cession, 81
his Will, 81
provisions of, 81
death of, 82
dispute over his place of
interment, 82
his corpse taken to Memphis,
Alexander the Great, interred at
Alexandria, 82
tomb of, 82
Mas'údí on, 82
S. Chrysostom on, 82
diagram to illustrate the
Persian Romance of, 84
wars on the death of, 197
Alexander, son of Alexander the
Great and Cleophis (?), 65
Alexandria (Iskandaríya), city,
13, 15, 17, 83, referred to,
the Pseudo-Callisthenes ori-
ginates at, 13
Alexander buried at, 82
his tomb at, 82
Mas'údí on, 82
S. Chrysostom on, 82
Al Hadr. See Hatra.
Al Iskandarús. See Halai.
Al Khidr (Khisr, q.v.), the Green
Prophet, 78 and note
origin of, 78
Al Mansúr, Khalífa, 254
Amazons, the, 12, 71 seq.
their disputed visit to Alex-
ander, 12, 72
origin of, 71.
described, 153 seq.
Sikandar's correspondence
with, and visit to, 153 seq.
Ambar (Pírúz Shápúr), city on
the Euphrates, 327
Ambassadors, instances of kings
and chiefs going in person
as ambassadors or spies,
Amen-Ra, Egyptian god, 16
personated by Nectanebus, 16
Ammon, Oasis of, 30, 65
Alexander's visit to, 30, 65
Amorium. See 'Ammúriya.
'Ammúriya. (Ancyra, Angora),
stronghold, 23 and note, 89
Failakús marches from, to
encounter Dáráb, 23
Anábdéh, 32
Ancyra. See 'Ammúriya.
Andalús (Spain), vi, 66, 121, 122,
queen of, 121 seq.
Andarznámak (Ahdnámak), Pah-
laví treatise, 257
Andreanticus, sea, 77
Andreas, Alexander the Great's
cook, 76 seq.
legend of, 76
in Kurán, 77
Angora. See 'Ammúriya.
Antigonus (Naitkún), name
assumed by Alexander,
Antiochus, Macedonian general,
Antipater, regent in Macedonia,
intrigued against by Olym-
pias, 82
Apollo and the Python, 203
Apologue, 310
Apothegms, 50, 303, 343
Apries, 16
Arab, Arabs, the, x, xi, 17, 21, 22,
66, 171, 209, 254, 321 seq.,
377, 385, 396, 398, 402, 406
their wars with the Íráníans,
17, 21
Dáráb demands tribute from,
cymbal, 244
their incursions into Persian
* territory, 322
steeds, 380
Arabia, 70, 72, 206, 322, 355
Shápúr son of Urmuzd's ex-
pedition to, 322
Arabian, Arabians, the, 378, 388.
Faith, 95
Arabian Nights, The, 71, 78, 250
quoted, 73
Arabic language, 147, 205
versions of Pahlaví texts,
255 seq.
Arachosia, 32
Arar tree, 19
Arash, son of Kai Kubád. See
Kai Árash.
Árash, Ashkánian king, 197, 210
Árash, Íránian warrior, 394
Arastálís (Aristotle, q.v.), vii, 35;
counsels Sikandar, 35, 179
his sentences over the coffin
of Sikandar, 185
Ard, day, 298, 390 and note
Ardawán (Bahrám, Artabanus),
the last Ashkánian (Par-
thian) king, viii, 3, 197 seq.,
201 seq., 205, 214 seq., 254
seq., 259 seq.
= Bahrám, 197, 209 (?), 210
his status in Persian tradi-
tion, 201
daughter of, 202
marries Ardshír Pápa-
kán, 202, 229
incited by her brother
Bahman to poison Ard-
shír Pápakán, 259
condemned to death, 260
saved by Ardshír Pápa-
kán's minister, 260
gives birth to Shápúr,
restored to favour, 265
writes to Pápak, 214
summons Ardshír Pápakán
to court, 214
receives gifts from Ardshír
Pápakán, 215
highly esteems Ardshír Pápa-
kán, 215
his sons, 215, 255, 267 note
their fate, 228, 229 and
note, 259
disgraces Ardshír Pápakán,
his slave-girl intrigues with
Ardshír Pápakán, 217 seq.
his eldest son made ruler of
Párs, 218 and note
consults the astrologers, 218
his vain pursuit of Ardshír
Pápakán, 221 seq.
Ardawán, returns to Rai, 223
writes to his son about Ard-
shír Pápakán, 223
Ardshír Pápakán marches
against, 227
prepares to encounter Ard-
shír Pápakán, 227
defeated, captured by Khar-
rád, and slain by Ardshír
Pápakán, 228
buried by Tabák, 229
his palace at Rai spared (?)
by Ardshír Pápakán, 229
and note
his secretary slain by Shápúr,
(?), 256
Ardshír (Bahman, q.v.), Sháh, 213,
271 and note
Ardshír, brother of Shápúr (Ar-
taxerxes II.), Sháh, x, 3,
328, 360 seq.
Shápúr arranges for the suc-
cession with, 260 seq.
his title, 364
resigns the crown, 364
Ardshír Khurra, city and district,
199, 205, 206, 229 and note,
231, 241, 245, 290 and note
Ardshír Pápakán builds a
Fire-temple in, 230
makes irrigation - works
in, 230
meaning of, 290 note
Ardshír Pápakán, Sháh (Artax-
erxes I.), viii, ix, 3, 61, 81,
193, 196, 198 seq., 209 note,
213 seq., 238 seq., 250 seq.,
294 seq., 303, 307, 315, 322,
325, 405
his rise compared with that
of Cyrus the Great, 194
legend of Cyrus the Great,
transferred to, 195
his war with the Kurds (in
Kárnámak), 196
minister of, story of, 196
Ardshír Pápakán, Sháh, Tabarí's
account of, 198
marries the daughter of Ar-
dawán, 202, 229, 259
his various defeats referred
to, 202
birth of, 213
summoned to court by Arda-
wán, 214
equipped by Pápak, 214
presents gifts to Ardawán,
in favour with Ardawán, 215
his prowess in the chase, 215
disgraced, 216
writes to Pápak, 216
advised by Pápak, 216
intrigues with Gulnár, Arda-
wán's slave-girl, 217 seq.
hears from Gulnár of the pre-
sage of the astrologers, 219
flees with Gulnár to Párs,
220 seq.
followed by the divine Grace
in the form of a mountain-
sheep, 221 seq.
adherents flock to, 223
addresses his supporters, 224
founds a city, 202, 224
receives promises of help, 224
joined by Tabák, 225
and Tabák defeat Bahman,
son of Ardawán, 226
marches from Párs against
Ardawán, 227
defeats and slays Ardawán,
gives the spoil to the troops,
spares (?) Ardawán's palace
at Rai, 229 and note
counselled by Tabák to marry
Ardawán's daughter, 229
returns to Párs, 229
builds Khurra-i-Ardshír, 229
and note
his irrigation-works at Khur-
ra-i-Ardshír, 230
Ardshír Pápakán, his war with
the Kurds, 230 seq.
and Haftwád, 236 seq.
message sent by arrow to, 238
worsted by Haftwád and
entertained and counselled
by two youths, 239 seq.
slays Mihrak, 241
marches to attack the Worm,
givesinstructions to Shahrgír,
his stratagem against the
Worm, 242
slays the Worm and its
attendants, 244
summons Shahrgír, 244 and
takes Haftwád's stronghold,
defeats and slays Haftwád
and Sháhwí, 245
carries off the spoil, 245
builds a Fire-temple, 245
rewards the two youths, 245
his invasion of Kirmán, 205,
goes to Taisafún, 245
his principles of government,
250, 273 seq., 286 seq.
his reign, 254 seq.
length of, 254
Tarbarí on, 254
and the daughter of Ardawán,
stories of, 255
coins of, 256, 257, 265
crowns Shápúr, 257
his cities, 257
his prophecy, 257
enthroned at Baghdád, 258
his title of King of kings,
193, 199, 254, 258, 273
his inaugural address, 258
Bahman's plot with his sister
to poison, 259
discovers plot against him,
consults his minister, 260
Ardshír Pápakán, condemns the
daughter of Ardawán to
death, 260
his minister saves her, muti-
lates himself, and makes
record of the fact, 261
his son Shápúr born, 261
hears about Shápúr from his
minister, 262
recognises and acknowledges
Shápúr, 264
restores the daughter of
Ardawán to favour, 265
rewards his minister, 265
makes a new coinage in
honour of his minister, 265
builds Jund-i-Shápúr, 266
harassed by wars, consults
Kaid, 266
wroth at Kaid's advice, 267
seeks in vain for the daughter
of Mihrak, 268
referred to, 270
discovers Urmuzd, 271
counsels Urmuzd, 280
calls and counsels Shápúr,
286 seq.
on Church and State, 286
on the duration of his
dynasty, 289
death of, 291
Ariobarzanes, the murderer of
Darius Codomanus, 32
Ariobarzaues, satrap, 32 and note
Aristobulus, Greek writer, 12
Aristotle (Arastálís, q.v.), 29, 81
Alexander's tutor, 29
letter to, 68
correspondence with,about
the succession, 81, 83
on the silkworm, 204
Armenia, 202, 203
Armenian version of the Pseudo-
Callisthenes, 14
Arrian, historian, 12, 31, 64, 68, 82
his Anabasis, 12
his Indica, 12
Caspian Gates of, the, 32
Arrian, on the stature of Porus, 64
Ichthyophagi, 69 seq.
Alexander and the
Amazons, 72
the death of Alexander,
Arsaces, 197
Arsacid, Arsacids, the, 198, 203,
205, 255
their imperíal system, 198
some of, escape from Ardshír
Pápakán to Armenia, 203
Arsalás, 32
Arses, 29
Artabanus (Ardawán, q.v.), 201
Artaxerxes Ochus, 18 note, 29
conquers Nectanebus II., 18
note, 29
murdered, 29
Artaxerxes I. See Ardshír
Artaxerxes II. (Ardshír, brother
of Shápúr), 363
Arwand (Tigris), 329
Asfandiyár (Spento-data, Span-
dat), son of Gushtásp, 15, 49,
55, 200, 213, 224, 242, 251, 271
Ashk, Ashkánian king, 197, 210
meaning of, 197
Ashkánian, Ashkánians, the, race
and dynasty, viii, 193,
194, 196, 197, 209
duration of their rule, 193
times, Firdausí's lack of
materials for, 193
surviving traditions of,
transferred to other
dynasties, 194
importance of, 194
genealogy of, 197
Asia Minor, 30
Central, 73
Astawadh. See Haftwád.
Astyages, 194
Atbara, river, 65
Atkinson, James, 250
on the Sháhnáma, 250
Atropatene, kingdom, 198
Attock, 62
Avasta. See Zandavasta.
Avidius Cassius, Roman general,
291 note
Ázáda, Rúman slave-girl, 382
goes hunting with Bahrám
Gúr, 382
tries to shame Bahrám Gúr
in his markmanship 383
slain by Bahrám Gúr, 384
and note
Ázar, month, 411
Ázarbáiján, 198, 203
Ázargashasp, the spirit of the
lightning, 381
=Gushasp, 212 and note
Ázarnarsí, son of Urmuzd, son of
Narsí, 318


BÁBAK. See Pápak.
Bábil (Babylon, q.v.), vii
Babylon (Bábil), 17, 31, 81, 83,
176, 178, 180, 181, 183
Sikandar marches towards,
176, 178
prodigious birth at, 81, 180
Sikandar sickens at, 181
dies at, 81, 183
Babylonian, 254
script, 320
Bactria, 32, 198
Badakhshán, region in northern
Afghánistán, 382
gem of, 382 and note
Bæton, Greek writer, 12
Baghdád, city, viii, 254, 290, 322,
Ardshír Pápakán enthroned
at, 258
Bágíz, 32
Bagoas, 29
Bahman (Vohu Manau), amesha-
spenta, 362 and note
Bahman (Ardshír), son of Asfan-
diyár, Sháh, 20 note, 34 and
note, 49, 200, 213, 270 and
Bahman, son of Ardawán, viii,
202, 218 and note, 225, 227,
made ruler of Párs, 218
referred to, 222
bidden by Ardawán to seek
out Ardshír Pápakán, 223
defeated by Ardshír and
Tabák, 226
escapes to Hind after the
defeat of Ardawán, 228
urges his sister to poison
Ardawán, 259
Bahrain, island in the Persian
Gulf, 330
Bahrám, 197, 209
=Ardawán, 197, 209 (?), 210
Bahrám, son of Urmuzd, Sháh
(Varahran I.), ix, 3, 303, 306
reign of, 307 seq., 327
Bahrám, son of Bahrám, Sháh
(Varahran II.), ix, 3, 308
reign of, 310 seq.
story told of, 310
Bahrám Bahrámiyán, Sháh,
(Varahran III.), ix, 3, 315,
316, 324, 334, 368, 405 (?)
reign of, 313
his inaugural address, 313
resigns the throne to his son,
Bahrám, son of Shápúr, Sháh
(Varahran IV.), xi, 3, 313,
368, 371
ruler of Kirmán, 368
his title, 368
his seal, 368
Tabarí's account of, 368
his daughter, 369
resigns the throne to his
brother, 369
dies, 369
Bahrám Chubína, 250
Bahrám Gúr, Sháh (Varahran V.),
xi, 3, 250, 325, 329 and
note, 372, 373, 394 seq.
his stay at Hira, 372
his age at accession, 373
Bahrám Gúr, his persecution of
the Christians, 373
his war with Rome, 373
birth of, 375
the magnates advise Yazda-
gird to choose a governor
for, 376
put in Munzir's charge, 378
goes with Munzir to Yaman
his nurses, 378
his education, 378 seq.
has his tutors dismissed,
makes choice of steeds, 380
slave-girls, 381
goes to the chase with a slave-
girl, 382
his marksmanship, 383 seq.
slays his slave-girl, 384 and
goes hunting with Nu'mán
and Munzir, 384
picture of, hunting, sent to
Yazdagird, 385
returns with Nu'mán to Yaz-
dagird, 386
complains of Yazdagird to
Munzir, 387
receives advice and his slave-
girl from Munzir, 388
falls into disgrace at court,
asks Tainúsh to intercede
for him, 389
released and returns to Mun-
zir, 390
welcomed by Munzir, 390
hears of his father's death
and of the election of
Khusrau, 395, 396
claims the kingship and is
supported by Munzir, 396
his interview with Jawánwí,
negotiates with the Íránians,
401 seq.
Bahrám Gúr, the Íránians produce
examples of Yazdagird's
cruelty to, 404
addresses the Íránians, 404
proposes to decide the ques-
tion of the kingship by or-
deal, 405
promises to rule justly, 406
agrees to be the first to face
the ordeal, 409
Baidá (Bardí), hill fort, 198 and
note, 199
Baitú'l Harám (the Kaaba), 119,
Balásh, king of Kirmán, 205
Balúchistán (Balochistan, Ged-
rosia, Makrán), country,
12, 70
Banák, Íránian chief, 202
Bandáwa, Sindian chief, 175
defeated by Sikandar, 175
Band-i-Kaisar, 295
Barbar, country, 114
Bardí. See Baidá.
Barrier, Alexander's (Sikandar's),
in the Caucasus, 78, 249
legend of, 78
site of, 79
described, 164
Barsaentes, satrap, 32
executed, 32
Barsine (Stateira), daughter of
Darius Codomanus, 33
marries Alexander the Great,
Barzín, Íránian chief, 395
Barzin, sacred Fire, 391, 400
the Íránians worship at, 400
Bástán-náma, 16, 17, 84, 373
Bazánúsh (Valerian), ix, x, 294,
his defeat and capture by
Shápúr, son of Ardshír,
294, 295
his single combat with Gar-
shásp, 297
builds bridge at Shúshtar,
Bazánúsh (Jovian), x, 324, 326,
353 seq.
elected emperor, 353
sues for peace, 353
accepts Shápúr's terms, 355
Bázrangí, dynasty of Tribal Kings,
Beas (Hyphasis), Indian river, 64
Berber, race, 73
Bessus, satrap, 32
executed, 32
Bhután, Indian kingdom, 81
Biháfrídh, 200
Bih-Ardshír, city, 254, 291 note
Bihzád, Íránian chief, 395
Birds, green, 160
Sikandarholdsconverse with,
vii, 160
Birka-i-Ardshír, city, 290 and note
Bíward, Íránian chief, 395
Bízhan, Íránian hero, 194
Bízhan, Ashkánian king, 197, 210
Black Stone, the, 65
Blest, Country of, 74, 76
Bombyx Mori. See Silk.
Book of Indication and Revision,
Mas'údí's, 252
quoted, 252
Bowl, the full, symbolism of, 63
Brabantio, 324
Brahmans (Gymnosophistæ), the,
vii, 61, 64, 67, 143 seq.
Palladius on, 61
Sikandar's interview with,
67, 143 seq.
country of, 143, 147
hear of Sikandar's coming
and write to him, 143
described, 144
reply to Sikandar's questions,
144 seq.
Sikandar quits, 147
Brides of the Treasure, 250
Browning, Robert, his poem of
“The Glove,” 384
Bucephala, city, 18
Bucephalus, horse of Alexander
the Great, 18, 31
Bucephalus, birth of, 18, 26
death of, 18, 64
a mare, 18 (Ethiopic version)
city built by Alexander in
memory of, 18
offered by Darius to Porus, 31
Buddhist saints, story of two, 63
Budge, Dr. E.A. Wallis, 14, 17 note
his editions of the Syriac and
Ethiopic versions of the
Pseudo - Callisthenes, 14,
17 note
Budini, race, 73
Burjak and Burjátúr. See Youtlis,
the two.
Bust, fortress and district in
Sístán, 175


CÆSAR, ix, x, 24, 26, 49, 112 seq.,
122, 124, 126, 297, 298, 324
seq., 336 seq., 341 seq., 345
seq., 389
=Failakús, 24, 26, 27
=Sikandar, 40, 42, 49, 113,
114, 118, 121, 122, 124, 128,
129, 142, 158, 161, 170, 174,
178, 183
=Valerian (Bazánúsh, q.v.),
ix, x, 326
=Jovian (Bazánúsh, q.v.), x,
353, 354
pays tribute to Shápúr, son
of Ardshír, 298
Shápúr in disguise visits, 336
entertains Shápúr, 337
discovers who Shápúr is, 337
arrests Shápúr, 337
has Shápúr sewn up in an
ass's skin and imprisoned,
charges his wife with the
custody of Shápúr, 338
invades and rávages Írán, 338
Shápúr prepares to attack, 346
overthrown by Shápúr at
Taisafún, 346 seq.
Cæsar, his treatment by Shápúr,
349, 357
mother of, 351
Calanus (Sphinés), Indian ascetic,
Onesicritus and, 61
Alexander the Great and, 61
death of, 61
derivation of, 61
identical with the sage sent
by Kaid to Sikandar, 62.
See Four Wonders, the.
Callisthenes, Greek historian, 12,
the Romance of Alexander
fathered on, 13
Callitris quadrivalvis, the Arar
tree, 19
Cambyses, son of Cyrus the Great,
Candace (Kandake, Kaidáfa, q.v.),
dynastic title of the queens
of Ethiopia, 13, 65, 72
and Alexander, 65 seq.
Canopus, star, 382
Cappadocia (Pálawína), 294
Captain of the host, x
Captives, mutilation of, 323, 334,
348, 357
settlement of, 327, 357
Carthaginians, the, 30
Alexander's legendary visit
to, 30
Casaubon, Isaac, 13
Caspian Gates, 31, 32
Cassander, son of Antipater, 82
Caucasus, the, 15, 79
Alexander's barrier in, 78
legend of, in the Kurán, 78
site of, 79
Chách (Táshkand), city in Túrán,
thane of, 197, 210
referred to, 229 and note
bow of, 384
Chaghwán, place, 174, 175
Sikandar arrives at, 174
quits, 175
Chahram (Jahram), city in Párs,
Dárá goes to, 44
Charbar, place on the coast of
Balúchistán (Makrán), 70
Chares of Mytilene, Greek writer,
Charogos. See Tainúsh.
Chess, 201
its introduction into Persia,
Chín, country (often=Túrán), vii,
80, 179, 182, 186, 268, 280,
284, 358, 376, 397
Khán of, 35
ambassadors from, come
to Dárá, 35
pen of, 57, 99
Sikandar's expedition to, 80
silk of, 85, 266
ornaments of, 102, 139
lord of=Sikandar, 113
=Faghfúr, 171
implements of, 122
robes of, 128
friuge of, 138
stuffs of, 143, 215
sea of, 149
Sikandar goes to, 169
rarities of, 171, 173
paper of, 172
coasts of, 173
brocade of, 173, 182, 184, 332
gold cloth of, 182, 334
China, 204
silk industry of, 204
Chináb (Akesines), Indian river,
31, 64
Chinese language, 147
Chosroes, king of Armenia, 202
Christ, 133, 339
Faith of, 133, 352
Christian, 342, 356
rites of marriage, 104
Faith, 356
Christianity, 138
Cilicia (Kaidáfa), 294
City of Women (Harúm), vii
Cleophis, Indian queen, 65
and Alexander the Great, 65
Climes, the seven, 179, 262, 266,
273, 280, 376
Colchians, the, 72
Contents, Table of, v
Cos, island, 204
silk industry of, 204
Country of the Blest, 74, 76
Crete, island, 323 note
Cross, the, 351, 352
the religion of, 138
Passion of, 339
Ctesias, historian, 13, 68
legend of Cyrus in, 195
Gutschmid on, 195
Ctesiphon (Taisafún, q.v.), 321,
322, 325, 372
Cup of Kaid, the. See Four
Wonders, the.
described, 94, 100
principle of, explained, 109
Cybele, goddess, 71
=Hittite Ma, 71
Cyrus the Great, 194
his rise compared to that of
Ardshír Pápakán, 194
legend of, transferred to Ard-
shír Pápakán, 195


DAI, month, 306
Daizan (Táír, q.v.), Arab chief, 322,
legend of, 322
daughter of, legend of, 323
Dakíkí, poet, 196
Damascus, Nicolaus of, 195
Damáwand, mountain, 202
Dandamis. See Mandanes.
Dárá, son of Dáráb, Sháh (Darius
Codomanus, q.v.), v, 17, 27,
29, 33 seq., 83 seq., 112, 113,
123, 124, 132, 137, 170, 172,
188, 325, 353
legendary son of Dáráb, 17,
Dárá, appointed by Dáráb to suc-
ceed him, 27
historical account of, 29
movements of, after his final
defeat by Alexander (Si-
kandar), 31
Sikandar's correspondence
with the wife and daughter
of, 33
accession of, 34
his letter to the kings, 34
pays his troops, 35
ambassadors come to, 35
demands tribute from Sik-
andar, 36
marches against Sikandar, 37
Sikandar's visit to the camp
of, 38
invites Sikandar to a banquet,
his ambassador recognises
Sikandar, 40
sends horsemen in pursuit of
Sikandar, 41
defeated by Sikandar, 43
collects another army, 43
again defeated, 44
goes to Chahram, 44
goes to Istakhr, 44
takes counsel with his chiefs,
collects a new host, 46
marches from Istakhr, 46
is defeated, 46
withdraws to Kirmán, 46
bewails himself, 47
his letter to Sikandar, 49
his letter to Fúr, 50
marches against Sikandar, 51
abandoned by his troops and
flees, 51
murdered by his ministers, 52
his murderers arrested by
Sikandar, 53
his dying interview with
Sikandar, 53
vengeance promised him by
Sikandar, 53
Dárá, tells his last wishes to Si-
kandar, 54
bestows Rúshanak upon
Sikandar, 55, 86
dies, 55
his burial, 56
his son Sásán, 211
his kindred support Ardshír
Pápakán, 223
Dáráb, Sháh, v, 11, 16, 20 seq.,
34 and note, 49, 83, 84, 86
132, 137, 172, 188
father of Sikandar in Persian
legend, 16
legendary father of Dárá, 17
harangues the chiefs, 20
ambassadors come to, 21
employs Rúman artificers, 21
wars with the Arabs, 21
defeats and demands tribute
from them, 22
wars with Rúm, 22
defeats Failakús, 23
grants terms of peace to
Failakús, 24
marries the daughter of
Failakús, 25
returns to Párs, 25
becomes disaffected towards
his wife (Náhíd), 25
marries again, 27
Dárá is born to him, 27
fails in health, 27
appoints Dárá to succeed
him, 27
dies, 28
Dáráb, Dárábgird, city, v, 17,
198, 199
Dariel, Pass of, 79
Darius Codomanus (Dárá, q.v.),
16, 17, 29, 30
defeated at Issus, 30
Alexander escapes from the
banquet of, 30
defeated at Gaugamela, 31
asks that his family may be
restored to him, 31
writes to Porus, 31
Darius Codomanus, the historical
account of the death of, 31
his daughter marries Alex-
ander, 33
his corpse sent to Párs, 33
the punishment of his assas-
sins, 33
Darkness, Land of. See Gloom,
Darmesteter, Professor, 203
on the story of the Worm, 203
Haftwád, 206
Daughter of Kaid. See Four
Wonders, the.
described, 94, 100, 102, 104
married to Sikandar, 104
Dhoulkarnain, See Zu-'l-karnain.
Diagram to illustrate the Persian
Romance of Alexander, 84
Dihkán, 95 and note
Faith of 95
Diláfrúz-i-Farrukhpái, Íránian
slave-girl, 3, 338 seq.
referred to, x
slave to Cæsar's wife, 338
has compassion on Shápúr,
discovers who Shápúr is, 339
frees Shápúr from the ass's
skin, 340
escapes with Shápúr from
Rúm, 340 seq.
entertained by a gardener,
praised by Shápúr, 346
named and honoured by
Shápúr, 356
Dílam, city in Gílán, 227
Dílamán, region, 202 and note
Dilárái, wife of Dárá and mother
of Rúshanak, v, 87 seq.
visited by Náhíd, 89
Dínawarí, historian, 16, 64, 80,
81, 256, 323
Dínkard, Pahlaví text, 252
Diognetus, Greek writer, 12
Dionysus, temple of, visited by
Sikandar, 71
Dirázdast, title, 324 and note
Dív (Daéva), demon, 135, 146,
150, 241
=Áhrímán, 349
Dragon, vii, 71, 132, 146
Sikandar's adventure with,
71, 151
=Fúr, 113
=Ardawán, 222
Drangiana (Makrán, Balúchi-
stán), 32
Dreams, Kaid's, 91 seq.
Dukhtnúsh. See Núsha.


EGYPT (Misr), 12, 13, 16, 17, 72,
81, 82
the Pseudo-Callisthenes writ-
ten in, 13
invaded by Alexander the
Great, 30
Egyptians, the, 16
falsification of history by, 16
Ekbatana (Hamadán), 31, 32
Elam, kingdom, 194, 198
Elephants, 115
Fúr's, 115
Sikandar's device to
overcome, 115
Elymais, kingdom, 198
Enótokoitai, the, 80
Epirus, country, 12
Alexander I. of, 12
his expedition to Italy,
Ethiopia, 18 note, 72
flight of Nectanebus to, 18
a western and an eastern, 68
=India, 68
Ethiopians, Ethiops, 43, 71, 80
=Indians, 13, 68
western and eastern, 68, 71
Ethiopic version of the Pseudo-
Callisthenes, 17 and note,
18, 30, 33, 66, 67, 71, 74,
82, 83
Eumenes, Greek ephemerist, 12
Euphrates, river; 31, 327
Euxine sea, 72


FAGHFÚR, the, dynastic title of
the princes of Chín and
Máchín, vii, 35, 80, 113
169 seq., 325
ambassadors from, come to
Dárá, 35
Sikandar visits, as his own
ambassador, 170
gives audience to Sikandar,
entertains Sikandar, 171
answers Sikandar, 172
his gifts to Sikandar, 173
sends envoy with Sikandar,
Failakús, Philip II. of Macedon,
the father of Alexander
the Great, v, 22 seq., 57,
102, 112, 125, 130, 131, 151,
wars with Dáráb, 22
allied with the king of Rús,
marches from 'Ammúriya to
encounter Dáráb, 23
is defeated and returns to
'Ammúriya, 23
sues for peace, 23
agrees to send tribute, and
give his daughter in mar-
riage to Dáráb, 24, 25
adopts Sikandar as his heir,
Faith, Faiths, the four, 92, 95
of Christ, Christian, 133, 352,
of Áhriman, 281, 290
Fakírs, the, 61
Alexander and, 61
Onesicritus and, 61
Farát (Euphrates), 37, 42, 43, 290
Farídún, Sháh, 73, 172, 209, 406
Farwardín, month, 375
Faryán, king, father-in-law of
Kaidrúsh, vi, 66, 67, 124
seq., 171, 172
his city taken by Sikandar,
slain, 125
his daughter and son-in-law
taken prisoners, 125
brought before Naitkún,
sentenced to death, 126
pardoned, 126
Firdausí, vii, 16, 17, 31 seq., 62,
64 seq., 72, 78, 80 seq., 197,
198, 200, 202, 250, 254, 255,
294, 295, 313, 315, 321 seq.,
326, 328, 368, 372
his derivation of Iskandar
(Sikandar), 19
his praises of Mahmúd, 20,
207, 279, 292, 370
his account of Alexander's
battles with Darius, 31
invents names for Darius'
murderers, 32
introduction to the story
of Kaid, 62
his veiled attacks on Mah-
múd, 62, 92 seq., and note
his lack of subject-matter for
Ashkánian times, 193
and the Cyrus legends, 195
Kárnámak, 196, 200 seq.,
255 seq.
on Mahmúd's remission of
the land-tax, 196
his treatment of the short
reigns, 249, 301
his fondness for wine, 291,
295, 306, 309, 314, 362,
gives his age as sixty-three,
314, 369
refers to his work, 370
reverses the historical re-
lationship of Nu'mán and
Munzir, 372
Fire, Fires, sacred, 21
Fírúzábád. See Gúr.
Fish, the salt, legend of, 76 seq.
-eaters, See Ichthyophagi.
Folin, 73 and note
Fortifications, vitrified, 79
Fount of Life, the, 74, 158 seq.
Sikandar's expedition to, 74
seq., 158 seq.
account of, in the Pseudo-
Callisthenes, 74 seq.
Sikandar hears of, 158
prepares to visit, 158
goes in search of, 159
fails to find, 160
Four Wonders, the, of Kaid, vi,
94, 97 and note, 99 seq.
Faiths, the, 91, 95
Frúbá, sacred Fire, 201, 255
Fúr (Porus, q.v.), dynasty and
Indian king, vi, 31, 50, 51,
62, 64, 110 seq., 123, 132,
135, 137, 170, 172, 175
Dárá's letter to, 50
Sikandar's war with, 67,
112 seq.
routed by Sikandar's iron
steeds, 116
his single combat with
Sikandar, 117
slain, 117
his troops submit to Sikan-
dar, 118


GABRIEL, angel, 138 note
Gaiúmart, Sháh, 208
Ganges, river, 64
Garden of the Hesperides, 74
Gardener, a, 341
entertains Shápúr, son of
Urmuzd, 341 seq.
sent by Shápúr to the high
priest, 344
describes Shápúr, 344
rewarded by Shápúr, 357
Garshásp, Íránian chief, 297
his single combat with
Bazánúsh, 297
Gashasp, Íránian warrior, 394
addresses the nobles on the
succession to the throne, 394
Garsíwaz, brother of Afrásiyáb, 325
Gaugamela, 31, 32 note
battle of, 31
Gaumata, the false Smerdis, 207
Gaza, city, 30
siege of, 30
Gedrosia (Makrán, Balúchistán),
Gemini, constellation, 155
Genealogies, fictitious, 199
of Pápak in Tabarí, 200
Mas'údí, 200
Genealogical table, 3
Germany, 73
Ghee, 105
Gíl (Gílán), region, 227
Girduni Sirdarra, pass, 32
Girih, 199
Gív, Íránian hero, 194
Gloom, the (Land of Darkness),
vii, 73, 74, 79
conception of, 73
Sikandar's expedition to, 74
account of, in the Pseudo-
Callisthenes, 74 seq.
Sikandar hears of, 158
enters, 159 seq.
the jewels of, 162
emerges from, 162
Glory. See Grace.
Glove, The, Browning's poem of,
referred to, 384 note
Gog and Magog (Yájúj and
Májúj, q.v.), 78
legend of, in Kurán, 78
Gordyene, kingdom, 198
Grace, or Glory, the divine, 27,
47, 51, 85 and passim.
follows Ardshír Pápakán in
the form of a mountain-
sheep, 221 seq,
Granicus, river, 30
battle of the, 30, 31
Greece, 30
Greek, Greeks, the, 68, 82
their conception of India, 68
captives, mutilation of, by the
Persians, 373
Green Prophet, the. See Al Khidr.
Sea, the, 174 note
Gretna Green, 323 note
Gúdarz, Íránian hero, 194
Gúdarz, Ashkánian king, 197, 210
Gulár, place, 206
Gulnár, slave-girl of Ardawán,
217 and note
her intrigue with Ardshír
Pápakán, 217 seq.
reports the presage of the
astrologers to Ardshír Pá-
pakán, 219
flees with Ardshír Pápakán
to Párs, 220
Gund-i-Shápúr (Shápúr Gird ?),
city, 295, 327
Mání-gate of, 327
Gúr (Zúr, Fírúzábád), city, 199,
205, 229 note, 230, 245
Gurgán, region, 373
Gurzbán, a city between Balkh
and Harát (?), 394
Gushasp, sacred Fire, 201
Gúsh-bistár, 80, 177 and note
his interview with Sikandar,
Gushtásp, Sháh, 20, 49, 55, 200,
213, 251, 252, 258
Gustaham, Íránian warrior, 394
his lions slain by Bahrám
Gúr, 409
Gutschmid, Alfred von, 195
on the Cyrus legend in
Ctesias, 195
Gúzihr, Tribal King, 198, 199


HABASH (Ethiopia), vii, 149
people of, encountered by
Sikandar, 149
Haftánbúkht. See Haftwád.
Haftwád (Haftánbúkht, Asta-
wadh), Tribal King, viii,
199, 205 seq., 232 seq.
account of, in Tabarí, 205
daughter of, 205, 206, 233,
becomes guardian of the
Worm, 236
Nöldeke and Darmesteter on,
son of, 206, 236
helps his father against
Ardshír Pápakán, 236
story of, 232 seq.
his seven sons, 233, 235
his rise to power, 235
builds, and migrates to, a
stronghold, 235
and Ardshír Pápakán, 236
slain by Ardshír, 245
Halai (Olympias (?), Náhíd),
daughter, in legend, of
Philip II. of Macedon, 19
reason for her repudiation by
Dáráb and her naming her
son Iskandar (Sikandar),
Halai-Sandarús. See Halai.
Hamadán (Ekbatana), 31
Hamza, Arabic historian, 257
Harám, 65, 120 and note, 121
Baitu'l, 119, 121
Harúm, the City of Women, vii,
73, 153 seq.
visited by Sikandar, 153 seq.
Sikandar's correspondence
with the ruler of, 153 seq.
Háshimí, 362 and note
Háshish, 32
Hatra (Al Hadr), city, 321 seq.
account of, 322
besieged, 322
fall of, legend of, 322
king of, 323
Hecatæus, 13
Helenopolis, 61
Herodotus, 13, 16, 68, 72, 73
legend of Cyrus in, 195
Hesperides, Garden of the, 74
High priest, x, 343 seq.
hears of Shápúr's return, 344
informs the captain of the
host, 345
Himálaya, 74, 81
Hind, Hindústán, vi, viii, 21, 51,
80, 81, 91, 98 and passim
ambassadors from, come to
Dáráb, 21
ambassadors from, come to
Dárá, 35
ruler of=Fúr, 51
Sikandar invades, 98
silk of, 99
king of=Kaid, 103
Sikandar becomes king of,
people of, help the Sindians
against Sikandar, 175
Hira, city, 372
Hisham bin Muhammad, 30
Hittite, Hittites, 71
empire of, 71
Hiuen Tsiang, Chinese traveller,
quoted, 63, 73
Hoibaras, 195
Holy Ghost, the, 138 and note
Homer, 13, 72
quoted, 68, 73
Hormisdas I. (Urmuzd, son of
Shápúr), 301
Hormisdas (Urmuzd), son of Ur-
muzd, son of Narsí, 318,
Humái, Sháh, mother of Dáráb,
20, 22, 199
Huns, the, 15
Hurmuz, Ashkánian king, 197
Hurmuz (Ormus), 204
Hurmuzdagán, 193, 199
battle of, 193, 199, 202, 256
Hushyár, astrologer, 372, 375
takes Bahrám Gúr's horo-
scope, 375
Hydaspes (Jhílam), Indian river,
18, 31, 62, 63
Hydraotes (Raví), Indian river, 64
Hyperboreans, the, 74
Elysium of, 74
Hyphasis (Beas), Indian river, 64
Hyrcania (Mázandarán), 373


IBN Mukaffa, 17, 373
Ibráhím, Abraham, the patriarch,
119, 120
house of=the Kaaba, 119
Ichthyophagi, the, 69 seq., 81
Sikandar and, 69, 147
Arrian on, 69
modern accounts of, 70
their city described, 177
go to meet, and are visited
by, Sikandar, 178
hand over the treasures of
Kai Khusrau to Sikandar,
Imaus, mountain, 12
'Ínánian, 'Ínánians, the, Arab
tribe, 324, 330, 331, 333
India, 17, 61, 64, 81, 83, 204
Palladius on, 61
Ancient, M‘Crindle's, quoted,
=Ethiopia, 68
Indian, Indians, the, 81, 375, 397
=Ethiopians, 13, 68
sages, 61, 83, 91 seq., 143 seq.,
bells, 175
bane, 259
Indies, Greek conception of two,
duplicate races in, 68
Indra, Indian god, 203
and Vritra, 203
Indus, river, 62, 67, 70
mistaken for the Nile, 68
Iollas, Alexander's cup-bearer, 82
Íraj, the youngest son of Farídún,
Írán, v, x, 16, 17, 21, 38, 39, and
monarch of=Dáráb, 21, 26
and Sháhnáma compared, 193
invaded by Munzir and
Nu'mán, 397
Íránian, Íránians, the, xi, 17, 43
seq., 51, 112, 114, ??79 and
their wars with the Arabs, 17
Sikandar's proclamation to,
bewail themselves, 48
counsel Dárá to come to
terms with Sikandar, 48
ask quarter of Sikandar, 51
hail him as their king, 56
after Yazdagird's death meet
for counsel in Párs, 394
send Jawánwí to Munzir, 397
offer prayer at the Fire-fane
of Barzín, 400
the loyal, support Bahrám
Gúr, 402
their procedure to elect a
Sháh, 403
decide to reject Bahrám Gúr,
remonstrated with by Munzir.
their object-lesson to Munzir,
accept Bahrám Gúr's pro-
posal for settling the ques-
tion of the kingship by
ordeal, 406
Iron steeds, Sikandar's, vi, 115
Isdigerd I. (Yazdagird, son of
Shápúr), Sásánian king,
Ishmael (Ismá'íl), 65, 120, 121
Iskandar. See Sikandar.
Iskandar, herb, 26
Iskandaríya (Alexandria), vii, 185
Sikandar buried at, 185
Island, the=Meroe, 65
Islands, Male and Female, 72
origin of legend of, 72
Ismá'íl. See Ishmael.
Ispahán, 57, 86, 87, 199, 201, 202,
Isráfíl, archangel, 78
Sikandar's interview with,
vii, 83, 161
Issus, 30
battle of, 30, 31
Darius' family taken at, 31
Istakhr (Persepolis), 37, 57, 59,
198, 199, 202, 211, 223, 225,
231, 326, 356, 386
Dárá marches from, to en-
counter Sikandar, 37, 46
returns to, 44
Sikandar crowned Sháh at, 59
taken by Ardshír Pápakán,
Ardshír Pápakán marches
from, against the Kurds,
returns victorious to, 232
Italy, Alexander of Epirus' ex-
pedition to, 12
Alexander the Great's le-
gendary expedition to, 12,
Íwán-i-Kerkh, 327


JACOB of Sarúg, Syriac poet, 15,
Syriac Christian Legend of
Alexander versified by, 15,
74, 78, 84
his death, 15
Jádústán, 109 and note
Jahram (Charam), city in Párs,
viii, xi, 119, 202, 225, 237,
241, 268, 400, 401
desert of, 401
Jalálpúr, Indian city, 18
Jamshíd, Sháh, 45 and note, 172,
Jánúsiyár, minister of Dárá, 52,
murders Dárá, 52
Jánúsiyár, tells Sikandar of
Dárá's murder, 52
arrested by Sikandar, 53
executed, 56, 88
Jawánwí, Íránian magnate, 373,
goes as ambassador to Mun-
zir, 398
his interview with Munzir,
398 seq.
recognises the divine Grace
in Bahrám Gúr, 398
suggests a course of action to
Munzir, 400
returns to Írán, 400
Jaz, Mesopotamia, 337
Jerusalem, 81
Jew, Jews, the, 95, 356
Faith of, 95
Jhílam (Hydaspes), Indian river,
18, 31, 63
Johari Das, Bábu, quoted, 81
Joktan, 65
=Kahtán, 65
Joshua, 77
Jovian, Emperor, 324 seq.
confused with Valerian, 324
Judaism, 327
Judda, the port of Mecca, vi, 121
Sikandar arrives at, 121
Julian (Yánús), Emperor, 324, 325
confused with Valerian, 324
not an emperor in the Sháh-
náma, 324, 326
his expedition against Persia,
324 seq.
Julius Valerius, early Latin trans-
lator of the Pseudo-Callis-
thenes, 14, 61, 66 seq., 71,
74, 78, 79, 81
Jund-i-Shápúr, city, 256
=Rás-Shápúr, 256
Ardshír Pápakán builds, 266
Jupiter, planet, 138, 172, 292
Justinian, Emperor, 204
the silkworm introduced into
the West during his reign,


KAABA, the, vi, 65
Sikandar's expedition to, 67,
83, 119
Kabtún, king of Misr and the
progenitor of the Copts, 121
welcomes Sikandar, 121
praises Kaidáfa to Sikandar,
Kábul, Kábulistán, 207
dagger of, 320
Kádisí, Kádisíya, place, 119, 330
Kahtán, Arab chief, 65, 120
=Joktan, 65
Kaian, Kaiánian, race and dyn-
asty, v, 9 seq., 17, 34, 48, 55,
57, 59, 81, 112, 125, 141,
179, 180, 194, 199, 200, 202,
210, 223, 237 note
Kai Árash, 197, 210, 228
Kaid, Indian king, vi, viii, 61, 62,
83, 91 seq., 112, 256
identical with Mandanes
(Dandamis), 62
Sikandar and the sage of, 62,
104 seq.
consults Mihrán about his
dreams, 92 seq.
his Four Wonders, 94, 97 and
note, 99 seq.
his dreams interpreted by
Mihrán, 94 seq.
daughter of, 100
described, 100
reference in Sikandar's
will to, 182
cup of, described, 100
leech of, 101
sage of, 101
sends his Four Wonders and
other gifts to Sikandar, 103
reappearance of, 256
his prophecy, 256, 257, 267
consulted by Ardshír Pápa-
kán, 266
his advice to Ardshír Pápa-
kán, 267, 273
Kaidáfa (Cilicia), 294, 297
Kaidáfa (Kandake, Candace, q.v.),
vi, 83, 121 seq., 325
obtains Sikandar's portrait,
praised by Kabtún to Si-
kandar, 122
receives a letter from Si-
kandar, 123
answers Sikandar's letter,
welcomes Kaidrúsh on his
return from captivity, 127
receives Naitkún (Sikandar)
graciously, 128
her state described, 128, 130,
gives audiences to Naitkún
(Sikandar), 128 seq.
recognises Sikandar, 129 seq.
hears Sikandar's embassage,
her covenants with Sikandar,
132, 138
warns Sikandar against
Tainúsh, 133
chides Tainúsh, 135
takes counsel with Sikandar
about Tainúsh, 135
approves of Sikandar's
scheme, 137
takes counsel with her
nobles, 139
her gifts to Sikandar, 140
Sikandar's final message to,
Kaidrúsh (Kandaros, Candaules),
son of Kaidáfa (Candace),
66, 134, 135
wife of, 66
and his wife taken by Si-
kandar, 125
brought before Naitkún,
sentenced to death, 126
pardoned, 126
gratitude of, 127
returns to Kaidáfa, 127
Kaidrúsh, presents Naitkún (Si-
kandar) to Kaidáfa, 127
Kaihan. See Kaid.
Kai Khusrau, Sháh, 79, 177
the treasures of, found by
Sikandar, 178
Cyrus legend of, 195
Kai Kubád, Sháh, 197, 210
Kai Manush, 200
Kait. See Kaid.
Kai Ugí, 200
Kalé (Nereis), daughter of Alex-
ander in the Pseudo-Cal-
listhenes, 77
and the cook Andreas, legend
of, 77
Kand. See Kaid.
Kandake (Candace, q.v., Kaidáfa,
q.v.), 66
Kandaros. See Kaidrúsh.
Kandaules. See Kaidrúsh.
Kanír. See Tainúsh.
Kannúj, city in Hindústán, 64,
110, 207, 352
Sikandar reaches, 110
Karakh-Maishán, 199, 291 note
Káran, Íránian hero, 194
Káran, Íránian chief, 394
Karkh = Khurram Ábád (?), 327
Kárnámak-i- Ardshír-i-Pápakán,
Pahlaví text, 14 note, 61,
198, 200 seq., 205 seq., 255
seq., 301, 325
account of, 195
resembles Yátkár-i-Zarírán,
195, 196
purport of, 196
portion of Sháhnáma corre-
sponding to, 196
compared with, 200
seq., 205 seq., 255 seq.
Karnámak, and Firdausí, 196
polo episode in, 196
Karnaprávaramás, 80
Kárún, river, 199 note
dam on, 295
Kashmír, 31
king of, 31
Katíb, Arab chief, 21, 65, 120
Káwa, flag of, 347
Kázirún, 199
Kerátór. See Tainúsh.
Khán, the, 35
of Chín, 35
ambassadors from, come
to Dárá, 35
Kharazm (Khiva), 72
Kharazmians, the, 72
Kharrád, Íránian warrior, ix, 228,
takes Ardawán prisoner, 228
Kharrád, sacred Fire, 212 and
note, 226, 391
Khír, district, 198
Khisr (Al Khidr, q.v.), chief and
prophet, 159
goes with Sikandar to the
Gloom, 159
parts company with Sikan-
dar, 160
finds the Fount of Life, 160
Khurásán, 242, 301
Khurm, 82, 184
meaning of, 82
oracle of, consulted, 184
Khurra-i-Ardshír. See Ardshír
Khurram Ábád (Karkh ?), city,
327, 357 and note
Khusrau, Sháh. See Kai Khus-
Khusrau, Íránian noble, xi, 395,
referred to, 406
elected Sháh in succession
to Yazdagird, 395
proposes that Bahrám Gúr
should begin at the ordeal,
does homage to Bahrám Gúr,
Khuzá', Arab tribe, 65, 120
their rule ended by Sikan-
dar, 120
Khúzistán (Susiana), 290 and
note, 298, 327, 357
Kibtís, 397 and note
Kinám-i-Asírán (Shús ?), 327, 357
and note
King of kings, title of, 193, 197
meaning of, in Achæmenian
and Parthian times, 198
assumed by Ardshír Pápa-
kán, 193, 199, 254, 258, 273
Kings, Tribal, q.v.
Kirmán, region in southern Írán,
v, 31, 46, 47, 57, 59, 199,
202, 205, 245, 252
Dárá retires to, 46
etymology of, 204, 236
Ardshír Pápakán's invasion
of, 205, 245
Kirmánsháh, title, 313, 368
Kirmánsháhán, place, 368
Ktesias. See Ctesias.
Kubád, Sháh. See Kai Kubád.
Kubád, Sháh, father of Núshír-
wán, 3, 208
Kúfa, city, 381
wood of, 381
Kujárán, city and province, 205,
206, 232
Haftwád migrates from, to
stronghold, 235
Kuraish, Arab tribe, 65
Kurán, the, 15, 65, 84
references to Alexander in,
15, 78, 84
legend of Moses and the salt
fish in, 77
Gog and Magog in, 78
Kurdistán, 330
Kurd, Kurds, the, viii, 193, 203,
230 seq., 257
Árdshír Pápakán's war with,
in Kárnámak, 196, 206, 256
in Sháhnáma, 230 seq.
Kurdzád, daughter of Mihrak, q.v.
Kuria Muria Islands, 72


LAUS, Ptolemy, son of. See
Land of Darkness. See Gloom,
Land-tax, Mahmúd's remission
of, 196, 208
Latin version, early, of Pseudo-
Callisthenes. See Julius
Leech of Kaid. See Four Won-
ders, the.
Legend, Syriac Christian, of
Alexander. See Syriac.
Leo, constellation, 172, 180
Libra, constellation, 97
Life, Fount of, q.v.
Water of, vii
of Alexander, Plutarch's, 67
Luhrásp, Sháh, 55, 200


MA, Hittite goddess, 71
= Cybele, 71
priestesses of = Amazons, 71
Macan, Turner, 250
his edition of the Sháhnáma,
M'Crindle, 68
his Ancient India quoted,
68, 80
Macedonia, 81, 82
Macedonian invasion of the East,
68, 69
Macrianus, Prætorian prefect,
his treachery to Valerian, 294
Madá, Medes, the, 194
Mádik, king of the Kurds, 203
meaning of, 203, 256
Magi, the, 372, 373
Magog (Májúj). See Cog.
Mahábhárata, Indian epic, 31, 80
Máhiyár, minister of Dárá, 52, 88
referred to, v
murders Dárá, 52
tells Sikandar of the murder,
arrested by Sikandar, 53
executed, 56, 88
Mahmúd, Sultán, viii, ix, 20, 193
praise of, 20, 207, 279, 292,
Firdausí's veiled attacks on,
62, 92 seq. and note
his remission of the land-tax,
196, 208
Maishán, 199
Májúj (Magog). See Yájúj.
Makrán (Gedrosia, Balúchistán),
69, 182, 202, 397
Alexander's return by, pro-
ductive of marvels, 69
etymology of, 69
Málika, daughter of Táír, 3, 323,
324, 330
referred to, x
legend of, 323, 330 seq.
offers to betray her father's
stronghold to Shápúr, 331
makes the garrison drunk,
opens the gate to Shápúr, 333
goes to Shápúr's camp, 333
Manda, the, nomad tribes, 194
Mandanes (Dandamis, Kait,
Kaihan, Kand, Kaid), 61
and Onesieritus, 61
identical with Kaid, 62
Mání, heresiarch, x, 307, 327,
account of, 327
-gate, 327, 359
his teaching, 328
his disputation with the high
priest, 358
executed, 359
Marco Polo, 74
Mars, planet, 212, 318
Mas'údí, historian, 62, 63, 82,
193, 257, 313, 315
his genealogies of Pápak, 200
his “Book of Indication and
Revision,” 252
his apologue of the owls, 310
on the parentage of Yazda-
gird, son of Shápúr, 371
Maundeville, Sir John, 13, 72
Mazaga, Indian city, 65
taken by Alexander, 65
Mázandarán (Hyrcania), 373
Mecca, 64, 120
Sikandar's visit to, 64, 119
account of, 64
Mede, Medes (Madá), the, 194,
Media, 31, 201, 203
Magna, 201, 203, 256
Median, 194, 195
empire, 194
Mediterranean, the, 294
Megara, city, 323 note
Megasthenes, 68
Memphis, city, 82
Alexander's body taken to,
Mercury, planet, 171, 224
Meroe, island and city of, 13, 65
Mesopotamia, Mesopotamian, 30,
294, 321
desert, 322
Mihr. See Mihr Barzín.
Mihr, month, 24, 33, 55
Mihrak, Tribal King, viii, ix, 3,
199, 237, 238, 257, 267,
268, 270, 272, 273
= Mithrak, 206
slain by Ardshír Pápakán,
his daughter, viii, ix, 3, 241,
256, 257, 268 seq., 272
escapes, 241, 256, 268
referred to in Kaid's pro-
phecy, 267
discovered by Shápúr,
268 seq.
informs Shápúr of her
birth, 270
marries Shápúr, 270
birth of her sou Ur-
muzd, 271
= Mithrak = Mádik = Ar-
dawán (?), 256
his importance in legend, 257,
Mihrán, Indian sage, vi, 91, 97
consulted by Kaid about his
dreams, 92 seq.
interprets Kaid's dreams, 94
Mihrán, treasurer to Yazdagird,
Mihr Barzín, sacred Fire, 201,
212 and note
Mihrgán, feast, 230 and note, 245
Mihrmas, 200
Mílád, Íránian warrior, 394
Mílád (Taxila), Indian city, 62,
98, 102, 109, 110
Sikandar approaches, 98
Minos, 323 note
Minúchihr, Sháh, 200, 353
Mírkhánd, historian, 62, 315
Miskál, measure of weight, 24
and note
Misr (Egypt), vi, 37, 114, 115,
122, 181
invaded by Sikandar, 37, 121
king of, defeated by Sikan-
dar, 37
welcomes Sikandar, 121
sea of, 120
Sikandar stays for a year in,
Mithrak, 206
= Mihrak, 206
= Mihrak = Mádik = Arda-
wán (?), 256
Mohl, Jules, 60
his edition of the Sháhnáma,
on the story of the Worm,
Mong, Indian city, 18
Moses, prophet, 77, 95
and the salt fish, legend of,
Faith of, 95
Mosul, city, 322
Muhammad, the Prophet, 15, 65,
190, 292
his reference to Alexander in
the Kurán, 15, 77
Muhammad Kásim, Arab general,
Muhammadans, the, 78
Mukaffa. See Ibn Mukaffa.
Mutilation, instances of, 261,
323, 334, 348, 357, 404
Munzir, prince of Hira, xi, 372,
377 seq., 384 seq., 394, 406,
visits Yazdagird, 377
monarch of Yaman, 378
returns to Yaman with Bah-
rám, 378
chooses nurses for Bahrám,
dismisses Bahrám's tutors,
provides Bahrám Gúr with
steeds, 380
provides Bahrám Gúr with
slave-girls, 381
goes to the chase with Bah-
ram Gúr, 384
sends a picture of Bahrám
Gúr shooting to Yazdagird,
sends Bahrám Gúr with
Nu'mán to Yazdagird,
receives a letter from Yaz-
dagird, 387
counsels and sends Bahrám
Gúr a slave-girl and pres-
ents, 388
welcomes Bahrám Gúr on
return, 390
supports Bahrám Gúr's
claim to the throne, 396
invades Írán, 397
his interview with Jawánwí,
398 seq.
refers Jawánwí to Bahrám
Gúr, 398
advises Bahrám Gúr to
negotiate with the Írán-
ians, 401, 404
Mytilene, Chares of, 61


NABARZANES, Persian general,
pardoned by Alexander, 32
Náhíd (Halai (?), Olympias),
daughter of Failakús, v,
24 seq. and note, 89
marries Dáráb, 25
troubled by offensive breath,
cured, but repudiated by
Dáráb, 26
returns to Failakús and gives
birth to Sikandar, 26
visits Dilárái and Rúshanak,
referred to, 187
Náhíd, the planet Venus, 214
Naitkún (Antigonus), minister of
Sikandar, 66
his name assumed by Sikan-
dar, 66, 125 seq.
personates Sikandar, 125 seq.
Kaidrúsh and his wife brought
before, 126
sentenced to death by,
pardoned by, 126
= Sikandar, 131, 133, 134, 141
Napata, city, 65
Naphtha, vi, 115, 116, 165
Sikandar's iron steeds filled
with, 115
Fúr's elephants and troops
routed by the use of, 116
used to vitrify Sikandar's
barrier, 165
Narmpái, the, fabulous tribe, vii,
71 and note
Sikandar and, 150
Narses (Narsí, son of Bahrám),
Sásánian king, 315
Narsí, Ashkánian king, 197, 210
Narsí, son of Bahrám, Sháh
(Narses), ix, 3, 313, 316,
325, 330, 331, 337
his reign, 315 seq.
Narsí, his title, 315
his inaugural address, 315
daughter of. See Núsha.
Nasíbín (Nisibis, q.v.), 326, 355
cession of, 355
inhabitants of, refuse to sub-
mit to Shápúr, 356
taken by Shápúr, 356
Nasr, Amír, brother of Mahmúd,
196, 207
praise of, 207
Nasr, Arab chief, 65, 120, 121
appeals to Sikandar for help,
made ruler at Mecca, 121
Naurúz, 33, 55, 273, 389
Nearchus, admiral of Alexander
the Great, 12, 61, 70
his account of the Ichthy-
ophagi quoted by Arrian,
69, 70
Nectanebus II., king of Egypt,
16, 18
personates Amen-Ra and be-
comes the legendary father
of Alexander the Great, 16
story of, 18 and note
Negroes, the, 73
described, 73, 157
cause frost and snow to harm
Sikandar, 156, 157
Nekht-neb-f. See Nectanebus.
Nereis. See Kalé.
Nicæa, Indian city, 18
Nicolaus of Damascus, 195
Nile, 42, 65, 169, 171, 269
the Blue, 65
mistaken for Indus, 68

Sikandar marches to, 175
Niris, lake, 17
referred to, 21
Nishápúr, city, 298
Nisibis (Nasíbín, q.v.), 254
peace of, 254
cession of, 326
Nisus and Scylla, story of, 323
Nitetis, 16
Nöldeke, Professor, 14 and note,
198 note, 199 and note, 253,
313, 372
his treatise on the Alexander
Romance, &c., 14 and note
on the story of the Worm,
203, 205, 206
Haftwád, 206
Northmen, the, 19
found Russian empire, 19
Note on Pronunciation, 8
Nubia, 65
Nu'mán, prince of Hira, xi, 372,
396, 404
visits Yazdagird, 377
goes to the chase with Bah-
rám Gúr, 384
goes to the Persian court
with Bahrám Gúr, 386
returns to Yaman with letters
and presents, 387
welcomes Bahrám Gúr on his
revisiting Yaman, 390
invades Írán, 397
Núsha (Dukhtnúsh), daughter of
Narsí, x, 3, 323, 324, 331
carried off by the Arabs, 323,
Núshírwán, Sháh, 3, 201, 208
quoted, 208, 209 and note
Núshzád, father of Mihrak, 237,
241, 267, 270, 273


OASIS of Ammon, 65
Alexander's visit to, 65
Odenathus, Arab chief, 294, 322,
324 seq.
and Shápúr, son of Ardshír,
294, 325
confused with Valerian, 324
Odorico, Minorite Friar and
traveller, 13
Olympias (Halai (?), Náhíd), wife
of Philip of Macedon and
mother of Alexander the
Great, 16, 82
her legendary connexion with
Nectanebus, 16, 18
her legendary choice of a
name for her son, 19
her intrigues, 82
Omphis, Indian king, 62
Onesicritus, pilot of Alexander
the Great, 12, 61, 67
an untrustworthy writer, 12
the Fakírs and, 61
Calanus and, 61
Mandanes and, 61
Ormus (Hurmuz), city on the
Persian Gulf, 204
Osroene, kingdom, 198
Othello, play of, quoted, 324
Owls, Mas'údí's apologue of the,
Oxyartes, father of Roxana
(Rúshanak), wife of Alex-
ander the Great, 32


PAHLAVÁN, Pahlaváns, 194
Pahlaví, version of the Pseudo-
Callisthenes, 14, 16, 84
writing and reading, con-
fusion in, 14, 62, 205, 206
language, 194
text, 195, 196, 257
Pálawína (Cappadocia), 294, 297,
Palestine, 30
Palladius, bishop, 61, 62
his treatise on the Brahmans,
interpolated into the
Pseudo - Callisthenes,
Palmyra, 294, 322, 324
Palus Mæotis, 73
Pápak, Tribal King, viii, 3, 194,
195, 198 seq., 211 note and
seq., 227, 252, 254, 256
and Sásán, 212
daughter of, 213
marries Sásán, 213
Ardawán's letter to, 214
equips Ardshír Pápákan for
court, 214
dies, 218
his kindred support Ardshír
Pápákan, 223 seq.
Pápakán, Ardshír. See Ardshír
Paradise Lost referred to, 71
Paris, MSS. of the Pseudo-Callis-
thenes in National Library
at, 14
Párs, country, 17, 25, 32 note,
37, 45, 115, 119, 194 and
the corpse of Darius sent to,
Ardshír Pápakán flees to, 220
marches from, against
Ardawán, 227
returns to, 229
the Íránians, after Yazda-
gird's death, meet to con-
sult in, 394
Part Kings. See Tribal Kings.
Parthian, Parthians, the, 194,
203, 256, 322
dynasty, 194, 201
uses the title of King of
kings, 197
Great king, 198
Parwíz, Íránian chief, 394
Pashín, Íránian noble, 408
Patashwárgar, region, 202 and
Pauravas, Indian race and dyn-
asty, 31
Persepolis (Istakhr), 31, 32 note,
Persia, 61, 201, 278
introduction of chess into,
Persian, Persians, the, 30, 44, 45,
81, 82, 143, 148, 157. 170,
201 and passim
language, 147, 205
dispute with the Rúmans
over Sikandar's burial,
empire, 197
monks introduce the silk-
worm into Europe, 204
sea or gulf, 204, 205
mutilation of captives, 323,
334, 348, 357, 404
Persis (Párs), 195
Pharasmanes, king, 72
Philip II. of Macedon (Failakús),
the father of Alexander
the Great, 16, 18, 19, 29
and Nectanebus, story of,
names his son Alexander,
Philon, Macedonian noble, 76
Phrygians, the, 71
Pírúz Shápúr (Ambar), city, 327,
Pisces, constellation, 395
Pishdádian, dynasty, 194
Planets, the seven, 206
Pleiads, Pleiades, 169, 401
Plutarch, historian, 67
Polo, 196, 329, 379, 382
episode in Kárnámak and
Sháhnáma, 196, 257, 263,
Porus (Fúr, q.v.), Indian king, 17,
62 seq. 66, 67, 76, 80, 83
son of, 18, 63
Darius' letter to, 31
origin of name of, 31
kingdom of, 31
and Alexander, historical
account of, 63
in the Pseudo - Callis-
thenes, 64, 67
his stature, 64
nephew of, 80
Pronunciation, Note on, 8
Pseudo-Callisthenes, the, Greek
Romance of Alexander the
Great, 13 seq., 30 seq., 62
seq., 71, 72, 74 seq., account,
and versions of, 13 seq., 17
vogue of, 17
treatise of Palladius inter-
polated in, 61
Alexander and Porus in, 64
historic elements in, 83
Egyptian, 83
Persian, 83
Arabic, 83
diagram to illustrate, 84
Ptolemy, son of Lagus, one of
Alexander's generals, king
of Egypt and historian, 12,
13, 66
Python, Apollo and the, 203


QUINTUS Curtius, historian, 65
on the Amazons, 72


RACES, duplicate in West and
East, 68
fair-haired, 73
Rai, city and district near Tihrán,
32, 201, 202, 219, 229
Ardawán's capital, 201
Rákshasas, 13
Rám, Fire-temple, 202, 226
Rám Ardshír, city, 202, 290 and
Rámbihisht, wife of Sásán, 198
Rám-Hurmuz, plain of, 199
Rámishn-i-Ardshír, district, 202
Rás-Shápúr, city, 255
= Gund-i-Shápúr, 256
Ratl, weight, 156 and note
Ravi (Hydraotes), Indian river,
Rawalpindi, 62
Rawlinson, Professor, 253
Reeds (bamboos), 71
Reeds, gigantic, seen by Sikandar,
used in house-building, 71,
Rív-Ardshír, city, 202
referred to, 224
Roman, Romans, the, 30, 254,
318, 325, 326
Alexander's legendary visit
to, 30
empire, Eastern, 253
emperors, 321, 371, 372
Romance of Alexander the Great,
the, 11 seq., 88
its incorporation in the Sháh-
náma, 16
vogue of, 17
sources of marvels in, 12, 69
diagram to illustrate, 84
Rome, 194, 197, 203, 301, 324
Shápúr son of Ardshír's wars
with, 294, 297
Bahrám Gúr's war with, 373
Roxana (Rúshanak, q.v.), 30, 33
and Alexander, 30
account of, 32
Rúdyáb, father of Pápak (in
Sháhnáma), 200, 212
Rúm, the Eastern Roman Em-
pire, v. x, 21 seq., 35 seq.,
40, 41, 45, 51, 53, 81, 94,
104, 113 seq., and passim
ambassadors from, come to
Dáráb, 21
Dáráb wars with, 22
prince of, 22
chiefs of, 23, 153
withdraw on Dáráb's
approach, 23
tribute of, to Dáráb, 24
ambassadors from, come to
Dárá, 35
brocade of, 56, 89
reed (pen) of, 85
stuffs of, 143
philosophers of, 115, 154
cavaliers of, 167
Sháh of = Sikandar, 170
Rúm, king of = Sikandar, 172
Sikandar's policy to safe-
guard, 178
Arastálís' advice to Sikandar
concerning, 179
invaded by Shápúr, 350
slave-girls of, chosen by
Bahrám Gúr, 382
Rúman, Rúmans, the, ix, x, 19,
21, 44, 45, 101 seq., 113,
114, 127, 142, 148, 168, 170,
179 seq., and passim
king of = Philip of Macedon,
carry out works in Írán, 21
= Sikandar, 50, 52, 154
the Íránians ask quarter of,
tongue, 160
dispute with the Persians as
to Sikandar's burial, 184
sages, 185
their sentences over the
coffin of Sikandar, 185
silk, 280
defeated by Shápúr, son of
Ardshír, 297
engineers build bridge at
Shúshtar, 299
astrologic tablets, 376
slave-girls, 382
Rús (Russia), 19, 22
king of, 22
Rúshanak (Roxana, q.v.), daugh-
ter of Dárá (in Sháhnáma)
and wife of Sikandar, v,
vi, 86 seq., 181, 188
account of, 32
derivation of, 33
bestowed by Dárá on Si-
kandar, 55
son of, 81, 181
visited by Náhíd, 89
married to Sikandar, 90
reference in Sikandar's Will
to, 181
Russia (Rús), 19
Russian, Russians, the, 19
empire, 19
foundation of, 19
Rustam, son of Zál, Íránian hero,
194, 325, 395
a Personification of the
Sacæ, 194


SACÆ, Scythians, the, 194
Rustam a Personification of,
Sada, feast of, 33, 55, 230 and
note, 245, 273, 389
Sage, sages, vi, vii, 101, 103
Indian, 62
naked (Brahmans, q.v.,
of Kaid. See Calanus and
Four Wonders, the.
Sikandar and, 62, 104
described, 94, 101
explains the principle of
the Cup, 109
Sakláb, Slavonia, 179
Salm, eldest son of Farídún, 353
Salt fish, the legend of, 76 seq.
Sám, Íránian hero, 395
Samírán, 405 and note
Sandar, Sandarús, the Arar tree,
Sapor I. (Shápúr, son of Ardshír),
Sásánian king, 294, 321
Sapor II. (Shápúr, son of Urmuzd),
Sásánian king, 294, 321
Sapor III. (Shápúr, son of Shápúr),
Sarúg, Jacob of, Syriac poet.
See Jacob.
Sarv, king of Yaman, 73
Sásán, name of Dárá's son and
several of his descendants,
200, 211, 224, 255
descendants of, help Ardshír
Pápakán, 224
House of, 251, 270 and note
Sásán, father of Ardshír Pápakán,
viii, 3, 193, 198, 200, 201,
211 seq., 240
legend of, 211 seq.
marries daughter of Pápak,
Sásánian, Sásánians, the, viii, 81,
209, 225, 249 seq., 253, 257,
321, 327
genealogical table of, 3, 253
Tabarí's history of, 14 note
Dynasty, viii, 61, 199, 249 seq.
Tabarí on the rise of the,
characterised, 249 seq.
Zoroastrianism under, 251
Mas'údí on Church and
State under, 251
duration of, 257
Empire, 193, 327
fictitious genealogies of, 199,
211, 256
view of Sikandar, 15, 224 and
note, 240 and note
Saturn, planet, 97, 115, 176, 281,
318, 385
Sav, spring of, xi, 372, 373, 391,
legend of, 372, 391 seq.
Sawurg, Indian king, vi, 64, 118
Sayce, Professor, on the Amazons,
Scandinavians, 19, 73
found the Russian empire, 19
Scotland, 79
vitrified forts in, 79
Scylla, Nisus and, story of, 323
Seleucia, city, 254, 291 note, 322
Semiramis, queen, 66, 405 note
Seven climes, the. See Climes.
Persian nobles, the, legend
of, 207
transferred to Ardshír
Pápakán (?), 207
planets, 206
Severus, Emperor, 322
his siege of Hatra, 322
Sháh, accession of, ceremony at,
Sháhábád, city, 295
Shahd, river, 391, 392
Sháhnáma, 3 and note, 11, 19, 30,
31, 66 seq., 72, 79, 82 seq.,
194 seq., 200 seq., 205 seq.,
249 seq., 253, 256, 270 note,
294, 301, 307, 310, 325, 326
Greek subject-matter in, 11
derivation of Sikandar given
in, 19
historic period of, 29
and Írán, analogy between,
portion of, corresponding to
Kárnámak, 196
prose, 196
and Kárnámak compared,
200 seq., 255 seq.
Shahrgír, chief in Sikandar's host,
125, 126
takes Kaidáfa's son and
daughter-in-law prisoners,
Shahrgír, captain of the host to
Ardshír Pápakán, 241
Ardshír's instructions to, 241
goes to Ardshír's help, 244
and note
Shahrwí, archimage, 329
minister during Shápúr
son of Urmuzd's minority,
Sháhwí, eldest son of Haftwád,
referred to, 206
helps his father against
Ardshír Pápakán, 236
executed, 245
Shám (Syria), 357
Shangul, Indian king, 325
Shápúr, Ashkánian king, 197, 210
Shápúr, son of Pápak, 199
Shápúr, son of Ardshír Pápakán,
Sháh (Sapor I.), viii, ix, 3,
196, 256, 262 seq., 268 seq.,
303, 307, 313, 315, 321 seq.
Shápúr, stories of, in Kárnámak,
196, 255
in Tabarí, 255, 257
crowned in his father's life-
time, 257
secret birth of, 261
origin of name, 262 and note
recognised and acknowledged
by Ardshír Pápakán, 264
discovers the daughter of
Mihrak, 268 seq.
summoned and counselled by
Ardshír Pápakán, 286 seq.
confused with Shápúr, son of
Urmuzd, 294, 321, 324, 327
his reign, 294 seq.
its historical inaccura-
cies, 294
his wars with Rome, 294,
and Odenathus, 294
defeats the Rúmans, 297
receives tribute from Cæsar,
builds cities, 298
bids Bazánúsh build a bridge
at Shúshtar, 298
summons and counsels Ur-
muzd, 299
Shápúr, son of Urmuzd, Sháh
(Sapor II.), x, 3, 294, 295,
307, 321 seq., 371, 373,
405 (?)
referred to, 318
reign of, 321 seq.
his bridge at Taisafún, 321,
his places of residence, 321,
confused with Shápùr, son
of Ardshír, 294, 321, 324,
his triumphant treaty with
the Rúmans, 326, 355
his cities, 327, 357
birth of, 328
crowned as an infant, 328
his education, 329
Shápúr, son of Urmuzd, Málika
offers to betray her father's
stronghold to, 331
opens the gate to, 333
sends Málika to his camp,
his treatment of his Arab
captives, 323, 334
receives the title of Zú'l
Aktáf, q.v., 335
returns to Párs and receives
tribute, 335
consults the astrologers, 335
visits Cæsar in disguise, 336
entertained by Cæsar, 337
denounced by a Persian re-
sident at Cæsar's court, 337
arrested, 337
sewed up in an ass's skin
and imprisoned, 338
pitied by an Íránian slave-
girl, 339
freed from ass's skin by
slave-girl, 340
entertained by a gardener,
341 seq.
sends the gardener to the
high priest, 344
described by the high priest,
praises the slave-girl, 346
prepares to attack Cæsar,
sends spies to Taisafún, 346
sends tidings of his victory
over Cæsar to the provinces,
his treatment of Cæsar, 349
invades Rúm, 350
defeats Yánus, 352
bids Bazánúsh come to him,
dictates terms of peace, 355
returns to Istakhr, 356
takes Nasíbín, 356
names and honours the slave-
girl, 356
rewards the gardener, 357
Shápúr, keeps Cæsar captive, 357
sends Cæsar's corpse to Rúm,
arranges a disputation be-
tween Mání and the high
priest, 358
has Mání executed, 359
arranges for the succession
with his brother Ardshír,
360 seq.
dies, 362
Shápúr, son of Shápúr, Sháh
(Sapor III.), x, 3, 251, 360,
364 seq., 371
Ardshír, son of Urmuzd, re-
signs the throne to, 364
Tabarí on the death of, 365
death of, 366
Shápúr, son of Yazdagird, king
of Armenia, 373
Shápúr Gird (Gund-i-Shápúr ?),
city, 295, 298
Shawwál, the tenth Muham-
madan month, 208
Shem, patriarch, 65
Shíbán, 397
Shikbán, Íránian warrior, 395
Shíráz, city, 198 note, 210
Shu'íb, Arab chief, v, 21
attacks Dáráb, 21
defeated and slain, 22
Shúrsán = Súristán (Babylonia),
Shús = Kinám-i-Asírán (?), 327
Shúshtar, city, 199, 295 and note,
dam and bridge at, 298, 326
Sicily, 30
Alexander's legendary visit
to, 30
Sikandar (Iskandar, Alexander
the Great, q.v.), v seq. 11,
13, 16, 18, 19, 26, 27, 29,
30, 33, 35 seq., 193, 210,
240 and note, 325, 353
derivation of, in Tabarí, 19
in Sháhnáma, 19, 26
birth of, 18, 26
Sikandar, adopted as his heir by
Failakús, 27
counselled by Arastálís, 35
refuses tribute to Dárá, 36
prepares for war with Dárá,
invades, and defeats king of,
Misr, 30, 37
invades Írán, 37
his visit to the camp of Dárá,
invited to banquet with Dárá,
takes the golden cups of
Dárá, 40
recognised, 40
escapes, 41
defeats Dárá, 43, 44, 46
issues proclamation to the
Íránians, 44, 47
gives the spoil to his troops,
44, 47
marches from 'Irák against
Dárá, 46
enters Istakhr, 46
answers Dárá's letter, 50
marches from Istakhr, 51
hears of Dárá's murder, 52
arrests Dárá's murderers, 53
finds Dárá still living 53
promises to avenge Dárá, 53
promises to carry out Dárá's
last wishes, 54
Dárá bestows Rúshanak
upon, 55, 86
laments for, and buries Dárá,
55, 56
executes Dárá's murderers, 56
hailed as ruler by the Írán-
ians, 56
sends envoys to Ispahán and
to the family of Dárá, and
letters to the provinces, to
announce his accession, 57
crowned Sháh at Istakhr, 59
reign of, 60 seq.
diagram to illustrate Persian
Romance of, 84
Sikandar, his inaugural address,
his correspondence with the
wife and daughter of Dárá
33, 86 seq.
marries Rúshanak, 90
invades Hind, 98
and Kaid, 61, 98
approaches Mílád, 98
inquires about the Four
Wonders of Kaid, 100
the Four Wonders and other
gifts sent by Kaid to, 103
marries daughter of Kaid, 104
and the sage of Kaid, 62,
104 seq.
the principle of the cup ex-
plained to, 109
conceals his treasures, 110
and note
advances to Kannúj, 110
his troops protest, 113
remonstrates with his troops,
his troops ask pardon, 114
his war with Fúr (Porus), 67,
110 seq.
hears of Fúr's elephants, 115
his device to overcome,
challenges Fúr to single
combat, 116
slays Fúr, 117
Fúr's troops submit to, 118
becomes king of Hind, 118
bestows Hind on Sawurg, 118
his visit to Mecca and the
Kaaba, 64, 67, 119 seq.
ends the rule of the Khuzá'
in Arabia, 120
sets up Nasr instead of the
Khuzá', 120
goes to Judda, 121
marches to Misr, 121
welcomed by king of, 121
stays for a year in, 121
and Kaidáfa (Candace), 65,
121 seq.
Sikandar, his portrait obtained by
Kaidáfa, 122
Kaidáfa praised by Kabtún
to, 122
writes to Kaidáfa, 123
Kaidáfa's answer to, 123
assumes the name of Naitkún
(Antigonus), 66, 125 seq.
pleads (as Naitkún) for Kaid-
rúsh and his wife, 126
goes (as Naitkún) to Kaidáfa,
graciously received by Kai-
dáfa, 128
has audiences of Kaidáfa,
128 seq.
recognised by Kaidáfa, 129
delivers his message, as
envoy, to Kaidáfa, 129, 134
his covenant with Kaidáfa,
132, 138
warned by Kaidáfa against
Tainúsh, 133
insulted by Tainúsh, 134
counsels Kaidáfa about Tain-
úsh, 135
makes covenant with Tain-
úsh, 136
Kaidáfa's gifts to, 140
returns with Tainúsh, 141
welcomed by his troops, 141
reveals himself to Tainúsh,
entertains at a banquet, gives
gifts to, and dismisses
Tainúsh, 143
his final message to Kaidáfa,
the Brahmans hear of the
coming of, and write to,
his interview with the Brah-
mans, 67, 144 seq.
quits the Brahmans, 147
meets the Fish-eaters (Ichthy-
ophagi, q.v.), 69 seq., 147,
Sikandar, his adventure with a
whale, 71, 147
sees gigantic reeds (bamboos),
71, 148
attacked by snakes, scor-
pions, and boars, 148
the people of Habash, 149
the Narmpái, 160
his adventure with a dragon,
71, 151
visits the temple of Dionysus,
71, 152, 166
warned of his death, 152,
161, 166
marches toward Harúm, the
City of Women, (Amazons,
q.v.), 153 seq.
encounters snow and frost, 156
great heat, 157
the negroes, 157
reaches and inspects Harúm,
marches westward and finds
a fair-haired race, 73, 158
hears of the Gloom, q.v., and
of the Fount of Life, q.v.,
and prepares to visit them,
sets forth with Khisr as
guide, 159
and Khisr part company, 160
fails to find the Fount of
Life, 160
his interview with birds, 160
Isráfíl, 78, 161
emerges from the Gloom, 162
marches eastward, 163
hears of Yájuj and Májúj, 163
barrier of, 78, 164, 249
and the Male and Female
Tree, 79, 167 seq.
reaches “The World's End,”
receives gifts, 169
his expedition to Chín, 80,
169 seq.
goes as his own ambassador
to the Faghfúr, 170
Sikandar, describes himself, 171
Faghfúr's gifts to, 173
departs with Faghfúr's en-
voy, 173
his identity discovered by
the envoy, 173
dismisses the envoy with
gifts and a message to
Faghfúr, 174
arrives at Chaghwán, 174
marches to Sind, 175
defeats Bandáwa, chief of
the Sindians, 175
marches to Nímrúz, 175
receives gifts from the king
of Yaman, 175
meets Gúsh-bistar, 177
carries off the treasures of
Kai Khusrau, 178
his policy for safeguarding
Rúm after his decease, 81,
178, 197
adopts the advice of Aras-
tálís, 180
arrives at Bábil, 180
prodigious birth at, 81,
consults the astro-
logers on, 180
warned of his end, 180
sickens, 181
his Will, 81, 181
grief of the troops for, 183, 184
dies, 183
dispute as to where he should
be buried, 184
his body taken to Iskan-
daríya, 185
sentences of sages over, 82,
83, 185
his cities, 83, 189
the Sásánian view of, 15 and
Silk, account of, 204
its introduction into the
West, 204
Silk-worm. See Silk.
Sind, region and river (Indus), 113
king of, 113
chiefs of, 123
warriors of, 132, 137
Sikandar marches to, 175
Sindbad, the sailor, 71
lands on a whale, 71
Sindians, the, vii, 175
defeated by Sikandar, 175

32, 198
Smerdis, the false, 207
Spain (Andalús), 66
Speaking tree, the, vii, 79, 167
Sphinés. See Calanus.
Stateira. See Barsine.
Steeds, iron, Sikandar's, vi, 115
filled with naphtha, 115
Fúr's elephants and
troops routed by, 116
Stone, the Black, 65
Strabo, geographer, 68, 81
Súfís, 59 and note
Sughdiana (Sughd), 72
Suhráb, son of Rustam, 325
Surúsh, angel, 199 note, 372
day, 411
Surúsh, astrologer, 372, 375
takes Bahrám Gúr's horo-
scope, 375
Susa, city, 31, 33, 295, 327
Alexander marries the daugh-
ter of Darius at, 33
Susiana (Khúzistán), 295, 321
Swat, river, 65
Syria, 30
Syriac, version of the Pseudo-
Callisthenes, 14, 16, 18, 30,
31 seq., 61, 63, 65, 66, 68,
71, 72, 74, 78 seq.
Christian Legend of Alex-
ander, 14, 15, 74, 78, 84
quoted, 15
metrical version of, 15,
78, 84


TABÁK, Íránian chief, viii, 202,
suspected by Ardshír Pápa-
kán, 225
justifies himself, 226
and Ardshír Pápakán defeat
Bahman, 226
buries Ardawán, 229
advises Ardshír Pápakán to
marry the daughter of
Ardawán, 229
Tabarí, historian, 14 note, 16, 19,
30, 198, 200, 291 note, 310,
313, 315, 321, 326
his history of the Sásánians,
14 note
places Alexander's battles
with Darius in Mesopo-
tamia, 30
on Yájúj and Májúj, 78
his account of the rise of the
Sásánian dynasty, 198
his account of Ardshír Pápa-
kán, 198, 203
genealogies of Pápak in, 200
on the story of the Worm,
205, 206
his account of Haftwád, 205,
on the length of Ardshír
Pápakán's reign, 254
on Ardawán's daughter, 255
on Shápúr, son of Ardshír
Pápakán, 255, 257
on the death of Shápúr, son
of Shápúr, 365
on Bahrám, son of Shápúr,
on Yazdagird, son of Shápúr,
371 seq.
Table of Contents, v
genealogical, 3
Tacitus, historian, 73
Tainúsh (Charogos, Kerátór,
Kanír), son of Kaidáfa, vi,
66, 67, 134 seq.
Tainúsh, Kaidáfa warns Sikandar
against, 133
Fúr's son-in-law, 133
insults Sikandar, 134
Kaidáfa chides, 135
Kaidáfa and Sikandar con-
sult about, 135
makes a covenant with Sik-
andar, 136
accompanies Sikandar on his
return, 141
Sikandar discovers himself
to, 142
asks grace of Sikandar, 142
pardoned by Sikandar, 142
entertained at a banquet,
presented with gifts, and
dismissed, by Sikandar,
Tainúsh (Theodosius), xi, 372,
389, 404
goes to Yazdagird as ambas-
sador, 389
asked by Bahrám Gúr to
intercede with Yazdagird
for him, 389
obtains Bahrám Gúr's release,
390, 404
Táír (Daizan, q.v.), Arab chief, x,
3, 322, 324, 330 seq.
Taisafún (Ctesiphon, q.v.), 245,
321, 330, 346 seq., 397
Ardshír Pápakán goes to, 245
Shápúr's bridge at, 321, 329
sacked by Táír, 330
Shápúr sends spies to, 346
Cæsar defeated and taken
prisoner by Shápúr at, 347
Takht-i-Bústán, 257
Sásánian inscription at, 257
Taráz, city in Turkistán and dis-
trict in Badakhshán, 268
Taurus, constellation, 151
Taxila (Mílád), Indian city, 62,
Tharthar, river, 322
Theodosius (Tainúsh), Roman
Emperor, 372
Thermodon, river, 72
Tigris, river, 294, 322
small, the, 199 and note
lower, 291 note
bridge over, 321
Tírí, eunuch of Gúzihr, 198
Tírúdih, village, 198
birthplace of Ardshír Pápa-
kán, 198
Trajan, Emperor, 322
his siege of Hatra, 322
Tree, the speaking, vii, 79, 167
description of, 167 seq.
Sikandar visits, 167 seq.
warns Sikandar of his death,
168, 169
Tribal, or Part, Kings, the, viii,
180, 197, 198, 201, 203, 204,
210, 225, 252, 253
origin of, 179, 181, 210
character of their rule, 197,
number of, 198
Ardawán the chief of, 201
Firdausí on, 210
Túr, second son of Farídún, 353
Túrán, 43, 182, 398
Turkistán, 179, 278, 280, 397
Turkman language, 147
Tús, city, 372, 391, 393
local legend of, 372, 391 seq.
Tyre, city, 30
siege of, 30


UROSCOPY, 101, 107, 108
Urmuzd, the Good Principle, 55,
362, 372, 387
day, 302 and note, 306, 375
Urmuzd, Ashkánian king, 197,
Urmuzd, son of Shápúr, Sháh
(Hormisdas I.), ix, 3, 257,
273, 280, 313, 327
his discovery by Ardshír
Pápakán, 257, 271
Urmuzd, birth of, 271
counselled by Ardshír Pápa-
kán, 280
Shápúr, 299
reign of, 301 seq.
his title, 301
story about, 301
Urmuzd, son of Narsí, Sháh (Hor-
misdas II.), ix, x, 3, 294, 295,
307, 315, 316, 325
reign of, 318 seq.
his sons, 318
his inaugural address, 318
a pregnant wife of, enthroned,
Urmuzd (Hormisdas), son of
Narsí, Persian prince, 318,
referred to (?), 337
Urmuzd Ardshír, city, 290 and
Uné, 77
Utterakuri, the, 74


VALERIAN (Bazánúsh), Emperor,
294, 295, 323 seq.
his defeat and capture by
Shápúr, son of Ardshír, 294,
memorials of, 295
confused with Odenathus,
Julian, and Jovian, 324 seq.
his death in captivity, 326
Varahran I. (Bahrám, son of Ur-
muzd), Sásánian king, 307
Varahran II. (Bahrám, son of Bah-
rám), Sásánian king, 310
Varahran III. (Bahrám Bahrá-
miyán), Sásánian king, 313
Varahran IV. (Bahrám, son of
Shápúr), Sásánian king, 313,
Venus, planet, 98, 102, 171, 190,
212, 224, 332
Vitrified fortifications, 79, 165
Vologeses, king of Kirmán, 205
Vritra and Indra, 203
Vullers-Landauer edition of the
Sháhnáma, 60


WÁLID, Khalífa, 325
Water-horse, xi, 373, 392
referred to, 373
legend of Yazdagírd and the,
Western sea, the, vii, 158
Whale, 71, 147
mistaken for island, 71, 147
Sikandar's adventure with a,
71, 147
Wheeler, James Talboys, quoted,
Will of Alexander, 81
provisions of, 81, 181
Women, city of, vii. See Harúm.
Wonders, the Four, of Kaid, vi,
94, 97, 99 seq.
Worm, the, viii, 193, 206, 238 seq.
story of, 196, 203 seq., 232 seq.
Mohl, Darmesteter, and
Nöldeke on, 203 seq.
cult of, 235
Ardshír Pápakán's stratagem
against, 242
servants of, 242 seq.


effigy of, falls, 30


YÁJÚJ and Májúj (Gog and Ma-
gog), vii, 78, 79, 163 seq., 211
legend of, in the Kurán, 78
Tabarí on, 78
described, 163
Ya'kúbí, historian, 61
Yaman, country, vii, x, 73, 120,
121, 175, 324, 331, 385, 386,
396, 401
onyx of, 128
striped stuff of, 175
Yaman, monarch of, 175
gives gifts to Si-
kandar, 175
= Munzir, 378, 387,
Bahrám Gúr goes to, 378, 390
Canopus of, 382
Yánus (Julian), brother of Cæsar,
x, 324, 326
leads a host against Shápúr,
defeated, 352
Yátkár-i-Zarírán, Pahlaví text, 195
resembles Kárnámak, 195, 196
Yazd, city, 368
Yazdagird, Sháh (Isdigerd I.), xi,
3, 371 seq.
referred to, 369
reign of, 371 seq.
his parentage uncertain, 371
a lover of peace like Aknaton
of Egypt, 371
his titles, 371, 372
Tabarí on, 372, 373
death of, 373
Nöldeke on, 373
coins of, 373
his evil administration, 374,
makes search for a governor
for his son Bahrám Gúr,
376 seq.
Nu'mán and Munzir visit, 377
puts Bahrám Gúr in Munzir's
charge, 378
receives from Munzir a picture
of Bahrám Gúr shooting, 385
Bahrám Gúr returns to, 386
gives presents to, and sends a
letter by, Nu'mán to Mun-
zir, 387
disgraces Bahrám Gúr, 389
sends Bahrám Gúr back to
Munzir, 390
consults the astrologers, 390
his death foretold, 391
attacked by bleeding of the
nose, 391
Yazdagird, his death, 393
his corpse embalmed and
taken to Párs, 393
Youths, the two, that bid Ard-
shír Pápakán not to tarry
in his flight, 201, 222
entertain and counsel
Ardshír Pápakán in
the matter of the
Worm, 207, 239 seq.
help Ardshír Pápakán to
slay the Worm, 242, 244
Yúnán, 95 and note
Faith of, 95



Zahhák, Sháh, 15, 45, 172, 209,
240 and note
Zál, son of Sám and father of
Rustam, 79
Zandavasta (Avasta), 17, 55, 226,
252, 343, 356
Zarár, 200
Zarduhsht (Zarathushtra, Zoro-
aster), 55, 252, 328, 332
Zarduhsht, religion of, under the
Sásánian empire, 251
girdle of, 332
Zarnúsh, city, 35
Zeus, Babylonian, 82
oracle of, consulted, 82
Zijának, daughter of Ardawán,
viii, 255
story of, in Kárnámak, 255
Tarbarí, 255
Sháhnáma, 259 seq.
Zoroaster. See Zarduhsht.
Zoroastrian, Zoroastrianism, 15,
196, 206, 251, 252, 327,
under the Sásánian empire,
millennia of, 252
Zú'l Aktáf, title of Shápúr, son of
Urmuzd, x, 323
meaning of, 323
Zú'l - karnain (Sikandar, Alex-
ander the Great), 15, 84
legend of, in Kurán, 78, 84
barrier of, 78
site of, 79
Zúr. See Gúr.