Afrásiyáb said to his troops: “Our fortune
That was awake is sleeping. Ye are feeble,
And I must to the field. Be leopard-like
In resolution if but for to-day,
Attack from every quarter and fight on.
Lay ambuscades on all sides for the foe,
And bring the sun down with your spears.”
He quitted
The centre of his host, heart-seared, revengeful,
Charged Tús and slaughtered many of Írán
Till Tús, whose heart misgave him, showed his back.
One came for aid to Rustam saying thus:—
“The matter goeth ill with us to-day:
Our whole right is a sea of blood, the banner
Of our Íránian horsemen hath gone down.”
Came elephantine Rustam from the centre
With Farámarz and troops. Confronting them