“The Moghals, on hearing that the Sultán had proceeded towards Dehli, returned, and pillaged the confines of Ghor. The Sultán, on reaching the vicinity of Dehli, deputed messengers to King Shamsu-d dín to communicate his arrival, and to prefer a request to reside temporarily in some village near Dehli. The King killed the ambassador, deputed a messenger on his part with presents to the Sultán, but objected to comply with his demand for a place of residence, on the pretext that the climate of the neighbourhood would not suit the constitution of the Sultán. On receiving this reply, the Sultán returned to Balála and Nakála. Those who had effected their escape joined him, and he had now about ten thousand men under him. He deputed Táju-d dín Malik Khilj, accompanied by a force, to Ráí Kokár* Saknín, in the hills of Júdí, with a request for the hand of his daughter, which request Ráí Kokár complied with, and sent his son with a number of troops to wait upon him. The Sultán gave the name of Katlagh Khán to the son, and sent an army under the command of Uzbek Páí against Násiru-d din Kubácha, who was at enmity with Ráí Kokár. Kubácha, though he was an Amír under the Ghorian Kings, and governor of the country of Sind, yet was presumptuous enough to aspire to independence. When Kubácha with twenty thousand of his followers were encamped on the banks of the Indus within one parasang of Uch, Uzbek Páí,* with seven thousand men, suddenly fell upon them at night, defeated, and dispersed them. Kubácha embarked in a boat for Akar and Bakar (two island forts in his possession),* while the Uzbek descended upon his camp, taking possession of whatever fell in his way. He sent the news of this victory to the Sultán, who marched out, and together with the army, which was under the command of the Uzbek, reached the palace of Kubácha. The latter fled from Akar and Bakar to Múltán, where the Sultán sent an ambassador to him with a demand for money, and for the surrender of the son and daughter of Amír Khán, who had taken shelter at Múltán, having fled from the battle which took place on the banks of the Indus. Kubácha sent the son and daughter of Amír Khán with a large contribution in money, soliciting at the same time that his territories might not be despoiled. The weather, however, growing hot, the Sultán determined to proceed from Úch to the Júdí hills, to Balála and Nakála, and on his way besieged the fort of Bisrám, where in an engagement he was wounded in the hand by an arrow. In the end, the Sultán captured the fort, and put all who were in it to the sword. At this place he received intelligence of the movement of the Moghal troops, who were endeavouring to effect his capture, so he turned back. When he was in sight of Múltán, he sent an ambassador to Kubácha to intimate his return, and to demand the tribute due by him. The advanced guard of the Sultán waited but for a short time, and as the inhabitants of Úch were hostile, he set fire to the city and marched upon Sadúsán, where Fakhru-d dín was governor on behalf of Kubácha. Láchín of Khitá was commander of the troops, and he led them forth to oppose Okhán, who was general of the Sultan's army, but he was slain in the conflict. Okhán then besieged Sadúsán, aud when the Sultán arrived, Fakhru-d dín Sálárí with tears supplicated for pardon, and presented his sword and coffin* in token of submission. The Sultán remained there for one month, and showing favour to Fakhru-d dín, he made over to him the government of Sadúsán and marched towards Dewal (Debal) and Damríla. Hasar, who was the ruler of this territory, took to flight, and embarked in a boat. The Sultán, on reaching the borders of Dewal and Damríla, deputed Khás Khán with a force to Nahrwála, from which place he brought away much spoil and many prisoners. Shortly after, the Sultán entered Dewal and Damríla, and erected a Jámi' mosque in the former place, opposite the temple of an idol.* In the meantime, intelligence was received from 'Irák that Ghiyásu-d dín Sultán had settled himself in 'Irák; that most of the troops of that country professed their attachment to Sultán Jalálu-d dín, and felt anxious for his presence. Upon this the Sultán prepared to join them, but on learning that Burák Hájib was with hostile intentions fortifying the strong post of Burdsir in Kirmán, he determined on proceeding to 'Irák by way of Makrán.”
Mírkhond's account of this expedition is very clear and explicit, and is chiefly derived from the Jahán-kusháí and Jámi'u-t Tawáríkh. He is, in some respects, fuller than either of those authorities. The following extracts are taken from the history of the Kings of Khwárizm in the Fourth Book, and the history of Changíz Khán in the Fifth Book of the Rauzatu-s Safá:—
“When* the Sultán arrived at Ghaznín, which his father, Sultán Muhammad, had bestowed upon him as an appanage, he was joined by the armies of his father, which had been dispersed in different directions. Saifu-d dín Aghrák, with forty thousand Kankalís,* Turks, and Khiljs, and Yamín Malík, the governor of Hirát, with his valiant Kurds, were amongst those who joined his standard.
“When spring returned, the Sultán left Ghaznín with his army, and went to Bárání (Parwán) where he fixed his camp. There he learned that Pakchak and Yemghúr* were engaged in the siege of Wálián,* and they were nearly capturing it, when the Sultán, leaving his heavy baggage in the camp, attacked the Moghals, and put to the sword nearly one thousand men of the advance guard. As the Moghal force was smaller than that of their opponents, it retreated across the river, and after destroying the bridge, fled during the night. The Sultán returned to his camp with much booty, and remained encamped at Bárání.
“When Changíz Khán heard of this defeat, he despatched Kútúkú* and another of the Núyáns, with thirty thousand men, against the Sultán, and himself followed in their rear. As soon as Kútúkú reached Bárání, the Sultán prepared for action, and gave orders that his men should dismount and bind the reins of their horses round their waists, fighting only with swords and arrows from morn till evening. At the approach of night, both infidels and Musulmáns retired to their respective camps, and on the return of morn, the Sultán's army saw a double line of troops opposed to them, more than they had contended with the day before. The reason was, that Kútúkú during the night had devised a stratagem, by ordering each of his troopers to make human figures with basket-work and felt, and place them in the rear. The Sultán's army, conceiving that reinforcements had reached the Moghals, became alarmed, and proposed to leave the field; but the Sultán making them take heart, prevented them carrying this foolish design into effect, and ordered them again to fight during that day also on foot. After a time, when they saw their own strength and the weakness of the Moghals, they suddenly mounted their horses, and charging the enemy, slew the greater part of these infidels, and the two Núyáns fled, with only a few followers, to Changíz Khán. * * *