After remaining a month in that place, he despatched an army against the Rájá of Andrún. When he arrived in his country, the Rájá went to the fort of Kisht, at the foot of which he caused outworks to be erected, which he gave in charge to his chiefs. The Hindús made use of 'arádas and manjaníks, and placed large cannon on the bastions of the fort, and kept up such constant volleys of stones, that a bird would have found it im­possible to fly past. The Afgháns also prepared trenches and batteries and made war; but by no means could they contrive to gain the victory, and they lost many of their men. They cast fiery missiles (hukkahá-i átish) into the fort; while from the inside of the castle the defenders threw bags of cotton steeped in oil and set on fire. By this means many men were burned on both sides, and 'Ádil Sháh was much distressed at the state of his prospects. He lost men daily during a whole month. At length, one night, he beheld in a dream a venerable man of brilliant countenance, who said to him, “You will conquer this fort if you do one thing.” 'Ádil Sháh said, “Darweshes take more interest in the condition of Islám than kings do; you ought not to withhold your prayers from the army of the faithful, because the Musulmáns are sorely distressed in this affair. If I return without gaining the victory, I shall destroy the royal name; and if I endeavour to obtain possession of the fort, many Musulmáns will fall: for this reason my soul is immersed in the river of anxiety.” The darwesh replied, “There is a shopkeeper in your army whose name is Zanká, who has a daughter, the splendour of whose beauty exceeds that of the sun, and whose face puts the roses of the garden to shame; the locks of her hair are lovelier than the hyacinth: buy her from her father for whatever sum he may ask, dress her in costly garments, deck her with jewels, and send her on horseback in the direction of the desert before the rose of the sun has risen from the garden of the east. After which, make ready your army, and attack the fort on all sides. With the blessing of God, you will be victorious.” After he had said this, the King awoke. In the morning he summoned his confidential chiefs into his private apartment, and related the dream to them, and made inquiries after the shopkeeper. The kotwál searched for him, and brought him to the foot of the throne. They satisfied him with presents and money, and received his daughter, whom they dressed in fine clothes and jewels, and sent off to the desert at the time indicated by the darwesh. She had scarcely reached the distance of a bow-shot, when a rosy-cheeked young man, whose beard had not yet begun to grow, came from the opposite direction; he had a gilt saddle and jewelled trappings, and rode a cream-coloured horse, and had a gold-worked quiver fastened to his waist, with a tiger's tail hanging from it, with a regal cap set jauntily on his head, and plumes from the wings of the sí-murgh. That fair girl made him a salám, and they both took the road of the desert. The men who accompanied the lady were con­founded at the wonderful and mysterious occurrence which they had witnessed, and were still further astounded, when, in the twinkling of an eye, they both disappeared from their sight. Upon this, they returned, and told what had happened to 'Ádil Sháh, and the wise men of the age who were there present were wonder-struck.

Proclamation was made by beat of drum, that the soldiers should prepare for battle. They advanced against the fort. By the decree of the Most Mighty, such dread had taken possession of the defenders, that they sent a message to the effect, that, “If Dáúd Khán would bring a written promise of mercy from the King, the Rájá would give up the fort to His Majesty's troops, and come to pay his respects.” Dáúd Khán sent this message to 'Ádil Sháh, who was much astonished, and said, “O Dáúd Khán, I was put to great annoyance by this fort, because so many of the faithful had fallen and were falling. I could not gain possession of it. I therefore felt inclined to leave it, and return to Gwálior; but now I have proved the truth of the promises of a darwesh. Thank God, he has not misled me. Go and give them my written promise of mercy.” Dáúd Khán did as he was directed. The Rájá came into the presence with his turban suspended from his neck, and the fort was vacated. Much treasure and many fine elephants and horses were pre­sented to 'Ádil Sháh. The King gave the fort into Dáúd Khán's charge, and returned thence victorious to Gwálior.

When he had reigned two years, and his authority was firmly established, he began to treat the nobles with severity. There was a man named Hímún, who was a weighman in the bázár, who had found means to approach the King on different affairs, and in whom he daily reposed more and more confidence. By degrees he became very powerful and influential, so that he managed the business of the State. About this time, Junaid Khán, the son of Ahmad Khán, who was governor of Bayána, and his son, the faujdár of Ajmír, rebelled in Ajmír, plundering and spoiling certain parganas of that province, making prisoners of the women and children, and gaining much booty, which he gave to his men. By all which he succeeded in collecting a large force, the motions of which he directed with great expertness and address.

'Ádil Sháh had at this time gone to Chunár; Jamál Khán, who was in Gwálior, assembled a force and went out against him with seventeen elephants in his train. A battle was fought at Kanúlápúr, near Ladánah. The fighting was severe. Junaid Khán overcame Jamál Khán at the first onset, and slew many of his best men. He also obtained much plunder, horses, elephants, etc. When this news reached the King, he was greatly distressed. Hímún said, “O Lord of the World, if you will trust me with a small force, I will either overcome Junaid Khán, or perish in the attempt.” 'Ádil Sháh at first objected to this, on account of the meanness of his origin, but at length he yielded to his solicita­tions, and sent him with 3000 or 4000 horse and four elephants. He set off, and Junaid Khán, vain of his victory over Jamál Khán, took no notice of him, saying, “My grooms will knock out his brains with the pegs to which their horses are fastened.” He then ordered Daulat Khán, who was the superintendent of his stable, to proceed against him with a large army, and enjoined him not to kill Hímún, but to bring him alive into the presence. He gave him leave to depart, and himself went to hunt tigers. How very reprehensible is arrogance!

Daulat Khán went, after making all his arrangements, and towards the close of day found himself within a kos of Hímún's army. He sent some boastful and foolish messages to Hímún, saying, “O shopkeeper, why do you meddle with war? Return to your scales and weights.” Hímún sent no answer, but allowed him to remain in his fancied security. When night came, he called the Afgháns, and said, “Junaid Khán, in the first place, defeated our troops, and is vain-glorious on that account; to-morrow, if you behave valiantly, we have every hope of gaining the victory, and you will be praised and honoured by His Majesty.” The Afgháns, on hearing this, declared their intention of doing their best in the battle which was about to ensue, saying, that “Victory was in the hands of God.” When the light of the sun parted the curtain of dark­ness, the brave men of both parties mixed together. Providence decreed success to the banners of 'Ádil Sháh. Daulat Khán was slain, and his army put to flight. Hímún pursued them for two kos, and put many to death; a portion of them only managed by a thousand devices to save their lives from the swords of the royal troops.

When Junaid Khán was informed of this, his head, which he had lifted to the heavens, was brought low. He ordered his troops to prepare for action, and marched with the intention of fighting. Towards night he arrived close to the army of 'Ádil Sháh, and encamped. After counting his troops, he found that he had with him 8000 cavalry and 3000 foot, whom he had assembled from different quarters, together with ten war-elephants and a numerous artillery. During the night he endeavoured to infuse spirit into his men.