34. Came to the throne, and with the consent of ‘Abdu-r-Razzáq proceeded to Ghaznín. ‘Alí ibn Mas‘úd fled without engaging in battle, and Tughral Ḥájib who was one of the household slaves of Sulán Maḥmúd having conquered Seistán turned his steps towards Ghaznín. Amír ‘Abdu-r-Rashíd fortified himself there till Tughral obtaining an opportunity in the year 445 H. (1053 A. D.) put the Amír Abdur Rashíd with all the descendants of Sulán Maḥmúd* to death and married the daughter of Mas‘úd against her will. One day when he was on the throne a body of determined wrestlers inspired with hatred against him tore him to pieces. ‘Abdu-r-Rashíd's reign lasted for four years, but in the Níamu-t-Tawáríkh his reign is said to have lasted for seven years,* and in the Lubbu-t-Tawáríkh his death is said to have occurred in the year 445 H. God knows the truth.