Qa'ani, 20
Qabus b. Washmgir, 91, 94,
97, 101, 102, 103, 104, 107,
115, 135, 156, 276, 278, 279,
280, 281, 480, 489
Qabus-nama, 88, 276-287
Qaddah, 'Abdu'llah b. May-
mun —, 215
-Qadi'l-akram, Jamalu'd-Din
Abu'l-Hasan 'Ali -Shaybani
-Qifti, 431, 476
-Qadir bi'llah ('Abbasid
Caliph), 90, 104, 220, 278,
Qadmus (Assassin stronghold
in Syria), 316
Qaf, Mountain of —, 33
-Qa'im ('Abbasid Caliph), 167,
172, 181, 281
Qa'in, 204, 316
Qalandars, 265
Qal'atu Khallad Khan
(Assassin stronghold), 204
Qal'atu'n-Nadhir, 204, 316
Qal'atu't-Tanbur, 204, 316
Qanun (of Avicenna), 106
Qanun-i-a'dham (work as-
cribed to Nasir-i-Khusraw),
-Qanunu'l-Mas'udi (by
Biruni), 102
Qara'inu Shamsi'l-Ma'ali (by
-Yazdadi), 103
Qaraja, Prince of Sind, 448
Qara-Khita, 373
Qaraman, 515
Qaraqorum, 441, 442, 444, 448,
450, 452, 459, 460
Qaren or Qarin, 103, 228
Qarinwands, 103
Qarun (= Korah), 33
Qasidas, 17, 18, 22, 23, 25, 27,
28, 29, 33, 41, 42, 44, 47, 63,
73, 76, 84, 94, 99, 103, 104,
110, 113, 116, 121, 127, 153,
154, 188, 318, 320, 333, 341,
358, 365, 369, 390, 391, 397,
399, 401, 412, 414, 421, 470,
532, 533
Qasida-i-musanna' (ornate
qasida of Qiwami of Ganja),
Abu'l-Qasim 'Abdu'l-Karim
b. Hawazin -Qushayri. See
Abu'l-Qasim 'Ali b. -Hasan
b.Abi Tayyib-Bakharzi, 355.
See also -Bakharzi
Abu'l-Qasim Hasan, 155. See
Abu'l-Qasim Hasan b. 'Ali of
Tus. See Firdawsi
Abu'l-Qasim b. -Husayn, 361
Abu'l-Qasim -Jurjani, 138
Abu'l-Qasim Mahmud b.
'Umar. See Zamakhshari
Qatif, 224
Qatran (Persian poet), 222,
271, 399
Qattan, Hakim Hasan —, 331
Qawurt, 167, 172, 180, 181
Qayruwan, 223
Qays al-'Amiri, 406. See
Qaysar (Cæsar), 30, 399
Qazwin, 35, 107, 203, 271, 438,
455, 458, 483, 507
-Qazwini, 218, 222, 251, 252,
370, 402, 482-483
Qift (Upper Egypt), 475, 476
-Qifti (author of the Tari-
), 250, 251,
252, 475-479
-Qifti, Jamalu'd-Din Abu'l-Hasan
'Ali—, called-Qadi'l-
Akram, 431
Qilij (favourite of Jalalu'd-
Din Khwarazmshah), 449
Qinnawj, 95
Qipchaq (Plain of —), 227,
Qirim-Giray Katti Giray, 447
Qit'a (“fragment” of poetry),
22, 23, 25, 365
Qiwami of Ray (Persian
poet), 344
Qiwami-i-Mutarrizi of Ganja
(Persian poet), 47, 401
Qizil Arslan b. Ildigiz (Atabek
of Adharbayjan), 402, 413,
414, 416
Qizil Arslan 'Uthman, 73, 78
Qonya, 414, 515-517
Quatrain, 246-267. See Ruba-

Quatremère, 252, 435
Qubacha, Nasiru'd-Din —,
470, 478
Qubadh (Sasanian), 91, 103
Qubadiyan, 124, 221, 225
Qubilay Khan, 440, 442, 444,
447, 452
Quda'a, Tribe of —, 476
Ibn Qudama, 88
Querry, 276
Quhistan, 201, 204, 220, 456,
458, 459
Qum, 114, 186, 200, 201, 217,
445, 446, 480
Qumaj (Sanjar's Governor of
Balkh), 384
Qumis, 222
Qumri of Gurgan (Persian
poet), 94
Qur'an, 4, 5, 20, 22, 79, 88, 106,
115, 150, 220, 232, 244, 251,
254, 255, 260, 275, 290, 293,
321, 354, 358, 362, 484, 487,
488, 490, 507, 519, 522
Qur'an (Old Persian com-
mentary on
—), 115
Quriltay, 437, 444, 450, 451,
Qurratu'l-'Ayn (Babi heroine
and poetess), 41
-Qushayri, 174, 288, 299
Qushtimur, 449
Qutalmish, 167, 170
Qutalmish b. Musa, 172
Qutbu'd-Din (or 'Ala'u'd-Din)
Khwarazmshah, 346. See
Muhammad Khwarazm-

Qutbu'd-Din Muhammad of
Ghur, 306


Rabab-nama, 516
Rabi'a bint Kalb or Ka'b of
Qusdar (Persian poetess),
116, 157
Rabi' b. -Mutahhar -Qasri,
Rabi'iyya (poems on Spring),
Raddu'l-'ajuz 'ala's-sadr
(figure of rhetoric), 60-61
Radhan, 138
-Radi, -Sharif — (Shi'ite poet),
87, 113
Radiyyu'd-Din, 415
Radiyyu'd-Din 'Ali Lala (dis-
ciple of Najmu'd-Din
Kubra), 492, 493
Rafidi (= Shi'ite, q.v.), 134,
138, 187, 216, 231
Rafi'i (Persian poet), 116
Rafiq (“Companion” of the
Order of the Assassins), 206
Rahatu's-Sudur (unique His-
tory of Seljuqs, by -Ra-
wandi), 117, 154, 166, 168,
170, 171, 173, 176, 177, 179,
183, 184, 185, 190, 216, 260,
297, 303, 312, 313, 315, 327,
-Rahba, 182, 203
Raja of India, 409
Rakhsh (name of Rustam's
horse), 49, 285
Raleigh, Sir Walter —, 75
Ramadan (month of —), 150,
176, 186, 202, 207
Ramal (metre), 21, 26, 29, 520
Ramin (hero of the romance
of Wisa and Ramin), 275
Raqqa, 182
Raqta (figure of rhetoric), 67
Rashfu'n-Nasa'ih (by Shaykh
Shih'abu'd-Din -Suhra-
wardi), 496
-Rashid ('Abbasid Caliph),304,
Rashid (son of Khaqani), 398
Abu Rashid (of Shirwan,
Persian poet), 399
Rashidi of Samarqand (Per-
sian poet), 271
Rashidu'd - Din Fadlu'llah
(author of the Jami'u't-
), 192, 252, 434,
443, 454, 456, 457, 459
Rashidu'd-Din Sinan (Grand
Master of the Syrian
Assassins), 210
Rashidu'd-Din Watwat (Per-
sian poet), 20, 41, 53, 80,
124, 271, 299, 308, 309, 310,
330-333, 334, 346, 389, 396,
Raverty, Major —, 470
Rawandi, Najmu'd-Din —
(author of Rahatu's-Sudur),
117, 297, 303, 327
Rawdatu's-Safa (by Mirkh-
wand), 17, 192, 349
Abu Rawh Lutfu'llah, 263
Rawi (rhapsodist), 133, 373
Rawshana'i-nama (by Nasir-
i-Khusraw), 218, 221, 225,
Ray, 70, 97, 102, 107, 116, 117,
157, 158, 159, 160, 170, 172,
173, 181, 192, 200, 202, 217,
227, 253, 278, 300, 312, 313,
344, 395, 396, 414, 418, 428,
445, 446, 449, 480, 484, 508
Abu Rayhan. See Biruni
Rayhana, Lady —, 102
Razan, 138, 139
Razan Gate, 138
Razzaq Gate, 138
Recueil des historiens arabes
des croisades
, 468
Red Sea, 183, 199
Redhouse, Sir James —, 517,
518, 519, 521, 522, 523
Les Religions et les philosophies
dans l'Asie Centrale
(by the
Comte de Gobineau), 499
Remusat, Abel —, 441
Renaissance, 442
Renaissance, Persian —, 1, 4,
13, 92, 93, 374
“Resurrection,” “Feast of the
—” ('Id-i-Qiyamat), 454
Resurrection of the body
derided, 243
“Return” (Rij'at), 195
Reynolds, Rev. James —, 471
Rhetoric of Musulmans, 19
et seqq.
Rhyme? and Reason? (by
Lewis Carroll), 45
Ribat-i-'Ishq, 139
-Rida, 'Ali b. Musa —, Imam
—, 225, 508
Rida-quli Khan, 117, 237, 261,
276, 326, 328, 356, 479, 486,
508, 519
Rida'u'd-Din (Persian poet),
Riddle. See Lughaz, Mu'am-

Ridwan, 524
Rieu, 102, 191, 211, 224, 225,
255, 276, 317, 346, 347, 348,
349, 470, 471, 488
Risala-i-Hawra'iyya, 262-263
Risala-i-Si Fasl (by Nasiru'd-
Din -Tusi), 485
Risalatu'l-Ghufran (by -Ma-
'arri), 292
Riyadu'l-'Arifin (by Rida-
quli Khan), 117, 261, 508
“Romans,” 274, 469. See
Rome, 483
Rosen, Baron Victor —, 109,
Ross, Dr. E. Denison —, 146,
249, 250, 251, 255, 257
Rostov, 450
Ruba'iyyat (Quatrains), 18,
22, 25, 34, 35, 37-39, 109,
246-267, 269, 270, 318, 344,
390, 412, 414, 532
Rubruquis, 441, 452
Rückert, 19, 22, 41, 65, 73, 76,
83, 131
Rudagi (Persian poet). 2, 13,
15, 16, 17, 18, 88, 124, 125,
228, 274, 327, 337, 350, 373,
Rudbar Gate, 134
Ruhi-i-Walwalaji (Persian
poet), 271, 344
Ruknabad (near Shiraz), 27
Ruknu'd-Din, Imam —, 438
Ruknu'd-Din Khurshah, 207,
210, 457, 458, 459, 460
Ruknu'd-Din Sa'id b. Mas'ud,
Rum, 162, 166, 168, 177, 523.
See also Asia Minor
Rushayd b. Shalib -Dahdah
(editor of Diwan of Ibnu'l-
Farid), 504
Ibn Rushd (Averroes), 295
Russia, 168, 447, 450, 451, 452
Russian, 248, 249, 250, 251,
259, 368
Russians, 177
Rustam, 49, 144, 285
Rustam and Suhrab, Episode
of —, 144
Rustam b. Ardashir, 480
Rustam b. Shahriyar, 480
-Ruyani, Qadi Abu'l-'Abbas
Abdu'l-Wahid —, 278, 280,
311, 354, 357-359
Ruyatu'llah (“the Vision of
God”), 134
Ruysbroek, Guillaume de —,
441. See Rubruquis
Ruzbihan, Shaykh —, 489,
Rylands, John — Library
Rylands, Mrs. —, 478