To MAHOMMED GHYÂS and NOOR MAHOMMED KHÂN; same Date. (12th October.)

YOUR letter has been received. What you write, respecting your having made up and delivered to your followers new flags, banners, &c., is understood, and meets our approbation. You must take care, that the [regular] infantry, attached to your escort, perform their exercise regularly. You must not, however, expend any powder on these occa­sions.

Noor Mahommed Khân being indisposed, it would be highly improper that you should, at such a time, be separated. Under these circum­stances, you must take up your residence in the same place with him, and exert yourself for his recovery. In fine, you must, conjointly, dis­charge all the duties of attachment and fidelity that you owe to us.