No. II.
E.Long. N.Lat.
° ' ° '
Abhur 46 10 36 42
Aboogur 74 11 30 9
Acburpoor { 78 42 28 25
79 51 26 23
82 26 26 27
Adilabad 76 8 21 6
Adony or Adwany 77 30 16 0
Aden 52 20 15 12
Agra 78 2 27 11
Aheerwara 76 29 21 25
Ahmadabad 72 0 23 0
Ahmudnuggur { 74 50 19 8
73 0 23 35
Ahsunabad 76 54 17 23
Ahwas 76 34 22 31
Ajdur 67 29 35 2
Ajoodhun 72 25 30 40
Ajmere 74 52 26 28
Ajum The country of Persia
Ajunta, Pass 75 50 20 37
Allapoor 75 19 18 31
Alund 76 32 17 34
Alwur 76 41 27 35
Alwurpoor Kashmeer
Ambala 76 44 30 23
Ambur 75 53 19 40
Amerkote 70 3 25 36
Amol 77 57 25 30
Amroha 78 25 28 56
Anagoondy 76 34 15 23
Andkhoo 65 12 36 40
Anterbede A province ly­ing between the Jumna and Ganges, called the Dooab
Antoor 75 20 20 32
Anundpoor 77 45 12 11
Anuntgeer 79 18 14 12
Ardinga 80 4 15 40
Ardustan 51 5 36 0
Arele 79 40 28 7
Armenia The Province
Asawul 72 0 23 0
Ashta { 76 15 19 24
76 49 18 32
76 51 23 0
Ashty 75 41 18 25
Ashnuggur, Kashmere 75 29 17 50
Asny 87 19 24 21
Asseer 76 24 21 30
Astrabad 54 50 35 50
Atehur 78 35 26 40
Atraoly 78 21 28 3
Attock 72 22 33 55
Azoorbaijan A Province of Persia
Badowly 82 53 27 10
Badrul 76 34 28 20
Badulgur 81 57 24 54
Badwerd 52 15 39 50
Bagdad 42 20 33 30
Bagrakote 75 48 16 14
Bahmunhully 77 51 17 7
Bahmunypoora 70 36 17 36
Balapoor { 77 31 13 20
76 50 20 43
Bamyan 67 50 34 30
Bandagur 74 50 23 2
Banswala 74 34 23 32
Bawy 75 38 18 32
Baramoola 74 20 34 40
Barely 79 25 28 23
Baroche 73 8 21 47
Baroda 76 49 25 31
Basouda 78 17 23 17
Bawur 74 6 22 3
Beea The River
Beejagur 75 30 21 37
Beejanuggur 76 33 15 19
Beejapoor 75 48 16 50
Beejwara 80 40 16 35
Beema The River
Beer { 75 49 19 2
75 0 26 24
73 20 34 19
Beerbhoom 86 21 23 4
Beesulnuggur 72 20 23 45
Behar 85 32 25 11
Behut The River
Bejour 78 46 25 29
Belgam 79 50 19 23
Belumconda 80 5 16 31
Benares 82 40 25 20
Bengal The Province
Bensrode 75 35 25 5
Berah { 73 10 32 7
73 15 33 20
Berar The Province
Bete 68 20 22 27
Betwa The River
Bhagnuggur 78 32 17 22
Bhandere 79 57 25 48
Bhattia 76 30 24 18
Bheelwara 77 39 22 32
Bheema The River.
Bheerbul Kashmeer.
Bhikanere 72 20 27 56
Bhilsa 77 54 23 37
Bhimbur 74 18 33 4
Bhimra 73 7 19 19
Bhind 78 41 26 32
Bhorup 73 35 18 25
Bhowungeer 70 10 21 30
Bhugwanpoor 83 0 24 57
Bhukkur { 71 12 31 38
69 35 27 13
Bhuraich 81 30 27 33
Bhurtpoor 77 32 27 15
Bhurtwara 75 0 22 4
Bidur 77 34 17 55
Bilála 70 40 20 56
Bingar 74 50 19 8
Birha 84 28 22 31
Birhala 80 18 23 56
Birun 87 13 24 45
Bisowly { 74 48 21 51
78 56 28 19
Bituhnda { 72 50 27 20
74 50 30 8
Bokhara 62 48 39 30
Bongeer 79 50 17 31
Boodwul 74 28 21 38
Boondy 75 40 25 26
Boorhanpoor 73 40 23 0
Boost 65 0 32 0
Brahmunabad 68 18 24 43
Budukhshan 70 0 36 25
Budry, (Ford) 77 30 24 33
Buglana The Province
Bukhshypoor 80 54 25 21
Bulamia 70 35 33 17
Bulkh 66 20 36 31
Bulnat Mountains in the Punjab, so called.
Buleel Kashmeer.
Bulochistan The Province.
Bulsar 73 2 20 40
Bunas The River
Bundelcund The Province
Bundwa 84 21 23 49
Bung Prov. Bengal
Bunkapoor 75 19 14 44
Burungaum 76 22 23 48
Bussora 47 50 30 18
Bustar { 87 5 21 45
82 26 19 33
Butnere 73 55 29 34
Butwa 87 23 22 52
Byana 77 15 26 57
Cacherlacota 79 25 15 50
Cairo 23 30 30 5
Calicut 75 52 11 15
Calistry 79 48 13 45
Cambay 72 51 22 5
Cananore 75 26 11 54
Canara The Province
Carnatic The Province
Caroor 78 9 10 50
Ceylon The Island
Chakun 74 1 18 44
Champanere { 77 57 23 8
75 1 25 57
73 39 22 30
Changdevy 73 59 17 0
Chawund 74 6 19 11
Chicacole 84 0 18 13
Chickly { 77 29 19 29
76 13 20 22
76 10 18 14
Chilka, Ahungeran A Pass in Transoxania
Chilkoor 86 58 24 58
Chinoor 79 48 18 50
Chunab, The River
Chitcole { 84 0 18 13
74 47 24 55
Chittoor 79 11 13 14
Choly 80 0 23 7
Choul 73 0 18 33
Chukdura A Pass in Kashmeer.
Chumbul, A River.
Chunar 82 49 25 6
Chundery 78 16 24 38
Chundergiry { 75 5 12 28
79 24 13 36
Chundergooty 75 3 14 27
Chupurgutta 87 3 26 7
Churwul 75 53 11 54
Cochin 76 17 9 59
Compila 76 30 15 24
Concan The Low Country lying between Su­rat and Goa
Condapilly 80 36 16 40
Condbeer 80 20 16 21
Conjeveram 79 57 12 51
Cosimcota 80 12 17 40
Cranganore 76 16 10 13
Cuddapa 78 55 14 30
Culloor 76 53 13 12
Cumamett 80 11 17 15
Cummum 79 11 15 34
Dabul 73 14 17 47
Daigloor 77 57 18 34
Damodry A pass
Dampoor (on the Behut) { 78 17 28 11
78 30 29 19
Damra 78 0 16 55
Damra Kashmeer
Danwur 79 32 19 50
Daraputun 77 36 10 45
Darasun 76 5 18 10
Dâria 71 30 31 34
Darwar 75 5 15 29
Deccan The Province
Deebul 68 8 24 45
Deebul Kashmeer
Deebur 74 41 21 51
Deenpuna 71 15 30 30
Dehly 77 16 28 40
Depalpoor 73 48 30 58
Depalpoor Kashmere
Devy 81 0 15 55
Dewgur or Devagiry { 75 29 19 53
76 11 24 11
Dewly 82 52 20 8
Dewnary 72 48 26 2
Dewpooral Kashmeer
Dewsur 76 8 28 45
Dewurconda 77 51 16 37
Dhamony 83 11 24 10
Dhâmungaum 76 7 20 22
Dhar 75 22 22 37
Dharanuggury 78 9 29 19
D'harore 76 9 18 52
Dholpoor 77 52 26 40
Dhoor 78 44 14 41
Dhowleswur 75 10 16 19
Dhunkote, Kashmeer 86 28 28 12
Dhunna Sodra Pass
Dhuntoor 73 38 34 27
Dhunuj Kashmere
Dhuny 84 39 24 30
Dilgoosha Garden
Diu 71 15 20 45
Doab A name given to any tract lying between two rivers
Dohud 74 20 22 55
Dole 75 22 25 55
Dongurpoor 73 50 25 48
Doorgy 75 50 25 40
Dowlka 84 56 23 8
Dowlutabad 75 29 19 53
Dulmow 81 10 27 35
Duman 72 54 20 26
Dunda 73 47 18 18
Dundana 76 31 29 6
Dundanakon, or Dundan Shikun (a pass) 67 50 35 0
Dundooka 72 10 22 24
Dura 79 27 28 51
Dura Ismael Khan 71 10 31 50
Dwarka 69 8 22 16
Dwar Sumoodra 76 55 14 30
Dydla 74 49 21 57
Eelak Summer resi-[dencies .
Erak, or Irak A term applied both to Persia and Mesopo­tamia .
Eerich 79 3 25 48
Elgundel 79 6 18 24
Elichpoor 77 34 21 14
Elloora 75 16 20 7
Ellore 81 9 16 41
Etawa 78 59 26 45
Etgeer 77 11 16 48
Faukul District of Kashmere
Fars } A Province of Persia.
Ferozabad { 78 27 27 10
76 52 17 7
Furas A Province in
Furghana Transoxania
Furghunian 68 20 42 30
Futtehpoor { 72 15 29 40
73 11 30 51
86 45 24 35
Gáhgrone 76 15 24 38
Gaheer Kashmeer.
Galna 74 37 20 50
Ganjam 85 10 19 50
Gava Kashmeer.
Gavul 89 56 24 49
Gavulgur 77 24 21 22
Geelan A Province in Persia.
Ghazipoor { 80 44 25 51
83 33 25 35
Ghizny 68 55 33 10
Ghoor 78 28 27 4
Ghoorbund 68 31 34 41
Girnal or Girnar 77 6 14 53
Girnary 75 58 25 15
Goa 73 59 15 30
Godavery A River
Godra { 78 22 21 35
73 41 22 48
Gogo 72 28 21 42
Gogy 76 45 16 35
Gohery 79 7 24 31
Gokudkur Kashmeer
Gohore Kashmeer
Golconda 82 31 17 39
Gombroon 57 30 26 40
Gondel 71 42 21 51
Gondwâna The Province.
Goolâmât Kashmeer.
Goonta Cummum River.
Goorum 82 16 18 0
Gopalpilly 83 23 18 4
Gorukpoor { 83 18 26 44
79 22 22 40
Gowr 83 58 26 31
Gualiar 78 4 26 17
Gujraj 75 20 23 53
Gujweel, Kashmeer 77 24 12 32
Gukkur Kashmeer
Gundicota 78 22 14 49
Gungrar 75 42 23 56
Gunpoor 78 9 16 34
Gunwar, or Kishtwar A Province of Thibet
Gurhy { 78 12 23 29
77 18 29 38
71 5 20 10
Gurmseer A Province
Gurra { 91 20 22 52
77 25 23 50
79 57 23 3
Gurra Kota 79 17 23 43
Guzerat The Province
Gya 77 58 33 31
Hajypoor { 70 42 28 41
75 0 25 7
85 17 25 41
Hamadan 48 0 24 20
Hamoon, Kashmeer
Hansy 75 57 29 6
Hatmutty A River.
Heerpoor Kashmeer.
Hindoo Cooh Mountains of Pishawur.
Hindown 77 0 26 44
Hírat 62 18 34 48
Holkar 76 33 13 25
Hookery 75 2 15 4
Hoolias Pass
Hooshungâbâd 75 50 22 45
Houz-i-Burma (Lake) 87 43 24 50
Houz-i-Kumt'hana Lake
Houz-i-Kootloo Lake
Houz-i-Rany Lake
Hulkant 78 30 26 44
Hundia 82 10 25 20
Hunwutgur 74 54 19 52
Hurdwar 78 9 29 58
Hurunpal, Nursak Kashmeer
Hussunabdal 75 46 20 9
Hustnapoor 78 52 14 11
Hydrabad { 68 40 25 21
80 18 28 3
Ibrahimputtun 78 41 17 11
Idur 73 1 25 50
Ilahy, Mahal A palace
Inaconda 79 48 16 3
Indapoor 75 6 18 7
Indgy 78 12 16 5
Indraconda { 75 50 22 42
78 8 18 40
Indrakote Kashmeer
Indijan 68 40 41 40
Isfahân 52 30 31 10
Islâmâbâd { 91 54 22 21
76 20 34 29
Islâmnuggur { 85 56 24 57
77 30 23 24
78 11 28 18
Islâmpoor { 90 28 23 59
75 40 28 6
85 13 25 8
74 28 17 0
71 30 28 27
Jadra, Kashmeer
Jajnuggur 85 1 20 30
Jalesur 78 20 27 30
Jaliat 75 54 11 5
Jâlna 75 58 19 54
Jalundur 24 0
Do. Kashmeer
Jâm (Pass) 77 6 20 27
Jay Faknoor
Jeebul Kashmeer
Jeeoor 75 30 22 45
Jehrund 73 27 22 29
Jeipoor, (or Jypoor) 75 50 26 55
Jeipoor Kotly, (or Jypoor) 76 23 20 42
Jesselmere 71 13 26 52
Jhayin 75 18 28 5
Jhalode 74 13 23 7
Jharkund A Province.
Jheelum River.
Jood Mountains
Joodhun, or Ajoodhun 72 35 30 40
Joodry 79 31 26 56
Joonagur 70 40 21 30
Joonere 74 7 19 14
Joonpoor 82 40 25 44
Joorjan { Provinces S. E. of the Caspian Sea
Joorjoora 75 22 28 4
Jowlapoor Kashmeer
Judda 39 30 20 45
Juggut, or Jyrgat 69 8 22 15
Juhjur 80 28 16 45
Jujur River
Julalabad { 79 33 27 46
70 45 34 9
77 24 29 33
83 23 25 51
Julaly 78 18 27 53
Julmoor 84 10 18 25
Julwan Prov. in Persia
Jumkindy 75 21 16 30
Jummoo 74 55 32 53
Jumna River
Jumulmooroo 78 28 14 52
Kabul 69 12 34 7
Kadurabad 74 50 19 8
Kakny 76 16 11 53
Kakreea 76 8 23 35
Kala Chubootra An encamping ground so called
Kaliada 76 16 23 16
Kalinjur 80 27 25 4
Kalinjurkote A town west of Attock
Kalpy 79 44 26 8
Kamraj Kashmeer
Kandahar 77 16 18 53
Kandeish The Province
Kandy 80 47 7 10
Kaplan A town in Transoxania.
Karapatam 73 26 16 26
Kasan 68 28 42 11
Kashan 51 30 35 0
Kashgar, a Province of Tartary 74 0 37 50
Kashmeer The Province.
Katáén 84 10 26 29
Katgur 88 52 24 45
Kattack 85 52 20 26
Kava Dist. of Kash-meer .
Kaziroon 52 0 32 0
Keechiwara District in Malwa.
Kech Prov. of Sind.
Keid Desert.
Kehlna, (Vishalgur) 73 50 17 30
Kehrla 72 32 28 48
Kelookery, (Suburb of Dehli) 76 16 28 40
Kerowly { 79 0 27 22
77 53 27 8
Khalidgur Kashmeer.
Khanbaligh City in Tartary
Khânpoor { 73 17 30 0
73 8 33 32
Khaspoor 74 4 32 38
Khoojund 66 52 41 8
Khooshab 72 38 32 2
Khoozar 66 46 27 54
Khorasan A Province of Persia.
Khowaspoor 74 4 32 38
Khozarbund Kabul.
Khulijpoor 76 50 24 6
Khullij 70 30 34 40
Khutta, (also a Province of Tartary) 82 40 25 57
Khutuk 85 52 20 26
Khwaja, Deedar District in Kabul.
Khwaruzm The Province of Chorasmmia.
Kirman 70 21 33 29
Kish 65 12 39 23
Kishlakat-i-Huzara A Province of Kabul.
Kishtwâr Prov of Thibet.
Kittoor 74 50 15 38
Koheer 82 39 23 45
Kohka, Plain of Kashmeer.
Kolapoor { 77 34 20 53
74 20 16 45
Kolarus 77 41 25 16
Kole 78 0 27 52
Kole, (Julaly) 73 25 33 12
Kolhar 75 48 16 25
Kondana or Singur 73 54 18 22
Kooary 71 37 24 3
Kooch A Province in Bengal.
Koofa 44 0 32 10
Kooh-toor Mount Sinai.
Koolburga 76 54 17 23
Koombulmere 73 31 25 9
Koonchy 75 50 16 15
Koondly 71 34 21 21
Koondooz 82 9 16 46
Koorkan 74 53 31 10
Koorshy { 80 59 27 0
80 41 27 10
Koowurket A field of Battle near Tahneswur.
Korla 73 54 16 36
Kota { 78 54 26 18
72 51 34 13
Kotgeer 77 28 31 20
Kotgirour Kashmeer.
Kothamoon Kashmeer.
Kotla 78 28 27 17
Kowilconda 77 51 16 56
Kowlâs 76 54 22 32
Krishna The River.
Kuchwaha 80 25 26 6
Kuggur, River 75 55 26 35
Kuhndwa 76 25 21 52
Kujdewan 73 50 26 50
Kulnugry Kashmeer.
Kullanore 75 20 31 51
Kulanumut Kashmeer.
Kulliany 83 34 24 24
Kullum { 76 15 18 38
74 7 19 5
Kumaoon Nepaul
Kumtana, (or Cumtànà) 77 29 17 52
Kundoo-Deva Pully
Kunikdizin Transoxania.
Kunoory 72 19 23 36
Kunowj, or Canowj 79 49 27 4
Kurbela 44 0 32 20
Kurgone 71 30 22 3
Kurmar Kashmeer.
Kurmulla 75 17 18 27
Kurnool 78 7 15 50
Kurnal 76 58 29 30
Kuronde 73 28 21 18
Kurpa 78 55 14 30
Kurra 75 11 18 51
Kurrakole Tartary.
Kurry { 75 54 22 19
73 34 19 32
72 28 23 18
Kutch The territory so called.
Kutcha Ghât Ford.
Kutehr 78 59 24 49
Kutra 78 59 24 49
Kuzveen, (or Casven) 53 0 36 0
Kythul 76 20 29 48
Lahore 74 12 31 35
Lâr Prov.of Persia.
Lâr Kashmeer.
Larky Pass.
Lassa 91 8 29 31
Lodhana 75 27 24 0
Lohgur { 73 35 18 40
69 20 33 49
Lohkote Kashmeer.
Looloopoor, Kashmeer 81 35 25 18
Looshoo Dist. of Thibet.
Lowluk Kashmeer.
Luchmynuggur 76 53 27 24
Luknow 80 50 26 53
Luknowty 88 11 24 55
Lulling 75 50 20 40
Lumghân Province near Peshawur.
Lungur 87 30 21 53
Madras 80 22 13 4
Madoky Kashmeer.
Madurgy 76 56 16 20
Machiwara 76 14 30 54
Mâhânudda River.
Mahoba 79 51 25 20
Mâhim (Bombay Island) 72 49 19 40
Maholy 80 24 27 40
Mahmoodabad { 83 43 25 37
83 27 26 2
Mahomedabad 79 21 27 18
Mahomednuggur 82 31 17 29
Mahomedpoor { 70 40 29 3
76 27 30 8
Mâhoor 77 58 19 49
Mahrasa (or Mowrasa) 77 6 34 45
Malabar Province on the Western Coast of India.
Malacca, an Island 102 0 2 30
Mallygur 78 11 22 71
Malwa The Province.
Malycota 81 59 28 23
Man, River 91 14 18 11
Mandese A district of Beejapoor.
Mando 75 29 22 22
Mangalore 74 53 12 52
Mankote, Kashmeer 48 20 24 25
Manoory 78 55 11 50
Manserovûr Lake.
Manukpoonj 79 30 24 23
Manukpoor 73 28 26 50
Maran-Hills Kashmeer.
Marwar Province of up­per India.
Masulipatam 81 11 16 9
Mavur-ool-nehr Transoxania.
Mâzinderân A Province of Persia.
Mecca 50 30 20 40
Medina 48 5 22 10
Mednypoor, Kashmeer { 83 23 25 33
87 20 22 26
Mehkur 78 23 27 35
Mehndry River
Mehrowly 82 40 24 9
Mehyswur 75 41 22 11
Mein Kashmeer.
Merkol 82 56 19 45
Merut 77 42 28 59
Mewar Province of Upper India.
Mewât Province do.
Mikran Prov. of South­ern Persia.
Mirch 74 43 16 55
Moghat A Bridge in Transoxania.
Mogulistan Province of Tartary.
Mohâbilla 70 50 21 25
Mohatila 69 18 23 10
Mhowkehr 74 24 20 0
Moodkul 76 32 16 1
Mokudkar Kashmeer.
Mooltân 75 18 23 6
Moorghab 67 15 31 29
Moostufâbad 70 20 21 0
Moosulmooroo 78 38 15 58
Moosy 73 43 18 26
Mootapilly 78 6 11 3
Muchbul, River Kashmeer.
Muchlyputtun, (or Masuli-patam) 88 11 16 9
Mudun, (hill at Runtun-bhore) { 86 51 24 24
86 10 25 58
Mudwara { 78 23 16 38
80 57 16 17
Mukna { 83 18 18 26
73 48 22 14
Mulungoor 79 24 18 19
Mulwut 84 9 25 7
Mundra 70 0 22 48
Mundla 80 29 22 40
Mundlere 77 13 26 20
Mundsoor 75 7 24 3
Mundul 72 4 23 14
Mundulgur 75 9 25 20
Mundry (hills) 78 30 28 41
Munsoorpoor 76 20 30 25
Murhera 78 38 27 4
Murhutt Province of Mahrashtra.
Muriala 70 43 22 4
Murv 61 15 37 30
Mushed 56 0 38 0
Mylapoor 86 16 25 0
Myne 85 30 25 38
Mysoor 76 44 12 18
Nadly Kashmeer.
Nâdool 76 39 26 2
Nâdote 73 40 21 51
Nagdurry 80 17 6 56
Nagoonda 80 33 24 36
Nâgoor 76 5 16 2
Nâgry 79 40 13 20
Nakam Kashmeer.
Nakavy Kashmeer.
Nâlchâ 75 30 22 26
Namumpilly, (Lake) 84 45 19 47
Nandere 75 10 21 42
Narain 75 20 26 45
Narainkehra 76 21 15 12
Narainpatam 83 10 18 31
Nardeim 84 36 24 7
Nargy 78 27 27 18
Narnol 76 11 28 4
Natolia Province in Asia Minor.
Neelab 72 20 33 56
Neerdole { 76 37 19 23
81 50 16 53
Negapatam 79 53 10 36
Nehawund 49 0 35 0
Nehrwála 72 8 23 50
Nere 86 7 26 12
Nere Kashmeer.
Nikâla Kashmeer.
Nindoona 76 29 29 0
Nizampatam 80 44 15 56
Nowlaye 75 27 23 2
Nowlgoond 75 29 15 30
Nowrus 75 52 16 51
Nowrorozkote Kashmeer.
Nowsary 73 1 21 0
Nowshehra, Kashmeer { 74 51 31 19
72 2 34 6
69 10 25 51
Nowulgoond 75 32 15 43
Nubat Ghat A Palace at Hy-drabad .
Nuddy Mahal Palace.
Nuggur { 87 22 23 28
74 10 32 43
71 37 25 21
Nuggurkote Kashmeer.
Nuldoorg 76 20 17 52
Nunda { 82 28 18 15
77 16 19 33
Nundial 78 33 15 30
Nundoorbar 74 25 21 26
Nurbuda River
Nurnalla 77 2 21 15
Nurwur 78 3 23 24
Nuseerpoor 73 16 33 48
Nyshapoor 88 35 25 6
Ocha 69 20 22 25
Oodgeer 77 10 18 27
Okshy 78 5 33 41
Ongole 80 7 15 31
Oodown { 68 35 28 12
69 24 24 15
Oodown Kashmeer.
Oojein 75 52 23 11
Ookey Kashmeer.
Ooman Arabia.
Oomruzpoor 75 36 17 14
Oorconda 77 20 14 57
Oosh 69 15 41 30
Ootgy 77 50 16 59
Oozkund 69 40 41 53
Oran Kashmeer.
Orcha (where Abool Furzl was killed) 78 39 25 23
Orissa 69 6 30 22
Ormuz 57 30 26 40
Owsa 76 30 18 20
Pagtoor 78 3 15 55
Pail 73 22 19 2
Pâl 74 15 17 34
Palum 76 59 19 7
Palunchinoor 81 30 17 0
Pangul 78 13 16 15
Pâniput 76 45 29 25
Par 73 47 17 51
Patna { 87 27 21 42
85 9 25 35
83 40 26 18
Patry 72 0 23 8
Paunch, Kashmeer 75 2 34 10
Peitun 82 44 27 57
Penkonda 77 40 14 8
Pentapoondi 82 10 16 58
Pentapoor 82 40 17 15
Pernala 74 16 16 48
Pery Kehra 69 38 28 59
Peshâwur 71 41 34 5
Pettapoor 75 16 22 25
P'harpully 78 4 14 34
Pholo 75 14 30 20
Pitlâud 72 58 20 30
Poona 74 0 18 31
Poorundhur 74 10 18 0
Pudmawutty Woods in Ben­gal .
Pugly, Kashmeer 74 36 33 24
Pulicat 80 23 13 24
Punala 74 16 16 48
Punjab Province.
Punjur River Kashmeer.
Punna 80 9 24 44
Punnuj, Kashmeer 89 33 27 23
Purenda 76 52 18 45
Purmgolla Kashmeer.
Pursuroor 80 19 15 56
Putialy 76 18 30 10
Puttun { 76 5 27 51
72 9 23 49
Rabery, or Rewary 76 40 28 10
Rachore 77 24 16 12
Radunpoor 71 40 23 40
Rairee 73 43 15 46
Raiseen { 75 0 18 28
78 2 23 25
Rajmurda 74 18 18 24
Rajanuggur { 90 25 23 20
82 36 19 27
Rajapoor 39 89 23 15
Rajconda 78 50 17 11
Rajoory 74 40 17 58
Rajmundry 81 50 17 1
Rajpoondy 74 50 17 19
Rajpoor { 77 33 30 13
74 30 22 20
Rameswur 80 50 29 33
Ramgir 79 37 18 35
Rampinjun 79 29 24 11
Râmpoora 79 12 19 71
Ranoory 74 40 19 4
Ravy The River.
Ray-Afzây A Palace, so called.
Raybagh 74 51 16 34
Reeva 81 19 24 33
Rewary 76 40 28 10
Rewdunda 73 31 16 43
Roh 85 42 24 54
Rohtas 73 43 33 1
Rohtuk 76 36 28 54
Rohunkehra Pass to the N. W of Ahmudnuggur
Rohut 83 6 24 48
Room Asia Minor.
Rubat Ameer Transoxania.
Rungpoor { 89 22 26 43
71 41 30 30
Runtunbhore 76 23 26 1
Rutungur Kashmeer.
Rye, or Tehran Capital of Persia.
Saadabad 83 10 25 31
Saburmutty The River.
Sâgur { 77 13 24 21
75 8 14 10
Saharun 80 10 23 28
Sahsaram 83 59 24 59
Samarkand 64 50 39 41
Sarungur 82 54 21 29
Sarungpoor 76 35 23 38
Sasny 78 11 27 42
Satara 74 11 17 42
Sâvâ 52 0 31 50
Seekry 70 35 23 11
Seepry The River.
Seestan Prov. in South-Eastern Persia
Seetulpoor 87 17 25 7
Seevapoor Kashmeer.
Seewas { 78 27 23 42
76 14 24 20
Sehasnuk 78 11 27 42
Sehwan 68 50 26 15
Selandeep Island Ceylon.
Selim The River.
Sena The River.
Seray Lado Caravansera on the Indus.
Serhind (or Surhind) 76 22 30 38
Serinuggur, Capital of Kashmeer 79 50 34 40
Setpoor 71 8 29 7
Sevana 73 4 21 26
Sewalik Mountains.
Sewee 75 20 19 21
Sewgaum 76 41 25 47
Sewly { 76 4 20 24
85 51 23 23
Sewust'han Province West of the Indus
Shadiabad 83 23 25 41
Shadman Transoxania.
Shahabad 87 29 25 16
Shahabpoor Kashmeer.
Shahdroog 77 35 14 11
Shahnowaz Transoxania.
Shapoor 75 23 34 18
Sharokhia Transoxania.
Sheergur 70 37 21 18
Sheerwan Province in Persia.
Sheevur District N. W. of Moultan.
Shewala A name for Ceylon.
Shewpoor 76 54 25 45
Shiraz 55 0 32 0
Sholapoor 75 5 17 35
Shoojalpoor 76 50 23 26
Shooturgurdana (the Ca­mel's pass) Transoxania.
Shujawund Transoxania.
Shumsabad { 78 10 27 2
72 32 33 57
Sicacolum 80 55 16 15
Sidpoor 72 21 23 57
Sikundurpoor Kashmeer.
Sind Province.
Sind River Indus.
Singram 82 21 25 54
Sinoor 73 31 21 55
Sirala 74 15 17 0
Siry 82 32 5 13
Soane River
Somâpoor 89 27 26 20
Somnat 70 30 21 45
Songeer 74 58 21 8
Songhur 73 48 21 12
Sonkehra 77 10 24 52
Sonput 76 20 19 3
Sooltanpoor 77 7 31 59
Soonam 75 53 30 8
Soonargam 89 27 23 17
Soonere 76 27 23 32
Soopa (near the Godavery River) 74 38 15 16
Soorkhab Transoxania.
Soorsutty 90 49 24 33
Soorsutty The River.
Sorut Prov. Western Guzerat.
Sialkote 74 32 32 35
Sreenuggur 75 50 34 40
Subooly { 87 9 24 9
90 35 23 49
Subzeea Kashmeer.
Subzwar 67 15 39 20
Sukeet 78 38 27 4
Sulah Kashmeer.
Sumatra The Island.
Sumbhul 78 38 28 37
Sumthur 79 3 25 40
Sumurkote Kashmeer.
Sunja Kashmeer.
Sunkeswur 71 54 23 23
Suntravul 73 27 22 40
Surgooja 83 10 23 8
Surgdewary, or Hurdwar 78 9 29 58
Surhind or Serhind 76 22 30 38
Surjoo (or Suroo) River.
Surkech 72 40 23 0
Surmore Hills.
Surohy 72 49 24 52
Surtuk 76 19 29 54
Suruksh Transoxania.
Sutgam (Chitagong) 91 48 24 15
Sutlooj River.
Sutnoor 76 27 21 48
Sutwas 76 45 22 30
Swad 71 50 34 30
Sydpoor 87 13 24 52
Tabreez (Tauris) 47 30 38 0
Taee Messopotamia.
Tahneswur 76 50 29 58
Talikhan 68 50 36 40
Talikota 76 22 16 29
Tâlnere?? 75 7 21 21
Tanda 67 20 24 55
Tandla 74 39 22 3
Tanna { 77 18 26 26
73 4 19 12
Tanty River.
Târâpoor 88 3 23 50
Tarpully 79 46 19 38
Tatpak Transoxania.
Tedzen Transoxania.
Teergiram Transoxania.
Thibet Province.
Tikona 73 30 18 20
Timoor Island East of India.
Tiprah 83 29 26 43
Tirhoot Province.
Tirma Kashmeer (fa­mous for its shawls).
Tirowry 81 8 24 44
Toglukabad, suburb of Delhi 77 19 28 32
Tokharistan Transoxania.
Toohana 75 54 29 41
Toolumba 72 20 30 34
Toong 75 13 13 18
Toongbudra River.
Tooran E. Persia and Transoxania.
Toorkistan Prov. of Tartary, country of the Turks
Toorkul 77 40 18 11
Toormooz 37 17
Toos 57 0 39 0
Trebizond 40 0 30 30
Tuckul 78 8 16 1
Tukeeabad 69 2 33 40
Tul-Ghât below the passes.
Tulingana The Province.
Tulwara 72 18 25 21
Tumbola 74 14 31 50
Tullygaum { 74 59 20 28
73 48 18 43
Tutta 68 8 24 45
Udgerrydoorg 79 22 14 52
Ulmulla 73 3 23 12
Veeragootum 83 40 18 32
Velumpultun (perhaps Belumconda) } 80 5 16 31
Verool or Ellora 75 16 20 7
Vishâlgur 73 50 17 30
Waee 74 3 18 0
Wâgur 72 3 22 24
Wâlwâ 74 35 17 4
Wâr 74 47 20 50
Warapully 79 43 16 45
Wooreea 79 9 9 50
Woshagur 75 45 20 33
Wully 74 16 19 4
Wurungole 79 41 17 57
Wyrâgur 80 2 20 26
Yehar 79 2 24 43
Yekdulla 81 0 25 38
Yelgundel 78 10 17 58
Yesâvul 72 40 23 0
Yezd 57 0 36 0
Zeinabad 73 41 23 0
Zeingur Kashmeer.
Zeinpoor Kashmeer.
Zemeen Dawir District of Khorassan.