This Index and the Table of Contents at the beginning of the volume are complementary. References to the latter are in Roman numerals.

Ábán, genius, 287, 328
Abbreviations, list of, 3
Abúl Kásim of Gurgán, shaikh,
his dream concerning Fir-
dausí, 191
Afrásiyáb, ruler of Túrán, v, vi,
vii, viii, ix, 8, 12, 13, 15,
21, 23, 26, 27, 29, 40, 42,
47, 73, 76 seq., 94, 100,
106, 108, 118, 123, 134, 136,
143, 146, 152, 153, 164, 165,
176, 183, 185, 191, 193, 200
seq., 207 seq., 211, 213, 218,
223, 228, 241, 242, 249 seq.,
260 seq., 268, 271, 277
seq., 285, 295, 298, 300,
304 seq., 320, 333, 337,
339, 346 seq.
Kai Khusrau's oath to take
vengeance on, 21
hears of the approach of the
Íránian host, 71
bids Pírán gather troops, 71,
numbers the host, 79
loss of kindred in battle, 94
rewards Pírán, 106
reinforces Pírán, 118
referred to, 206
announces to his chiefs the
defeat of his host, 242
exhorted by his host to con-
tinue the war, 243, 249
Afrásiyáb, makes his prepara-
tions, 243, 250
sends Farghár to spy on
Rustam, 243, 250
consults with Shída, 250
describes Rustam, 251
receives Farghár's report, 253
consults with Pírán, 253
bids Pírán continue the war,
sends Shída tosummon Púlád-
wand, 255
consults Púládwand, 256
interferes in the fight be-
tween Rustam and Púlád-
wand, 263
withdraws to Chín and
Máchín, 265
goes in pursuit of Rustam
and is defeated, 280
hears of the case of Bízhan
and Manízha, 301
consults Kurákhán, 301
sends Garsíwaz to search
Manízha's palace, 301
sentences Bízhan to death,
respites Bízhan, 308
imprisons Bízhan, 309
disgraces Manízha, 309
escapes from Rustam, 348
bids Pírán prepare for war,
arrays the host against
Rustam, 350
flees from Rustam, 352
Áhriman, the Evil Principle, 17,
123, 214, 228, 251, 266, 275,
277, 287, 293, 294, 300, 303,
304, 314, 316, 318, 338
Akem Manau, 271, 272
Akúmán, 272
Akwán, dív, viii, 7, 270 seq., 280
seq., 284, 309
Story of, viii, 7, 271
Professor Nöldeke on
the, 271
Firdausí on, the, 273, 281
boulder of, 271, 276, 309, 343,
344, 347
removed from pit's mouth
by Rustam, 345
appears in the form of an
onager, 273 seq.
pursued by Rustam, 275
foils Rustam, 276
takes Rustam at a disadvan-
tage, 276
offers Rustam a choice of
deaths, 277
outwitted by Rustam, 277
slain by Rustam, 281
described by Rustam, 282
Alburz, mountain, 120
Alif, terminal, Firdausí's use of,
Almás, river, 251
Alwá, Rustam's spear-bearer, vii,
slain by Kámús, 188
Ambúh, place, 41
Ameshaspentas, the, 271
Androphagoi, the, 191
Apologue, 332
Apothegms, 53, 91, 96, 167, 188,
212, 260, 277, 301, 316, 341,
348, 350, 351
Arabs, the, 14
Aral Sea, 10
Ardibihisht, ameshaspenta, 286,
Aries, constellation, 26, 38, 187,
Arjásp, ruler of Túrán, 109
Armenia, country (Irmán), 12
Armenians (Irmánians), the, 286
Arsacid, dynastic title, 9
Artabanus III., Parthian king
9, 10
Artabanus, son of Artabanus III, 9
Aryans, 10
Arzhang, Túránian hero, vi, 76,
77, 119 seq.
challenges the Íránians, 119
Arzhang, dungeon of, 309
Ashkabús, Túránian hero, vii, 109,
179 seq., 183, 186, 207, 268
Rustam's fight with, 109, 179
worsts Ruhhám, 179
parleys with Rustam, 180
slain by Rustam, 181
Ashkánian, dynasty, 9, 11
Ashkash, Íránian hero, 33, 34,
89, 347, 350, 352
goes with Rustam to rescue
Bízhan, 334
conveys baggage toward
Írán, 346
Asmodeus, demon, 272
Ázar, genius, 287, 328
Ázar Ábádagán, Tabríz or the
Fire-temples there, 20
Ázargashasp, spirit of the light-
ning, 20, 23, 53, 72, 92, 97,
114, 194, 276, 327


BABR-I-BAYÁN, a surcoat of
leopard or tiger skin worn
by Rustam in battle, 184,
referred to, 278
Babylon, 286
Bactrian plains, 10
Baghdád, city, 35
Bahman (Vohu Manau), ames-
haspenta, 286, 327
Bahrám, genius, 287, 328
Bahrám (Vardanes), Íránian hero
and Parthian king, v, vi,
11, 13, 15, 19, 43, 46 seq.,
67, 72, 74, 94 seq., 114
116, 132, 200, 214, 232
Bahrám, the loss of his whip, 11,
his interview with Farúd, 47
Farúd presents his mace to, 50
reports his interview with
Farúd to Tús, 51
tries to save Farúd, 51, 52
reproaches the Íránians, 66
slays Kabúda, 74
rescues the crown of Rívníz,
becomes fey, 95
succours a wounded brother,
finds his whip, 97
loses his horse, 97
attacked by Turkmans, 98
Rúín, 99
wounds Rúín, 99
his interview with Pírán, 99
attacked by Tazháv, 101
found by Gív, 102
his death and burial, 104
Balkh, city, 153, 192
Balúchistán (Makrán), 34
Barbar, Barbaristán, country, 207,
Bármán, Túránian hero, 79, 210
Barta, Íránian hero, 25, 92
Barzín, Íránian hero, 25, 127, 273
Bázúr, Túránian warlock, 128
Bíd, a dív, 256
Bídád, city, 244 seq.
stormed by Rustam, 246
Bihistún, rock of, 9
Gotarzes' inscription on, 9, 11
Birthmark, of Siyáwush, 49
Farúd, 49
Kai Khusrau, 49 note
Bístún, mountain, 12, 184, 350
Bíward, Túránian hero, 152, 161
comes to aid Pírán, 152
Bízhan, Íránian hero, vi, viii, ix,
11 seq., 15, 20, 45, 59 seq.,
67, 69 seq., 76 seq., 81, 92,
93, 95, 101, 102, 115, 121,
129, 130, 133, 139, 141, 157
seq., 211, 234, 247, 248, 253,
259, 264, 271, 284 seq., 289,
291 seq., 330 seq., 337 seq.,
349, 350, 352 seq.
and Manízha, Story of, viii,
ix, 7, 11, 12, 285
historical basis of, 11
Mohl on, 285
Firdausí on, 287
his friendship with Gusta-
ham the son of Gazhda-
ham, 15
his relations with Gív, 15
undertakes to slay Paláshán,
to carry off the crown
and handmaid of Taz-
háv, 27
swears to avenge Zarásp, 59
borrows a steed from Gusta-
ham, 59
the mail of Siyáwush, 60,
worsts Farúd, 62
praises Farúd to Tús, 62
fights with Farúd, 64
Paláshán, 70
pursaes Tazháv, 77
takes Ispanwí captive, 78
his prowess with Káwa's stan-
dard, 93
shares his steed with Gusta-
ham, 95
goes in quest of Bahrám, 102
attacks Bídád, 244
goes to summon Rustam, 245
worsted by Púládwand, 258
volunteers to go to the help
of the Irmánians, 291
goes to Irmán with Gurgín,
destroys the wild boars, 293
envied by Gurgín, 294
his steed, 296, 302, 313
his interview with Manízha's
nurse, 297
visits Manízha, 298
drugged, 299
Bízhan, wakes in Afrásiyáb's
palace, 300
holds revel with Manízha, 300
discovered by Garsíwaz, 302
taken before Afrásiyáb, 303
sentenced to death, 304
his lament, 305
imprisoned, 309
searched for by Gurgín, 310
his parentage, 324
receives Rustam's ring, 340
Rustam's conditions of re-
lease for, 345
released, 346
pardons Gurgín, 346
joins in attack on Afrásiyáb's
palace, 347
presented to Kai Khusrau by
Rustam, 354
holds converse with Kai
Khusrau, 356
Boars, wild, devastate Irmán, 290
slain by Bízhan, 293
Borysthenes, river (Dnieper), 191
Boulder, of the dív Akwán, 271,
276, 309, 343 seq., 347
removed from pit's mouth by
Rustam, 345
Brahman, 29
Brand-mark of Káús, 291
Búsipás, nonce name assumed by
Húmán, 198
Buzgúsh, tribe,*



Calendar, Zoroastrian, 286
Cancer, constellation, 125, 151,
Cannibalism, 191, 244
Canopus, star, 297
of Yaman, 297
Caspian, sea, 10, 192
Chách, city of Túrán famous for
its bows (Táshkand), 123,
181, 227
Chaghán, place, 152, 177, 228
Charam, place, 40, 41, 52, 68,
85, 86, 111, 112
Charinda, river, 10 note
Chín, country (often = Túrán),
46, 49, 103, 104, 106, 125,
128, 129, 140, 152, 161, 164,
177, 186, 207, 218, 222 seq.,
235, 237, 238, 240 seq.,
251 seq., 255, 265, 277, 295,
298, 309, 345
Khán of, vii, viii, 108, 151
seq., 160, 164 seq., 172, 185,
187, 190, 191, 198 seq., 205,
207 seq., 217, 221, 226 seq.,
240 seq., 251
Story of Rustam and the,
vii, viii, 191
silk of, 104, 165
shield of, 125, 140, 256
mace of, 129
sea of, 151, 252
brocade of, 154, 160, 173,
216, 240, 241, 300, 329
steel of, 186
prince of = Khán, 226
king of = Khán, 227, 228
robes of, 329
Chingish, Túránian hero, vii, 194,
195, 207
volunteers to avenge Kámús,
challenges Rustam, 194
slain by Rustam, 195
Claudius, Emperor, 10
Climes, the seven, 290, 317, 318
Crocodile = Kámús, 192


DAHAE, nomad tribe, 10
Dai, genius, 287, 328
Dáman-i-Kuh (mountain-skirt), 15
Dív, demon (Daéva), 70, 74, 200,
232, 244, 255, 257 seq., 261,
268, 273 seq., 320, 330
Dív, the White, 143, 256, 314
= Áhriman, 189, 293, 333
binder of the, = Rustam, 253,
Akwán, viii, 7, 270 seq., 280
seq., 284, 309
Divining-cup, Kai Khusran's, ix,
285, 317, 318, 323
Dnieper, river (Borysthenes), 191
Dragon = Afrásiyáb, 22, 46, 211,
219, 222, 248, 319, 343
Paláshán, 26
Gív, 58
Rustam, 222
Púládwand, 264
Áhriman, 330


ELEPHANT = Rustam, 221, 253
= Rakhsh, 257
Erinde, river, 10, 11
Ethiop, 226


FARÁMARZ, son of Rustam, 18, 30,
31, 35, 36, 202, 323, 325,
326, 328
appointed to expel the Turk-
mans from Zábulistán, 31
his parentage, 323
Farangís, daughter of Afrásiyáb,
wife of Siyáwush, mother
of Kai Khusrau, vi, 96,
117, 203, 211
referred to, 146 seq., 202
her marriage to Faríburz,
Farghár, Túránian hero, 250
goes to spy on Rustam, 250
reports to Afrásiyáb, 253
Farhád (Phraates), Íránian hero,
11, 20, 25, 34, 45, 48, 127,
268, 289, 313, 327, 331, 352
his steed, 313,
goes with Rustam to rescue
Bízhan, 334
Faríburz, son of Kai Káús, vi,
vii, 13, 14, 24, 32, 45, 50,
84 seq., 145 seq., 163, 164,
166, 167, 169, 174, 177, 182,
187, 211, 213, 215, 238, 239,
241, 253, 258, 268, 289, 331
his claims to the throne sup-
ported by Tús, 13
Kai Khusrau's letter to, 84
reads to the chiefs Kai Khus-
rau's letter, and supersedes
Tús, 86
sends Ruhhám to Pírán, 87
obtains an armistice and pre-
pares to renew the cam-
paign, 89
fights and is defeated, 90
returns to Írán, 111
asks Rustam to support his
suit to Farangís, 146
marries Farangís, 148
leads the van of Rustam's
expedition to succour Tús,
meets Gúdarz, 163
joins forces with Tús, 169
goes to Kai Khusrau with
tidings of victory, 236 seq.
returns to the host, 241, 243
Farídún, Sháh, 21, 37, 245, 257
Farshídward, Túránian hero, 90,
166, 198, 205, 252
Fartús, Túránian hero, 152, 182,
213, 231, 251
comes to aid Pírán, 152
hears of the coming of
Rustam, 175
Farúd, son of Siyáwush and half-
brother of Kai Khusrau, v,
vi, 8, 13, 14, 42 seq., 72, 85,
87, 93, 107, 111 seq.
hostility of Tús to, 13
Story of, v, vi, 37
referred to, 39
advised by Tukhár, 47, 52
his interview with Bahrám,
47 seq.
Farúd, birth-mark of, 49
gives his mace to Bahrám, 50
his eighty slaves, 55
their mockery of Tús, 56
of Gív, 58
slays the steed of Tús, 56
wounds the steed of Gív, 58
slays the steed of Bízhan, 61,
worsted by Bízhan, 62
attacks the Íránians, 63
his prowess, 64
mortally wounded, 64
dies, 65
his mother and his slaves de-
story themselves, 66
his burial, 68
Kai Khusrau's grief for, 84
seq., 112
Farwardín, genius, 287, 328
name of day and month, 230,
286, 317, 323
Ferghána, region in Turkestán,
Firdausí, 11, 108, 109, 191, 269,
271, 272, 285, 286
and the three poets, legend
of, 15
his version of Rustam's fight
with Ashkabús, 109
legend about, 109
legend of Shaikh Abúl Kásim
of Gurgán's dream about,
on the Story of Kámús, 269
his Story of Bízhan and Ma-
nízha an early work, 285
his use of the terminal Alif,
285, 286
his account of how he came
to write the Story of Bízhan
and Manízha, 287
Fravashí, immortal principle, 286,


GAHÁN, place, vii, 152, 177, 224, 225
Gahár, Túránian hero, vii, 152,
216, 224, 225, 251
Gahár, comes to aid Pírán, 152
Gang, stronghold, 236, 253
Garcha, Túránian hero, 152
comes to aid Pírán, 152
Garshásp, Íránian hero, 260, 273
Garsíwaz, brother of Afrásiyáb,
viii, 197, 208, 301 seq., 306,
309, 310, 350, 352
goes to Manízha's palace, 301
finds Bízhan, 302
takes Bízhan before Afrá-
siyáb, 303
ordered to execute Bízhan,
imprison Bízhan, 309
disgrace Manízha, 309
Gazhdaham, Íránian hero, 15, 25,
33, 40, 45, 294
Geopothros (Gotarzes), 9
Ghundí, a dív, 256
Giravgard, Túránian stronghold
on the Oxus, 73, 80
occupied by the Íránians,
Gív, Íránian hero, v, vi, vii, viii,
ix, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 27,
33, 45, 48 seq., 57 seq., 67,
69 seq., 75, 76, 81, 82, 85, 86,
89 seq., 96, 101 seq., 108, 111,
114 seq., 121 seq., 127, 129,
130, 133, 139 seq., 143, 154,
155, 157, 159, 161, 169, 170,
182, 183, 187, 206, 211, 227,
231, 238, 244, 245, 247, 248,
253, 255, 259, 264, 268, 273,
289, 291, 292, 294, 296 seq.,
302, 305, 307 seq., 311 seq.,
330 seq., 337 seq., 350, 353
an historical character, 9
his relations with Bízhan, 15
undertakes to slay Tazháv, 28
burn the barricade at the
Kása rúd, 29
his horse wounded by Farúd,
lends Bízhan the mail of Siyá-
wush, 60, 69
Gív, sees Paláshán approaching, 69
burns the barricade at the
Kása rúd, 73
parleys with Tazháv, 75
rouses the Íránians, 81
rallies the host, 91
has many of his kindred
slain, 94
urges Bahrám not to return
to the battlefield, 96
goes in quest of Bahrám, 102
takes Tazháv captive, 102
buries Bahrám, 104
made adviser to Tús, 116
interrupts Tús' parley with
Húmán, 122
raids Khutan, 247
his steed, 257
worsted by Púládwand, 258
interferes in the fight be-
tween Rustam and Púlád-
wand, 263
opposes Bízhan's expedition
to Irmán, 291
questions Gurgín about
Bízhan, 311
wroth with Gurgín, 314
appeals to Kai Khusran, 315
comforted by Kai Khusrau,
315, 318
sent to summon Rustam, 319
met by Zál, 321
tells Bízhan's case to Rus-
tam, 322
his wife Rustam's daughter,
his sister Rustam's wife, 323
announces Rustam's ap-
proach to Kai Khusrau, 326
goes to welcome Rustam, 353
Gívgán, Íránian hero, 34
Gotarzes (Gúdarz), Parthian king
and Íránian hero, 9 seq., 109
memorial tablet of, 9
Geopothros, 9
coin of, 9
his war with Vardanes, 10, 11
Meherdates, 10 seq.
Gotarzes, his character in history,
Grace, or Glory, the divine, 19, 21,
25, 30, 32, 34, 35, 39, 67,
86, 114, 129, 144, 149, 182,
183, 207, 217, 247, 252,
274, 328, 330, 331, 340, 355
Gúdarz (Gotarzes), Íránian hero
and Parthian king, vii, 8,
11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 24, 28, 33,
38, 40, 41, 45 seq., 50, 51, 67,
81 seq., 85, 88 seq., 100, 111,
112, 115, 117, 118, 121, 123,
126, 127, 129 seq., 134, 136,
137, 139, 143, 145, 149
seq., 154 seq., 163, 164, 169,
171, 172, 177, 187, 205, 206,
211 seq., 220, 225, 227, 232,
236, 246, 248, 253 seq., 258,
264, 268, 273, 277, 289, 298,
302, 305, 308, 313, 320, 322,
327, 329 seq., 337 seq., 353,
354, 357
his numerous descendants, 33
advises Tús to avoid Kalát,
supersedes Tús, 83
loss of his descendants, 83
note, 94, 131
informs Kai Khusrau about
Farúd and the defeat of
the Íránians, 83
sends Bízhan for Káwa's
standard, 92
and the Íránian watchman,
156 seq.
meets Faríburz, 163
Rustam, 171
warns Rustam not to trust
Pírán, 212
sends Ruhhám to help Rus-
tam, 227
praises Rustam, 248
his steed, 313
goes to welcome Rustam,
Gúdarzians, the, 108, 115, 200,
Gulgún, steed of Gúdarz, 313
Guráza, Íránian hero, 20, 25, 34,
45, 48, 92, 129, 141, 253
goes with Rustam to rescue
Bízhan, 334
Gurgán, Shaikh Abúl Kásim of,
Gurgín, Íránian hero, viii, ix, 11
12, 19, 20, 25, 48, 108, 115,
126, 145, 182, 211, 253, 264,
268, 273, 285, 289, 292, 294
seq., 300, 305, 310 seq., 322,
323, 331 seq., 345, 346, 352
undertakes embassage to
Afrásiyáb, 29
goes with a letter from Kai
Khusrau to Rustam, 274
accompanies Bízhan to
Irmán, 292
refuses to help Bízhan
against the wild boars,
envies and beguiles Bízhan,
goes with Bízhan in quest of
Manízha, 296
searches for Bízhan, 310
finds Bízhan's steed, 311
questioned by Gív about
Bízhan, 312
his false account of Bízhan's
disappearance, 313
Gív's wrath with, 314
appears before Kai Khusrau,
imprisoned, 317
appeals to Rustam, 331
released, 333
goes with Rustam to rescue
Bízhan, 334
pardoned by Bízhan, 346
Gurwí, Túránian hero, 197, 199,
Gushtásp, Sháh, 109
in Rúm, Story of, referred to,
Gustaham, son of Gazhdaham,*

15, 19, 25, 33, 45, 48, 59,
60, 92, 93, 127, 129, 139,
141, 211, 244, 245, 247, 248,
253, 273, 289, 294, 322, 350
his friendship with Bízhan, 15
lends Bízhan a steed, 60
mounts behind Bízhan, 95
attacks Bídád, 244
sends Bízhan to summon
Rustam, 245
goes with Rustam to rescue
Bízhan, 334


HAJÍR, Íránian hero, 244
attacks Bídád, 244
Hamáwan, mountain, vi, vii, 132,
135, 137, 138, 142, 144, 153,
154, 158, 161, 164, 167, 169,
172, 177
occupied by the Íránians, 132
Harát, city, 222
Hárút, angel, 286, 288
Herodotus, 191
Hind, v, 30, 152, 162, 164, 165,
177, 204, 221, 222, 235, 237,
238, 242
king of = Shangul, 162, 210,
218, 251
lord of = Shangul, 187
man of = Shangul, 216
Hírmund, river, 321
Húmán, Túránian hero, vi, vii,
90, 91, 93, 108, 120 seq., 133
seq., 142, 149, 152, 153, 158,
166, 169, 174, 177, 182, 192
196 seq., 202, 205, 210, 217,
227, 232, 234, 252, 259, 350
parleys with Tús, 121
leads the host against Tús,
counsels Pírán, 134
pursues the Íránians to
Mount Hamáwan, 135
Húmán, rallies the Túránians,
reconnoitres the Íránians, 174
informs Pírán of the arrival
of Rustam, 174
parleys disguised with Rus-
tam, 196
Hyreania, country (Mázandarán),
9, 10
Gív, prince of, 9


IGHRÍRAS, brother of Afrásiyáb, 8
Indus, river, 177, 204, 237, 251
Íraj, youngest son of Farídún, 8
Írán, vi, vii, viii, 8, 13, 19, 20,
and passim
Íránians, the, vi, vii, ix, 13, 23,
30, 46, 63, and passim
Irmán, country (Armenia), 12,
285, 290, 292, 296, 311
devastated by wild boars,
Irmánians (Armenians), the, viii,
286, 290
complain to Kai Khusrau of
the wild boars, 290
Isnapwí. See Ispanwí
Ispahán, city, 109
Ispanwí, the slave-girl of Tazháv,
14, 27, 77
taken captive by Bízhan, 78
Issedones, tribe, 192
Izads (Yazatas), the, 286


JAMSHÍD, Sháh, 7, 57, 257, 273
Jaríra, daughter of Pírán and
mother of Farúd, vi, 43
referred to, 39
advises Farúd, 42
her dream, 63
her anguish, 63, 66
Jewelled tree, Kai Khusrau's,
Jíhún, river (the Oxus), 58, 159
Jupiter, planet, 318


KABÁB, small pieces of meat
skewered together for
roasting, 69
Kabúda, one of Afrásiyáb's herds-
men, vi, 73
slain by Bahrám, 74
Kábul, Kábulistán, city and coun-
try, 17, 35, 145, 153, 165,
174, 186, 190, 202, 206, 321
Káfúr, king of Bídád, viii, 191,
worsts the Íránians, 244
slain by Rustam, 245
Kaian, Kaiánian, race and dy-
nasty, v, 5 seq., 9, 14, 43,
67, 112, 147, 307, 318, 320,
328, 342
Kai Káús, Sháh, v, 7, 9, 13, 14,
20 seq., 24, 30, 45, 51, 84,
85, 88, 90, 93, 96, 113, 145,
147, 166, 174, 236, 238, 239,
289, 307, 327
requires Kai Khusrau to
swear vengeance on Afrá-
siyáb, 21
Kai Khusrau, Sháh, v, vi, viii, ix,
7 seq., 13 seq., 47, 49 note,
55, 57, 66, 84, 106, 108, 111
seq., 132, 134, 142 seq., 166,
173, 175, 186, 191, 197, 198,
202, 205, 211, 226, 228, 238
seq., 249, 250, 267 seq., 271,
273, 277, 282, 283, 285, 286,
289, 294 seq., 315 seq., 326
seq., 338, 353 seq.
the last link with the Vedas, 7
his reign, the longest in re-
spect of subject-matter in
the poem, 7
divisions of, 7
episodes of, 7, 8
warlike character of, 8
subject-matter of, 8
accession of, 17
goes on a hunting expedition,
Kai Khusrau, swears to take ven-
geance on Afrásiyáb, 21
prepares for war, 23 seq.
offers a reward for the head
of Paláshán, 26
crown of Tazháv, 27
slave of Tazháv, 27
head of Tazháv, 28
for burning the barricade
at the Kása rúd, 28
for going on an embas-
sage to Afrásiyáb, 29
warns Tús to avoid Kalát, 39
birth-mark of, 49 note
hears of the death of Farúd,
hears of the defeat of the
Íránians, 84
his wrath with Tús, 84 seq.,
writes to Faríburz, 84
disgraces Tús, 86
imprisons Tús, 87
pardons Tús and the Íránians,
hears of the peril of the
Íránians on Mount Hamá-
wan and summons Rustam,
142 seq.
sends Rustam to succour the
Íránians, 145
furthers the suit of Faríburz
to Farangís, 147
hears of Rustam's victory,
disposes of the captives and
spoil, 240
sends gifts to Rustam and
the host, 241
goes to meet Rustam on his
return in triumph, 267
gives a feast to the chiefs, 268
rewards Rustam, 269
holds a court and hears of
the doings of the dív
Akwán, 273
writes to summon Rustam, 274
goes to welcome Rustam on
his return from slaying the
dív Akwán, 282
rewards Rustam, 283
hears at a feast of the case of
the Irmánians, 290
calls for volunteers, 291
sends Bízhan and Gurgín to
Irmán, 292
comforts Gív for the loss of
Bízhan, 315, 318
imprisons Gurgín, 317
promises Gív to consult the
divining-cup about Bízhan,
sends Gív to summon Rustam,
sends the host to meet Rus-
tam, 327
welcomes Rustam, 328
his jewelled tree, 329
requests Rustam to rescue
Bízhan, 330
releases Gurgín at Rustam's
request, 333
equips Rustam for his quest
of Bízhan, 333
welcomes Rustam on his
return, 354
rewards Rustam and his
comrades, 356
holds converse with Bízhan,
gives gifts to Manízha, 356
Kai Kubád, Sháh, 34, 49, 51, 57,
Kalát, stronghold, 14, 39, 41, 67,
72, 85, 111, 112
-i-Nádirí, 14
Kámús, Túránian hero, vi, vii,
107, 108, 151, 152, 161, 162,
164 seq., 168 seq., 172, 175,
176, 178, 181 seq., 187 seq.,
200, 207, 209, 213, 216, 224,
229, 232, 235, 241, 242, 251,
252, 256, 268, 269
of Kashán, Story of, vi, vii,
Fírdausí on the, 269
Kámús, comes to the aid of Pírán,
his plan of campaign adopted,
leads the attack, 168
hears of the coming of Rus-
tam, 175
Rustam described by Pírán
to, 183
challenges Rustam, 187
parleys with Rustam, 188
fights, and is taken prisoner
by, Rustam, 189
his end, 190
Kannúj, city, 35
Káran, Íránian hero, 9
Kargasárs, tribe,*

Kása rúd, river, vi, 28, 29, 68, 69,
71, 72, 82, 105
barricade at the, 29
burnt by Gív, 73
Kashán, city, vi, vii, 108, 109,
151, 170, 177, 180, 181, 188,
192, 204, 207, 224, 237, 242
Kámús of, Story of, vi, vii, 108
in Túrán, 108
in Írán, 109
man of = Kámús, 189
Kashmír, country, 35, 152, 237, 251
Kát, region, 152
Káús, Sháh. See Kai Káús
brand-mark of, 291
Káwa, flag of, 25, 38, 39, 48, 84,
85, 116, 121, 126, 129, 135
seq., 149, 161
Bízhan's prowess with, 93
half of it taken by Pírán, 94
staff of, cloven by Púlád-
wand, 258
Khán of Chín, the, vii, viii, 108,
151 seq., 160 seq., 164 seq.,
172, 175 seq., 181, 184, 185,
187, 190 seq., 196, 198 seq.,
205, 207 seq., 215, 217, 221,
222, 226 seq., 235, 241, 242,
251, 252, 256, 268, 320
Khán of Chín, the, comes to the
aid of Pírán, 151
holds a council of war with
the chiefs, 185
Rustam and, Story of, vii,
viii, 191
hears of the death of Kámús,
referred to, 225
sends envoy to Rustam,
fights with Rustam, 230
imprisoned by Kai Khusrau,
Khán-i-Irmán = Irmán, 290
Kharrád, Íránian hero, 115, 127,
139, 211, 273, 289
Khatlán, name of a district in
Badakhshán, 218, 228
Khurdád, ameshaspenta, 287, 328
Khutan, region in Túrán, ix, 107,
242, 247
raided by Gív, 247
King, the ideal, 16
of Sind, 185
Kishwád, Íránian hero, 19, 24,
33, 45, 100, 121, 123, 126,
143, 154, 187, 215, 289, 302,
305, 308, 311, 327, 339
Kubád, Sháh. See Kai Kubád
Kúh, nonce name used by Húmán,
Kulbád, Túránian hero, 166, 177,
198, 199, 205, 210, 222, 231,
234, 252
Kundur, Túránian hero, 152, 185,
210, 215, 251
overthrown by Rustam, 224,
Kurákhán, Túránian hero, 301
counsels Afrásiyáb, 301
Kutch, region, 34


LÁDAN (Pashan), battle of, 13
seq., 80 seq., 89 seq., 123
Lahhák, Túránian hero, 90, 135,
166, 198
pursuesthe Íránians toMount
Hamáwan, 135
Leo, constellation, 81, 318


MÁCHÍN (China), 46, 253, 265
Mahábhárata, the, Indian Epic, 8
Mahmúd, Sultán, 15
his approval of Firdausí's ver-
sion of the fight between
Rustam and Ashkabús, 109
Mail of Siyáwush, 58, 60, 61, 69, 81
Makná Bád, city in Írán, 109
Manízha, daughter of Afrásiyáb,
viii, ix, 285, 295 seq., 304,
308 seq., 337 seq., 348, 349
Bízhan and, Story of, viii, ix,
7, 11, 12, 285
historical basis of, 11
Mohl on, 285
Firdausí on, 287
sends her nurse to Bízhan,
invites Bízhan to visit her, 298
drugs Bízhan, 299
wakes him in Afrásiyáb's
palace, 300
holds revel with Bízhan, 300
disgraced, 309
made Bízhan's attendant, 310
referred to, 318, 319
hears of the arrival of Rus-
tam's caravan, 337
her interviews with Rustam,
337, 342
bears Rustam's ring to Bíz-
han, 340
kindles signal fire for Rustam,
receives gifts from Kai Khus-
rau, 356
Manshúr, Túránian hero, 151, 161,
105, 172, 175, 182, 185, 199,
205, 210, 213, 226, 231, 241,
251, 256
Manshúr, comes to the aid of Pírán,
hears of the coming of Rus-
tam, 175
Mardwí, Túráuian hero, 77
Mark of Siyáwush. See Birth-
Mars, planet, 110, 159, 178, 318,
Márút, angel, 286
Massagetae, tribe, 192
Má wara'u'n - Nahr (Kuhistán,
Transoxania), 151
Mayam, place, 40, 41, 53, 111
Mázandarán, country (Hyrcania),
144, 167, 207, 215, 232, 243,
256, 260, 324, 330
Meherdates (Mílád), 10 seq.
Mercury, planet, 159, 318
Mesopotamia, Arab invasions of,
Mihrdát. See Meherdates
Mílád, Íránian hero, 11, 12, 25,
29, 145, 274, 289, 293, 345
Minúchihr, Sháh, 9, 30, 87, 115
Mithradát. See Meherdates
Mithrates. See Meherdates
Mohl, on the Story of Bízhan
and Manízha, 285, 286
Mountain = Rakhsh, 221, 251
Mountain-skirt (Dáman-i-Kuh),
15, 91, 95
Muhammad Lashkarí, friend of
Firdausí, 286
Murdád, ameshaspenta, 287, 328


NÁDIR, Sháh, 14
Narímán, Íránian hero, father of
Sám, 17, 35
Nastíhan, Túránian hero, 79, 198,
210, 231, 252
Nastúh, Íránian hero, 46
Naudar, Sháh, 8, 24, 39, 50, 57,
67, 86, 112, 123, 132, 177,
187, 215, 257, 289, 294, 327
Nile, 38, 41, 58, 208, 224, 225
Nímrúz, country,*

17, 35, 319
Nöldeke, Professor, on the dív
Akwán, 271
Nurse, Manízha's, 297
her interview with Bízhan,


ONAGER, the dív Akwán as, 273
Oxus, river (Jíhún), 10 note


PAHLAV, city and district, 222
Paláshán, Túránian hero, vi, 26,
69, 70, 79
surveys the Íránian host, 69
Parthian, dynasty, 9, 11
history, events of, reproduced
in distorted form in the
Sháhnáma, 11
Pashan (Ládan), battle of, 15,
80, 89
Pashang, father of Afrásiyáb, 15
Pashang (Shída), son of Afrásiyáb,
Pashang, father of Minúchihr, 25
Persia, 109, 128
Phraates (Farhád), 11
Pílsam, Túránian hero, 204
Pírán, Túránian hero, vi, vii, viii,
ix, 13, 26 note, 39, 42, 58,
71, 87 seq., 90, 91, 94, 98
seq., 102, 108, 117, 118, 120,
122, 123, 125, 128, 131, 133
seq., 142, 149 seq., 158, 160,
161, 164 seq., 169, 174 seq.,
181 seq., 192, 193, 199 seq.,
216 seq., 222, 227, 231, 232,
234, 242, 252, 253, 259, 305
seq., 335 seq., 349, 350, 357
appointed to oppose the
Íránians, 71, 79
Pírán, marches on Giravgard to
surprise the Íránians, 80
captures the Íránians' herds,
defeats the Íránians, 82, 94
Ruhhám's embassy to, 87
grants a month's armistice to
Faríburz, 88
his losses in battle, 94
takes half of Káwá's standard,
sends Rúín to attack Bahrám,
goes to see Bahrám, 99
hears of the Íránians' retreat,
informs Afrásiyáb and re-
turns in triumph, 106
goes to Khutan, 107
goes to oppose Tús, 117
informs Afrásiyáb of the
Íránian invasion, 118
is reinforced, 118
joins battle with Tús, 118
sends a warlock to bring a
snowstorm on the Íránians,
defeats the Íránians, 131
takes counsel with his chiefs,
pursues the Íránians, 134
sends Lahhák and Húmán on
in advance, 135
reaches Mount Hamáwan,
beleaguers the Íránians, 138
attacked by Tús, 139
hears of the approach of rein-
forcements, 151
harangues his host, 151
goes to meet his allies, 153
his plan of campaign rejected,
hears of the arrival of Íránian
succours, 164 seq.
of Rustam, 174
Pírán, takes counsel with Kámús
and the chiefs, 175, 182
attacks the Íránians, 176
describes Rustam to Kámús,
parleys with Rustam, 202
reports to his kindred his
interview with Rustam,
declines Rustam's terms, 217
retreats, 231
counsels Afrásiyáb, 253
urges Afrásiyáb to withdraw
to Chín, 265
city of, 335
entertains Rustam in dis-
guise, 336
pursues Rustam, 349
Pisces, constellation, 26, 159, 318
Pishdádian, dynasty, 9, 13
Pronunciation, note on, 4
Púlád, Túránian hero, 199, 234
Púlád, a dív, 256
Púládwand, Túránian hero or dív,
viii, 191, 254 seq., 268, 270
summoned by Afrásiyáb, 254
goes to help Afrásiyáb, 255
takes counsel with Afrásiyáb,
worsts Tús, 257
Gív, Ruhhám, and Bíz-
han, 258
cleaves in twain Káwa's
standard, 258
challenged by Rustam, 259
overthrown by Rustam, 264
withdraws with his army
from the field, 265


RAI, city, 242
Rakhsh, Rustam's steed, 146, 177,
186, 189, 194, 195, 223, 224,
226, 227, 229, 259, 264, 275,
276, 278, 279, 313, 324, 326,
335, 342, 344, 346 seq., 350,
referred to, 184, 228, 253
Rawlinson, Sir Henry, his ac-
count of Gotarzes' inscrip-
tion at Bihistún, 9
Rívníz, son-in-law of Tús, v, 14,
25, 45, 51 seq., 57, 60, 68, 11
prepares to attack Farúd, 51
referred to, 55
his burial, 68
Rívníz, son of Kai Káús, 14, 93,
94, 96, 113, 114, 232
slain, 93
the battle for his crown, 94
Romans, the, 286
Rúdába, the mother of Rustam,
Story of Zál and, referred to,
Ruhhám, Íránian hero, 19, 33, 48,
64, 67, 87 seq., 115, 126, seq.,
139 seq., 154, 157, 179, 182,
187, 211, 227, 248, 258, 259,
264, 268, 273, 322, 350, 352
mortally wounds Farúd, 64
his embassy to Pírán, 87
attacks Bázúr, 128
worsted by Ashkabús, 179
goes to the help of Rustam,
worsted by Púládwand, 258
goes with Rustam to rescue
Bízhan, 334
Rúín, son of Pírán, 98, 207, 234
sent by Pírán to attack Bah-
rám, 98
wounded by Bahrám, 99
Rúm, the Eastern Roman Empire,
106, 151, 164, 296
sea of, 177
brocade of, 26, 235, 291, 297,
helm of, 114
Gushtásp in, Story of, re-
ferred to, 285
Rúmans, the, 309
Rustam, Íránian hero, v, vii, viii,
ix, 14, 17 seq., 24, 35, 36,
40, 107 seq., 121, 134, 138,
141 seq., 155, 164 seq., 171
seq., 177, 182, seq., 186 seq.,
274 seq., 294, 307, 308, 319
his account of the Turkman
occupation of Zábulistán, 14
goes to do homage to Kai
Khusrau, 17
witnesses Kai Khusrau's oath
to avenge Siyáwush, 22
proposes to Kai Khusrau to
expel the Turkmans from
Zábulistán, 3??
his fight with Ashkabús,
legend about, 109
asks Kai Khusrau to pardon
Tús and the Íránians in the
matter of Farúd, 113
summoned by Kai Khusrau,
advocates the marriage of
Faríburz and Farangís, 146
marches to succour Tús, 148
meets Gúdarz, 171
takes counsel with Tús and
the chiefs, 172
arrays the host, 177
parleys with Ashkabús, 180
slays Ashkabús, 181
described by Pírán, 183
harangues the troops, 186,
219, 223, 232, 235
challenged by Kámús, 187
his spear - bearer slain by
Kámús, 188
parleys with Kámús, 188
takes Kámús prisoner, 189
and the Khán of Chín, Story
of, vii, viii, 191
referred to, 193
slays Chingish, 195
parleys with Húmán, 196
his conditions of peace, 197,
parleys with Pírán, 202
proposes peace on terms to
the Íránians, 211
warned by Gúdarz not to
trust Pírán, 212
Rustam, his wrath with Pírán,
unhorses Shangul, 221
his prowess in battle, 222 seq.
overthrows Kundur, 224
slays Sáwa, 224
Gahár, 225
attacks the Khán of Chín,
225 seq.
is victorious, 231 seq.
is wroth with Tús and the
Íránians, 234
sends Faríburz to Kai Khus-
rau with tidings of victory,
236 seq.
leads on the host, 238
reaches Sughd, 244
sends troops to attack Bídád,
slays Káfúr, 245
besieges and storms Bídád,
sends Gív to raid Khutan,
praised by Gúdarz, 248
described by Afrásiyáb, 251
attacks the Túránians, 257
challenges Púládwand, 259
overthrows Púládwand, 264
defeats the Túránians, 266
divides the spoil, 266
ravages Túrán, 266
returns in triumph, 267
asks Kai Khusrau's leave to
return to Zál, 269
rewarded by Kai Khusrau,
his fight with the dív Akwán,
Story of, viii, 271
summoned to court by Kai
Khusrau, 274
pursues the dív Akwán, 275
foiled by Akwán, 276
taken at a disadvantage by
Akwán, 276
offered a choice of deaths by
Akwán, 277
outwits Akwán, 277
Rustam, finds Rakhsh among
Afrásiyáb's herds, 278
??counters Afrásiyáb's herds-
men, 279
defeats Afrásiyáb, 280
slays Akwán, 281
carries off the spoil, 281
welcomed by Kai Khusrau,
tells his adventure with
Akwán, 282
rewarded by Kai Khusrau,
returns home, 283
summoned to court in the
matter of Bízhan, 319 seq.
visited by Gív, 322
his daughter Gív's wife, 323
his wife Gív's sister, 323
promises to help Gív, 324
goes with Gív to court,
his address to Kai Khusrau,
undertakes the rescue of
Bízhan, 330
his plan, 333
chooses his comrades, 334
goes disguised to Túrán, 335
gives presents to Pírán, 336
welcomed by Pírán, 336
opens a market, 337
his interviews with Manízha,
337, 342
sends food and his ring to
Bízhan, 340
removes boulder of Akwán
from pit's mouth, 345
makes conditions for release
with Bízhan, 345
releases Bízhan, 346
arrays his troops against
Afrásiyáb, 350
mocks Afrásiyáb, 351
defeats Afrásiyáb, 352
his triumphant return, 353
Rustam, presents Bízhan to Kai
Khusrau, 354
rewarded by Kai Khusrau, 356
goes to Sístán, 356


SAGSÁR and Sagsárs, district and

152, 207
Sakláb, country (Slavonia), 152,
164, 177, 185, 204, 218, 221
seq., 235, 238, 243, 255
Salm, eldest son of Farídún, 37,
Sám, Íránian hero, father of Zál,
35, 121, 202, 215, 260, 279,
Sapad, mountain, 41, 52, 54, 58,
61, 63, 67, 72, 85
Sapaudármad, ameshaspenta, 287,
Sásánian, dynasty, 9
Saturn, planet, 32, 110, 178, 232,
237, 254, 268, 318
Sáwa, Túránian hero, vii, 224
slain by Rustam, 224
Shabáhang, Farhád's steed, 313
Shabdíz, Gív's steed, 257
Shabrang, Bízhan's steed, 296,
302, 313
Shahd, river, 11, 116, 118, 123,
152, 173, 230, 241
Shahd, mountain, 237
Sháhnáma, 7, 9, 11, 14, 271, 286
editions of, 3
historic element in mythical
Period of, 8 seq.
Prelude to, referred to, 286
Shahrír, ameshaspenta, 286, 328
Shakn, region, 152, 177, 185 192,
204, 222, 223, 228, 237
Shamírán, Túránian hero, 152, 185
comes to aid Pírán, 152
Shangul, king of Hind, vii, 152,
161, 172, 185, 198, 205, 209,
210, 216, 217, 221, 251
Shangul, comes to aid Pírán, 152
volunteers to fight Rustam,
209, 216
challenges Rustam, 221
Shápúr, Íránían hero, 19, 289,
322, 331
Sháwarán, Íránian hero, 20, 34,
43, 45, 48, 67, 115, 334
Shída (Pashang), son of Afrásiyáb,
250 seq., 262, 263, 350
consulted by his father, 250
??s on embassy to Púlád-
wand, 255
refuses to interfere in the
fight between Rustam and
Púládwand, 263
Shídúsh, Íránian hero, 33, 45, 48,
127, 129, 130, 139, 141, 157,
248, 253
Shingán, region, 228, 238
Shírwán, city, 216
Sigz, man of (Rustam),*

183, 209,
218, 221
Sigzian = Rustam, 209, 225, 227
Símurgh, mythical bird, 158, 313,
Sind, region and river (Indus),
10 note, 177, 185, 216, 238
king of, 185
Sinde, river, 10
Sipanjáb, region, 151
Sístán, country,*

viii, 165, 166,
191, 207, 321, 356
Sitír, Persian measure of weight,
Siyáwush, son of Kai Káús, v,
vi, vii, 8, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22,
29, 39, 42, 43, 49, 51, 52,
57, 66, 67, 71, 72, 87, 93, 99,
112, 117, 118, 137, 146, 148,
149, 156, 163, 183, 197, 199,
200, 201, 203 seq., 211, 214,
226, 237, 238, 256, 283, 289,
297, 307, 315, 324, 347
birth-mark of, 49
Siyáwush, mail of, 58, 60, 61, 69,
Snowstorm, 108
Íránian host distressed by,
71, 128
Sughd, district and city (Samar-
kand), 244
Sultán, Mahmúd, 109
Surúsh, angel, 277


TABARÍ, historian, 108
Tacitus, historian, 10 and note, 15
Tahmúras, Sháh, 293
horn of, 335
Taráz, city and district, 248
Idols of, 248
Taurus, constellation, 168
Tawába, Íránian hero, 25
Tazháv, an Íránian deserter to
Afrásiyáb, vi, 27, 28, 73
seq., 100 seq.
sends Kabúda to spy out the
Íránian host, 73
parleys with Gív, 75
defeated, 77
flees with Ispanwí, 77
pursued by Bízhan, 77
escapes to Afrásiyáb, 78
attacks Bahrám, 100
taken prisoner by Gív, 102
Tihrán, city, 109
Tír, genius, 287, 328
Tobit, Book of, 272
Tukhár, Farúd's counsellor, v, 43
tells Farúd the blazons of the
Íránian chiefs, 44
counsels Farúd, 47, 52 seq.
Túr, second son of Farídún, 7,
30, 37, 115, 197, 245, 246
Túrán, v, vi, 8, 11, 15, 25, 29,
and passim
Túránians (Turkmans), vi, vii,
30, 115, 320, 322
Turkistán, v, 109, 228
Turkmans (Túránians), vi, 30,
63, 81, 93, and passim
Tús, son of Naudar, v, vi, vii, viii,
11, 13, 18, 19, 24, 25, 137 seq.,
45 seq., 60, 62, 64, 66 seq.,
76, 78, 80, 82 seq., 108, 111
seq., 132 seq., 136 seq., 145,
149 seq., 154, 155, 159, 161,
163, 166, 167, 169, 170,
172, 174, 177 seq., 182, 183,
187, 206, 211, 213 seq., 225,
228, 230, 232, 234, 235,
238, 246, 248, 253, 254,
255, 257, 259, 268, 273,
277, 289, 294, 307, 322,
327, 329
his hostility to Farúd, 13, 51,
marches on Kalát, 40
sends chiefs to attack Farúd,
47 seq
Bahrám's remonstrance with,
his horse slain by Farúd, 56
resolves to attack Kalát, 62
his remorse for the death of
Farúd, 67
builds a charnel for Farúd,
Rívníz, and Zarásp, 68
marches from Kalát, 68
defeats Tazháv, 77
occupies Giravgard, 78
defeated by the Turkmans, 82
deprived of his command, 83
Kai Khusrau's wrath with,
84, 111, 112
superseded, 86
returns to Kai Khusrau, 86
disgraced, 86
imprisoned, 87
pardoned, 114
challenges Pírán to battle, 117
joins battle with Pírán, 118,
parleys with Húmán, 121
prays to be delivered from
snowstorm, 128
Tús, retreats to Mount Hamáwan,
makes a night-attack upon
Pírán, 139
harangues the host, 141
hears of the approach of
succours, 159
takes counsel with the host,
arrays the host, 169
and chiefs take counsel with
Rustam, 172
Rustam's wrath with, 234
collects the spoil, 235
worsted by Púládwand, 257
Tús, city, 14
legendary origin of, 14
legend concerning Firdausí's
burial at, 191


URAL Mountains, 192
Urmuzd, the Good Principle, 271,
286, 317, 327
the name of the first day of
the month, 323


VARDANES (Bahrám), Parthian
king and Íránian hero, 9
seq., 109
his wars with Gotarzes, 10, 11
assassination of, 10, 11
character of, 15
Venus, planet, 143, 159, 254, 318,
Virgo, constellation, 24
Vohu Manau (Bahman), ames-
haspenta, 271
Vonones I., Parthian king, 10


WAHR, region, 177, 228, 235
Warstead = Bídád, 245
White Dív, the. See Dív
Wísa, Túránian hero, 79, 102, 105,
121, 197, 202, 206


YAMAN, country, 289, 297
carnelian of, 289
Canopus of, 297
Yazatas (Izads), the, 286


ZÁBUL, Zábulistán, country,*

134, 141, 145, 153, 165, 171,
174, 175, 186, 190, 199, 200,
202, 206 seq., 217, 246, 250,
269, 274, 321, 326, 342, 347,
354, 356
Zábul, occupied by the Turkmans,
14, 30
Zábulí, a native of Zábul, 188,
201, 257, 326
Zahhák, Sháh, 257
Zál, father of Rustam, 8, 17, 18,
21, 22, 35, 121, 132, 138,
141, 147, 190, 202, 221, 245,
269, 274, 279, 283, 307, 321,
322, 325, 328, 331, 347, 351,
354, 355
Zál, goes to do homage to Kai
Khusrau, 17
witnesses Kai Khusrau's
oath to avenge Siyáwush,
son of = Rustam, 132
and Rúdába, Story of, referred
to, 285
meets Gív, 321
sayings of, 316, 351
Zandavasta, 8
Zanga, Íránian hero, 20, 34, 43,
45, 48, 67, 92, 115, 350
goes with Rustam to rescue
Bízhan, 334
Zarásp, son of Tús, v, 24, 53, 54,
57, 59, 60, 67, 72, 113,
goes against Farúd, 53
referred to, 55
his burial, 68
Zawára, brother of Rustam, 30,
202, 325, 328
Zira, Túránian hero, 120, 197,