-Nabalusi, Shaykh 'Abdu'l-
Ghani —, 504
-Nabigha (ancient Arabian
poet), 228
Ibnu'n-Nabih, 87
Nabil, of Zarand, Babi poet,
Abu Nadhar 'Abdu'l-'Aziz b.
Mansur. See 'Asjadi
Nadhim of Herat (Persian
poet), 146
Nadhira (“parallel”), 45, 82
Nadir Shah, 5
Nafahatu'l-Uns (by Jami),
263, 438, 491-493, 494, 495,
497, 498, 502, 503, 509, 510
Nafhu't Tib min Ghusni'l-
Andalusi'r-Ratib (by -Maq-
qari), 498, 500
Nahawand, 186, 188
Nahhas, Abu'l-Ma'ali —
(author of satirical verses),
Nahr Bashir, 462
Nahr 'Isa, 461
Nahr Malik, 461
Na'im, Hajji — (executed by
Qabus b. Washmgir), 104
Na'in, 224
Abu'n-Najib Suhrawardi, 491,
Najjar-i-Sagharchi (Persian
poet), 335
Abu'n Najm Ahmad b. Qus,
153. See Minuchihri
Abu Najm-i-Sarraj (Isma'ili
da'i), 202
Najmu'd-Din, 337 (= Nidh-
ami-i-'Arudi, q.v.)
Najmu'd-Din Abu Bakr
Muhammad -Rawandi, 117
Najmu'd-Din Abu Hafs
'Umar of Nasaf (theologian
and jurisconsult), 355
Najmu'd-Din Daya of Ray,
249, 250, 252, 256, 489, 493,
Najmu'd-Din Kubra, 438, 489,
491-495, 508, 510
Nakhshab, 446. See Nasaf
Nama-i-Khusrawan (by
Prince Jalal), 6
Napoleon I, 60
Naqib, 197
Naqibu'l 'Alawiyyin, 114
Narshakhi (author of History
of Bukhara), 114
Nasa, 107, 138, 170, 438, 446, 473
Nasaf (= Nakhshab), 342,
355, 446
-Nasawi, Shihabu'd-Din
Muhammad — (author of
Memoirs of Jalalu'd-Din
Mankoburni), 434, 436, 446,
Nasibis, 229. See Sunnis
Nasihat (of 'Abdu'llah
Ansari), 270
Nasihu'd-Din of Arrajan,
Qadi —, 361
-Nasir ('Abbasid Caliph), 436,
Nasir-i-Khusraw, 160, 162,
169, 189, 200-201, 211, 218-
246; 224 et seqq. (dualistic
theory); 271, 274, 289, 365,
374, 425, 456, 479, 483, 509
Nasiru'd-Din of Tus (philoso-
pher), 220, 243, 256, 257, 442,
443, 456, 457, 460, 462, 465,
Nasiru'd-Din 'Abdu'r-Rahim
b. Abi Mansur, Ism'aili
Governor of Quhistan, 220,
Nasiru'd-Din Mahmud Shah
b. Shamsu'd-Din Iltatmish,
Nasiru'd-Din Mangli, 455
Nasiru'd-Din Qubacha, 470,
478, 479
Nasiru'd-Din Shah Qajar,
181, 187
Nasr II (Samani), 202
Nasr b. Ahmad (Samani), 15,
16, 202, 215
Abu Nasr Ahmad b. Mansur
of Tus, called Asadi, 148,
272. See Asadi, the Elder
Abu Nasr 'Arraq (mathema-
tician), 96, 97
Abu Nasr-i-Farahi (author of
Nisab), 488
Abu Nasr -Isma'ili, 294
Abu Nasr Khalil b. Ahmad
Nasr b. Mansur -Tamimi, 279
Nasr b. Subuktigin, Abu'l-Mudhaffar—(brother
Sultan Mahmud of Ghazna),
100, 101, 121, 122
Abu Nasr -'Utbi. See 'Utbi
Nasru'llah b. 'Abdu'l-Hamid,
Abu'l-Ma'ali — (translator
of Kalila and Dimna into
Persian), 299, 346, 349, 351
Nassau Lees, 263, 274, 438,
451, 459, 461, 470, 491, 498
Nathru'n Nadhm (-Tha'alibi),
-Natili (physician), 106
Natiq (in Isma'ili doctrine),
Nawal Kashor, 412
Naw-ruz (Persian New Year's
Day), 181, 534
Nawshad, 422
Nay, Castle of —, 324
Nebuchadnezzar, 428
Neo-Platonism, 197, 521, 522
Neo-Pythagoreanism, 197
Nergisi (Turkish writer), 17,
Nestorian, 391
“New Propaganda” (of
Hasan-i-Sabbah), 112, 169,
187, 190, 196, 206, 210, 215,
253, 310, 453, 454
Nicholson, R. A. —, 292, 322,
494, 505, 507, 510, 516, 517,
519, 521, 524, 525
Nicolas, 256, 257, 258, 371
Nicolas (name given to Mon-
gol converts), 441
Nicosia (Cyprus), 452
Nidhami of Ganja, 38, 47, 246,
274, 298, 337, 345, 364, 365,
399-411, 418, 425, 483, 540.
See Khamsa
Nidhami -i-'Arudi-i - Samar-
qandi, 13, 15, 119, 131, 137,
246, 274, 298, 299, 302, 337-
340, 346. See also Chahar
Nidhami-i-Athiri, 339
Nidhami-i-Muniri (? Minbari),
Nidhamiyya College, 176, 294,
295, 527
Nidhamu'd-Din (Wazir), 415
Nidhamu'd-Din Ahmad (of
Balkh), 382
Nidhamu'd-Din Mahmud
Qari of Yazd (the poet of
clothes), 82
Nidhamu'l-Mulk, 35, 36, 138,
168, 174, 175, 176, 177, 180,
181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186,
187, 188, 189, 190, 203;
ch. iv passim, especially
212-217, 253, 270, 294; 300,
301, 311, 312, 390, 409
Nidhamu't-Tawarikh (by
-Baydawi), 487
“Night of Merit,” 150. See
-Nihaya fi'l-Kinaya (-Tha-
'alibi), 101
Niki-nama (Tabari original
of Marzuban-nama), 93,
115, 489
Nile, 224, 520
Ni'matu'llah Kirmani, 256
Nishapur, 36, 37, 97, 100, 101,
112, 119, 129, 137, 139, 171,
174, 175, 188, 219, 220, 221,
224, 246, 247, 248, 251, 252,
253, 254, 274, 275, 294, 295,
304, 307, 312, 337, 339, 344,
354, 364, 373, 382, 385, 402,
413, 415, 416, 417, 435, 438,
439, 446, 508, 509, 511, 515
Nizami's Leben und Werke
(Bacher), 400
Nizar b.-Mustansir (Fatimid),
199, 201, 203, 204, 206, 210,
253, 454
Noah, 228, 376, 523
Nöldeke, 4, 130, 131, 134, 135,
136, 139, 140, 141, 211, 214,
310, 373, 469, 471, 472
Northampton, 441
Noyan Chormaghun (Mongol
General), 449, 450
Nuh b. Mansur (Samani), 107
Nun, Joshua, son of —, 228
Nur (of Bukhara), 167
Nuru'd-Din Muhammad b.
Hasan 'ala dhikrihi's-
salam, 454
Nuru'llah of Shushtar, Qadi
— or Sayyid — (author of
Majalish'l-Muminin), 378,
506, 509
Nushirwan = Anushirwan,
Nushtigin, 281
Nusrat-Kuh, 438, 446
Nusratu'd-Din Abu Bakr
Bishkin (Atabek of Adhar-
bayjan), 402, 412, 414, 416,
417, 419, 420
Abu Nuwas (court poet of
Harunu'r-Rashid), 87, 377
Nuzhat-nama-i-'Ala'i (by
Shahmardan b. Abi'l-
Khayr), 288
Nuzhatu'l-Arwah (“Recrea-
tion of Souls,” by -Shah-
razuri), 251, 254
Ogotay, 444, 445, 450, 451, 452,
d'Ohsson, 427, 431, 433, 434,
436, 439-442, 444, 445, 447,
448, 450, 457, 473
“Old Man of the Mountains”
(Shaykhu'l-Jabal), 205-211.
See Assassins
“Omar Khayyam Club,” 338
Omayyad Caliphs. See
“Omoioteleton,” 22
Opium, 205
Orientalist, Arabic word for
—, 8
Orthodox Caliphs, 9, 161, 194,
'Osman b. Ertoghrul (Otto-
man Sultan), 166
Ottoman Poetry, Gibb's History
of —, 28, 50, 54, 406
Ottoman Turks, 9, 88-89, 166,
442, 475
Oude, King of —, 478
Ouseley, Sir Gore—, 130, 317,
342, 511
Oxford, 469, 476
Oxus, 15, 179, 183, 221, 227,
272, 308, 333, 438, 444, 456
Pahlawi, 3, 8, 44, 274, 275, 350,
Palestine, Heber's —, 77
Palindromes, 53, 59, 60
Palinodia, 383
Palmer, Prof. E. H. —, 110,
383, 384, 386, 387, 388, 520,
Pa-machan, 332
Pand-nama (by 'Attar), 507,
511, 532
Panidhi, 'Ali — (Persian poet),
Panj Ganj (“Five Treasures”)
of Nidhami. See Khamsa
Panjab, 529
Paradise Lost (Milton's), 319
Parallel. See Nadhira
“Paranda” (“the Flier”), 517
Paris (Library), 244, 245, 260,
473, 477, 481. See Biblio-
thèque Nationale
Parody, 45, 81, 82
Parricides, Evil end of —,
Partheniade, 51
Pashto language, 3
Passion Play. See Ta'ziya
Patiyali, 540
Patriarchs, 469, 470
Payghu Kalan, 167, 170, 172
Payne, John —, 258
Pekin, 452
Pen-name (takhallus), 27, 38
Persepolis, 3
Persian Gulf, 426, 481
Persian Language, Modern —,
2, 3, 14, 109
Persian Language, Old —, 3, 8
Persian year, 152
Persische Tenzonen, Ueber —
(by Ethé), 149
Pertsch, 19, 22, 41, 211, 224,
225, 288, 368, 371
Pest (Budapest), 450
Phantasmagoria (by Lewis
Carroll), 45
Pharaoh, 520
Pharmacology, 273
Philosophers, 230
Pilgrimage, allegorical mean-
ing of —, 241, 242
Pindar (Greek lyric poet) 399
Pindar of Ray, 117, 157, 158-
159, 160, 419
Pir-i-Ansar. See -Ansari,
Shaykh 'Abdu'llah —
Pisar-i-Khum-Khana (Persian
poet), 271
Pizzi, 13
Plagiarism, 73, 538
Plan Carpin (Plano Carpini)
Jean de —, 440, 441, 451
Plato, 228, 279, 281
Pococke 108, 469
Poetry, definition of, 14
Poetry, Ibn Khaldun's defini-
tion of —, 87
“Poets' Corner” (at Surkhab),
Poland, 450, 451, 452
Pole, 42
Polemo-Middinia (by William
Drummond of Hawthorn-
den), 46
“Pope,” “Black —,” 196
Porphyry, 106
Poshan (legendary Persian
hero), 129
Pote MSS. (King's College,
Cambridge), 212
Potiphar's Wife, 146. See
Pre-Islamic. See Jahiliyyat
Preston, 112, 113
Prolegomena (= Vol. I. of
Literary History of Persia,
by E. G. Browne), 1, 2, 6,
8, 11, 14, 29, 91, 94, 114, 115,
143, 144, 171, 185, 193, 197,
198, 202, 214, 259, 300
Prolegomena (of Ibn Khal-
dun), 86
“Proof” (Hujjat), 222, 227,
231, 244, 247
“Proof of Islam,” title of
-Ghazali, 354. See Huj-
Propaganda, 202. See Da'wat
Propagandist. See Da'i
Prophet, Biography of the —
(Ibn Hisham's), 300
Prophet, The —. See Mu-
Prophetic Periods, Seven —,
Prose, Varieties of —, 20-22
“Proverbial Commission”
(Irsalu'l-mathal), 63
Proverbs of the Arabs, 88, 299
Pseudo - Autobiography (of
Nasir-i-Khusraw), 218-220,
Purchas (Translation of Al-
Makin), 471
Puttenham, G. — (Arte of
English Poesie), 22, 46, 49,
51, 52, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 66,
Pythagoras, 281