Abú'l 'Abbás Fazl bin Ahmad,
minister of Mahmúd, 141
Firdausi's praise of, 141
Abú'l Kásím, Firdausí, 140
Adonis, 315
Afrásiyáb, ruler of Túrán, v, vi,
vii, viii, 7, 8, 10 seq., 17,
19 seq., 25, 29, 46, 56, 58
seq., 65, 66, 70, 75 seq.,
83, 89, 93, 94, 96, 103, 108,
110, 113, 117, 128, 129, 134
seq., 145, 146, 150 seq., 190,
192 seq., 235, 247 seq., 252,
253, 258 seq., 273, 287, 289,
flees from Rustam to Khal-
lukh, 10
addresses his nobles, 10
sends Shída to Khárazm, 11
Pírán against Írán, 11
reinforcements and
bids him break off
negotiations with
Gív, 20
receives tidings from Pírán, 77
referred to, 114, 130, 237
= king of Gang, 134
Kai Khusrau's great war
with, 135
encamped at Baigand (Kun-
duz), 151
hears ill tidings of Pírán and
of the host, 151
his distress, 152
Afrásiyáb, swears to be avenged
on Kai Khusrau, 152
hears of the advance of Kai
Khusrau, 153
harangues and equips his
host, 153
patrols the Jíhún with boats,
holds a council, summons
Kurákhán, and crosses the
Jíhún, 154
sends Kurákhán with half
the host to Bukhárá, 154
marches to Ámwí, 154
encamps in Gílán, 155
arrays his host, 155
takes his post at the centre,
gives Shída command of the
left wing, 155
sends Jahn to guard Shída's
rear, 155
gives a grandson command
of the right wing, 156
commands to Gurdgír,
Nastúh, Ighríras, and
Garsíwaz, 156
proposes to invade Nímrúz,
reviews the host and pre-
pares to encounter Kai
Khusrau, 158
urged by Shída not to delay
the attack, 159
his reply, 160
wishes to meet Kai Khusrau
in single combat, 161
Afrásiyáb, sends Shída on an em-
bassage to Kai Khusrau,
hears of Shída's death, 176
his grief, 176
commands in person against
Kai Khusrau, 179
sends Jahn to the left, 180
reinforced by Garsiwaz, 181
forced by Garsíwaz and Jahn
to quit the field, 182
returns to camp, 183
abandons his camp and re-
crosses the Jíhún, 184
joins forces with Kurákhán,
stays at Bukhárá, 186
withdraws to Gang-bihisht,
reinforced by Kákula, 188
sends troops to Chách, 188
under Tawurg desert-
ward, 188
marches to meet Kai Khus-
rau, 190
commands the centre, 190
hears of Kurákhán's defeat
and return, 193
hears that Rustam is ad-
vancing, 194
fails in attempt to surprise
Rustam, and withdraws
to Gang-bihisht, 194 seq.
asks aid from the Faghfúr,
prepares Gang-bihisht for a
siege, 197
besieged in Gang-bihisht,
198, 208 seq.
offers terms of peace to Kai
Khusrau, 203
rallies his troops at the storm-
ing of Gang-bihisht, 209
escapes, 211
gets possession of the trea-
sures of Pírán, 219
arrays his host to fight with
Kai Khusrau, 220
Afrásiyáb, offers Kai Khusrau
peace or single combat, 221
fights a general engagement
against Kai Khusrau, 223,
defeated and escapes by
flight, 227
his army surrenders to Kai
Khusrau, 228
takes refuge at Gang-dizh,
his captive kindred sent to
Kai Káús by Kai Khusrau,
Khusrau's inquiries concern-
ing, 247
hears of Kai Khusrau's ap-
proach and quits Gang-
dizh, 248
searched for by Kai Khusrau,
the Íránians' fears of, 249
Kai Khusrau takes counsel
with Kai Káús concerning,
his wanderings and wretched
plight, 259
takes refuge in a cave near
Barda', 259
his lament overheard by
Húm, 260
his capture by Húm, 261
Darmesteter on, 136
pitied and unbound by Húm,
escapes into lake Urumiah,
262 and note
attracted by the voice of
Garsíwaz, 265
holds converse with Garsí-
waz, 266
his recapture by Húm,
slain by Kai Khusrau, 268
daughter of = Farangís, 304
Aghraératha (Ighríras), 137
Ahmad, Fazl, son of. See Ábú'l
'Abbás Fazl
Ahran, Rúman chief, ix, 342 seq.,
bidden by Cæsar to slay the
dragon of Mount Sakíla,
takes counsel with Mírín,
referred by Mírín to Híshwí,
required by Gushtásp to fur-
nish him with arms, 345
goes with Gushtásp and
Híshwí to Mount Sakíla,
and Híshwí welcome Gush-
tásp on his return, 347
gives gifts to Gushtásp,
has the dead dragon con-
veyed to Cæsar's court,
marries Cæsar's third daugh-
ter, 348
and Mírín display their
accomplishment on the
riding-ground, 349
and Mírín, Cæsar's wrath
with, 351
send a scornful message
to Cæsar, 353
set to guard the bag-
gage, 355
Áhriman, the Evil Principle, 23,
41 seq., 45, 46, 89, 103,
124, 128, 130, 162, 163,
179, 206, 243, 272, 288,
342, 348, 352
Akhást, Túránian hero, vi, 97,
chosen to fight with Zanga,
slain by Zanga, 106
Aláns (Alani), people, 14, 60, 65,
Alburz, mountain-range, 136
Alexander the Great, 314
Amulet, 133
of Kai Khusrau, 133
Ámwí, city on the Oxus, 11, 65,
154, 184, 206
Andaráb, city in Afghánistán, 65
Andarímán, Túránian hero, vi, 26
fights with Gustaham, 87
his steed slain by Hajír, 87
rescued by the Turkmans,
chosen to fight with Gurgín,
slain by Gurgín, 104
Aogemaidé, Pahlaví treatise, 136
Aphrodite, 315
Apologue, 18, 28, 47
Apothegm, 13, 32, 33, 38, 39, 59,
93, 108, 121, 131, 268
Arabs, 14
Árash, king of the Khúzíans,
146, 148
Ard, day of, 252
Ardabíl, city in Ázarbáiján, 147,
Ardshír, son of Bízhan, 360
goes with Zarír to Rúm, 360
hails Gushtásp as Sháh, 362
Aries, constellation, 24, 147, 158,
Arjásp, Túránian hero, 26
Arjuna, one of the five Pándavas,
138, 139
Aryans, 137
Ashi Vanguhi, the genius of
piety, 137
Ashkash, Íránian hero, 13, 57,
60, 61, 65,
sent by Kai Khusrau to
Khárazm, 15
defeats Shída, 60, 72
his troops recalled, 145
sent with a host to Zam, 157
his pillage of Makrán
stopped by Kai Khusrau,
appointed governor of Mak-
rán, 244
welcomes Kai Khusrau on
his return from Gang-
dizh, 251
Asia, 315
Astivihád, demon, 137
Athenæus, 314, 316
Deipnosophistœ of, quoted,
Aurvat-aspa (Luhrásp), 316
Autumnal Equinox, 313
Áwa, Íránian hero, 149
Ázar Ábádagán, Tabríz or the
Fire-temples there, 259
Kai Khusrau and Kai Káús
go on a pilgrimage to the
Fire-temple at, 258
Ázarbáiján, province, 136
Ázargashasp, spirit of the light-
ning, 84, 100, 147, 175, 275,
307, 360
temple of, 136, 258, 259
Kai Khusrau and Kai
Káús go on a pilgrim-
age to the, 258
referred to, 264
Kai Khusrau and Kai Káús
make thanksgiving before,
Zarasp, Kai Khusrau's trea-
surer, makes gifts to, 269
BADAKHSHÁN, region in northern
Afghánistán, 65, 192
Baghdád, city, 147, 256
Bahman, month and day, 81 note
Bahrám (Vardanes), Íránian hero
and Parthian king, 8, 312
Bahrám, son of Zarasp, 360
goes with Zarír to Rúm,
commands the host in Zarír's
absence, 360
hails Gushtásp as Sháh, 362
Bahrám, Íránian hero or king,
Baigand (Kunduz), a city in
Túrán, 151
Afrásiyáb encamps at, 151
marches from, 154
Bakyír, mountain, 136
Balkh, city, ix, 19, 20, 65, 156,
157, 255, 316
capital of Luhrásp, 317
Balúchistán, country (Makrán),
Bámiyán, district in Afghánistán,
Barbaristán, country, 136, 148
Barda', city on the borders of
Armenia and Ázarbáiján,
Afrásiyáb takes refuge in a
cave near, 259
Bármán, Túránian hero, vi, 97
chosen to fight Ruhhám, 97
slain by Ruhhám, 102
Barta, Íránian hero, vi, 97, 149
chosen to fight with Kuhram,
slays Kuhram, 105
Barzín, Fire-temple, 318
built by Luhrásp, 318
Battle of the Twelve Rukhs, v,
vi, 7 seq.
Eleven Rukhs, 88
arranged by Gúdarz and
Pírán, 95 seq.
Firdausí's reflections on,
7, 98, 106
Bedouins, 148
commanded by Zahír in Kai
Khusrau's host, 148
Bhima, one of the five Pándavas,
138, 139
Bíd, a dív, 296
Bihisht (Paradise), the name of
the country round Gang,
Bihzád, the horse of Siyáwush
and subsequently of Kai
Khusrau, 172, 303
Bístún, mountain, 190
Bízhan, Íránian hero, v, vi, 7, 8,
13, 26 seq., 39 seq., 56, 77,
83 seq., 87, 88, 91, 102, 117
seq., 123 seq., 132 seq.,
147, 292, 306 seq.
Bízhan, a favourite with the
poet, 8
desires to fight Húmán, 39
asks Gív to lend him the
mail of Siyáwush, 40
seeks Gúdarz' permission to
fight Húmán, 41
receives the mail of Siyáwush
from Gív, 45
parleys with Húmán, 45
returns after the fight in
Húmán's armour, 51
defeats night-attack and slays
Nastíhan, 54
referred to, 76
attacks with Gív Pírán's
centre, 83
fights with Farshídward, 87
chosen to fight with Rúín, 97
slays Rúín, 103
asks Gúdarz for help for
Gustaham, 117
rescues Gustaham, 124 seq.,
brings back the corpses of
Lahhák and Farshídward,
126, 132
and other nobles remonstrate
with Kai Khusrau for re-
fusing audience, 275
have audience with Kai
Khusrau, 283 seq.
Kai Khusrau's gift to, 295
brings Luhrásp before Kai
Khusrau, 300
sets out with Kai Khusrau
on his pilgrimage, 306
refuses to turn back when
bidden by Kai Khusrau, 307
and his comrades farewelled
and warned by Kai Khus-
rau, 308
lose all trace of Kai
Khusrau, 308
his end, 309
Gúdarz' grief for, 310, 312
his sons go with Zarír to
Rúm, 360
Bízhan, his sons hail Gushtásp
as Sháh, 362
Boot, golden, 34, 180, 243, 282,
300, 359
Brahman, 50
Bride, The, name of one of Kai
Káús' treasures, 295
given by Kai Khusrau to Gív,
Zál, and Rustam, 295
Bukhárá, city, 65, 154, 255
Kurákhán sent to, 154
Afrásiyáb joins Kurákhán at,
Fire-temple built by Túr at,
Búráb, court-farrier to Cæsar, 326
refuses to employ Gushtásp,
Burjásp, Túránian hero, 26
commands the left wing, 26
Burzúyalá, Túránian hero, 182
fights with Kai Khusrau, 182
Bust, fortress and district in Sístán,
CÆSAR, ix, 314, 325 seq., 333 seq.,
339 seq, 348 seq.
daughter of = Katáyún, 314
capital of, founded by Salm,
Nastár, master of the herds
to, 325
refuses to employ Gush-
tásp, 326
Búráb, court-farrier to, 326
refuses to employ Gush-
tásp, 327
proposes to give his eldest
daughter in marriage, 329
his wrath at her choice of
Gushtásp, 330
yields to bishop's counsel, 331
refuses to provide for his
daughter and Gushtásp, 331
bids Mírín slay the wolf of
Fáskún, 333
inspects the slain wolf, 341
Cæsar, marries his second daugh-
ter to Mírín, 341
bids Ahran slay the dragon
of Mount Sakíla, 342
his third daughter, 342 seq.
married to Ahran, 348
rejoices in his two sons-in-
law, 348
proclaims the tidings of the
slaughter of the wolf and
the dragon, 349
his sons-in-law display their
accomplishment on the
riding-ground, 349
sees Gushtásp's prowess and
questions him, 350
learns the truth about the
wolf and the dragon, and
asks pardon of Gushtásp
and Katáyún, 351
is wroth with Mírín and
Ahran, 351
seeks to find out through
Katáyún who Gushtásp is,
receives Gushtásp with hon-
our at court, 352
Ilyás refuses to pay tribute
to, 352
receives a scornful message
from Mírín and Ahran, 353
takes counsel with Gushtásp,
bids Gushtásp lead forth the
host, 354
arrays the host, 355
Gushtásp brings the dead
body of Ilyás to, 355
welcomes Gushtásp after his
victory, 356
consults Gushtásp about de-
manding tribute from Írán,
sends an envoy to Luhrásp,
gives audience to Zarír, 360
replies to and dismisses Zarír,
Cæsar, questions Gushtásp, 361
sends Gushtásp to Zarír's
camp, 361
goes to feast with Gushtásp
and discovers who he is, 363
gives gifts to Katáyún, 363
the Íránian chiefs, 364
parts in good-will from Gush-
tásp, 364
Caspian Sea, 136
Gates, 315
Caucasus, 316
Cavern of Afrásiyáb, 136 seq., 259
Chách (Táshkand), city in Túrán,
19, 187, 188, 255
Chares, of Mytilene, 314
quoted, 314
Chigil, city in Turkistán, 155
Chíjast (Khanjast), lake (Uru-
miah), 136 note
Chín, country (often = Túrán), 10,
11, 50, 60, 63, 78, 133, 151,
166, 196, 197, 202, 203, 208,
219 seq., 228 seq., 233, 234,
236 seq., 245, 246, 251, 252,
256, 260, 272, 312, 317, 323
Khán of, 60, 219
lord of = Mahmúd, 142
brocade of, 151, 243, 254
king of = Afrásiyáb, 165, 170,
prince of = Afrásiyáb, 194
Faghfúr of. See Faghfúr
Sea of, 237, 254
dínárs of, 241
Contents, Table of, v
DAGHWÍ, desert in Turkistán, 117
Dahistán, city in Tabaristán, 61,
72, 79, 148, 157
Dámaghán, city in Tabaristán,
Dambar, city in Hind, 278, 283,
Damúr, Túránian hero, 156
Darmesteter, Professor, on Afrási-
yáb's capture by Húm, 136
Dashma, Íránian hero, 148
Deipnosophistœ, of Athenæus, 314
quoted, 314
Dharma, Indian god of righteous-
ness, 138
follows in the form of a dog
the Pándavas in their pil-
grimage, 139
Diláfrúz, Íránian hero, 147
stationed on Kai Khusrau's
left hand, 147
Dilánjám, Cæsar's second daugh-
ter, 333
asked in marriage by Mírín,
married to Mírín, 341
Dív, demon (Daéva), 86, 87, 177,
288, 296
binder of the = Gúdarz, 35
binder of the = Rustam, 57
= Áhriman, 63, 84, 201, 206,
278, 282, 286, 289 seq., 301,
322, 341
White, 136, 296
Don, river, 315 note, 316
Dragon = Húmán, 43, 52
= Afrásiyáb, 270
of Mount Sakíla, ix, 342 seq.,
Gushtásp keeps two teeth
of, 346
teeth of, produced by
Híshwí to Cæsar, 351
referred to, 358
Draupadi, joint wife of the five
Pándavas, 138 and note, 139
Drváspa, genius of cattle, 137
ELEVEN RUKHS, Battle of the, 88
arranged by Gúdarz and
Pírán, 95 seq.
Firdausí's reflections on, 7,
98, 106
Equinox, autumnal, 313
FAGHFÚR, dynastic title of the
princes of Chín and Máchín,
vii, viii, 11, 135, 196, 238
helps Afrásiyáb, 219
and Khán sue to Kai Khusrau
for peace, 229
orders Afrásiyáb to quit
Khutan and Chín, 230
grants facilities to Kai Khus-
rau on his march through
Chín, 239
and the Khán of Chín, wel-
come Kai Khusrau, 240
confirmed in the posses-
sion of Máchín and
Chín, 252
Farab, desert, 185
Farámarz, son of Rustam, 14
Farangís, daughter of Afrásiyáb,
wife of Siyáwush, mother
of Kai Khusrau,
referred to, 205, 213, 216
death of, referred to, 304
Farhád (Phraates), Íránian hero,
13, 15, 21, 25, 42, 147, 292
left in command by Gív, 83
put in command of the left
wing, 92
left at Gaug-bihisht, 219
Faríburz, son of Kai Káús, v, vi,
13, 34, 37, 91, 306 seq.
commands the right wing, 24
superseded pro tem. by Kat-
mára, 92
chosen to fight with Kulbád,
slays Kulbád, 99
commands with Tukhár the
troops from Kháwar, 148
slays Fartús, 181
commands the right, 191
takes part in the siege of
Gang-bihisht, 199
and other nobles remonstrate
with Kai Khusrau for re-
fusing audience, 275
Kai Khusrau's gift to, 295
sets out with Kai Khusrau
on his pilgrimage, 306
refuses to turn back when
bidden by Kai Khusrau,
and his comrades farewelled
and warned by Kai Khus-
rau, 308
lose all trace of Kai
Khusrau, 308
vainly reminds his com-
rades of Kai Khusrau's
warning, 309
his end, 309
Farídún, Sháh, viii, 17, 66, 69, 89,
91, 142, 149, 151, 153, 168,
174, 203, 204, 221, 222, 255,
259, 260, 262, 266, 269, 286,
289, 299, 313, 328
Fáriyáb, city between Balkh and
Marv, 65
Farshídward, Túránian hero, vi,
7, 10, 85 seq., 112 seq., 119,
121, 122, 125, 132, 133, 153,
160, 162
commands with Lahhák the
right wing, 26
attacks the Íránians in flank,
opposed by Zanga, 83
goes to help Pírán and attacks
Gív, 85
his prowess, 86
fights with Guráza, 87
Bízhan, 87
and Lahhák, put in joint
command, 94
Pírán's instructions to,
hear of the death of
Pírán and the coming
of Kai Khusrau, 112
lament for Pírán, 112
take counsel with the
host, 113
Farshídward and Lahhák, fight
and escape from Íránian
outpost, 116
referred to, 118, 120, 126
repose themselves, 121
their corpses brought
back by Bízhan, 126,
their deaths announced
to Afrásiyáb, 152
Fartús, Túránian hero, 181
slain by Faríburz, 181
Farúd, son of Siyáwush and
half-brother of Kai Khus-
rau, 42, 135
Farukhzád, name assumed by
Gushtásp in Rúm, 351 seq.,
357, 360
Fáskún, forest of, 333, 335 seq.
wolf of, ix, 333, 336 seq.
description of, 333, 336
Mírín bidden by Cæsar
to slay the, 333
Gushtásp undertakes to
slay the, 336
keeps the tusks of,
tusks of, produced before
Cæsar by Híshwí, 351
Fazl, son of Ahmad. See Abú'l
'Abbás Fazl
Firdausí, 8, 136, 138, 314, 316
occasion of Mahmúd's al-
leged repentance for his
treatment of, 8
his reflections on the Battle
of the Eleven Rukhs, 7, 98,
praises Mahmúd, 139 seq.
autobiographical references
of, 141 seq.
Fírúz, Íránían king, 149
Fish, mythological, 279
Frangrasyan (Afrásiyáb), 137, 138
Furúhil, Íránian hero, vi, 24, 33
chosen to fight with Zangula,
slays Zangula, 101
GABRIEL, angel, 140
Gang, mountain, 162
Gang, stronghold, 134, 136, 258
king of = Afrásiyáb, 134
two places known as, 136
= Gang-bihisht, 190, 195, 197,
198, 202, 208, 218, 220, 221,
229, 232
description of, 195
besieged by Kai Khus-
rau, 198, 208 seq.
taken by storm, 209 seq.
= Gang-dizh, 247 seq.
Gang-bihisht, stronghold, vii, 135,
136, 187, 195 seq., 207 seq.,
218, 228, 238
Afrásiyáb at, 187
marches from, 190
returns to, 196
description of, 195
prepared for a siege by Afrá-
siyáb, 197
besieged by Kai Khusrau,
198, 208 seq.
taken by storm, 209 seq.
occupied by Kai Khusrau
for a while, 218
Gúdarz left in command of,
Gustaham, son of Naudar,
left in command of, 238
Kai Khusrau dwells a year
in, 254
Gang-dizh, stronghold, viii, 135,
136, 186 note, 203, 247
seq., 257, 264
Afrásiyáb takes refuge at,
Kai Khusrau resolves to pur-
sue Afrásiyáb to, 231
marches to, 247
forbids his troops to in-
jure, 247
enters, 248
remains a year at, 249
Gang-dizh, Kai Khusrau advised
by his paladins to leave,
appoints a governor for,
distributes treasure at,
Garsíwaz, brother of Afrásiyáb,
viii, 10, 135 seq., 209 seq.,
252, 268
put in charge of the ele-
phants, 156
reinforces Afrásiyáb, 181
and Jahn compel Afrásiyáb
to quit the field, 182
commands the rear, 191
at the storming of Gang-
bihisht, 209
taken prisoner by Rustam,
referred to, 211
sent to Kai Káús, 233
imprisoned, 235
sent for by Kai Káús and
Kai Khusrau and put to
the torture, 265
his voice attracts Afrásiyáb
from lake Urumíah, 265
holds converse with Afrá-
siyáb, 266
slain by Kai Khusrau, 269
Gazhdaham, Íránian hero, 13, 24,
Gharcha, country (Georgia), 14,
65, 149
king of, 149
Ghaznín, city in Kábulistán, 14
Ghundí, a dív, 296
Ghuz, a Turkman tribe, 60
Gílán, region in Írán on the
south-western shores of
the Caspian, 148, 265
river of, 154
Afrásiyáb's camp in, 155
Gív, Íránian hero, v, vi, viii, 7,
8, 11, 13, 15 seq., 24, 26
seq., 39 seq., 52, 54, 56, 59,
69, 82 seq., 90, 99, 102,
136, 147, 157, 223, 226, 227,
233 seq., 292, 296, 306 seq.
holds parley with Pírán, 20
his overtures rejected, re-
turns to Gúdarz, 21
commands the rear, 24
referred to, 39
tries to stop Bízhan from
fighting Húmán, 40, 43
over-ruled by Gúdarz, 43
refuses to lend Bízhan the
mail of Siyáwush, 43
repents of his refusal, 44
son of = Bízhan, 76
ordered to dispatch troops to
oppose Lahhák and Far-
shídward, 82
sends Zanga and Gurgín, 83
leaves Farhád in command
and attacks with Bízhan
Pírán's centre, 83
defeats Rúín, 84
fights with Pírán, 84
attacked by Lahhák and Far-
shídward, 85
superseded pro tem. by Shí-
dúsh, 92
chosen to fight with Gurwí,
takes Gurwí prisoner, 100
opposes Bízhan's going to
help Gustaham, 119
consents to Bízhan's going to
help Gustaham, 120
brings Gurwí before Kai
Khusrau, 127
given a command, 149
commands the rear, 191
takes part in the siege of
Gang-bihisht, 199
goes with the captives to Kai
Káús, 233
gives Kai Káús tidings of
Kai Khusrau, 234
rewarded by Kai Káús, 236
returns to Gang-bihisht with
letter for Kai Khusrau, 238
made governor of the country
between the sea and Gang-
dizh, 246
welcomes Kai Khusrau on his
return from Gang-dizh, 250
rewarded by Kai Khusrau,
and Gúdarz meet Húm, 263
hear of Húm's adventure
with Afrásiyáb, 263
and other nobles remonstrate
with Kai Khusrau for re-
fusing audience, 275
sent by Gúdarz to summon
Zál and Rustam, 278
and other chiefs make, by
Kai Khusrau's orders, an
assembly on the plain,
291 seq.
Kai Khusrau's gift to, 295
receives grant of Kum and
Ispahán, 298
sets out with Kai Khusrau
on his pilgrimage, 306
refuses to turn back when
bidden by Kai Khusrau,
and his comrades farewelled
and warned by Kai Khus-
rau, 308
lose all trace of Kai
Khusrau, 308
his end, 309
Gúdarz' grief for, 310, 312
Gívgán, Íránian hero, 24
Glory, the divine. See Grace
Golden boot, 34, 180, 243, 282,
300, 359
Grace, or Glory, the divine, 24, 32,
69, 79, 93, 137, 138, 168,
173 seq., 184, 203, 220, 236,
248, 249, 257, 260, 268,
271, 273, 279, 283, 288,
290, 293, 302, 303, 307,
317, 330, 338, 345, 358
Gúdarz, Íránian hero, v, vi, viii,
7, 13, 15 seq., 52 seq., 79,
80, 85, 88 seq., 102, 103,
106 seq., 113 seq., 126 seq.,
136, 145 seq., 149, 157, 162,
171, 180, 191, 206, 226, 227,
292, 294 seq., 298, 299, 306,
307, 310, 312
sent to invade Túrán by Kai
Khusrau, 15
ordered to negotiate with
Pírán, 15
negotiations failing, marches
from Raibad to meet Pírán,
arrays his host, 24
gives the right wing to Farí-
burz, 24
gives the baggage to Hajír, 24
gives the left wing to Ruh-
hám, 24
Gives the rear to Gív, 24
posts a watchman on the
mountain-top, 25
takes his station at the
centre, 25
counsels Bízhan as to his
fight with Húmán, 41
over-rules Gív's objections, 43
rewards Bízhan, 52
prepares to resist a night-
attack, 53
gives a force to Bízhan, 54
joins battle with Pírán, 55
writes to Kai Khusrau, 56
sends Hajír with the letter,
receives Kai Khusrau's reply,
prepares to renew the fight,
receives Rúín with a letter
from Pírán, 67
entertains Rúín, 68
dismisses Rúín with presents
and the reply to Pírán's
letter, 74
prepares for the flank-attack
of Lahhák and Farshíd-
ward, 82
sends Hajír with orders to
Gív, 82
Gúdarz, harangues the host, 89
resolves to fight in person,
90, 92, 96
gives the left wing to Far-
hád, 92
gives the right wing to Kat-
mára, 92
gives the rear to Shídúsh,
gives the chief command to
Gustaham, 92
instructs Gustaham, 92
holds a parley with Pírán
and arranges with him
the Battle of the Eleven
Rukhs, 95 seq.
slays Pírán's steed, 107
pursues Pírán, 108
calls on Pírán to surrender,
is wounded by Pírán, 108
slays Pírán, 109
drinks Pírán's blood, 109
sends Ruhhám to fetch
Pírán's corpse, 110
harangues the host, 110
resumes his command, 111
calls for volunteers to pursue
Lahhák and Farshídward,
sends Gustaham, 117
Bízhan to help Gusta-
ham, 119
comes before Kai Khusrau
with the other champions,
receives Ispahán, 129
commands the left wing, 147
takes part in the assault on
Gang-bihisht, 208
left in command at Gang-
bihisht, 219
and Gív meet Húm, 263
hear of Húm's adventure
with Afrásiyáb, 263
gives Kai Khusrau and Kai
Káús tidings of Afrásiyáb,
Gúdarz, and other nobles remon-
strate with Kai Khusrau
for refusing audience, 275
Tús, and other nobles take
counsel, 277
sends Gív to summon Zál
and Rustam, 278
goes with other chiefs to
meet Zál and Rustam, 282
his audience with Kai
Khusrau, 283 seq.
and other chiefs make, by
Kai Khusrau's orders, an
assembly on the plain, 291
Kai Khusrau's charge to,
gift to, 295
asks Kai Khusrau for a
patent for Gív, 298
his numerous descendants,
sets out with Kai Khusrau
on his pilgrimage, 306
turns back at the bidding of
Kai Khusrau, 307
laments the loss of the
paladins, 310, 312
returns to Írán, 310
promises fealty to Luhrásp,
his grandsons go with Zarír
to Rúm, 360
hail Gushtásp as Sháh,
Gulzaryún, river (the Jaxartes?),
187, 189, 190, 218, 219
Gúrán, king of Kirmán, 146
Guráza, Íránian hero, vi, 15,
24, 34
fights with Farshídward, 87
chosen to fight with Siyámak,
slays Siyámak, 100
Gurdgír, son of Afrásiyáb, 156
commands the troops from
Tartary, Khallukh, and
Balkh, 156
Gurgán, city in eastern Mázan-
darán, 61
Gurganj, capital of Khárazm, 60
Gurgín, Íránian hero, vi, 13, 15,
21, 24, 147, 191, 292
opposes Lahhák, 83
chosen to fight with Andarí-
mán, 97
slays Andarímán, 104
and other nobles remonstrate
with Kai Khusrau for
refusing audience, 275
has audience with Kai
Khusrau, 283 seq.
Gúrkán (? Gurgán, q.v.), 65
Gurúkhán, Íránian hero, 149
Gurwí, Túránian hero, vi, 7, 99,
111, 252
chosen to fight with Gív, 97
taken prisoner by Gív, 100
brought by Gív before Kai
Khusrau, 127
executed, 129
Gushtásp (Hystaspes*),
Sháh, ix,
314 seq., 318 seq., 334 seq.,
343 seq.
son of Lulirásp, 318
his jealousy of the grandsons
of Kai Káús, 318
asks Luhrásp to appoint him
heir to the crown, 318
departs in wrath for Hind,
arrives at Kábul, 320
overtaken by Zarír, 320
takes counsel with the chiefs,
returns to Luhrásp, 322
pardoned by Luhrásp, 322
determines to quit Írán, 323
takes a steed of Luhrásp's,
his interview with Híshwí,
Gushtásp, vainly seeks work in
Rúm as a scribe, 325
as a herdsman, 326
as a camel-driver, 326
as a blacksmith, 327
dreamed of by Katáyún, 329
goes to Cæsar's palace, 330
chosen for her husband by
Katáyún, 330
marries Katáyún, 331
spends his time in the chase,
makes friends with Híshwí,
332 and note
asked by Híshwí to under-
take the adventure of the
wolf of Fáskún, 335
undertakes to slay the wolf
of Fáskún, 336
provided with steed and arms
by Mírín, 336
goes with Mírín and Híshwí
to the forest of Fáskún, 337
prays for help, 337
gives thanks for his victory,
takes the wolf's tusks, 338
welcomed by Híshwí and
Mírín on his return, 339
discovers to Katáyún his
royal race, 340
referred to, 343 seq.
asked by Híshwí to under-
take the adventure of the
dragon of Mount Sakíla,
bids Ahran provide a steed,
sword, and other arms, 345
goes with Ahran and Híshwí
to Mount Sakíla, 346
takes two of the dragon's
teeth, 346
gives thanks for his victory,
welcomed by Híshwí and
Ahran on his return, 347
Gushtásp, accepts gifts from
Ahran and bestows part
upon Híshwí, 347
returns to Katáyún, 348
goes to the sports on Cæsar's
riding-ground, 349
his prowess at polo and
archery, 350
questioned by Cæsar, 350
reproaches Cæsar for his
treatment of Katáyún, 350
claims to have slain the wolf
and the dragon, 351
his claim confirmed by
Híshwí, 351
reconciled to Cæsar, 351
goes to court and is received
with honour by Cæsar, 351
consulted about Ilyás by
Cæsar, 353
leads forth the host, 354
refuses the overtures of Ilyás,
brings the body of Ilyás to
Cæsar, 356
routs the host of Ilyás, 356
returns in triumph to Cæsar,
recognised by Zarír, 360
goes to Zarír's camp, 361
hears of Luhrásp's abdication
in his favour, 362
saluted as Sháh by the chiefs,
invites Cæsar to a feast, 362
sets out for Írán with
Katáyún, 364
parts in good-will from Cæsar,
welcomed and crowned by
Luhrásp, 364
Gustaham, the son of Gazh-
vi, 7, 13, 15, 24,
33, 93, 116 seq., 132 seq.,
149, 191, 292, 295, 306 seq.
fights with Andarímán, 87
Gustaham, made commander-in-
chief pro tem. vice Gúdarz,
his instructions, 92
resigns his command to
Gúdarz, 111
volunteers to pursue Lahhák
and Farshídward, 116
wounded, 123
rescued by Bízhan, 124 seq.
healed by Kai Khusrau,
and other nobles remonstrate
with Kai Khusrau for re-
fusing audience, 275
has audience with Kai
Khusrau, 283 seq.
Kai Khusrau's gifts to, 295
sets out with Kai Khusrau
on his pilgrimage, 306
refuses to turn back when
bidden by Kai Khusrau,
and his comrades farewelled
and warned by Kai Khus-
rau, 308
lose all trace of Kai
Khusrau, 308
his end, 309
Gustaham, son of Naudar, 157,
Kai Khusrau sends troops to
succour, 157
attacks the Túránians, 178
sent to Chách with troops,
reports his defeat of Kurá-
khán, 193
takes part in the assault on
Gang-bihisht, 208
left in command of Gang-
bihisht, 238
goes to welcome Kai Khus-
rau on his return from
Gang-dizh, 252
left behind as viceroy on Kai
Khusrau's return to Írán,
HAJÍR, Íránian hero, vi, 24, 103,
147, 191
put in charge of the baggage,
bears letter from Gúdarz to
Kai Khusrau, 57
rewarded by Kai Khusrau,
carries Kai Khusrau's reply
to Gúdarz, 61, 62
goes with orders to Gív, 82,
slays Andarímán's horse, 87
chosen to fight with Sipah-
ram, 97
slays Sipahram, 104
Halab, city (Aleppo), 359, 360
Hámávarán, country (Yaman),
296, 299
Hamáwan, mountain, 299
Haoma (Húm), 137, 138
Haraiti Bareza (Alburz) moun-
tain, 137
Himavat (Himalayas), 139
Hind, Hindústán, 14, 60, 65, 133,
196, 208, 272, 317, 319,
prince of, 71
lord of = Mahmúd, 142
monarch of, 319, 321
Híshwí, Rúman toll-collector,
324, 334 seq., 344 seq.
his interview with Gushtásp,
becomes friends with Gush-
tásp, 332
on behalf of Mírín asks Gush-
tásp to undertake the ad-
venture of the wolf of
Fáskún, 335
goes with Gushtásp and
Mírín to the forest of
Fáskún, 337
and Mírín welcome Gush-
tásp on his return, 339
Híshwí, on behalf of Ahran, asks
Gushtásp to undertake the
adventure of the dragon of
Mount Sakíla, 344
goes with Gushtásp and
Ahran to Mount Sakíla,
and Ahran welcome Gushtásp
on his return, 347
receives gifts from Gushtásp,
confirms Gushtásp's claim to
have slain the wolf and
dragon, and produces their
teeth to Cæsar, 351
Homa, referred to, 138
Húm (Haoma), hermit, viii, 135
seq., 259 seq.
hears Afrásiyáb lamenting in
the cave, 260
his capture of Afrásiyáb, 261
Darmesteter on, 136
pities and unbinds Afrásiyáb,
tells his adventure with Afrá-
siyáb to Gúdarz and Gív,
Kai Káús and Kai Khus-
rau, 264
suggests how Afrásiyáb may
be recaptured, 265
recaptures Afrásiyáb, 266
Húmán, Túránian hero, v, 7, 8,
10, 29 seq., 44 seq., 55, 56,
61, 75, 76, 91, 118, 152
commands the centre, 25
dissuaded from fighting by
Pírán, 30
his parley with Bízhan, 45
his armour worn by Bízhan, 51
grief of the Túránians at his
death, 51
Húshang, Sháh, 133, 286, 292,
Husravah (Khusrau), 137, 138
(Gushtásp), 314 seq.
IBLÍS, the Muhammadan Devil,
206, 282
Ighríras, brother of Afrásiyáb, 135,
136, 206, 262
given a command, 156
his head sent by Kai Khusrau
to Kai Káús, 185
referred to, 267
Ílá, Túránian king, 182
fights with Kai Khusrau, 182
Ilyás, ruler of Khazar, ix, 352 seq.
tribute demanded of, by
Cæsar, 352
refuses tribute and declares
war, 352
makes overtures to Gushtásp,
his dead body brought by
Gushtásp to Cæsar, 355
India, 316
Íraj, youngest son of Farídún, 17,
66, 69, 136, 167, 203, 267,
Íraj, king of Kábul, 146
Írán, vi, viii, ix, 10 seq., 19, 21,
23, 32, and passim
lord of = Mahmúd, 142
Íránians, the, vi, vii, viii, 7, 16,
20, 32, 34, and passim
Ispahán, city, 129
given to Gúdarz, 129
bestowed on Gív by Kai
Khusrau, 298
Ispurúz, mountain, 136, 230
JAHN, son of Afrásiyáb, vii, 155,
156, 162, 200 seq., 209 seq.,
sent to guard Shída's rear,
Jahn, advances to the attack and
is defeated by Káran, 178
stationed at the centre with
Afrásiyáb, 179
sent to the left with troops,
and Garsíwaz compel Afrá-
siyáb to quit the field, 182
commands the right, 190
at the storming of Gang-
bihisht, 209
taken prisoner by Rustam, 210
sent to Kai Káús, 233
interned by Kai Káús, 235
spurious passage about, 272
Jáj (? Chách, q.v.). 150
Jamshíd, Sháh, 63, 133, 149, 203,
206, 272, 274, 290,
sisters of, referred to, 304
Jaranjás, Túránian hero, 156
Jíhún, river (the Oxus), vii, 10, 12,
20, 53, 60, 79, 153, 154, 157,
181, 184, 187, 194, 255, 304
Jupiter, planet, 143, 295
KABÁB, small pieces of meat
skewered together for
roasting, 121
Kábul, Kábulistán, city and
country, 14, 65, 146, 278,
283, 292
Kaékasta, lake (Urumiah), 137
Káf, mountain, 65, 149
Kaian, Kaiánian, race and dy-
nasty, v, 5 seq., 24, 33, 35,
65, 110, 127, 150, 166, 175,
234, 260, 262, 269, 273, 279,
285, 286, 289, 293, 308, 319,
saying, 33
Kai Káús, Sháh, vii, viii, 13, 61,
129, 135, 136, 162, 167 seq.,
185, 191, 199, 201, 203, 217,
218, 232 seq., 254, 256 seq.,
269 seq., 278, 287, 289, 290,
292, 295 seq., 306, 310, 314,
321 seq.
welcomes Gív and hears his
tídings of Kai Khusrau, 234
gives a feast, 234
deals with the captives, 235
proclaims the conquest of
Túrán and Chín, 236
rewards Gív, 236
sends Gív back with letter to
Kai Khusrau, 238
hears that Kai Khusrau is
returning, and goes with
the nobles to welcome him,
receives gifts from, and hears
the adventures of, Kai
Khusrau, 257
gives a feast in honour of
Kai Khusrau, 257
counsels a pilgrimage to the
temple of Ázargashasp at
Ázar Ábádagán, 258
and Kai Khusrau hear from
Gúdarz of Húm's adventure
with Afrásiyáb, 264
send for Garsíwazand put
him to the torture, 265
make thanksgiving be-
fore Ázargashasp, 269
go in state to the temple
of Ázargashasp, 270
prays that he may die, 270
obsequies of, 271
his treasure called “The
Bride” bestowed by Kai
Khusrau on Gív, Zál, and
Rustam, 295
favour shown by Luhrásp to
the grandsons of, 318, 321
his grandsons go with Zarír
to Rúm, 360
hail Gushtásp as Sháh,
Kai Khusrau, Sháh, v, vi, vii,
viii, ix, 7 seq., 19, 21, 30,
31, 36, 56 seq., 65, 66, 71,
72, 76 seq., 90, 99, 111, 115,
126 seq., 144 seq., 152, 153,
161 seq., 182 seq., 198 seq.,
212 seq., 231 seq., 237 seq.,
262, 267 seq., 317 seq., 319,
hears that the Túránians are
invading Írán, 12
summons his paladins, 13
host, 14
sends Rustam to Hindústán,
Luhrásp to the Aláns, 14
Ashkash to Khárazm, 15
Gúdarz to Túrán, 15
orders Gúdarz to negotiate
with Pírán, 15
receives letter from Gúdarz,
rewards Hajír, the bearer, 58
prays for victory, 58
sends Hajír with answer, 61
leads a host to aid Gúdarz,
referred to, 85
his presage that Pírán would
be slain by Gúdarz, 85, 88
reaches Gúdarz, 111, 126
receives Gúdarz and the
other champions, 126
Gurwí brought by Gív before,
laments over Pírán, 127
buries Pírán and the Túránian
champions, 128
puts Gurwí to death, 129
rewards the host, 129
gives Ispahán to Gúdarz, 129
pardons the Túránian host,
amulet of, 133
heals Gustaham, 133
summons reinforcements, 134,
his great war with Afrásiyáb,
135 seq.
his exemption from death,
Kai Khusrau, passing of, its
parallel in Indian legend,
recalls the troops under Luh-
rásp, Rustam, and Ash-
kash, 145
stations Tús on his right
with Káwa's standard, 146
gives the right wing to Rus-
tam, 147
gives the left wing to Gúdarz,
gives commands to various
chiefs, 148, 149
hears of Afrásiyáb's passage
of the Jíhún, 157
sends troops to the aid of
Gustaham, son of Naudar,
at Balkh, 157
Ashkash with a host to
Zam, 157
marches to Khárazm, 157
surveys the seat of war and
entrenches the host, 157
Shída's embassage to, 161
sends Káran to welcome
Shída, 165
proposes to fight in single
combat, 166
rejects the Íránians' sug-
gestions of a peace, 167
accepts Shída's challenge,
168, 169
sends Káran with a reply to
Shída, 168
arms to fight with Shída,
makes Ruhhám his standard-
bearer, 171
sends instructions to the
host, 171
his parley with Shída, 172
accepts Shída's challenge to
a wrestling-bout, 175
gives Ruhhám charge of his
steed, 175
wrestles and overthrows
Shída, 175
Kai Khusrau, instructs Ruhhám
to bury Shída, 176
spares the life of Shída's
interpreter, and bids him
return to Afrásiyáb with
tidings, 176
prays for vengeance on, and
attacks, Afrásiyáb, 178
bids Shammákh attack, 180
attacks with Rustam from
the centre, 180
fights with Ustukílá, Ílá and
Burzúyalá, 182
returns to camp, 183
hears of Afrásiyáb's retreat,
offers praise to God, 184
pursues Afrásiyáb, 185 seq.
marches to Sughd, 188
hears tidings of Afrásiyáb,
sends Gustaham, son of
Naudar, to Chách, 188
Rustam to encounter
Tawurg, 188
marches from Sughd and re-
duces the Turkman strong-
holds, 189
to the Gulzaryún, 189
commands the centre, 191
prays for victory, 191
hears of the defeat of Kurá-
khán by Gustaham, son of
Naudar, 193
hears of Rustam's defeat of
Tawurg, 193
warns Rustam to beware of
Afrásiyáb, 194
plunders the camp of, and
pursues, Afrásiyáb, 195
besieges Gang-bihisht, 198,
208 seq.
converses with Rustam, 198,
199, 222
receives Jahn in audience,
declines Afrásiyáb's proposals
for peace, 207
Kai Khusrau, with Rustam, Gus-
taham, son of Naudar, and
Gúdarz, assails Gang-
bihisht on all sides, 208
prays for victory, 208
takes Gang-bihisht by storm,
209 seq.
searches vainly for Afrásiyáb,
gives the spoil of Gang-
bihisht to the troops, 217
grants quarter to the Turk-
mans and assumes the
government of Túrán, 217
dwells for a while at Gang-
bihisht, 218
leaves Gúdarz and Farhád at
Gang-bihisht, 219
marches against Afrásiyáb,
rejects Afrásiyáb's overtures,
fights a general engagement
against Afrásiyáb, 223, 226
entrenches his troops and pre-
pares with Tús and Rustam
for a night-attack from
Afrásiyáb, 224
repulses Afrásiyáb's night-
attack, 225
defeats Afrásiyáb, 227
receives the submission of
Afrásiyáb's army, 228
gives a feast, 228
offers praise to God, 228
returns to Gang-bihisht, 228
accepts the submission of the
Khán and Faghfúr, 229
resolves to pursue Afrásiyáb
to Gang-dizh, 231
his plan opposed by the host,
supported by Rustam,
agreed to by the host,
sends Gív with Afrásiyáb's
captive kindred to Kai
Káús, 232
leaves Gustaham, son of
Naudar, in command at
Gang-bihisht and marches
to Chín, 238
demands facilities from the
Khán, the Faghfúr, and
the king of Makrán, 238
marches through Khutan,
welcomed by the Faghfúr
and the Khán of Chín,
stays three months in Chín,
leaves Rustam in Chín and
marches to Makrán, 241
sends an embassy to the king
of Makrán, 241
gives honourable burial to
the king of Makrán, 243
stops the pillage of Makrán,
stays a year in Makrán, 244
makes ready a fleet, 244
leaves Ashkash as governor
and marches to the desert,
his voyage, 245
marvels of, 245
lands, 246
appoints Gív governor, 246
receives the submission of
the chiefs, 247
seeks for tidings of Gang-
dizh and of Afrásiyáb, 247
marches to Gang-dizh, 247
forbids his troops to injure
Gang-dizh, 247
enters Gang-dizh, 248
searches for Afrásiyáb, 248
remains a year at Gang-dizh,
urged by his paladins to re-
turn to Írán, 249
appoints a governor for Gang-
dizh, 249
Kai Khusrau, distributes treasures
at Gangdizh, 250
marches seaward from Gang-
dizh, 250
welcomed by Gív, 250
crosses the sea to Makrán,
welcomed in Makrán by
Ashkash and the chiefs,
appoints a governor for Mak-
rán, 251
marches to Chín, 251
welcomed by Rustam, 251
confirms the Faghfúr and
Khán in the possession of
Máchín and Chín, 252
goes with Rustam to Siyá-
wushgird, 252
rewards Rustam and Gív,
welcomed by Gustaham, son
of Naudar, 252
goes to Gang-bihisht, 253
prays for satisfaction on Afrá-
siyáb, 253
dwells for a year in Gang-
bihisht, 254
desires to return to Kai Káús,
leaves Gustaham, son of
Naudar, as viceroy, 254
carries off treasure from
Chín and Makrán, 254
arrives at Chách, 255
Sughd, 255
met by Khúzán and Talímán,
makes offerings to the Fire-
temple at Bukhárá, 255
crosses the Jíhún, 255
arrives at Balkh, 255
welcomed everywhere by the
people, 255
goes by Tálikán, the Marvrúd,
Níshápúr, and Dámaghán
to Rai, 255
stays two weeks at Rai, 256
Kai Khusrau, announces his ap-
proach to Kai Káús, 256
goes to Baghdád and thence
to Párs, 256
his reception by Kai Káús,
presents gifts, and tells his
adventures, to Kai Káús, 257
has a feast given in his
honour by Kai Káús, 257
rewards the troops, 258
takes counsel with Kai Káús
concerning Afrásiyáb, 258
goes with Kai Káús on a
pilgrimage to the temple of
Ázargashasp at Ázar Ábá-
dagán, 258
and Kai Káús hear from
Gúdarz of Húm's adven-
ture with Afrásiyáb, 264
send for Garsíwaz and
put him to the torture,
slays Afrásiyáb, 268
Garsíwaz, 269
and Kai Káús make thanks-
giving before Ázargashasp,
his treasurer makes gifts to
Ázargashasp, 269
sends letters announcing his
triumph to all the chiefs, 270
holds festival and bestows
treasure, 270
goes with Kai Káús in state
to the temple of Ázarga-
shasp, 270
performs the obsequies of
Kai Káús, 271
assumes the crown as sole
Sháh, 272
spurious passage about, 272
becomes world-weary, 272
closes his court and with-
draws to his oratory, 274
prays that he may be taken
from the world, 274
Kai Khusrau, passes a week in
prayer, 274, 279
remonstrated with by the
nobles, 275, 279
replies to the nobles, 276, 279
passes five weeks in prayer,
hears from Surúsh that his
prayer is granted, 280
bidden to appoint Luhrásp
as his successor, 281
puts off his royal robes, 281
receives Zál, Rustam, and
others in audience, 283 seq.
pardons Zál, 291
orders an assembly to be
held on the plain, 291
makes disposal of his trea-
sures, 294
his charge to Gúdarz, 294
his gifts to Gív, Zál, and
Rustam, 295
Gustaham, 295
Gúdarz, 295
Faríburz, 295
Bízhan, 295
Zál's companions, 297
confirms Rustam in posses-
sion of Nímrúz, 297
bestows Kum and Ispahán
on Gív, 298
confirms the charge of Káwa's
flag, and gives Khurásán,
to Tús, 300
summons and crowns Luh-
rásp, 300
Zál's protest against Luh-
rásp's succession, 301
justifies his choice of Luh-
rásp, 301
takes leave of the Íránians,
his women lament for him,
commends his women to the
honour of Luhrásp, 305
dismisses the Íránians, 305
counsels Luhrásp, 305
Kai Khusrau, bids Luhrásp fare-
well, 306
sets forth on his pilgrimage
with some of his chiefs, 306
again appealed to by the
Íránians, 306
his reply, 307
bids his chiefs return, 307
rests with his remaining
chiefs by a spring, 307
prepares for his passing, 308
farewells his chiefs, 308
warns his chiefs of the com-
ing of the snow, 308
disappears, 308
Kai Kubád, Sháh, 35, 70, 147, 149,
168, 201, 283, 298, 302
his descendants, commanded
by Diláfrúz, stationed on
Kai Khusrau's left hand,
Kai Pashín, son of Kai Kubád,
Kákula, Túránian hero, 188
reinforces Afrásiyáb, 188
Kálús, Rúman chief, 356
sent as envoy to Ilyás, 352,
Luhrásp, 357
entertained by Luhrásp, 357
describes Gushtásp to Luh-
rásp, 358
is dismissed with honour, 359
Kámús, Túránian hero, 297
Kanábad, mountain, 22, 23, 37, 47,
48, 51, 55, 56, 76, 88, 112
occupied by Pírán, 22
Kandahár, city, 65
Kannúj, city in Hindústán, 278,
283, 284
Káran, Íránian hero and ruler of
Kháwar, 135, 146,
made champion of the host,
sent by Kai Khusrau to wel-
come Shída, 165
bears Kai Khusrau's answer
to Shída, 168
Káran, opposes and defeats Jahn,
Karkh, suburb of Baghdád, 147
Karsiyún, Túránian hero, 10
Kása rúd, river, 90
Kashán, city in Túrán, 189
Kashmír, country, 14, 60, 65
Katáyún, eldest daughter of
Cæsar, ix, 329 seq., 348
story of, 329 seq.
marriage of, 329 seq.
her dream of Gushtásp, 329
sees and chooses Gushtásp
for her husband, 330
marries Gushtásp, 331
sells a jewel, 332
discovers that Gushtásp is of
royal race, 340
persuades Gushtásp to go to
the sports on Cæsar's rid-
ing-ground, 349
Cæsar reproached by Gush-
tásp for his unkindness to,
reconciled to Cæsar, 351
referred to, 358
receives gifts from Cæsar,
goes to Írán with Gushtásp,
Katmára, Íránian hero, 92
put in command of the
right wing, 92
Káús. See Kai Káús
Kavi Husravah (Kai Khusrau),
137, 138
Káwa, the smith, 165, 178
flag of, 24, 25, 34, 55, 59, 92,
112, 146, 180, 226, 243, 282,
292, 359
Tús confirmed in charge
of, by Kai Khusrau,
Keresavasda (Garsíwaz), 137
Khallukh, city in Túrán, 10, 156
Khán of Chín, the, 60, 135, 238
and the Faghfúr sue to
Kai Khusrau for peace,
grant facilities to Kai
Khusrau on his march
through Chín, 239
welcome Kai Khusrau,
confirmed in the pos-
session of Chín and
Máchín, 252
Khanjast (Chíjast), lake (Uru-
miah), 136, 264
Khárazm, country (Khiva), 11,
12, 15, 60, 61, 72, 157, 173,
186, 287
Kharrád, Íránian hero, 15
Khatlán,districtin Badakhshán,65
Kháwar, district in Khurásán,
147, 148
Khazar, Khazars, district and
people north of the Cau-
casus, 71, 316, 352 seq., 358,
Khurásán, 148, 203
Khusrau. See Kai Khusrau
Khutan, region in Túrán, 11, 26,
219, 230
monarch of, 11
=Afrásiyáb, 230
Kai Khusrau marches
through, 240
Khúzán, a king of Párs, 146, 191
meets Kai Khusrau, in
Sughd, 255
Khúzians, people of the land of
the sugar-cane (khúz), the
ancient Susiana (Khúzis-
tán), 146
Kibchák, region and people, the
Golden Horde of later
times, 254
Kímák, sea or river in Túrán, 203,
Kirmán, region in southern Írán,
Kishwád, Íránian hero, v, 20, 32,
35, 63, 147, 174, 180, 263,
294, 310, 360
Kishwaristán, Íránian hero, 148
commands the troops from
Barbaristán and Rúm, 148
Kubard, Túránian hero, 190
commands the left, 190
Kuhílá, Túránian hero, 181
slain by Minúchihr, 181
Kuhram, Túránian hero, vi, 97
chosen to fight with Barta,
slain by Barta, 105
Kulbád, Túránian hero, vi, 10,
chosen to fight with Faríburz,
slain by Faríburz, 99
Kum, city and district in
Írán between Tihrán and
Kashán, 298
bestowed by Kai Khusrau
on Gív, 298
Kunduz (Baigand), city in Túrán,
Afrásiyáb encamps at, 151
marches from, 154
Kurákhán, son of Afrásiyáb, 10
summoned and sent with
troops to Bukhárá by Afrá-
siyáb, 154
joined by Afrásiyáb, 186
defeated by Gustaham, son
of Naudar, 193
Kurus, Indian tribal race, 138
LÁDAN (Pashan), battle of, 27,
37, 90, 120, 299
Lahhák, Túránian hero, vi, 7, 71,
86, 112 seq., 121, 122, 125,
132, 133, 160, 162
commands with Farshídward
the right wing, 26
attacks the Íránians in flank,
opposed by Gurgín, 83
goes to help Pírán and attacks
Gív, 85
Lahhák, his prowess, 86
put in chief command with
Farshídward, 94
his instructions, 95
and Farshídward hear of the
death of Pírán and the
coming of Kai Khusrau,
lament for Pírán, 112
take counsel with the
host, 113
fight, and escape from,
Íránian outpost, 116
referred to, 118, 120, 126
repose themselves, 121
their corpses brought
back by Bízhan, 126,
their deaths announced
to Afrásiyáb, 152
Lion's Mouth, The, place, 245
Luhrásp, Sháh, viii, ix, 14, 57,
60, 65, 71, 135, 300 seq.,
305, 306, 311 seq., 337, 347,
356 seq.
sent to the Aláns by Kai
Khusrau, 14
his successes, 60, 71
his troops recalled, 145
nominated by Surúsh to be
Kai Khusrau's successor,
crowned by Kai Khusrau,
Zál's protest against the suc-
cession of, 301
his succession justified by
Kai Khusrau, 301
acknowledged by Zál,
the chiefs, 303
undertakes to respect Kai
Khusrau's wives, 305
counselled and farewelled by
Kai Khusrau, 306
addresses the chiefs, 311
receives the fealty of Zál and
other chiefs, 312
Luhrásp, praises and rewards Zál,
his coronation, 312
his reign, 314 seq.
harangues the chiefs, 316
makes Balkh his capital, 317
builds the Fire-Temple of
Barzín, 318
shows favour to the grandsons
of Kai Káús, 318, 321 seq.
refuses to appoint Gushtásp
his heir, 319
sends Zarír in pursuit of
Gushtásp, 320
pardons Gushtásp, 322
hears of Gushtásp's flight, 323
consults Zarír and the sages,
searches in vain for Gush-
tásp, 324
receives Kálús, Cæsar's envoy,
in audience, 357
entertains Kálús, 357
consults Zarír, 358
questions Kálús, 358
dismisses Kálús with honour,
sends Zarír with other chiefs
on a mission to Rúm, 359
his message to Cæsar, 361
welcomes and crowns Gush-
tásp on his return to Írán,
MÁCHÍN (China), 151, 203, 229,
231, 234, 252
Mahábhárata, Indian Epic, 138,
the passing of the five Pán-
davas compared with that
of Kai Khusrau, 138
Máh Áfríd, daughter of Túr, 304
Mahmúd, Sultán, vi, 8, 139 seq.
occasion of his alleged re-
pentance for his treatment
of Firdausí, 8
Mahmúd, Firdausí's praise of,
135, 139
Mai, city in Hind, 278, 284
Mail of Siyáwush, v, 40, 41, 44,
45, 51
referred to, 42, 43
Makrán, country (Balúchistán),
viii, 136, 203, 231, 234, 237
seq., 254
king of, viii, 238 seq.
refuses facilities to Kai
Khusrau, 239, 242
buried by Kai Khusrau,
Kai Khusrau marches upon,
stops pillage of, 243, 244
prepares a fleet in, 244
sails for Gang-dizh from,
returns to, 251
goes to Chín from, 251
Manúshán, a king in Párs, 146,
180, 191
Marathi, Scythian people, 315
Margh, city in Hind, 278, 284
Marvrúd, river (the Murgháb),
Mázandarán, country (Hyrcania),
86, 136, 296, 299
Mazda (Urmuzd), 137
Media, 315
Meru, mountain, 139
Mihrás, father of Ilyás the ruler
of Khazar, 352
Mihrgán, feast of, 313
Mílád, Íránian hero, 83, 147, 191
Minúchihr, Sháh, 10, 65, 69, 70,
76, 136, 206, 283, 285,
Minúchihr, son of Árash, 148, 149,
commands the troops from
Khurásán, 148
slays Kuhílá, 181
commands the left, 191
Mírín, Rúman chief, ix, 333 seq.,
Mírín, asks Cæsar's second daugh-
ter, Dilánjám, in marriage,
bidden by Cæsar to slay the
wolf of Fáskún, 333
casts a horoscope, 334
asks Híshwí to interest Gush-
tásp in his behalf, 334
provides Gushtásp with a
steed and arms, 336
goes with Gushtásp and
Híshwí to the forest of
Fáskún, 337
and Híshwí welcome Gush-
tásp on his return, 339
informs Cæsar that he has
slain the wolf, 341
marries Cæsar's daughter, 341
consulted by Ahran, 342
refers Ahran to Híshwí, 344
his letter to Híshwí, 344
and Ahran display their
accomplishment on the
riding-ground, 349
Cæsar's wrath with, 351
send a scornful message
to Cæsar, 353
set to guard the baggage,
Mytilene, Chares of, 314
quoted, 314
NAKULA, one of the five Pán-
davas, 138
referred to, 139
Naphtha, black, 208, 209
its use in sieges, 208, 209
Nastár, Cæsar's master of the
herds, 325
refuses to employ Gushtásp,
Nastíhan, Túránian hero, v, 53
seq., 61, 75, 77
slain by Bízhan, 54
Nastúh, Íránian hero, 148
Nastúh, Túránian hero, 156
Naudar, Sháh, 13, 61, 70, 157, 167,
178, 191, 193, 206, 237, 254,
262, 267
Nile, 145 seq., 180, 333
Nímrúz, country,*
156, 188
confirmed to Rustam by Kai
Khusrau, 297
to Zál by Luhrásp, 312
Nishápúr, city in Khurásán, 255
Note on Pronunciation, 4
ODATIS, Scythian princess, 315
legend of, 315
Omartes, Scythian chief, 315
legend of, 315
PÁNDAVAS, the five, 138, 139
their pilgrimage compared
with that of Kai Khusrau
and his paladins, 138
Pándu, Indian king, 316
Párs, country, viii, 146, 256, 269,
270, 318
Pashan (Ládan), battle of, 27, 36,
42, 90, 206
Pashang, father of Afrásiyáb, 78,
136, 151, 174, 222, 266, 289
Pashang (Shída), son of Afrá-
siyáb. See Shída
Pashang, father of Minúchihr,
Pashín. See Kai Pashín
Persia, 8
Pírán, Túránian hero, v, vi, 7, 10
seq., 15 seq., 29 seq., 36, 38,
41, 47, 53 seq., 59 seq., 63
seq., 88 seq., 93 seq., 103, 106
seq., 112 seq., 117, 118, 129,
134, 145, 151 seq., 159, 160,
162, 205, 206
sent by Afrásiyáb to invade
Írán, 11
Pírán, holds parley with Gív, 20
informs Afrásiyáb, 20
receives reinforcements, 20
rejects Gív's overtures, 21
occupies Kanábad, 22
arrays his host, 25
gives the centre to Húmán,
left to Burjásp, 26
right to Lahhák and
Farshídward, 26
sets scouts on the mountain-
top, 26
dissuades Húmán from fight-
ing, 30
hears of Húmán's death, 51
sends Nastíhan to make a
night-attack, 53
hears of Nastíhan's death, 55
attacks Gúdarz, 55
proposes terms to Gúdarz,
sends Rúín with letter to
Gúdarz, 67
receives Gúdarz' reply, 74
harangues his troops and
prepares for battle, 75
sends messenger to Afrá-
siyáb, 75
receives Afrásiyáb's reply, 80
becomes despondent, 81, 98
sends Lahhák and Farshíd-
ward to take the Íránians
in flank, 82
fights with Gív, 84
appeals to Lahhák and Far-
shídward for help, 85
announces the proposed
Battle of Eleven Rukhs,
gives the chief command to
Lahhák and Farshídward,
instructs them, 95
holds a parley with Gúdarz
and arranges with him the
Battle of the Eleven Rukhs,
95 seq.
his steed slain by Gúdarz,
falls under his steed and is
injured, 107
flees from Gúdarz, 107
refuses to surrender, 108
wounds Gúdarz, 108
is slain by Gúdarz, 109
lamented for by Lahhák and
Farshídward, 112
Kai Khusrau, 127
and the Túránian champions
buried by Kai Khusrau,
his death announced to Afrá-
siyáb, 151
his treasures taken possession
of by Afrásiyáb, 219
Pisces, constellation, 364
Pleiades, constellation, 183, 245,
Prithá, Indian princess, 316
Pronunciation, Note on, 4
Púlád, a dív, 296 and note
RAI, city near Tihrán, 147, 255,
Raibad, mountain, 16, 17, 22, 23,
47, 55, 76, 88, 111, 112,
occupied by Gúdarz, 16
arrival of Kai Khusrau at,
111, 126
Rája, Indian prince, 321
Rakhsh, Rustam's steed, 295
Rívníz, son of Zarasp, 360
goes with Zarír to Rúm, 360
hails Gushtásp as Sháh, 362
Rook. See Rukh
Ruhhám, Íránian hero, v, vi, 13,
15, 21, 31, 37, 147
commands the left wing, 24
superseded pro tem. by Far-
hád, 92
Ruhhám, chosen to fight with
Bármán, 97
slays Bármán, 102
sent by Gúdarz to fetch
Pírán's corpse, 110
acts as Kai Khusrau's stan-
dard-bearer in his combat
with Shída, 171
protests against Kai Khus-
rau's fighting on foot with
Shida, 174
holds Kai Khusrau's steed,
instructed by Kai Khusrau
to bury Shída, 176
and other nobles remonstrate
with Kai Khusrau for re-
fusing audience, 275
Rúín, son of Pírán, vi, 10, 71, 90,
102, 152, 153, 162
put in command of ambush,
bears letter from Pírán to
Gúdarz, 67
entertained by Gúdarz, 68
returns to Pírán with Gúdarz'
reply, 74
goes to help Pírán against
Gív and is defeated, 84
chosen to fight with Bízhan,
slain by Bízhan, 103
Rukhs, Battle of the Twelve, v,
vi, 7 seq.
meaning of, 7
move of, in chess, 8
Battle of the Eleven, 88
arranged by Gúdarz and
Pírán, 95 seq.
Firdausí's reflections on,
7, 98, 106
Rúm, the Eastern Roman Em-
pire, ix, 14, 133, 148, 196,
197, 208, 272, 312, 314, 316,
317, 323 seq., 330, 331, 333
seq., 339, 341 seq., 345, 348,
349, 352, 353, 355, 356, 359,
361, 364
Rúm, brocade of, 128, 271, 364
city in, founded by Salm, 325
Rúman, 357, 360, 363
Russia, 316
Rustam, Íránian hero, viii, 10,
11, 13, 27, 30, 60, 65, 145
seq., 157, 167, 172, 198, 222
seq., 226, 227, 277, 285, 289,
292, 295 seq., 311, 319, 324
sent to Hindústán by Kai
Khusrau, 14
his successes, 60, 71
his troops recalled, 145
commands the right wing, 147
attacks with Kai Khusrau
from the centre, 180
goes with Zawára to the right
wing, 180
sent to the desert to attack
Tawurg, 188
reports his defeat of Tawurg,
advances, 194
failure of Afrásiyáb's attempt
to surprise, 195
takes part in the siege of
Gang-bihisht, 199, 208 seq.
Kai Khusrau's converse with,
198, 199
at the storming of Gang-
bihisht, 209
takes Jahn and Garsíwaz
prisoners, 210
advises Kai Khusrau to reject
Afrásiyáb's overtures, 222
ordered to prepare for a night-
attack from Afrásiyáb, 224
supports Kai Khusrau's pro-
posal to pursue Afrásiyáb
to Gang-dizh, 231
left by Kai Khusrau in Chín,
welcomes Kai Khusrau on
his return from Gang-dizh,
accompanies Kai Khusrau to
Siyáwushgird, 252
summoned by the Íránians
to remonstrate with Kai
Khusrau, 278
with Zál and the sages, sets
forth for Írán, 279
met on arrival by Gúdarz and
other chiefs, 282
holds converse with the
Íránians, 282
his audience with Kai Khus-
rau, 283 seq.
and other chiefs make, by
Kai Khusrau's orders, an
assembly on the plain, 291
Kai Khusrau's gift to, 295
confirmed by Kai Khusrau
in possession of Nímrúz,
sets out with Kai Khusrau
on his pilgrimage, 306
turns back at the bidding of
Kai Khusrau, 307
laments the loss of the
paladins and returns to
Írán, 310
promises fealty to Luhrásp,
SABBÁKH, king of Yaman, 146
Sada, feast of, 317
Sagittarius, constellation, 355
Sahadeva, one of the five Pán-
davas, 138
referred to, 139
Sakíl, son of Cæsar, 355
commands the left wing, 355
Sakíla, mountain, 342
dragon of, ix, 342 seq.
referred to, 343, 351, 358
Salm, eldest son of Farídún, 66,
69, 269, 272, 335
city in Rúm founded by, 325
sword of, 335 seq.
Sám, Íránian hero, father of Zál,
222, 251, 290, 301, 319
Samkunán, Íránian hero, 149
Sanja, a dív, 296
Sapandármad, month and day, 252
Saturn, planet, 31, 214
Scythia, 316
Shabáhang, Farhád's steed, also
Bízhan's, 8, 47
Shabdíz, charger of Luhrásp, 323
taken by Gushtásp, 323
Shabrang, Bízhan's steed, 8, 39,
50, 119, 124
Sháhnáma, 7, 8, 136 seq., 316
editions of, 3
metre of, 8
cosmogony of, 136
Firdausí's references to, 141 seq.
Shammákh, king of Súr, 57, 146
Shápúr, Íránian hero, 292
hails Gushtásp as Sháh, 362
Sháwarán, Íránian hero, vi, 97,
105, 147, 275
Shída (Pashang), son of Afrásiyáb,
vii, 10 seq., 15, 60, 135, 156,
158 seq., 168 seq., 206, 222,
287, 290
sent by Afrásiyáb to
Khárazm, 11
defeated by Ashkash, 60, 72
commands the left wing, 155
his surname, meaning of, 155
urges Afrásiyáb to attack
Kai Khusrau, 159
Afrásiyáb's reply to, 160
wishes to meet Kai Khusrau
in single combat, 161
goes on an embassage to Kai
Khusrau, 161
has a skirmish with the
Íránian outposts, 164
welcomed by Káran, 165
his mail and steed, 168
receives Kai Khusrau's reply,
returns to Afrásiyáb, 170
goes to fight with Kai Khus-
rau, 171
Shída, his parley with Kai
Khusrau 172
challenges Kai Khusrau to a
wrestling-bout, 173
urged by his interpreter to
flee from Kai Khusrau, 174
refuses, 174
wrestles and is overthrown,
Kai Khusrau instructs Ruh-
hám to bury, 176
Shídúsh, Íránian hero, 13, 15, 25,
put in command of the rear,
and other nobles remon-
strate with Kai Khusrau
for refusing audience, 275
Shingán, place or district, 65
Shírúya, son of Bízhan, 360
goes with Zarír to Rúm, 360
Sind, region and river (Indus),
65, 71
Sipahram, Túránian hero, vi, 26,
chosen to fight with Hajír, 97
slain by Hajír, 104
Sístán, country,*
14, 278
Siyámak, Túránian hero, vi, 97
chosen to fight with Guráza,
slain by Guráza, 100
Siyáwush, son of Kai Káús, v, 7,
17, 18, 34, 43 seq., 50, 51, 70
seq., 89, 90, 95, 96, 102, 109,
120, 127, 129, 130, 137, 152,
159, 162, 167, 168, 172, 201,
202, 204, 205, 214, 215, 221,
223, 231, 235, 248, 250, 252,
257, 267, 270, 271, 283, 285,
289, 299, 305, 307, 310
mail of, v, 40 seq., 51
referred to, 42, 43
murderer of=Afrásiyáb, 198
garth of=Siyáwushgird, 238
execution of, referred to, 268
Siyáwushgird, city, viii, 250, 252
referred to, 238
Sughd, district and city (Samar-
kand), 65, 188, 189, 255
Suhráb, son of Rustam, 296
Sultán, Mahmúd, vi, 8, 139 seq.
occasion of his alleged re-
pentance for his treatment
of Firdausí, 8
Firdausí's praise of, 139
Súr, city near Ispahán, 146, 180
Surúsh, angel, viii, 139, 203, 265,
285, 303, 307
referred to, 273
informs Kai Khusrau that
his prayer is granted, 281
bids Kai Khusrau appoint
Luhrásp as his successor,
may be assumed to have ac-
companied Kai Khusrau on
his pilgrimage, 139, 303,
Sword of Salm, 335 seq.
Swyamvara, Indian form of mar-
riage, 316
Syávarshána (Siyáwush), 137
Tahmásp, Íránian hero, 283
Tahmúras, Sháh, 133
Tálikán, city or region between
Balkh and Marv, 65, 255
Talímán, Íránian hero, 255
meets Kai Khusrau in Sughd,
Tanais, river, 315 and note
Taráz, city in Turkistán and dis-
trict in Badakhshán, 218
Idols of, 218
Tartary, 156
Taurus, constellation, 177
Tawurg, Túránian hero, 188
sent on an expedition by
Afrásiyáb, 188
defeated by Rustam, 193
Tirmid, place where the route
from Balkh to Samarkand
crosses the Oxus (Jíhún),
Tukhár, king of Dahistán, 148
commands with Faríburz the
troops from Kháwar, 148
slays a scout from Makrán,
Túr, second son of Farídún, 11, 34,
66, 69, 70, 78, 166, 167, 188,
201, 203, 206, 269, 272, 290
Fire-temple at Bukhárá built
by, 255
daughter of, 304
Túr= Túrán, 51, 164
chief of=Húmán, 51
prince of=Shída, 164
Túrán, vi, viii, 10, 15, 17, 19, 20,
and passim
lord of=Mahmúd, 142
Túránians (Turkmans), the, v, vi,
vii, 7, 81, 129, 223, 227
Turkistán, 233
Turkmans (Túránians), 10, 13, 15,
19, 20, 22, 29, and passim
Tús, son of Naudar, viii, 13, 15,
61, 62, 79, 91, 135, 146, 157,
180, 191, 224, 226, 227, 242,
292, 296, 299, 300, 306 seq.
leads a host to Khárazm, 61
son of=Zarásp, 135
madeoverseer of the host,
stationed on Khusrau's right,
takes part in the siege of
Gang-bihisht, 199
ordered to prepare for a
night-attack from Afrá-
siyáb, 224
and other nobles remonstrate
with Kai Khusrau for re-
fusing audience, 275
Gúdarz, and other nobles
take counsel, 277
his audience with Kai Khus-
rau, 283 seq.
Tús, and other chiefs make, by
Kai Khusrau's orders, an
assemblage on the plain,
291 seq.
Kai Khusrau's gifts to, 295,
asks for further recognition
from Kai Khusrau, 299
retains the charge of Káwa's
flag and receives Khurásán,
sets out with Kai Khusrau
on his pilgrimage, 306
refuses to turn back when
bidden by Kai Khusrau,
and his comrades farewelled
and warned by Kai Khus-
rau, 308
lose all trace of Kai
Khusrau, 308
his end, 309
Tús, city in Khurásán, 295
the treasure of Kai Káús
called ‘The Bride’ stored
at, 295
Twelve Rukhs, Battle of the, v,
vi, 7 seq.
ÚLÁD, a dív, 296 note
Urmuzd, the Good Principle, 139,
Urumiah (Khanjast or Chíjast),
lake, 136
Afrásiyáb escapes from Húm
into, 262 and note
Ustukílá, Túránian hero, 182
fights with Kai Khusrau, 182
VISTASPA (Gushtásp), 316
Volga, river, 316
Vouru-Kasha, ??, 137
WHITE DÍV, the. See Dív
Wísa, Túránian hero, 32, 39, 50,
54, 55, 74, 84, 95, 99, 103,
113, 115, 122
sayings of, 32
Wísagird, city in Túrán, v, 19,
20, 65
Wolf of Fáskún, ix, 333, 336
Mírín bidden by Cæsar to
slay the, 333
Gushtásp keeps the tusks of
the, 338
tusks of, produced by Híshwí
to Cæsar, 351
referred to, 359
YAMAN, region in south-western
Arabia, 146
Yudhishthira, eldest of the five
Pándavas, 138
his renunciation of the world
and pilgrimage to heaven
compared with that of Kai
Khusrau, 138
ZÁBUL, Zábulistán, country,*
278, 283, 296, 311
Zádsham, king of Túrán, 149,
163, 166, 178, 203
offspring of=Afrásiyáb, 178
Zahhák, Sháh, 89, 206, 272, 274,
Zahír, Íránian hero, 148
commands the Bedouins in
Kai Khusrau's army,
Zairi-vairi (Zarír), 316
Zál, father of Rustam, viii, 13,
147, 222, 251, 277, 282
seq., 295 seq., 301, 302, 306,
307, 310 seq., 319
summoned by the Íránians
to remonstrate with Kai
Khusrau, 278
with Rustam and the sages,
sets out for Írán, 279
met on arrival by Gúdarz
and other chiefs, 282
holds converse with the Írá-
nians, 282
his audience with Kai Khus-
rau, 283 seq.
asks pardon of Kai Khusrau,
and other chiefs make, by
Kai Khusrau's orders, an
assemblage on the plain,
291 seq.
Kai Khusrau's gift to, 295
his companions rewarded by
Kai Khusrau, 297
returns thanks, 298
protests against Luhrásp's
succession, 301
acknowledges Luhrásp as
Sháh, 302
sets out with Kai Khus-
rau on his pilgrimage,
turns back at the bidding of
Kai Khusrau, 307
laments the loss of the pala-
dins and returns to Írán,
promises fealty to Luhrásp,
Zam, river and city (between
Tirmid and Ámwí?), 65, 157
Zamzam, 258 note
Zandavasta, 151, 228, 253, 259,
Zanga, Íránian hero, vi, 13, 15,
24, 105, 147
opposes Farshídward, 83
chosen to fight with Akhást,
Zanga, slays Akhást, 106
and other nobles remonstrate
with Kai Khusrau for re-
fusing audience, 275
Zangula or Zangúla, Túránian
hero, vi, 26
chosen to fight with Furúhil,
slain by Furúhil, 101
Zarasp, Íránian hero, 180, 301
Zarasp, treasurer of Kai Khusrau,
147, 269
makes gifts to Ázargashasp,
goes with his kindred to
the temple of Ázargashasp,
his kindred go to meet Zál
and Rustam, 282
his descendants go with Zarír
to Rúm, 360
Zarásp, son of Tús, 135
referred to, 149
Zarathustra (Zarduhsht, Zoro-
aster), 137
Zarduhsht (Zoroaster), 272
Zariadres (Zairi-vairi, Zarír), 314
legend of, 314 seq.
Zarír (Zairi-vairi, Zariadres), son
of Luhrásp and brother of
Gushtásp, ix, 315, 316, 318,
347, 358 seq.
sent by Luhrásp in pursuit
of Gushtásp, 320
charger of, 321
returns with Gushtásp, 322
consulted by Luhrásp, 323,
advises Luhrásp, 358
goes with other chiefs on a
mission to Rúm, 359
reaches Halab, 360
entrusts the host to Bahrám,
goes to Cæsar's court, 360
has audience with Cæsar and
recognises Gushtásp, 360
Zarír, gives Luhrásp's answer to
Cæsar, 361
visited in his camp by Gush-
tásp, 361
informs Gushtásp of Luh-
rásp's abdication in his
favour, 362
Zav, Sháh, 283
Zawára, brother of Rustam, 24,
given a command, 149
Zawára, goes with Rustam to the
right wing, 180
Zira, Túránian hero, vi, 97, 99,
127, 129
chosen to fight with Gív, 97
taken prisoner by Gív, 100, 111
brought by Gív before Kai
Khusrau, 127
executed by Kai Khusrau,
Zirih, sea or lake, 136