Labbik, 242
Labibi (Persian poet), 157
Lahore, 390
Lahsa, 224
Lakiz, country of the —, 429
Laklak, Qasida-i- — (“Stork
qasida,” by 'Ali Shatranji),
Lala (= anemone), 329
Lala Sharafu'd-Din of Samar-
qand (father-in-law of
Jalalu'd-Din Rumi), 515
“Lalla Rookh” (Moore's),
Lama'at (of 'Iraqi), 500
“Lament of Baba Tahir,” 259
Lami'i (Turkish poet), 276
Lami'i of Bukhara (Persian
poet), 343
Lamiyyatu'l - 'Ajam (by
-Tughra'i), 299, 354
Lamsar, 454, 459
Lan, Country of the —, 429
Lands of the Eastern Cali-
(by Le Strange), 541
Lane-Poole, Prof. S. — (Mu-
hammadan Dynasties
), 36,
90, 165-166, 444, 447
Larinda, 515
Lasiqs (“Adherents” of the
Assassins), 206
-Lata'if wa'dh-Dhara'if (by
-Tha'alibi), 101
Lata'ifu'l-Bayan (by Shaykh
Ruzbihan), 490
Lata'ifu'l-Ma'arif (by -Tha'-
alibi), 101
Latakia, 183
Latin, 5, 350, 485
Layla, 534
Layla and Majnun (by
Nidhami of Ganja), 400,
401, 406-408
Laylatu'l-Qadr (“Night of
Worth”), 150
Leipzig, 362
Le Strange, G. —, 361, 541
Leyden, 244, 245, 256, 276, 330,
360, 468, 471, 482, 483
“Like loose” (or “Omoio-
teleton”), 22
“Limericks,” 258
Lippert, Julius —, 250, 475,
476, 477
Lisanu'l-Ghayb (by 'Attar),
508, 509
List of Shi'ite Books (by
-Tusi), 355
Literary History of Persia
vol. i. (by E. G. Browne).
See Prolegomena
Liyalis (Sect of the —), 230
“Locksley Hall” (by Tenny-
son), 26
Longfellow, H. W. —, 452
“Look at the Clock” (from
Ingoldsby Legends), 54
“Loose,” “Mongol —” (in
archery), 171, 541
Lot, 150
“Lovers' Companion” (Ani-
, by Sharafu'd-
Din Rami), 83
Lubabu'l-Albab (by Muham-
mad 'Awfi), 13, 93, 94, 116,
117, 131, 132, 147, 249, 271,
272, 310, 318, 327, 328, 333,
Lucknow, 257, 378, 396, 397,
Lughat-i-Furs (by Asadi,
edited by Paul Horn), 18,
273-274, 326, 343, 355, 357,
365, 370, 373, 375, 381, 398,
412, 424, 475, 477-479, 508,
Lughaz (Enigma), 45, 64, 65
Lutf 'Ali Beg (author of
Atash-kada), 218, 369, 402
Luther, Martin —, 77
Luzumiyyat (by Abu'l-'Ala
-Ma'arri), 292
Luzumu ma la yalzam
(= Luzumiyyat), 62, 292


Abu'l-Ma'ali (bookseller of
Herat, who sheltered Fir-
dawsi), 140
Abu'l-Ma'ali (poet of Ray), 344
Abu'l-Ma'ali -Juwayni, 174
Abu'l-Ma'ali Muhammad
'Ubaydu'llah (author of
Bayanu'l-Adyan), 288
Abu'l-Ma'ali Nahhas (poet),
Abu'l-Ma'ali Nasru'llah (trans-
lator into Persian of Kalila
and Dimna
), 346, 349
Abu'l-Ma'ali Sadidu'l-Mulk,
Ma'alimu't-Tanzil (com-
mentary on Qur'an by
-Farra -Baghawi), 354
Ma'arratu'n - Nu'man, 222,
289, 290
-Ma'arri, Abu'l-'Ala — (poet,
pessimist and philosopher),
88, 222, 289-293, 354
Macan, Turner — (editor of
Shahnama), 131, 136, 144,
Macaronic Verse, 44, 45, 46
Macaronicorum Poema (of
Merlinus Coccaius), 46
Madh-i-muwajjah (“Implied
Praise”), 52
Madhharu'l-l-'Aja'ib (by
'Attar), 494, 508, 510
Madiha (Panegyric), 44, 122,
-Mafarrukhi(author of history
of Isfahan), 114
Mafatihu'l-'Ulum, 6, 114
Mafriyan (Catholicus), 469
Maghrib, 45, 290, 486
Maghribi (Persian poet and
mystic), 256
Magian, 114. See Zoroastrians
Mah-Malik (sister of Malik-
shah and wife of Caliph),
300, 303
Mahdi, Imam —, 194, 197
Mahdiyya, City of —, in N.
Africa, 217
Mahmud of Ghazna, 10, 38,
70, 79, 81, 90-164 passim,
especially 95, 116 (his verse),
117-118 (his character), 118-
119, 123, 152, 156, 157, 159,
160, 161, 163; 167, 169, 170,
171, 202, 230, 237, 277, 278,
280, 281, 306, 323, 347, 471
Mahmud, Sultan Shah —,
grandson of Atsiz, 331
Mahmud b. Malikshah, 182,
185, 192, 299, 300, 301, 361
Mahmud b. Muhammad b.
Malikshah, 191, 302
Mahmudiyan (the great poets
of Sultan Mahmud's court),
Mahna, 261, 366, 367
Mahomet, 207, 208. See
Muhammad the Prophet
Mahsati (Persian poetess),
344, 503
Maimonides, 486
Majalisu'l-Mu'minin (bio-
graphies of eminent Shi'ites,
by Sayyid Nuru'llah Shush-
tari), 159, 378, 486, 506
Abu'l-Majd Majdud b. Adam,
317. See Sana'i
Majdu'd-Dawla Abu Talib
Rustam, 141, 278, 280. See
Abu Talib Rustam
Majdu'd-Din b. -Athir
(traditionist and theologian),
Majdu'd-Din -Baghdadi
(disciple of Najmu'd-Din
Kubra), 493, 494, 495, 508, 510
Majdu'd-Din Hamkar (Per-
sian poet), 256, 390, 412
Majdu'd-Din Abu'l Hasan
'Imrani (called Khwaja-i-
), 390
Majdu'd-Din Muhammad b.
'Ali Ash'ath (patron of
Dhahir of Faryab), 415
Majdu'l-Mulk Abu'l Fadl
-Qumi, 186, 213, 300, 301,
313, 327
Majma'u'l-Fusaha (by Rida-
quli Khan), 326, 328, 356, 479,
Majnun, 406, 407, 534
-Majusi (Magian), 114. See
also Zoroastrians
Makhzanu'l-Asrar (by Ni-
dhami of Ganja), 400, 401,
403, 404
-Makin (historian), 471
Malaga, 487
Malahida, 196, 205, 220, 244,
298, 358. See Assassins,

Malahida, Assassins when
first so named, 454
Malatiyya, 469, 515
Malays, 5
Malazgird, 177
Malik, Title of —, 90
Malik, Imam —, 229
-Malik -Ashraf, 476
-Malik -'Aziz, 476
-Malik -Dhahir, 446, 497. See
-Malik -Nasir, 446
-Malik -Rahim, 170, 172
Malik Shamsu'd-Din, 256
Maliki Sect, 194, 230
Malikshah, 10, 35, 137, 165-167,
168, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182,
183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189,
190, 209, 213, 214, 252, 255,
297, 298, 299, 300, 307, 314,
324, 327, 426
Malikshah II, 302
Malta, 199
Mamelukes, or Mamluks (of
Egypt), 446
Mamtir, 93, 115
-Ma'mun, the Caliph —, 2, 10,
13, 280, 281
Ma'mun b. Ma'mun Khwa-
razmshah, 96, 97, 100, 101,
102, 107
Manaqibu'l-'Arifin (by
-Aflaki), 517
Manaqibu'sh-Shu'ara (by
Abu Tahir -Khatuni), 184,
Manazilu's-Sa'irin (by
'Abdu'llah Ansari), 270
Manchester, 478
Ibn Manda (author of History
of Isfahan), 299
Manes (founder of Mani-
chæan sect), 8
Mangu (great Khan of Mon-
gols), 444, 445, 452, 453, 459
Manichæans, 230, 295, 329
-Manini (author of com-
mentary on the Kitabu'l-
by -Utbi, q.v.), 99
Manjik (Persian poet), 222, 271
Mankoburni. See Jalalu'd-

Manshuri (Persian poet), 157
Abu Mansur b. 'Abdu'r-
Razzaq (governor of Tus,
A.D. 957-8), 141
Mansur b. 'Ali of Ray
(Persian poet, called
Mantiqi), 93
Abu Mansur -Ma'mari (com-
piler of earliest Persian
version of Shahnama, q.v.),
Abu Mansur Muwaffaq(author
of Pharmacology), 115, 273
Abu Mansur -Tha'alibi, 100.
See Tha'alibi
Mansuri (Persian poet), 116
Mansuriyya College of Tus,
Mantiqi (Persian poet), 93
Mantiqu'l-Asrar (by Shaykh
Ruzbihan), 490
Mantiqu't-Tayr (by Shaykh
Faridu'd-Din 'Attar), 259,
507, 510, 511-515
Maqamat (of Badi'u'z-Zaman
-Hamadhani), 22, 87, 94,
112, 346, 347, 359
Maqamat (of Hamidu'd-Din),
299, 346-349, 390
Maqamat (of Hariri), 94, 113,
299, 346, 347, 354, 359, 360,
Maqlub (Anagram), 59-60
-Maqqari (author of Nafhu't-
), 498
-Maqrizi, 436
Maqta' (peroration of qasida),
-Maqtul, -Shaykh —, 497. See
Shihabu'd-Din Yahya b.
Habsh -Suhrawardi

Maragha, 304, 446, 469, 484,
Marasidu'l-Ittila' (by Yaqut),
Marco Polo, 206-208, 442, 447,
Margoliouth, Professor D. S.
—, 13, 292, 293, 476, 482
Marino Sanuto, 208
Marju's-Safar, Battle of —,
Marthiya (death elegy), 29,
44, 532
Ma'ruf -Karkhi (Sufi saint),
Maryne, 75
Marzuban (“Warden of the
Marches”), 91
Marzuban b. Rustam b.
Sharwin, 277, 489
Marzuban-nama, 93, 115, 489
Mashhad, 153
Mashrabu'l-Arwah (by
Shaykh Ruzbihan), 490
Masihi. See Abu Sahl
Maskh (a variety of plagi-
arism), 73
Masmudi (troops), 223
Mastamard, 115. See
“Master Sayyid” (nickname
for Cannabis Indica or
hashish), 205
Ma'sud, Sultan — the Seljuq,
304, 354
Mas'ud II of Ghazna, 183
Mas'ud III b. Ibrahim of
Ghazna, 305
Mas'ud b. Mahmud of Ghazna,
32, 102, 134, 169, 171, 272,
279, 280, 281, 306
Mas'ud-i-Sa'd-i-Salman (Per-
sian poet), 298, 324-326, 373
Masyath (Assassin stronghold
in Syria), 316
Mathalib (lampoons or pas-
quinades), 81
Mathnawi poems, 17, 18, 23,
25, 26, 29, 44, 317, 318, 337,
391, 399, 400, 402, 414, 510
Mathnawi-i-Ma'nawi (the
great Mystical Mathnawi
of Jalalu'd-Din Rumi), 26
110, 319, 403, 506, 511, 515,
517, 518, 519, 522-523
Matla (exordium or opening
verse of a poem), 25, 27, 41
(double-rhymed matla'), 66
“Maud” (Tennyson's), 269
Mawaliyat (of Ibnu'l-Farid),
-Mawardi, Abu'l Hasan 'Ali
—, 289
Mawdud (falls victim to
Assassins), 311
Mawdud b. Mas'ud b. Mah-
mud (of Ghazna), 102, 169,
Mawsil (Mosoul), 173, 182, 203,
402, 431, 460, 461, 468, 469,
481, 497
May, 68, 69
-Maydani (compiler of col-
lection of Arabic proverbs),
299, 354
-Maymandi. See Ahmad b.

Maymun-Dizh (Assassin
stronghold near Isfahan),
458, 485
Maymun b. Najib -Wasiti
(astronomer), 181
Mayyafariqin, 203, 222
Mazandaran, 90, 204, 225-226,
227, 316, 364, 413, 414, 416,
438, 480, 540
Mazdak (Persian heresiarch
of sixth century), 9, 214
Mecca, 79, 83, 122, 177, 181,
199, 200, 221, 222, 238, 240,
241, 242, 281, 294, 358, 362,
391, 394, 397, 455, 476, 484,
502, 508, 515
Medina (al-Madina or Madi-
natu'n-Nabi, called in
ancient times Yathrib),
177, 199, 358, 397, 504
Mediterranean, 165, 166, 183
Mémoire (Abel Remusat's),
Mémoire sur Khacani (Khani-
kof's), 391, 397, 398, 399
Mercury (planet), 48
Merlinus Coccaius (author of
theMacaronicorum Poema),
Merv, 13, 123, 139, 157, 162,
167, 171, 172, 173, 175, 180,
182, 185, 221, 224, 225, 247,
301, 304, 307, 308, 331, 332,
334, 340, 344, 366, 367, 373,
382, 385, 386, 431, 439, 446,
Mesopotamia, 10, 165, 428, 444
Metempsychosis, 254
Methuen, Messrs. —, 249, 255
Mevlevi (so-called “Dan-
cing”) Dervishes, 518
Mihrab, 83, 122
Mihrijan (Mihrajan), 49, 50
Mihyar (converted Zoro-
astrian who wrote Arabic
verse), 113, 114
Mika'il b. Seljuq, 167
Mikali, Abu'l-Fadl — (patron
of -Tha'alibi), 101
Milton, 319
Minhaj-i-Siraj (author of
Tabaqat-i-Nasiri), 459, 470,
Minuchihr b. Qabus b.
Washmgir (entitled Fala-
ku'l-Ma'ali, Prince of Taba-
ristan, 104, 156
Minuchihr, Shamsu'd-Din
Ahmad — (Persian poet),
Minuchihr Shirwanshah, 392
Minuchihri (Persian poet),
13, 30 et seqq., 41, 42, 116,
120, 153-156
Miratu'l-Alam (by Muham-
mad Bakhtawar Khan), 370
Miratu'l-Khayal (by Shir
Khan Ludi), 369, 370
Miratu'z-Zaman (by -Yafi'i),
Mirsadu'l-'Ibad (by Najmu'd-
Din Daya), 249, 495
Ibn Miskawayhi, 114
Misra' (half verse), 24, 25, 27
Mithra, Month of —, 50
Mohl, Jules —, 130, 131
Mongol Invasion, 2, 9, 11, 12,
13, 82, 166, 193, 297, 355, 382,
426-466, 470, 476, 480, 481,
491, 542
Mongol language, 441
Mongolia, 438, 451, 452
“Mongolian Loose” (in
archery), 171, 541
Mongols, 2, 9, 17, 89, 92, 171,
193, 207, 210, 252, 307, 349,
382, 426-466, 473, 476, 480,
485, 489, 491, 509, 510, 511,
532, 533, 541, 542
Montferrat, Conrad, Marquis
of —, 209
Montgomery, Robert —, 319
Mookerjee, Biography of
Honble. Chief Justice
Moore, Thomas — (Irish
poet), 329
Moors, 41, 432
Mordtmann, 6
Morgan's Macaronic Verse
44, 47, 53, 59, 60
Morocco, 9, 199, 202, 205, 290
Moscow, 450
Moses, 127, 150, 197, 228
Mosoul. See Mawsil
“Most Great Name,” 498
-Mu'ajjam fi Ma'ayiri Ash'ari
, 18, 20, 186, 327
-Mu'allaqat, 18, 142, 349, 353,
Mu'amma (enigma), 45, 68
-Mu'arrab (of -Jawaliqi), 354
Mu'ashshar (“tensome”), 23,
Mu'awiya (Umayyad Caliph),
280, 281
Abu'l-Mu'ayyad of Balkh
(Persian poet), 146, 277
-Mu'ayyad b. Yusuf -Salahi
(Arabic poet), 492
Mu'ayyada of Aba, 304, 385,
Mu'ayyidu'd-Din, Muham-
mad—. See Ibnu'l-'Alqami
Mu'ayyidu'l-Mulk b. Ni-
dhamu'l-Mulk, 301, 302, 312
Mubad (Zoroastrian priest),
Mubalagha (exaggeration), 69
Mubhij (of -Tha'alibi), 101
Mudar, Language of —, 86
Mudhaffar, Abu'l-Fath—. See
Abu'l-Mudhaffar of Chag-
haniyan, Amir —, 124, 125,
127, 128
Abu'l-Mudhaffar-i-Isfizari, 181
Abu'l-Mudhaffar Nasr of
Ghazna. See Nasr
Mudhaffariyya” (Fest-
schrift compiled by Baron
Victor Rosen's pupils), 109,
248, 249
Mudhaffaru'd-Din Muham-
mad b. Ildigiz, Atabek —,
Mudhaffaru'd-Din Shah
Qajar, 181
Mudharaffu'd-Din Uzbe,
Atabek —, 455
Mufassal (of -Zamakhshari),
Mufti of Egypt, Grand — (the
late Shaykh Muhammad
'Abduh), 363
Muhaddithun (professional
story-tellers), 99
-Muhallab, 280
Muhammad (the Prophet), 4,
9, 21, 30, 33, 79, 100, 104,
116, 136, 150, 168, 172, 176,
186, 193, 194, 195, 207, 216,
225-226, 279, 285, 296, 325,
358, 359, 421, 477, 491, 508
Muhammad, Mirza — b. 'Abdu'l-
Wahhab of Qazwin, 13,
324, 365, 494, 507, 508, 509
Muhammad (son of Nidhami of
Ganja), 401
Muhammad 'Abduh, Shaykh —, 363
Muhammad b. 'Abdu'l - Jalil - 'Umari,
330. See Rashid-i-Watwat
Muhammad 'Akkaf, Shaykh — (mur-
dered by the Ghuzz at
Nishapur), 385
Muhammad b. 'Ali (= Suzani, q.v.),
Muhammad b. 'Ali Ash'ath (patron
of Dhahir of Faryab), 415
Muhammad b. 'Ali -Raqqam (author
of Preface of Sana'i's
Hadiqa), 317
Muhammad b. 'Ali of Sarakhs, Abu
Bakr —, surnamed “Khus-
rawi” (Persian poet), 93-94
Muhammad b. -'Alqami. See Ibnu'l-

Muhammad b. Arslanshah, Mughi-
thu'd-Din — (Seljuq of
Kirman), 304
Muhammad Bakhtawar Khan(author
of the Miratu'l-'Alam), 370
Muhammad b. Abu Bakr Ibrahim b.
Mustafa b. Sha'ban =
Faridu'd-Din 'Attar, q.v.
Muhammad b. Buzurg-Ummid, 311,
Muhammad b. Da'ud-'Alawi of Shada-
bad (author of commentary
on Anwari's poems), 391
Muhammad b. Fakhru'l Mulk (patron
of Dhahir of Faryab), 415
Muhammad b. Hasan 'ala dhikrihi's-
, 454, 455
Muhammad b. Hasan b. Isfandiyar.
See Ibn Isfandiyar
Muhammad b. Husayn -Khatibi
-Bakri, 511. See Baha'u'd-
Din Walad

Muhammad b. Ibrahim
(author of a History of the
Seljuqs of Kirman), 323
Muhammad b. Ildigiz, Atabek Mud-
haffaru'd-Din — of Adhar-
bayjan, 401, 416
Muhammad b. Isma'il, how regarded
by Isma'ilis, 197
Muhammad -Juwayni, Shamsu'd-Din
— (prime minister of
Hulagu Khan), 532
Muhammad Kadhim-Tabataba'i, 349
Muhammad Khwarazmshah, 'Ala'u'd-
Din —, or Qutbu'd-Din —,
426, 430, 432, 435, 436, 437,
438, 447, 455, 484, 492, 515,
527, 540
Muhammad Maghribi (copyist of
Nidhamu'l-Mulk's Siyasat-
), 213
Muhammad b. Mahmud (of Ghazna),
Muhammad b. Malikshah, 247, 299,
301, 302, 312, 316, 326
Muhammad b. Mansur -Kunduri, 172
Muhammad b. -Mudhaffar, Sadru'd-
Din —, 247
Muhammad b. -Munawwar of May-
hana (great-great-grandson
of Abu Sa'id b. Abi'l-Khayr),
Muhammad -Nasawi, Shihabu'd-Din
— (author of Biography of
Jalalu'd-Din Khwarazm-
shah), 434, 446, 448, 449
Muhammad b. Sam, King of Ghur, 262
Muhammad b. Sharafu'd-Dawla
(brother-in-law of Malik-
shah), 182
Muhammad Shirazi, Mirza — (Bom-
bay), 498
Muhammad b. Sulayman (Prince of
Samarqand), 386
Muhammad Tughluq(Sultan of Dihli),
Muhammad (-i-) 'Ubaydu'llah, Abu'l-
Ma'ali — (author of
Bayanu'l-Adyan), 288
Muhammad b. Yahya (murdered by
the Ghuzz in Nishapur), 385,
Muhammad b. Zakariyya -Razi (the
physician), 279
Abu Muhammad Ilyas Ni-
dhamu'd-Din. See Ni-

Abu Muhammad b. Khash-
shab, 361
Muhiyyu'd-Din (Mufti), 423
Muhiyyu'd-Din b. -'Arabi.
See Ibnu'l-'Arabi
Muhtamalu'l-wajhayn (ambi-
guous verse, susceptible of
two opposite interpreta-
tions), 52
Mu'inu'd-Din Abu'l-Qasim
Junayd (author of the
Shaddu'l-Azar), 490
Mu'inu'd-Din Parwana of
Rum, 519
Mu'inu'l-Mulk (wazir of
Sanjar), 312
Mu'izzi (poet-laureate of
Sanjar), 35, 137, 189, 272,
298, 303, 308, 323, 327-330,
337, 366, 379, 380, 385, 389,
Mu'izzu'd-Din = Sanjar, q.v.
Mujahidu'd-Din Aybak
(-Dawidar -Saghir, com-
mander of -Musta'sim's
army), 461
Mu'jamu'l-Buldan of Yaqut,
431, 481-482
Mu'jamu'l-Udaba (of Yaqut),
476, 482
Mujarrad (rhetorical figure),
Mujiru'd-Din of Baylaqan
(Persian poet), 397, 413, 425,
483, 540
Mujmal of Ahmad b. Muham-
mad b. Yahya Fasih, 370,
Mukarrar (rhetorical figure),
Mukhammas (“fivesome”),
23, 39, 42, 43, 271
Mukhtar (the avenger of the
Imam -Husayn), 229
Mukhtasaru Ta'rikhi'd-
(Barhebræus), 469
Mukrim Ibnu'l-'Ala, 188
Mulakhkhas (-Jaghmini), 486
Mulamma' (“patch-work,” or
bilingual poem), 23, 44, 66,
Mulhid, 230, 231, 244, 454.
See also Assassins, Batinis,
Carmathians, Isma'ilis
, &c.
“Mullas,” sect of the — in
Chitral, 460
Müller, A. — (of Königsberg),
475, 476, 477
Mu'min (Isma'ili da'i), 202
Mu'min-abad, 454
Munadhara (“strife-poem”),
44, 116, 149, 272, 348
Munajat of Shaykh Abu
Isma'il 'Abdu'llah Ansari,
269, 270
-Munqidh mina'd-Dalal (“the
Saviour from Error,” by
-Ghazali), 295
Muntakhabu'd-Din Badi'u'l-
Katib, 310
-Muntasir ('Abbasid Caliph),
Ibnu'l-Muqaffa', 'Abdu'llah —,
87, 349, 350, 351
Muqatta' (figure in Rhetoric),
-Muqattam, Mountain of —
(near Cairo), 502
Ibn Muqbil, 34
Ibn Muqla, 279, 488
-Muqtadi ('Abbasid Caliph),
11, 167, 177, 181, 182, 300, 304
-Muqtafi ('Abbasid Caliph),
Mura'at-i-Nadhir (“poetical
congruity”), 51
Murabba' (“foursome”), 23,
25, 39, 42, 43, 271
Murajjaz (variety of prose),
20, 21
Murassa' (variety of ornate
prose), 24
Murcia (Spain), 497
Musa, Imam —, 182, 194
Musa Arslan b. Seljuq, 167,
170, 172
Musabba' (“Sevensome”), 43
Musaddas (“Sixsome”), 24,
25, 43
Musajja' (variety of ornate
prose), 20, 21
Musalla (“the Oratory,” near
Shiraz), 27, 76-77
Musammat (variety of poem),
23, 24, 39, 41, 42, 45
Musaylima (the False Pro-
phet), 122
Mush u Gurba (“Mouse and
Cat,” a poem by 'Ubayd-i-
Zakani), 78
Mushtarik (by Yaqut), 482
Musibat-nama (by 'Attar), 506
Musk (metaphor for hair), 407
Abu Muslim (organiser of
'Abbasid Propaganda), 9
Abu Muslim (Governor of
Ray), 203, 300
Musnad (of Ibn Hanbal), 361
-Mustadhhir ('Abbasid
Caliph), 304
Mustafa, 347. See Muham-

-Musta'li (Fatimid Caliph),
199, 201, 203, 204
-Mutansir (Fatimid Caliph),
162, 168, 198, 200, 201, 203,
204, 206, 210, 222, 229, 231,
253, 311
-Mustarshid('Abbasid Caliph),
11, 192, 304, 305, 312, 361
-Musta'sim (last 'Abbasid
Caliph), 12, 29, 457, 460,
465, 533
Mustazad (“complemented”
or “increment poems”),
23, 39, 43, 44
-Mustawfi (work ascribed to
Nasir-i-Khusraw), 244
Mutadadd (antithesis), 62
Mutalawwin (variety of
verse), 63
-Mu'tamid ('Abbasid Caliph),
-Mutanabbi (Arabic poet), 88,
115, 124, 144
Mutaqarib (metre), 144, 276
Mutarraf (variety of prose),
21, 59
Mutarriz Mosque of Nisha-
pur, massacre in —, 385
-Mutarrizi (Arabic philolo-
gist), 487
-Mu'tasim ('Abbasid Caliph),
-Mutawakkil ('Abbasid
Caliph), 279, 281
Mutawazi (variety of prose),
21, 59
Mutawazin (variety of
prose), 21, 59
Mutazalzil (rhetorical figure),
Mu'tazili sect, 134, 160, 354, 362
Ibnu'l-Mu'tazz, 87
Muthamman (octameter), 24,
Muwaffaq, Abu Mansur —
(author of Pharmacology),
Muwaffaq, Fadlu'llah -Saqa'i
(author of Supplement to
Ibn Khallikan's Bio-
), 475
Muwaffaq of Nishapur,
Khwaja —, 174, 221-222
Muwashshah (variety of
verse), 23, 24, 41, 44, 45, 66
Muwassal (rhetorical figure),
Muzdawaj (rhyme), 63. See
“Mysteries” (asrar, name of
Indian hemp), 205