When tidings reached the gallant Sháh: “The Lion
Hath come back from the Wood victorious;
Bízhan is free from prison and from bonds,
And from the clutches of his dragon-foe;
The army of Túrán is overthrown,
The foe's whole purpose foiled,” he went rejoicing,
And fell upon his face, before the Maker.
Whenas Gúdarz and Gív received the news
They hasted to the conquering Sháh. A shout
Went up, troops mustered, and the tymbal-players
Set forth, the trumpet sounded at the gate,
The soldiers shouted. All the riding-ground
Was black with chargers' hoofs, the kettledrums
Roared through the city, horsemen proudly pranced,
And mighty elephants tusked up the earth.
Before the army went the drums and horns,
Gúdarz and Tús came after with the standard.
Upon one side were pards and lions chained,
Upon the other were brave cavaliers.