'ABBÁSIDS, dynasty of, 13, 14

Abbreviations, list of, 93

Abtín, father of Farídún, 144, 151, 153, 171, 174

Abú-'Alí Muhammad, Sháhnáma of, 69

Abú Bakr, Khalífa, 12

Abú Dulaf, friend of Firdausí, 35, 39

Abú'l 'Abbás Fazl bin Ahmad, minister of Mahmúd, 30–32, 36

Abú'l Kásim, Firdausí, 24, 38, 112

Abú Mansúr bin Abdu'r-Razzák, Sháhnáma of, 67–70, 99

Abú Mansúr bin Muhammad, patron of Firdausí, 29, 110

Abú Tálib, uncle of Muhammad, 12

Afrásiyáb, ruler of Túrán, xv, 42, 55, 72, 337, 342 seq., 362, 366 seq., 374 seq., 381, 382

'Afrít, genie, 42

Aghrérad, prince (Ighríras), 338

Ahmad Hasan Maimandí, minis­ter of Mahmúd, 32, 39, 45

Ahmad ibn Muhammad, patron of Firdausí, 29

Áhriman, the Evil Principle, xii, 5, 6, 50, 138, 159, 194, 287

ridden by Tahmúras, 125

Ahura Mazda (Urmuzd), 235

Ahwáz, place, 286

Aláns (Alani), people, xiii, 19, 217, 223

Alburz, mountain, xv, 4, 71, 145, 152, 168, 235, 248, 250, 277, 298, 351, 373, 382 seq.

Alexander, the Great (Sikandar), 14, 49

persecutor of Zoroastrianism, 15, 59, 61, 63, 338

legendary barrier of, 16

paternity of, 55

'Alí, Khalífa, 12, 40, 41, 106, 107 cult of, 13

assassination of, 13

Firdausí's references to, 24, 37, 40, 41, 106, 107

'Alí Dílam, friend of Firdausí, 35, 39

Allah, Muhammadan name of the Deity, 50

Alptigín, chief, 20

Amín, Khalifa, 14

Ámul, city, 145, 177, 289, 298, 344, 366, 367

Anæsthetics, employment of, 236, 321 seq.

Anbar, city, founded by the Azdites, 11

Animals, domestication of, 126

Ant, the poet's plea for the, 201

Apsheron, peninsula of, 58 note

Áptya, Vedic form of Abtín, q.v., 171–174

Arabia, 189 ancient trade of, 11

Arabic, language, 32 infrequent in Sháhnáma, 47

Arabs, their raids into and domi­nation over Írán, 11–14

Aras, river, 9 confused with the Oxus, 71

Architecture, invention of, 129, 133

Ard, day of, 24, 88

Ardshír Pápakán, Sháh, 42, 62–64

Aries, constellation, 88, 310, 335

Arjásp, ruler of Túrán, 61

Arnawáz, wife of Farídún, 142, 146, 147, 148, 161 seq., 166, 177

Arrán, district, 9

Arslán Jázib, general, 100 referred to, 114

Artaxerxes II., Sháh, 59

Arwand, river (the Tigris), 160

Árzú, wife of Salm, 188

Aryan, meaning of, 7

race, 7; relations of Indian branch with Íránians, 15

Asfandiyár, Íránian hero, 42, 55

Ashkánian, dynasty, 49

Asoka, Indian king, 15

Assyrians, their attacks upon Írán, 10

Astrologers, important figures in the Sháhnáma, 52, 251, 278

Astyages, king of the Medes (Manda), 18, 72, 144

Áthwya, Zandavastic form of Abtín, q.v., 171–174

Atropatane, province (Azarbái-ján), 9, 56

Ázarakhsh, fire-temple, 61

Ázarbáiján, province (Atropa-tane), 9, 56, 61

Ázargashasp, spirit of the light­ning, 73, 248, 309, 349

Azdites, Arab tribe, 11

Azhi and Azi, demon, 142. See too Daháka and Zahhák


BADAKHSHÁN, region, 300

Baghdád, city, 14, 160

Bahman, Sháh, 42

Bahrám, Chubína, 14

Bahrám Gúr, Sháh, 42

Baisinghar Khán, his Life of Firdausí, 23

his Preface to the Sháhnáma, 67–68

Bait al Mukaddas, city, 161

Báj, Zoroastrian system of pray­ing, 80

Baku, town, 58 note

Balkh, ancient seat of Aryan civilisation, 7

situated on ancient trade-route, 57

seat of the Magi and of legend, 60

Zoroaster's successful evangel at, 61

as rhyme-word, 74

Bármán, Túránian hero, xv, 342, 346 seq., 354, 356

Barsam, implement in Zoroastrian ceremonial, 80

Barzín, fire-temple, 237

Barzín, Íránian hero, 365

Bástán Náma, 66–67

Bazh, suburb of Tús, 38

Bedouins, 135, 179

Bihistún, trilingual inscription on rock of, 16

Birmáya, cow, 151–153, 162

Bishop, as castellan, 373, 378

Bístún, mountain, 328, 379

Bíwarasp (Zahhák), 72, 135, 144

Brains, human, prescribed to Zahhák by Iblís, 139, 146

Buddhism, 15; regarded as idola­trous by Zoroastrians, 16

Bundahish, Pahlaví treatise, 70 note, 91, 92, 117, 125, 131, 235, 236, 337 note, 338, 369

Bust, place, 252 stream of, id.

Búzurjmihr, chief minister of Sháh Núshírwán, 27


CÆSAR, 84, 262

Cæsarean birth, of Rustam, 236, 321 seq.

Calendar, old Persian, 88

Cancer, Moon in, an evil omen, 188

Canopus, star, 188, 266

Caspian, sea, 3, 4, 16, 19, 56, 57, 338

Castellan, bishop as, 373, 378

Castes, division of Aryans into, 7; of Íránians into, 130–133

Castle, White (Sipand), 236, 354, 369.

Catullus, quoted, 60

Caucasus, 16

Cháha, hostelry of, 45

Chahár Makála, treatise, 23

account of Firdausí in, 38, 39, 45.

Chálandshán, Ahmad ibn Mu­hammad of, 29

Chamrosh, mythical bird, 235

Characters, chief of Sháhnáma, 49

Characteristics, of Írán, 3

Charrae, defeat of Crassus at, 15

Children, sometimes brought up un-named, 8, 179

Chín, country (often=Túrán), 189, 229 seq., 261, 262, 351, 371

brocade of, 269, 333, and passim

sea of, 252, 349

Climate, of Írán, 4, 5

Climes, the seven, 40, 71, 122, 123, 238

Clouds, personified as water-steal­ing demons, 7

Cocks and hens, taught to crow at daybreak, 126

Companions, the Prophet's, praise of, 106

Cosmogony, ancient Íránian, 5, 71; Firdausí's, 102

Crassus, defeat of at Charrae, 15

Creation, Zoroastrian account of, 5, 117

Firdausí's, 102–106

Culture-heroes. See Gaiúmart, Húshang, Tahmúras, and Jamshíd

Cyrus, the Great, 18


DAÉVAS, demons (dívs), 130

Daháka (Zahhák), 7, 142, 172

Dahistán, fortress, 280, 344 seq., 349, 353, 363

Dakhma, 81

Dakíkí, poet, 28, 67, 69, 109 verses by, 69

Damáwand, mountain, 143, 144, 148, 169, 173

Dámdád, Nask, 70 note

Dánishwar, the dihkán, 67, 68

Dárá, son of Dáráb, Sháh (Darius Codomanus), 42, 49

Dáráb, Sháh, 42, 49

Darband, town and pass of, 16

Darius, Hystaspis, 6, 9, 65

Codomanus, 49, 64

Dastán (Zál), 84, 248, 264

Dastán-i-Sám (Zál), 84

Dastán-i-Zand (Zál), 245, 248

Daulat Sháh, his Life of Firdausí, 24

Destiny, Muhammadan and Zoro­astrian conceptions of, 52

Dihkán, generic title, 56

Dihkán=minstrel, 66, 81

Dijla, river (the Tigris), 160

Dílamids, dynasty, 14

Dínár, coin, 81

Dínkard, Pahlaví treatise, 70 note, 373

Diram, coin (drachm), 81

Dív, demon (Daéva), xii, 42, 50, 82, 130, 209

Black, xii, 82, 117, 120, 121, 126, 127

Binder of the (Tahmúras), 42, 124

White, 82

Divining cup, 51

Drachm, coin (diram), 81

Dragon=Zahhák, 158, 161, 163, 169, 275, 288

Farídún as, 186

of the Kashaf, 235, 296

Dragon's child (Rúdába), 304

Drangiana, province (Sístán), 4

Dreams, veridical, 51

Drought and famine, in Írán, 370, 371.

Dualism, 5, 49, 50, 52, 56, 58

Dunbar, place, 252, 256,

Dust, prevalence of, in Írán, 3 as a metaphor, 73

Dynasties, Íránian, in Sháhnáma, 49


EDESSA, S. James of, 374

Ekbatana, city (Hamadán), 17

Elements, the four, 102, 286

Elephant, White, xiv, 327, 377

Ellipi, kingdom of, 9, 17

Euxine, sea, 16

Eyes, metaphor for children, 178, 180, 181, 194


FAGHFÚR, dynastic title of the princes of Chín and Máchín, 262

Fakká, a kind of drink, 43 note

Famine and drought, in Írán, 370, 371

Farának, mother of Farídún, 145, 151, 157, 175

Farídún, Sháh, xii, xiii, 30, 42, 54, 55, 142 seq., 149 seq., 170, 278, 286, 288, 329, 335, 341, 349, 351, 364, 370, 382, 384, 385

flag of, 293, 295

Farr, divine Grace or Glory, 82

Farsang, measure of length (para­sang), 82

Farúd, son of Siyáwush and half brother of Kai Khusrau, 370

Farwardín, name of day and month, 88, 133 263

Fátima, daughter of Muhammad and wife of 'Alí, 12

Fazl, son of Ahmad. See Abú'l 'Abbás Fazl

Firdausí, materials for life of, 23

autobiographical references of, 24 seq.

Nizámí's account of, 38, 45

bitterness against Mahmúd of, 33

Satire on Mahmúd of, 40

referred to, 373

takes up the Sháhnáma on Dakíkí's death, 28

writes Yúsuf and Zulíkha, 45

death of, 45

his epic method contrasted with Homer's, 47

his adulation of Mahmúd, 30, 112

Fire, ancient cult of the Aryans, 7, 49, 56

priests. See Magi

region of, 56

Húshang's discovery of, 123

his institution of feast of (Sada), 123

Fish, mythological, 71, 72, 148, 252

Flesh-meats, introduction of, attributed to Áhriman, 138

Forts, hill, description of, 236, 329

Frangrasyan (Afrásiyáb), 338

Frásíyáv (Afrásiyáb), 338

Fravashí, immortal principle, 369


GAIÚMART, Sháh, xii, 117–121, 123

Gandarep, monster, 143, 172–173

Gang-i-Dizhukht, city, 161, 226

Garshásp (Keresaspa), 174

Garshásp, Íránian hero, 42, 144, 207, 212, 214, 239

Garshásp, Sháh, xv, 174, 373 seq.

Garsíwaz, brother of Afrásiyáb, 342, 349

Gaumata, Magus (the false Smerdis), 58, 59

Gazhdaham, the castellan of White Castle, 354, 369

Genealogical tables, 90–92

Ghazní, city, 20, 357

Ghúl, sorceress, 42

Gíl (Gílán), 231

Gílán, region, 230

Gimirrá. See Kimmerians

Glory, the divine. See Grace

Go-between, old woman as, 280 seq.

Gog, and Magog, 16

Golden Fleece, land of the, 57 age, 129, 134

Gomer. See Kimmerians

Grace or Glory, the divine, 82, 116, 130–135, 208, 237, 338, 340, 341, 351, 369, 370, 374, 378

visible appearances of, 82, 130, 374, 385

Greeks, 10, 14

Griffon, 235

Gúdarz, Íránian hero, 42

Gushtásp, Sháh, 42, 61

Gustaham, son of Naudar, 351, 353, 364, 369, 370

Gustaham, son of Gazhdaham, 369


Ha'íy, son of Kutíba, patron of Firdausí, 35, 39

Haitálians, people, 20

Hámávarán, country, 338 king of, 338

Harát, city, 7, 39 battle of, 21

Hárunu'r-Rashíd, Khalífa, 14

Háshimí, a descendant of Háshim, the great - grandfather of Muhammad, 25

Hauz, 203

Hawk, domestication of, 126

Heroes, chief, of mixed descent, 55

Hindústán, 163, 231, 261

Hira, city, 11

seat of dynasty of Al Munzir, 55

Hirmund, river, 358, 359

Homa or Soma, 8, 143

Homer, his epic method con­trasted with Firdausí's, 47

Horoscopes, 152

of the sons of Farídún, 188

of Zál, 251, 278

of Rustam, 278, 307

Hourí, maid of Paradise, 272

Huns, 10, 19

Húshang, Sháh, xii, 42, 122, 126, 341


IBLIS, the Muhammadan Devil, xii, 136 seq.

occasional substitution of for Áhriman, 50, 70

Íd-i-Kúrdí, feast of, 143

Ighríras, brother of Afrásiyáb, xv, 55, 337, 343 seq., 347, 363 seq., 374

Imagery, of Sháhnáma, 72

Indo-European race, its divisions, 7

Indus, 71, 252

Introduction, to Sháhnáma, viii, 3–95

Íraj, youngest son of Farídún, xiii, 54, 174, 195–205, 217, 335, 349

naming of, 188

daughter of, xiii, 205, 206

Iram, gardens of, 100, 113

Írán, xv, 113, 152, 153, 189, 364 and passim

boundaries and character­istics, 3 seq.

gradual desiccation of, 3

drought and faminein, 370, 371

a land of contrasts, 5, 58, 60

Arab conquest of, 12

Íránians, the, 9 passim

their historical relations with the Semites, 10; Greeks and Romans, 14; Aryans of India, 15; Túránians, 16

their traditional relations with ditto, 54, 55, 66

Írán-vej, region, 9, 62

Irmá'íl, Zahhák's cook, xii, 145

Irmán, region, 345, 358

Ismá'íl, brother of Sultán Mah-múd, 21

Ispahán, city, 351

Istuvegu. See Astyages


JALÚLÁ, battle of, 12

Jámásp, chief minister of Sháh Gushtásp, 42

James, S., bishop of Edessa, 374

Jamshíd, Sháh, xii, 42, 129 seq. meaning of name, 130

Jandal, envoy of Farídún, xii, 177–183

Jasha, king, 67, 68

Jesus, 42

Jewels, discovery of, 133,

Jíhún, river (the Oxus), 215, 375

as boundary between Írán and Túrán, 71, 370, 371

Julian, Emperor, 12

Jupiter, planet, 72, 161, 188, 281

Justinian, Emperor, 16


KÁBUL, city, 57, 234, 256, 262, 268, 277, 282, 283, 286, 294, 298, 300, 302 seq., 365, 378

Kábulistán, country, 15, 252, 263, 286, 299, 316, 357

idolatry in, 16, 258

the Beauty of (Rúdába), 302

Kádisiyya, battle of, 12, 143

Kahtán, desert, 287

Kaiánian, dynasty, 49, 373

Kaiánúsh, brother of Farídún, 158 seq.

Kaid, dynasty of, 55

Kai Káús, Sháh, 42, 338, 373

Kai Khusrau, Sháh, 42, 369

Kai Kubád, Sháh, xv, 42, 373, 382 seq.

Kákwí, grandson of Zahhák, xiii, 225 seq.

Kandahár, city, 286

Karabagh, district, 9, 56

Káran, Íránian hero, xiii, 207, 211, 214–226, 249, 337, 344 seq., 361, 365, 370

Kargasárs, tribe, 253, 277, 279, 286, 290, 294, 298, 319, 340.

Kannúj, city, 99, 115, 261, 357

Karkwí, descendant of Zahhák, 290 seq.

Karmá'íl, Zahhák's cook, xii, 145

Karshipta, mythical bird, 235

Kashaf, river, 235, 296 seq. dragon of, id.

Kastarit. See Kyaxeres

Káús. See Kai Káús

Káwa, the smith, xii, 155 seq., 160, 214, 361

flag of, 143, 157, 160, 211, 217, 218, 237, 332

Keresáspa, Íránian hero, 171 seq., 234, 235, 373

Khár, of Rai, 368, 374, 381

Kharijites, Muhammadan sect, 13

Kharrád, Íránian hero, 365

Khazars, people, 17

Khazarwán, Túránian hero, xv, 345, 358 seq.

Khil'at, robe of honour, 82

Khudai Náma, 66

Khusrau. See Kai Khusrau

Khutan, region, 371

Khvaitúk-das, next-of-kin marri­age, 60

Kishwád, Íránian hero, 207, 344, 354, 365, 367

Kimmerians, people, 10, 17

Kitradád, Nask, 373

Knathaiti, Pairika, female per­sonification of idolatry, 172

Kubád, brother of Káran, xv, 207, 217, 218, 346 seq.

Kubád, Sháh. See Kai Kubád

Kulbád, Túránian hero, 361

Kulún, Túránian hero, 382, 383, 386, 387

Kundrav, minister of Zahhák, xii, 143, 164 seq.

Kur'an, 99

Rustam referred to in, 236

Kúrds, people, 9, 64, 147

Kurúkhán, Túránian hero, 353

Kús, place, 177

Kyaxares, king, 18


LIBRA, constellation, 310

Lion's House (constellation of Leo), 188

Luhrásp, Sháh, 42

Lumsden, his edition of the Sháhnáma, 76


MACAN, his edition of the Sháhnáma, 76

Madá, the Medes, 18, 56

Magi, priests of the Medes, 9, 56

preservers of tradition, 56, 60

principal seats of, 60

literature of, 61

language of, 64

Magic, 51

derivation of word, 56

sympathetic, 8

Magog, Gog and, 16

Magophonia, 59

Magus, a priest of the Medes. See Magi

Máh Áfríd, the mother of Minú-chihr, 205

Máh-i-Ázáda Khú, the wife of Túr, 188

Mahmúd, Sultán, 21 seq., 31–45, 84

Firdausí's panegyrics on, 29 seq., 112 seq.

Satire on, 23, 40 seq.

spiteful allusions to in Sháhnáma, 33, 34

Mai, city, 252, 256, 261

Maidán, riding-ground, 83

Mámún, Khalífa, 14

Man, the first, 5

Firdausí's discourse on the nature of, 104

Manáchihr, 206

Manda, nomad tribes, 17, 18

Mansúr, Sámánid, prince, 20, 21

Mánúskihar (Minúchihr), 338

Mardás, Arab king, 135 seq.

Margh, city, 256

Mars, planet, 72, 332, 339

Marv, city, 7, 45

Máshya, and Máshyóí, 117, 131

Mayors of the palace, Oriental, 14

Mázandarán, country, 4, 5, 12, 253, 290, 294, 296, 298, 319, 323, 339, 378

Mazdak, heresiarch, 63

Medea, land of, 57

Medes, 9, 10, 17, 18, 56, 58, 72

Median, language (Zend), 64 seq.

Mercury, planet, 72

Mihráb, king, xiv, xv, 234, 256 seq., 275 seq., 284 seq., 299 seq., 358, 359, 361

Míl, as rhyme-word, 75

Minúchihr, Sháh, xiii seq., 42, 206, 209 seq., 234 seq., 337, 339 seq., 348, 363

Mohl, his edition and translation of the Sháhnáma, 76, 77

Moola Firúz, 201

Moon, Firdausí's discourse on the nature of, 05

one of the seven planets, 72

Moses, of Chorene, 72, 144, 236

Mu'áwiya, Khalífa, 12, 13

Múbid, 83

Muhammad, the Prophet, 12, 13, 40, 41, 106

Muhammad, son of Abdú'r-Razzak, 68, 99

Muhammad Lashkarí, friend of Firdausí, 99

Muhammad Mahdí, his edition of the Sháhnáma, 76

Mumasenni, tribe, 237

Munzír, dynasty of Al, 55

Mutawakkil, Khalífa, 14


NAHÁVAND, battle of, 12

Names, in sympathetic magic, 8, 117, 179

Naphtha, wells of, 56

Narímán, Íránian hero, 42, 174, 207, 239, 329, 333

Narimanau, epithet of Keresáspa, 172, 174

Nárwan, forest of, 217, 218

Násiru'd-Dín, title of Subuktigín, 21, 114

Nasr, brother of Sultán Mahmúd, 21

Nature-worship, of the Aryans, 7, 51

Naudar, Sháh, xv, 248, 288, 289, 326, 337 seq., 369

Níl, as rhyme-word, 75

Nile, 40, 71, 114

Nímrúz=Sístán=Zábulistán,* 252, 264, 346, 357

Nineveh, fall of, 10

kings of that attacked Írán, 10

Níshápúr, city, 36, 45

Nisibis, sieges of, 374

Nizámí-i-'Arúdí, author, 22

his account of Firdausí, 38 seq., 45, 46

Noah, the Íránian, 129

Nuh bin Mansúr, Sámánid prince, 36

Nuh II., Sámánid prince, 21

Núshírwán, Sháh, 16, 27, 42 has Bástán-náma compiled, 67


OCEANUS, Homeric and Oriental, 71

Ox, the first, 5, 117

Oxus (Jíhún), ancient trade-route, 57

confused with Aras, 71


PADASHKVÁR, mountain-range, 338

Pahlaván, 83

Pahlaví, meaning of, 64, 83

Firdausí's use of the word, 69

Parí, 83

Párs, country, 351, 353 seq., 357, 368, 371

Parthians, people, 10, 19, 60, 61, 64

Pashang, father of Minúchihr, 205

Pashang, father of Afrásiyáb, xv, 336, 337, 342 seq., 374, 375

Patrons, of Firdausí, 29

Perfumes, invention of, 133

Periods, mythic and historic, of Sháhnáma, 49, 53

Persians, 8, 9

Petroleum, in ancient cult and modern industry, 56 seq.

Píl, as rhyme-word, 75

Pírán, Túránian hero, character of, 55

Pisces, constellation, 310

Pishdádian, dynasty, 49, 116, 373

Planets, created by Áhriman, 52

Pleiades, 245, 267, 332

Prelude, to Sháhnáma, 99

Prometheus, 57

Purmáya, brother of Farídún, 158 seq.


RAI, city, 363, 366 seq.

Khár of, 368, 374, 381

Rakhsh, Rustam's steed, xv, 373, 378 seq., 386

Roc, mythical bird, 51, 235

Romans, the, 10, 14

Rúdába, the mother of Rustam, xiv, 145, 234, 280 seq., 299 seq.

described, 257, 259 seq.

Rue, wild, as a preservative from harm, 380

Rúm, the Eastern Roman Empire, 15, 183, 189, 229

brocade of, 157, 252, 316, and passim

Rustam, Íránian hero, xiv, xv, 42, 56, 68, 174, 234, 236, 237, 320 seq., 373, 376 seq.

his birth prophesied, 278, 307, 321

Cæsarean birth of, 236, 321 seq.

origin of name, 322


SACAE, Scythians, 17, 19

Sacaestan. See Sístán

Sacrifice, human, and Serpent worship, 143

Sada, feast of, xii, 123, 124

Sagittarius, constellation, 188

Sagsár, and Sagsárs, district and tribe, 279, 290, 323, 339

Sahí, wife of Íraj, 188

Saifu'd-Daula, title of Sultán Mahmúd, 21

Salm, eldest son of Farídún, xiii, 42, 54, 174, 183 seq., 335, 342, 344, 362

naming of, 187

Salt, Rustam's caravan of, 330 seq.

desert, 3

Sám, Íránian hero, xiii, xiv, 42, 95, 174, 207, 212, 231, 234 seq., 337, 339 seq., 345, 346, 358, 375

“One blow,” 297, 299

slays dragon of the Kashaf, 296 seq.

mace of, 235, 290, 297, 328, 378

Sáma Keresáspa Narimanau, Íránian hero, 171 seq.

Sámánides, dynasty, 14

Samarkand, city, 7, 19

Sapandarmad, month and day, 24, 88, 89

Sapor II. See Shápúr, son of Urmuzd

Saráparda, 84

Sarí, city, 230, 289, 363, 366, 367

Sarv, king of Yaman, xii, xiii, 178–186, 211, 214, 218, 286

Sásánian, empire, 11

dynasty, 49

Sásánians, 374

Satire, Firdausí's on Sultán Mahmúd, 40

Saturn, planet, 72, 245, 295, 311

Scriptures, Zoroastrian. See Zan-davasta.

Serpent, on Zahhák's shoulders, 139

worship and human sacrifice, 143

Shabdíz, Mihráb's steed, 326

Sháhnáma, original compilation of, 66

more than one, 29, 66, 67, 69

Dakíkí's beginning of, 28

Firdausí's, viii, 23 seq., 108 seq.

scene of, 3

date when finished, 24

length, metre, language, and theme of, 47

anomalies of, 48

divisions and chief char­acters of, 49

machinery of, 51

leading motives of, 53

cosmogony of, 71

imagery of, 72

editions of, 76

translations of, 87

Shahrináz, wife of Farídún, 142, 146, 164 seq., 177

Shamásás, Túránian hero, xv, 345, 346, 358 seq.

Shapígán, treasury of, 61, 62

Shápúr, Íránian hero, 210, 211, 215, 352

Shápúr, son of Ardshír, Shápúr I. (Sapor I.), Sháh, 42, 63

Shápúr, son of Urmuzd, Shápúr II. (Sapor II.), Sháh, 62, 63, 374

Shídásp, minister of Tahmúras, 127

Shídúsh, Íránian hero, 211, 354

Shí'ite, Firdausí a, 24

Shí'ites, Muhammadan sect, 13

Shíráz, city, 236

Shírwí, Íránian hero, 207, 215, 223, 225, 230, 232

Shíz, seat of the Magi, 60

Sikandar (Alexander the Great), Sháh, 42, 49

legendary barrier of, 16

paternity of, 55

Símurgh, mythical bird, 51, 235, 242, 253, 276, 302, 326

nest of described, 244

efficacy of feathers of, 246, 320

Síndukht, wife of Mihráb, xiv, 259, 281 seq., 299 seq.

Sipand, mountain, xiv, 236, 329 seq., 377

Sipanjáb, region, 375

Sístán,* 4, 119, 120, 159, 168, 173, 182

origin of name, 19

Siyámak, son of Gaiúmart, xii, 117, 119 seq.

Siyáwush, son of Kai Káús, 55

Soma. See Homa

Sóshyans, the Zoroastrian Mes­siah, 131

Spica, star, 245, 271

Spityura, brother of Yima (Jam-shíd), 130

Sróvbar, mythical serpent, 172

Subuktigín, the father of Sultán Mahmúd, 20, 21

Sughd, district, 19

Sun, Firdausí's discourse on the nature of the, 105

one of the seven planets, 72

Sunnites, orthodox Muham-madans, 13

Surúsh, angel, 51, 119, 120, 159, 168, 173, 182

Sviatoi, island, 58 note


TABARISTÁN, chief of, a patron of Firdausí, 39, 40

Tahmásp, father of Zav, 369, 370

Tahmúras, Sháh, xii, 42, 125 seq.

Talímán, king, 211, 217, 352

Tammísha, wood, 177, 230

Taráz, city, 257, 266, 269

Tausar, high priest under Ardshír Pápakán, 62, 63

Thornbrake town, the world, 310

Thraétaona, 171 seq.

Thrita, 171 seq.

Tishtar, Sirius, 235

Trade-routes, ancient, 11, 57

Traitana, 7, 8, 171 seq.

Translation, the principles adopted in present, 77–86

Translators, of the Sháhnáma, list of previous, 87

Trita, 7, 8, 171 seq.

Túmáspa (Tahmásp), 369

Túr, second son of Farídún, xiii, 42, 54, 174, 183 seq., 335. 342, 344, 362

naming of, 187

Túrán, 189, 229, 351, 371

Túránians (Turkmans), 9, 10, 54

relations of the Íránians with, 16

Turkmans (Túránians), 20, 189, 371

Turks, 10, 20

Tús, son of Naudar, 351, 353, 364, 369, 370

Tús, city, 38, 39, 41, 45

prince of, 100, 114

governor of, 39


'UMAR, Khalifa, 11 seq., 67

Umayyads, dynasty, 12, 13

Urmuzd, the Good Principle, 5, 50

Utbí, Al, historian, 32

'Uthmán, Khalífa, 12

Uzava (Zav), 369


VALKASH (Vologeses), king, 62, 63

Varengana, the raven, 235

Vedas, 129, 144, 171, 234, 337

Venus, planet, 72, 303, 322, 332, 339

Vivanghat, 129

Vologeses I. (Valkash), 62, 63

Vologeses II., 19


WATER, scarcity of, 3

stealing demons, 7, 338

Water-courses, underground, 3

West, the, Salm's portion of the world, 189

Wísa, Túránian hero, xv, 337, 353, 356 seq., 361, 362

Wisdom, discourse in praise of, 101

White Castle (Mount Sipand), 236, 354, 369

Writing, art of, taught by the dívs to Tahmúras, 127


YA'KÚB LAIS, chieftain, 67, 68

Yama (Yima, Jamshíd), 7, 129

Yaman, country, 178, 181 seq., 266, 286

king of (Sarv), xii, xiii, 178, 179, 182

Yima (Yama, Jamshíd), 7, 129, 130, 374

Yúsuf and Zulíkha, Firdausí's, 45, 46


ZÁBUL, Zábulistán, country,* 248, 252, 254, 264, 282, 324, 345, 357, 358, 361, 364, 366, 367, 371, 375, 381

Zádsham, king of Túrán, 342 seq., 376

Zahhák, Sháh, xii, 42, 54, 72, 135 seq., 173 seq., 275, 278, 288, 290, 292, 303, 326, 338, 358

his minister (Kundrav), xii, 164 seq.

his capital, 161

Zál, the father of Rustam, xiii seq., 95, 145, 235 seq., 337, 345, 346, 358 seq., 364 seq., 370 seq., 381, 382, 384, 387

Zál-i-zar (Zál), 84, 248

Zamyád, Yast, 338

Zand, comment, 65

Zandavasta, 64 seq., 70 note, 129, 144, 171, 172, 174, 234, 337, 338, 369

Zarang, city, 4

Zarasp, son of Minúchihr, 248

Zarathustra (Zarduhsht, Zoro­aster), 235, 236

Zarduhsht (Zoroaster), 53, 61

title of a line of priest-princes, 61

Zarír, Íránian hero, 42

Zav, Sháh, xv, 369 seq.

Zend, language, 64

Zirak, an archimage, 149, 150

Zirih, sea or lake, 4

Zoroaster (Zarduhsht), 53, 61, 62

Zoroastrian calendar, 59

cosmogony, 5

conception of destiny, 52

propaganda, 58 seq.

scriptures, 61 seq.

Zoroastrianism, 49

conceptions of, 5, 51, 52

original seat of, 56 seq., 62

scriptures of, 61 seq.