Roots. | Derivatives. |
<Arabic> | he was rich.
<Arabic> riches, possessions,
wealth. |
<Arabic> | he inclined, tended.
<Arabic> inclination.
<Arabic> conciliation, consolation. |
<Arabic> | he separated, distinguished.
<Arabic> distinguished, illustrious. |
<Arabic> | he was raised and advanced,
he derived advantage.
<Arabic> advantage. |
<Arabic> | he was like.
<Arabic> a resemblance, fable,
<Arabic> equals, peers. |
<Arabic> | he surpassed in honor
and glory.
<Arabic> noble, honored. |
<Arabic> | he gave pure milk,
shewed sincere affection.
<Arabic> pure, |
<Arabic> | he extended, assisted.
<Arabic> assistance.
<Arabic> assistance.
<Arabic> a space of time.
<Arabic> extended.
<Arabic> extensive, long.
<Arabic> matters, articles. |
<Arabic> | he was accustomed,
<Arabic> obstinacy.
<Arabic> rebels, disobedient
people. |
<Arabic> | he mixed with something
else, he qualified.
<Arabic> constitution, disposition. |
<Arabic> | he kept hold.
<Arabic> an obligation. |
<Arabic> | he was powerful in dignity
and authority.
<Arabic> possible.
<Arabic> possibility, power.
<Arabic> powerful, established,
inhabiting. |
<Arabic> | he possessed, reigned.
<Arabic> a kingdom, country.
<Arabic> compleat, possession.
<Arabic> the invisible
<Arabic> possessions, kingdoms,
<Arabic> kingdoms, possessions. |
<Arabic> | he salted.
<Arabic> mariners, pilots. |
<Arabic> | he denied, refused, prohibited,
<Arabic> prohibited.
<Arabic> a prohibition, obstacle.
<Arabic> obstacles.
<Arabic> obstacles. |
<Arabic> | he was benevolent,
bestowed benefits.
<Arabic> an obligation, favor.
<Arabic> his favor, from <Arabic> & <Arabic>
<Arabic> obliged by favors. |
<Arabic> | he spread equally, he
<Arabic> arrangement.
<Arabic> a bed. |