Ṭabábakán (clan or family of Qaz-
wín), 94
Ṭabaqátu'l-Aṭibbá (“Lives of the
Physicians” by Ibn Abí Uṣaybi'a,
xiii), 63-4
Ṭabarak, Castle of —, 165
-Ṭabarí (the historian Muḥammad
Jarír —), 88, 220 n.
Ṭabaristán, 221
Ṭabas, 55
Tabríz, 27, 28, 33, 38, 40, 46, 61, 70,
79, 82, 86, 103, 146, 161, 165,
166, 172, 173, 175, 187, 199, 201,
208, 230, 317, 320, 321, 328, 329,
330, 361, 362, 368, 379, 400, 403,
406, 410, 413, 414, 416, 418,
Tacitus, 80
Tadwín of -Ráfi'í, 93; — of -Yáfi'í,
Tadhkiratu'l-Awliyá (“Memoirs of
the Saints,” by 'Aṭṭár, xiii), 88
Tadhkiratu'sh-Shu'ará (“Memoirs of
the Poets,” by Dawlatsháh, q.v.),
Tafá'ul (auguries from Ḥáfiẓ, etc.),
Taft (near Yazd), 364
Taftázán (in Khurásán), 354
-Taftázání. See Sa'du'd-Dín and
Aḥmad b. Sa'du'd-Dín
Ibn Taghribardí (historian), 58
Ṭáhir. — Abíwardí (poet, xv), 501;
— of Faryúmad, 111
Abú Ṭáhir-Khátúní (Persian poet and
writer), 65
Ṭahmásp, Sháh — I (Ṣafawí, A.D.
1524-76), 316 and n., 381 n., 400,
418, 419
Taḥqíq-i-Madhhab-i-Ṣúfiyán (by
Jámí, xv), 514
Tá'iyya (poem by 'Umar ibnu'l-
Fáriḍ), 133 n., 514
Tajáribu'l-Umam (of Ibn Miska-
wayhi), 88
Tájík, 466, 468
Tajríd (commentary on — by al-
Qúshjí, xv), 386
Táju'd-Dín. — Áwají (Shí'ite divine
contemporary with Uljáytú, xiv),
50; Sayyid — Naqíbu'l-Ashráf
(xiv), 70-1; Sayyid — (connected
with Ḥurúfís, xiv), 368; — 'Uth-
mán-i-Marghíní (ancestor of the
Kurt kings, xii-xiii), 174
Tajziyatu'l-Amṣár. See Ta'ríkh-i-
Takalú (one of the nine tribes who
supported Sháh Isma'íl in A.D.
1500), 417
Takhtákh Injú (xiii-xiv), 83
Takrít, 191
Takúdar. See Aḥmad Takúdar
Ṭálib of Jájarm (poet, xv), 438
Abú Ṭálib al-Ḥusayní (translator or
author of the supposed autobio-
graphical works of Tímúr, xvii),
Ṭálish b. Amír Ḥasan (xiv), 170
Talmíḥ (allusion), 243
Tamanná'í (Turkish Ḥurúfí poet, xiv),
Tamerlane (corruption of Tímúr-i-
Lang, “Limping Tímúr”), see
Tamímí (clan or family of Qazwín),
Tanáṣurí (place), 398
Tarágháy (father of Tímúr), 185
Taramtáz, Amír — (xiv), 50
*Ta'rífát (“Definitions”). — of
'Ubayd-i-Zákání (xiv), 232, 235,
252-4, 276; — of -Sayyid-Sharíf-
Jurjání (xiv-xv), 355
Ta'ríkh. — *i-Banákatí (composed
in A.D. 1317), 100-3; — i-Ghá-
zání, 72; see Jámi'u't-Tawá-
ríkh; — i-Guzída (composed in
A.D. 1330), 17, 56, 57 n., 87-95,
115, 118, 119, 162, 166 n., 167,
168 n., 224, 231 n., 360; — i-Írán
(by Zuká'u'l-Mulk, xix), 383 n.; —
i-Jahán-gusháy (by Alá'u'd-Dín
'Aṭá Malik-i-Juwayní, completed
in A.D. 1260), 10 n., 12, 17, 20 n.,
21, 65-6, 88, 97 n., 106 n., 153 n.;
— -Kámil (by Ibnu'l-Athír, xiii),
88; — -Khulafá (by Jalálu'd-Dín
'Abdu'r-Raḥmán as-Suyúṭí), 164;
— i-Rashídí (by Mírzá Ḥaydar-i-
Dughlát, xvi), 362, 364 and n.,
392 and n.; — i-Ṭabarí, 88; —
i-Waṣṣáf (completed about A.D.
1312), 12, 21 n., 28 n., 29, 31, 33,
34, 37, 42, 48 n., 53 n., 67-8, 70,
Ṭaríq-i-Ṣúfiyán (“the Ṣúfís' Way,”
by Jámí, xv), 514
Tarjumánu'l-Asrár (“the Interpreter
of the Unseen,” Ḥáfiẓ so called),
Tarsus, 81
Tartary, 266, 267
Tartars (properly Tatár, the common
form being based on a popular
etymology, see pp. 6-7), 4-10,
466, 468. See Mongols
Ṭárumayn, 87
Táshkand, 110, 262 n., 320, 418
Tásh-Tímúr (executed in A.D. 1327),
Tauris, 413. See Tabríz
Ṭá'úsí (clan or family of Qazwín), 94
Tawakkul, Darwísh — (connected
with Ḥurúfís, xiv), 368
Tawḍíḥát (by Rashídu'd-Dín Faḍ-
lu'lláh, xiii-xiv), 75-6
Tawqí'í (Tevqí'í), 203. See Firídún
Bey supra
Táyábád, 186
Ṭayy (Arab tribe), 132
Tekfúr (Byzantine Emperor so called),
Tennyson, 218 n.
Tevqí'í (Tawqí'í), 203. See Firídún
Bey, supra
-Tha'labí (author of the Qiṣaṣu'l-An-
biyá), 88
Thiqatu'd-Dín Fámí, Shaykh — (xiii),
Tholuck, Dr —, 147
Thomas Ildaci or Ildouchi (Mongol
envoy to Edward II in A.D. 1307),
11, 49
Thompson, W. F. — (translator of
the Akhláq-i-Jalálí), 444
Tibet, Tibetan, 43
Tibyán (of Aḥmad b. Abí 'Abdi'lláh,
one of the sources of the Nuzha-
tu'l-Qulúb), 99
Tiflís, 188, 192, 414
Tigín (typical Turkish suffix to names),
120, 121 and n.
Tigris, 223, 234, 251, 264, 284, 285,
511 n.
Ṭihrán, 300
Tímúr (Turkish for “Iron”). — Qá'án
(Emperor of China, A.D. 1305), 49;
— -tash (son of Amír Chúbán, put
to death in Egypt in A.D. 1328),
54, 56, 59, 170; — (grandson of
Qubiláy Khán), 74; — i-Lang
(“Tamerlane,” the great Tímúr,
b. A.D. 1336, d. 1405), 4, 9, 12,
57, 58, 60, 71, 159, 160, 161, 163,
167-9, 172, 173, 178, 179, 180-
206, 208, 216, 282, 311, 321, 332,
344, 353-5, 357, 361-8, 371, 374,
379, 380, 381, 383, 388, 390, 393,
394, 395, 399, 400, 404, 421, 424,
425, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 435,
438, 462, 473, 503
Tíráh, 175
Tirmidh, 390
Tongudar (Armenian form of Takú-
dar, q.v.), 25 n.
Toqát (or Túqát), 127, 205
Tornberg, 88 n.
Toynbee, Arnold —, 151
Transoxiana (Má wará'a'n-Nahr), 5,
54, 64, 100, 101, 110, 185, 234,
320, 353 n., 379, 382, 387, 390,
398, 418, 419, 428, 453, 461, 468,
Trebizond, 85, 199, 201, 407, 412
Trinity College Library, Cambridge,
553 n., 536 n.
Túgháchár (Mongol general, put to
death in A.D. 1295), 35, 36, 37,
Ṭughán-sháh (patron of Azraqí the
poet), 347
Tugháy-Tímúr (xiv), 59, 60, 216
Tuḥfa-i-Sámí (Biography of later
poets by Sám Mírzá the Ṣafawí),
460, 507, 514
*Tuḥfatu'l-Aḥrár (poem by Jámí,
composed in A.D. 1481), 516, 526-
8, 541
Túmán (Mongol Envoy to Edward II
in A.D. 1307), 11
Tunis, 84
Túqát (or Toqát), 127, 205
Túqátmish (ri?? of Tímúr, xiv), 189,
190, 192. 321, 328-9, 368 (for
Túqtámis?? in the later references
read Tuqátmish)
Túqjáq (niece of Júshkab, a Mongol
noble, put to death), 34
Túqmáq (conspires against Chúbán in
A.D. 1319), 52
Tuqtáy (xiv), 49
Túrán, 58. See also Transoxiana,
Túrghúdí dynasty, 401
Turkey, 14, 107, 302, 365, 385, 422,
449, 452, 461, 540, 543. See also
Ottoman Turks
Turkí (or Eastern Turkish) language
and literature, 32, 93, 111, 184,
380, 391, 392, 395, 437-8, 439,
452-8, 505, 506
Turkistán, 5, 262 n., 272, 385, 386,
388, 398, 453. See also Túrán,
Turkmáns, 85, 172, 173, 192, 379, 399,
418. See also Áq-qoyúnlú and
Turks (Eastern), 73, 74, 108, 228, 232,
252, 283, 318, 466, 467, 468, 469
Turk Yurdu (the organ of the Yeñi
Túrán or Pan-Turanian party in
Turkey), 15
Turner Macan (editor of the Sháh-
náma), 89 n.
Turshíz, 186, 487, 488
Ṭús (the modern Mashhad), 111, 186,
190, 234
Ṭúsí (poet, xv), 438
Túysirkán, 274
Túzuk-i-Báburí (Persian translation
of the Bábur-náma, q.v.), 392
Tuzúkát-i-Tímúrí (the so-called “In-
stitutes of Tímúr”), 183-4, 202-3