In the following Index the prefixes Abu (“Father of …”), and Ibn (“Son of …”) are disregarded in the arrangement of Muhammadan names into which they enter: thus, for example, such names as Abu Tahir and Ibn Sina are to be sought under T and S respectively. A hyphen prefixed to a name indicates that it is properly preceded by the Arabic definite article al-; the letter b. between two names stands for ibn, “son of …” Names of books, both Oriental and European, are printed in italics.
For typographical reasons, it has been found necessary to omit in the Index the accents indicating the long vowels and the dots and dashes distinguishing the hard letters in the Arabic and Persian names and words which it comprises. The correct transliteration of such words must therefore be sought in the text.
Aaron, 228
Aaron (Ahrun), father of
Barhebræus, q.v., 468
Aba, 217, 300, 416
'Abbas of Merv (Persian
poet), 13
-'Abbas b. -Muttalib (ancestor
of the Abbasid Caliphs),
'Abbas of Ray (persecutor of
Isma'ilis), 312
Abu'l-'Abbas Ahmad (the son
of -Musta'sim, the last Ab-
basid Caliph), 463
ter of Qabus b. Washmgir),
Abu'l-'Abbas -Ruyani,278, 280
'Abbasid Caliphs, 2, 6, 9, 11,
12, 13, 14, 29, 30, 90, 93, 104,
165, 169, 172, 173, 196, 210,
216, 217, 220, 229, 275, 281,
304, 312, 426-466
'Abbasiyya Mausoleum (in
Tus), 138
'Abdak (poet), 399
Abdul Chaliq Akundow, 273
'Abdu'l-Ghani -Nabalusi, 504
'Abdu'l-Husayn Khan of
Kashan, Hajji Mirza —, 5
'Abdu'l-Jabbar -Khujani, 280
'Abdu'l-Khaliq, 273
'Abdu'llah -Ansari. See An-
'Abdu'llah b. Fadlu'llah(called
Wassaf-i-Hadrat, “the
Panegyrist of the Court”),
17, 443. See also Wassaf,
'Abdu'llah b. Mahmud of
Chach, 263
'Abdu'llah b. Maymun al-
Qaddah, 196, 215
'Abdu'llah b. -Muqaffa', 350-
'Abdu'llah b. Tahir (governor
of Khurasan), 275
'Abdu'l-Latif b. -Khujandi,
'Abdu'l-Malik (Umayyad Ca-
liph), 85
'Abdu'l-Malik b. Attash, 313.
See Ibn 'Attash
'Abdu'l-Malik of 'Abkara,
Qadi —, 280
'Abdu'l-Qadir of Gilan,
Shaykh —, 496
'Abdu'r-Rahman b. 'Awf, 477
(Wazir of Barkiyaruq's
mother), 311
'Abdu'r-Razzaq of Tus, 137
'Abdu's-Salam (chamberlain
of Qabus b. Washmgir),
'Abdu'l-Wahid, Hajji—(name
adopted by Hermann Bick-
nell), 76
'Abdu'l-Wahid-Ruyani, 311,
354, 357-359
'Abdu'l-Wasi'-Jabali, 341, 342
Ibn 'Abdun, 354
Abernethian Society (St. Bar-
tholomew's Hospital), 205
Abhar, 172, 204, 316
Abiward, 97, 107, 366
-Abiwardi (poet), 88, 299
Abjad computation, 76-77
Abraha the Abyssinian, 79
Abraham, 197, 228
Abyssinia, 529
Acháemenian Kings of Per-
sia, 3, 405
Acre, 200, 203, 222
Adabu'd-Dunya wa'd-Din
(by -Mawardi), 289
'Ada'iri (Persian poet), 70.
See Ghada'iri
Adam, 197, 216, 228, 268, 322,
428, 469, 513, 524
Aden, 9, 183
Adharbayjan, 73, 172, 202, 203,
282, 364, 394, 402, 412, 413,
414, 416, 428, 456, 469
Adib Sabir (poet), 298, 303,
308, 332, 333-336, 389
'Adnani (poet), 271
'Adudu'd-Dawla (Buwayhid),
93, 114, 115, 280
'Adudu'd-Din Tughanshah b.
Mu'ayyad, 414
Æthiopians, 223
Ætiology, Poetical — (Husn-
i-ta'lil), 74
Afdal-i-Kashi (Persian poet),
110, 256
Afdalu'd-Din Ibrahim b. Ali,
391, 393. See Khaqani
Afdalu'd-Din of Sawa (philo-
sopher), 399
Afghan language, 3
Afghanistan, 10, 49, 94, 95,
101, 165, 181
Afghans, 5, 305
-Aflaki, Shamsu'd-Din Ahmad
—, 517, 518, 519, 523, 524
Afrasiyab, 113, 137
Africa, North —, 10, 165, 166,
196, 199, 223, 311, 529. See
also Maghrib
Africa, East —, 210
Afridhun, 113. See Feridun
Agha Khan, 201, 210, 460
Ahadith (pl. of Hadith, q.v.),
4, 275, 512
-Ahkamu's-Sultaniyya (by
-Mawardi), 289
Ahlu'l-Bayt (the Family of
the Prophet), 231, 235
Ahlu'l-Buyuta?? (members of
the seven oldest houses of
the ancient Persian no-
bility), 103
Ahlwardt, 171, 293
Ahmad, in the sense of Mu-
hammad the Prophet (q.v.),
Ahmad b. 'Abdu'l-Malik b.
'Attash, 202, 205. See also
Ibn 'Attash
Ahmad b. -Dahhak (nephew
of Ibnu'l-'Alqami), 464
Ahmad-i-Farighun, 280
Ahmad b. Malikshah, 182
Ahmad b.-Hasan -Maymandi,
98, 105, 134, 137, 139, 140
Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abi
Bakr of Khalanjan, 135,
Ahmad Khan, King of
Samarqand, 298, 313
Ahmad Khan, Taqudar —,
440, 441, 444
Ahmad -Khujistani, 13
Ahmad b. Muhammad b.
Yahya Fasih of Khwaf
(author of the Mujmal),
Ahmad - i - Razi, Amin —
(author of Haft Iqlim),
Ahmad b. 'Umar b. 'Ali, 337.
See Nidhami-i-'Arudi-i-
Ahmadil b. Wahsudan, 311
Abu Ahmad b. Abi Bakr
(Arabic poet), 92
Ahwaz, 146
Ahwazi (poet), 228
'A'isha, 229
'Aja'ibu'l-Makhluqaí(by -Qaz-
wini), 482, 483
Akbar, 351
Akhlaq-i-Jalali, 261
Akhlaq-i-Nasiri, 220, 456, 485
Akhlat, 177, 222
-Akhtal (Arabic poet), 389
Akhtar(“the Star,” a Persian
newspaper), 5
Akhti (a noble of Tirmidh),
Akhtisan b. Minuchihr, 394,
398, 402, 414
'Akif (poet), 256
'Aks (in rhetoric), 56
Alamut, 11, 193, 203, 204, 207,
209, 210, 298, 301, 310, (ety-
mology, 311), 316, 393, 446,
451, 453, 454, 455, 456, 458,
459, 460, 473, 485
“Aläu,” 452. See Hulagu
'Ala'u'd-Dawla. See 'Ali b.
'Ala'u'd-Dawla b. Kakuya
(Buwayhid), 107, 115
'Ala'u'd-Dawla Khass Beg,
'Ala'u'd-Dawla Muhammad,
'Ala'u'd-Dawla Simnani, 256
'Ala'u'd-Din (Persian engi-
neer), 442
'Ala'u'd-Din (son of Mawlana
Jalalu'd-Din Rumi), 515
'Ala'u'd-Din 'Ata Malik. See
'Ata Malik-i-Juwayni and
'Ala'u'd-Din Husayn of Ghur
(called Jahan-suz, q.v.), 306,
'Ala'u'd-Din Juwayni (Sahib
Diwan), 485. See also
Sahib Diwan
'Ala'u'd - Din Kay-qubad
(Seljuq of Rum), 515, 516
'Ala'u'd-Din (or Qutbu'd-Din)
Khwarazmshah. See Mu-
hammad Khwarazmshah
'Ala'u'd-Din Muhammad b.
-Hasan, 207, 456, 457
'Ala'u'd-Din b. Qumaj, 384
Abu'l-'Ala of Ganja, 342, 392,
Abu'l-Ala -Ma'arri, 88, 222,
Abu'l-'Ala al-Mufaddal, 315
Abu'l-'Ala Sa'id of Nishapur,
'Alawi, story of a young —,
'Alawi Madani, 314, 315
'Alawi Imams, 195, 200, 215.
See also Fatimids, Imams
Alchemy, 498
Aldang (slang word for a
“clown” or “lout”), 92
Aleppo (Halab), 177, 203, 222,
431, 468, 469, 475, 476, 497,
Alexander the Great, 3, 113,
157, 280, 281, 400, 411. See
also Iskandar, Sikandar
Alexander Book. See Iskan-
Alexandria, 203, 475, 484, 491,
521, 522
Alfiyya Shalfiyya (or Shala-
qiyya), 323
L'Algèbre d'Omar Alkhayya-
mi, 250.
Algiers, 199
'Ali b. 'Abbas -Majusi (physi-
cian of 'Adudu'd-Dawla),
'Ali b. Ahmad Asadi. See
Asadi of Tus the younger.
'Ali Bahadur (Mongol magi-
strate), 464
'Ali the carpenter (Khaqani's
father), 391
'Ali Chelebi (author of Huma-
yun-nama), 351
'Ali b. Faramarz, 'Ala'u'd-
Dawla —, 36-38
'Ali b. Ma'mun -Farighuni,237
'Ali b. Miskawayhi, 114
'Ali Nasa'i, Ustad —, 222
'Ali Panidhi (poet), 335
'Ali Piruza, called Diwarwaz
(poet of Tabaristan), 93,
'Ali b. Abi'r-Rija of Ghazna
(poet), 344
'Ali b. Shadhan (governor of
Balkh), 175
'Ali Shatranji (poet), 343
'Ali Sipihri (poet), 335
'Ali b. Abi Talib, 11, 92, 134,
136, 163, 193, 194, 195, 211,
228, 229, 234, 281, 285, 330,
357, 420, 470, 508
'Ali b. 'Uthman -Jullabi -Huj-
wiri, 288
'Ali Zaynu'l-'Abidin, Imam —,
Abu 'Ali b. Afdal, 312
Abu 'Ali Ahmad Shadan, 367
Abu 'Ali, 'Amid of Khurasan,
Abu 'Ali-Hasan b. Ishaq, 175.
See Nidhamu'l-Mulk
Abu 'Ali Mansur (Fatimid
Caliph), 104
Abu 'Ali b. Simjur, 202, 280,
Abu 'Ali b. Sina. See Avicenna
'Ali-Ilahi (sect), 194
“A. L. M.,” 79, 278
Almagest, 106
“Aloadin,” 207. See 'Ala'u'd-
Alp Arslan, 36, 167, 170, 172-
180, 214, 294, 298, 304
Alptigin (Turkish slave,
founder of Ghaznawi
Dynasty), 94
Ibnu'l-'Alqami, 462, 464, 466
Altai Mountains, 445
Altigin (Khan of Samarqand),
'Am'aq of Bukhara (poet), 298,
303, 335, 336
Ambergris, Hair compared to
—, 121
“Ambidexter” (Dhu'l-Yami-
nayn), 10
America, 246, 256
American Revolution, 44
Amid, 312
'Amid of Khurasan, Abu 'Ali
—, 182
'Amid of Khurasan, Suri b.
Mughira, 139
'Amid Safiyyu'd-Din Abu
Bakr Muhammad b. Hu-
sayn Rawanshahi, 338, 339,
'Amidu'd-Din Abu'l-Fath Mu-
dhaffar of Nishapur, 274
'Amidu'l-Mulk, 173. See -Kun-
Amin Ahmad-i-Razi (author
of the Haft Iqlim), 369, 370
Amini (Persian poet), 157
Aminu's-Sultan (late Prime
Minister of Persia), 181
Amir (title of —), 90
Amiranshah b. Qawurt (Sel-
juq of Kirman), 181, 323
-Amir bi'amri'llah, Caliph —,
Amiru'l-Haramayn, 183
Amphilbology (Iham), 52, 61
'Amr (the tailor), 53
'Amr-i-Layth (Saffari), 280,
281, 537
Abu 'Amr (poet of Tabaris-
tan), 93
Amul, 354, 358, 480
Amuy (Oxus), 272. See Oxus
Anagram (Maqlub), 59, 60
Andalusia, 45, 489, 498, 500
Anisu'l-Muridin wa Shamsu-
'l-Majalis, 270
Anisu'l-'Ushshaq(“the Lovers'
Companion,” by Sharafu'd-
Din Rami, translated by
Huart), 19, 83
“Annihilation in God” (Fana
fi'llah), 514
Anoshak-rubano. See Anu-
shirwan, of which this is
the Pahlawi form
'Anqa (legendary bird), 33, 153,
396. See also Simurgh
Ansab (of -Sam'ani), 468
-Ansari, Shaykh 'Abdu'llah —
of Herat, 246, 256, 269-270
Antichrist, 231, 428
Antioch, 183, 469
Antithesis (Mutadadd), 62
Anushirwan, Khusraw — the
Sasanian King, 32, 103, 214,
275, 277, 279, 281, 341, 350,
404. See also Nushirwan
Anushirwan b. Khalid (min-
ister-historian), 166, 191, 192,
299, 354, 360, 361, 362, 472,
Anushtigin (founder of the
second dynasty of Khwar-
azmshahs), 181, 307, 426
Anwar-i-Suhayli, 17, 89, 351,
Anwari (Persian poet), 34, 38,
84, 116, 256, 271, 298, 303,
308, 309, 316, 320, 333, 341,
345, 346, 347, 364-391, 397,
399, 401, 412, 413, 414, 417,
418, 421, 424, 425, 483, 525
Anwaru't-Tahqiq (by Shaykh
'Abdu'llah Ansari), 270
'Aqiq, Valley of —, 504
'Aql-nama (of Sana'i), 318
Aq-Sunqur, 187
Arab Conquest, 1, 4, 6, 142,
149, 432, 442, 462
Arabia, 10, 168, 406, 504, 529
Arabian Nights, 409
Arabian sciences, 5, 6-7, 13,
114, 441, 463, 466
Arabian Year, 151, 152
Arabic language, 4-8, 11, 19,
79, 92, 103, 105, 174, 175,
232, 317, 355, 392, 399, 443,
Arabic verses translated into
Persian and vice versâ, 29,
94, 112, 326
Arabs, 18, 24, 42, 44, 53, 81, 84,
86, 87, 88, 103, 124, 165, 194,
228, 281, 442, 476, 506
Ibnu'l-'Arabi, Shaykh Mu-
hiyyu'd-Din —, 489, 495,
497-501, 502, 503, 508
'Arafa, 151
'Arafat, Mount —, 242
Arbela, 475
Arbil, 446
Ardahan, 204
ArdashirBabakan(the founder
of the Sasanian Dynasty),
144, 228, 310
Ardashir b. Hasan. See Hu-
Arghash Farhadwand (King
of Gilan), 277
Arghun, 453, 469
'Ari (“bare” or plain prose),
'Arif (= gnostic), 522
Aristotle, 96, 106, 281, 285
Ark of Noah, 227
Armada, Spanish —, 427
Armenia, 10, 281
Armenians, 177, 179, 441
Arnold, Matthew —, 144
Arrajan, 204, 224, 316, 361
Arran, 456
Arraniyya, 428
'Arraq, Abu Nasr —, 96, 97
Arrows used to convey mes-
sages, 309
Arslan, meaning of —, 303
Arslan Arghun (Malikshah's
brother), 167, 177, 301
Arslan b. Ibrahim of Ghazna,
Arslan Jadhib (governor of
Tus for Sultan Mahmud of
Ghazna), 170
Arslan Khatun Khadija(Seljuq
princess, married to the
Caliph -Qa'im), 167, 172
Arslan Payghu. See Payghu
Arslanshah (Seljuq of Kir-
man), 304
Arte of English Poesie (by
George Puttenham), 22, 46,
49, 51, 52, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63,
Aryans, 143
Arzanu'r - Rum (Erzeroum),
Arzhang-i-Mani (the Picture-
gallery of Manes), 329
As'ad, 'Amid —, 125, 127, 128
As'ad, Ustad — of Mihna, 367
Asadi of Tus (the elder), 116,
148-152 (the younger), 18,
148, 271, 272-274, 326
Asas, 197, 232
-A'sha (Arab poet), 32, 33, 389
-A'sha Ma'mun b. Qays (Arab
poet), 33
Ash'ari (sect), 174
Ashi'atu'l-Lama'at (of Jami),
'Ashura (the 10th of Muhar-
ram), 151
Asia Minor, 165, 166, 168, 177,
183, 199, 303, 444, 447, 496,
497, 515, 524, 529. See also
Asiatick Miscellany, 384
'Asjadi (Persian poet), 116,
123, 129, 256, 285, 483
'Askar (Asker, the poet in
Morier's Hajji Baba), 52
Asrar-nama (of 'Attar), 507
Asraru't-Tawhid fi Maqamati
'sh-Shaykh Abi's-Sa'id, 262-3
Assassins, 11, 35, 165, 169, 184,
187, 191, 193, 196, 204-211,
(etymology, 204), 220, 295,
302, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314,
354, 358, 393, 446, 449, 451,
452, 453, 458, 459, 460, 473
485, 517
Astarabad, 139, 153
Astrology, 247-248, 316, 365-
368, 382, 437, 484
Atabek, Title of —, 181
Atabeks, 73, 364, 541
Atabeks of Mawsil, History
of — by Ibnu'l-Athir, 468
Abu'l-'Atahiya (Arabic poet),
'Ata Malik-i-Juwayni (author
of the Ta'rikh-i-Jahan-
gusha), 193, 306-308, 331,
332, 333, 358, 434, 439, 443,
453, 458, 459, 460, 473, 483.
See also Juwayni
Atash Kada (of Lutf 'Ali
Beg), 218, 244, 369, 370
-Atharu'l-Baqiya (al-Biruni's
“Chronology of Ancient
Nations”); 101, 103, 105
Atharu'l-Bilad (of -Qazwini),
218, 251, 252, 370, 482-483
Athiru'd-Din (poet), 256
Athiru'd-Din Akhsikati (poet),
344, 399, 425
Athiru'd-Din of Merv (poet),
Ibnu'l-Athir (the historian),
101, 104, 107, 118, 119, 134,
160, 166, 167, 168, 170, 171,
173-176, 180, 181, 184, 185,
187, 188, 190, 199, 201-204,
307, 311-313, 349, 367, 368,
414, 427, 430, 434, 435, 436,
439, 450, 468, 474
Atsiz (Khwarazmshah), 298,
303, 307-309, 330, 331-334,
346, 426
'Attar, Shaykh Faridu'd-Din
—, 256, 259, 262, 264, 298,
317, 322, 443, 489, 494, 506-
515, 521, 532
Ibn 'Attash, 184, 202, 203, 205,
Atwaqu'dh-Dhahab (by -Za-
makhshari), 362
Averroes (Ibn Rushd), 295
Avesta, 3
Avestic language, 3, 8
Avicenna (Abu 'Ali ibn Sina),
96, 97, 98, 106-111, 115, 222,
251, 256, 261, 267, 288, 346,
377, 488
'Awarifu'l-Ma'arif (of Shi-
habu'd-Din Suhrawardi),
Awhadi (poet), 256
Awhadu'd-Din of Kirman
(poet), 483, 500
'Awfi, Muhammad —, 13, 93,
94, 116, 117, 120, 123, 129,
130, 131, 132, 147, 148, 153,
154, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161,
249, 271, 272, 274, 276, 310,
316, 318, 323, 327, 328, 333,
334, 337, 342, 343, 355, 356,
365, 370, 373, 375, 381, 398,
402, 412, 424, 475, 477-479,
508, 539
Awsafu'l Ashraf (by Nasiru'd-
Din Tusi), 486
Ayaz (Malikshah's brother),
167, 180
Ayaz b. Aymaq Abu'n-Najm
(favourite of Sultan Mah-
mud of Ghazna), 38, 119,
Aymaq, Abu'n - Najm —
(father of Ayaz), 119
'Ayn Jalut, Battle of —, 446
'Ayntab, Battle of —, 446
'Aynu'l-Mulk Husayn -Ash-
'ari, 478
'Ayyadi (poet), 357
Abu Ayyub (companion of
the Prophet), 269
-Azhar, Jami'u'l- — (Cairo),
223, 502
Azhidahaka, 228. See Dah-
Azraqi, Abu Bakr (or Abu'l-
Mahasin) b. Isma'il (Persian
poet), 39, 135, 298, 323
'Azza, 269