D. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
Part IV, Chapter XV = XC: On Longevity in Animals, and
an account of |
f61b- f62a |
ff333 | 1945 | Introductory discourse on the duration of life among animals. Man is supposed to have lived the longest, eg. Noah, reported to have lived 1450 years. The astronomical, or rather astrological, calculation of the normal period of a man’s life. The influence of heavenly bodies and climate on the existence of man. |
Abu Ma‘shar [Ja‘far b. Muḥammad al-Balkhí], the famous astrologer, examines the horoscope of the new-born son of the King of Sarandíb, and predicts his age according to his environments. | |||
D. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
f62a | f333b | 1946 | The exceptionally long life of the King of Jálandhar (250 years), and the belief that prevailed in ancient India that life can be prolonged by medicine. |
” | ” | 1947 | The client of the Caliph ‘Alí, called Abu’d-Dunyá al-Mu‘ammar, who is said to have lived about 300 years. |
” | ” | 1948 | A short account of Aktham b. Ṣayfí, who lived 190 years. (Cf. S. K. M. Biog. No. XI, pp. 9—18). In connection with the lives of the long-lived the Author mentions as his source the work of Abú ‘Abdu’llah Muḥammad b. ‘Imrán al-Marzubání called the Kitábu’sh-Shabáb wa’sh-Shayb or the Book of Youth and Age. (See above, pp. 84—6). |
f62b | ” | 1949 | A short notice of the life of Zuhayr b. Jannáb b. Hubal al-Kalbí, with his lines on his age, 220 years. (Cf. S. K. M. Biog. No. XX, pp. 24—7). |
” | ” | 1950 | Naṣr b. Duhmán’s dotage and rejuvenation. Verses of an ancient Arabian poet are cited. Age 190 years. (Cf. S. K. M. Biog. No. LXIII, pp. 70—71). |
” | ” | 1951 | Ju‘shum b. ‘Awf’s longing for death. His verses cited. Age 250 years. (Cf. S. K. M. Biog. No. XXV, p. 33). |
” | ” | 1952 | ‘Abbád b. Sa‘íd [or Sa‘íd b. Aḥmar] b. Thawr b. Khidásh b. Saksak b. Kinda’s lamentation on his age. Verses cited. Age 300 years. (Cf. S. K. M. Biog. No. XC, p. 87). |
” | f334a | 1953 | Sharya b. Abdu’l-Ju‘fí’s strong constitution at a very ripe old age; he was much healthier than his sons owing to a suitable wife. Age 300 years. (Story corresponds, no verses cited; cf. S. K. M. Biog. No. XXXVIII, p. 40). |
” | ” | 1954 | al-Mustawghir b. Rabí‘a’s weariness of life. His verses cited. Age 330 years. (Cf. S. K. M. Biog. No. X, pp, 7—8). |
” | ” | 1955 | The lamentation of [Ka‘b b.] Radát b. Dhuhl an-Nakha‘í at his miserable existence. Age 400 and 170 years. (Verses do not agree and even the age differs, cf. S. K. M. Biog. No. LXXIX, p. 82). |
” | ” | 1956 | ‘Amr [or Ka‘b] b. Ḥumama ad-Dawsí’s joy in old age, expressed in his verses. Age 390 years. (Cf. S. K. M. Biog. No. XVI, pp. 21—2). |
f63a | ” | 1957 | Duwayd b. Zayd b. Nahd (al-Ḥimyarí)’s longing for existence, and his verses before death. Age 400—460 years. (Cf. S. K. M. Biog. No. XIII, pp. 19—20). |
” | ” | 1958 | Enumeration of the ages of Ṭayyi’ b. Udad, Quss b. Sá‘ida al-Iyádí and Saṭíḥ, 500, 380, 500 years, respectively. (Cf. S. K. M. Biog. No. LXXV, p. 80). |
” | f334b | 1959 | Account of ‘Awj b. ‘Anaq from Commentaries. |
” | ” | 1960 | Account of Luqmán b. ‘Ád and his seven vultures. (Cf. S. K. M. Biog. No. III, p. 2). |
f63b | f335a | 1961 | Account of Luqmán the Philosopher and his ten thousand wise maxims. |
f64a | ” | 1962 | The Arab sage and arbiter, ‘Ámir b. aẓ-Ẓarib al-‘Adwání’s instructions to his slave-girl, and his decrees. (The Majma‘u’l-Amthál as the source). (Cf. S. K. M. Biog. No. XLV). |
The chapter ends with a panegyric, and a prayer for the long life of his patron. |