26. Reyuts who shall make new plantations of Beetle-leaf, shall only be subjected to pay half the usual tax during the first three years; but from the fourth year they shall be put upon the same footing as other planters.
27. Reyuts who shall make new plantations of Beetle-nut trees shall be exempt from the payment of any tax during the first five years; from the sixth year they shall be assessed at half the established rate, until the trees bear fruit, from which time they shall pay the full established tax, or share the produce, as may be the custom.
28. Whoever makes new plantations of Cocoa-nut trees shall be exempt from the payment of any tax for the first four years; the fifth year he shall pay one half of the established tax; and the sixth year the whole, or a share of the produce, as may be the custom; and during four years, whatever quantity of Turcaree is produced in these plantations shall be given up to the Reyuts.
29. An account shall be taken of all the houses of the Reyuts, &c. of all casts throughout your district, specifying the names of the villages, the number of ploughs, the quantity of seed sown, and of land tilled; the number of workmen, their families and children; with their various casts and occupations. In forming these accounts, great precaution is to be observed, to prevent its creating any alarm amongst the Reyuts. Every year the increase or diminution of agriculture and population is to be observed in the manner following: The Shamboges of the villages are to prepare and transmit the accounts to the Simpt*, and the Shamboges of the Simpt are to form the complete account, and transmit it to the Aumil of the district, who is to prepare one general statement, giving a full view of the population and cultivation of the country, and deposit it in his Cutchery; from whence it is to be forwarded to the Huzzoor; and as the month of Zeehuje is appointed for the inspection of these accounts at the Huzzoor, they must be deposited in the Cutchery in the month of Rumzaun. It will be proper when you commence the numeration of the houses and inhabitants, to give it out, that the purpose for which you are come to their houses is to see whose expences exceed their means, and to assist such persons with advances of Tuccavee: in this manner you are to get the numeration effected.