The King permits his brother Kamrãn to proceed to Kabul, and his Majesty marches to Ouch, A. H. 947. A. D. 1540.
Some days after this conversation, the Prince Kamrân requested permission to wait on his Majesty, but the counsellors seeing that the Prince’s followers were all armed, advised the King to have his guards on the alert and take the necessary precautions, but the King said, “there is no necessity.” After the Prince had been seated a short time, he said to his Majesty, “Sire, since the day that your slave entered Hindûstân, he has been uneasy; there has been constantly some unfortunate circumstance occurring, and my followers are all in a wretched plight: permit me to proceed to Kabul,* where I may arrange my affairs, recruit my army, and then return to your presence.” The King readily assented and gave him his blessing.
His Majesty having at length determined on going to Moultan, the whole army having crossed the river Ravy proceeded towards the village of Hezareh, and after a march of eight miles halted. Here his Majesty learned that the Princes Hindal and Yâdgar, having been persuaded by some evil counsellors to go to Gujerât, had quitted the army and had been followed by a number of the royal attendants.
About this time a letter was received from Kelân Beg who commanded the district of Behêra, inviting his Majesty to come thither, and assuring him of every aid and attention in his power. Unfortunately a similar invitation was sent to the Prince Kamrân. The King not knowing this circumstance readily accepted the invitation, and proceeded towards Behêra. At the time of afternoon prayer the royal party came to the river (Chunâb), and his Majesty commanded Terdy Beg to swim his horse over as an example to the followers; but the horse after swimming a short distance turned back; on which the King ordered an elephant to be swam across; and as soon as the elephant had entered the river he spurred on his own horse, and was followed by all the party, now reduced to forty persons. They travelled all that night, and in the morning arrived at the town of Behêra.*
On his Majesty’s entering the place he found that the Prince Kamrân not only had anticipated him, but had seized on the house and person of Kelân Beg. On this unlooked for intrusion his Majesty’s servants were much vexed, and one of them, named Kûly Kurchy, offered to go and assassinate the Prince; but the King forbade him, and said, “I refused this request when at Lahore, and certainly will not now agree to it: go and get me a fresh horse, and I will proceed to Khushâb, and there visit Hussyn Sultân” (the ruler of that district).
The horse having been procured his Majesty continued his journey, and arrived at Khushâb the next day about noon. Here he was most hospitably received by Hussyn and his sons.
In the course of conversation the King asked him, “Host, in case of Kamrân’s attempting to do with you, as he did with Kelàn Beg, how would you act?” He replied, “I am your Majesty’s attached servant, and will shed my blood in your defence.” Upon this the King asked him to join the royal party, which he did.
The next day they quitted Khushàb, and proceeded towards Moultan. When they had marched twelve miles they came to a place where the road was very narrow; a little beyond this pass there are two roads; one leading to Kabul, the other to Moultan. Unluckily the royal party and the followers of Kamran came to the pass at the same time: his Majesty wished to go through first, but Kamran refused to give way, and said, “he would go first.” The King was much displeased; on seeing which a very brave officer, named Myrzâ Abû Beka, rode up to the Prince, and pointed out the impropriety of his conduct in such language that convinced him of his error; and his Majesty, having by these means cleared the pass, took the road to Moultan, and the Prince took the road leading to Kabul.
After some days his Majesty arrived at Gul Baluch, and halted. Here he was informed that the Princes Hindal and Yadgar, who had also quitted the army, had been intercepted by the Buluchians, who would not permit them to pass on to Gujerât. At this place intelligence was also received that Khuâs Khân, the Afghan general, was still in pursuit, and had arrived within forty miles of us; but this was either a false report, or he did not persevere in following us.
The Prince Hindal, Yadgâr, &c. on finding they could not proceed on their journey, made a virtue of necessity, returned to the royal camp, and had the honour of kissing his Majesty’s feet.
From Khushâb the royal party proceeded by easy marches to the vicinity of Ouch,* where they encamped; from this place a messenger was despatched to Bukhshu Lengãh, a powerful Zemindar, with a Firman promoting him to the title of Khan Jehan (Lord of the world); also conveying to him a banner (Tûgh), a shield, and four elephants; in return for which honour he was commanded to send provisions to the camp, and to furnish proper boats to convey the heavy baggage.* The said Bukhshu did not wait on his Majesty, but he sent the boats, &c. &c.