D. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
Part IV, Chapter XIV = LXXXIX: On Human Monstrosities and strange Births. | |||
ff59 | ff331 | 1935 | Introduction discussing the theories of the formation of the human body, and the opinion of the philosophers about the influence of Nature on Matter and vice versa. The Amír of Yaman presents to the Caliph [al-Ma’mún] a creature of curious formation, which was seen at the house of the Qádhí Yaḥyá b. Aktham. Its upper body was that of a man, having two teats like the dugs of an animal, and the rest of the body was like a bird without any limbs, and it recited eloquent verses. (Abu’l-‘Abbás [Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. ‘Alawiyya, nicknamed] Jirábu’d-Dawla and also Ríḥ’s work Búy-báz or Búy-bár (?) are mentioned as the source. Yáqút in Irshád II, p. 63 mentions a work of the latter on amusement named Tarwíḥu ’l-Arwáḥ wa-Miftáḥu’s-Surúr wa ’l-Afráḥ; probably that work is meant here. Cf. also Q. A. M. p. 451, where this anecdote is given in extenso). |
D. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
f59b | f331b | 1936 | An instance of duality of the sexual organ in a girl. (The Ṭabáyi‘u’l-Ḥayawán of Sharafu’z-Zamán Ṭáhir al-Marwazí, the court-physician of Maliksháh, as the source, see above, p. 88—9). Another contemporary instance of the same nature cited by the Author. (The first instance is quoted in H. N. Q., see above, p. 27). |
f60a | f332a | 1937 | A monk relates the story of the birth of an extremely ugly and deformed child in the Holy Land. (See above, p. 27). |
” | ” | 1938 | Another observation of the famous Physician, Sinán b. Thábit al-Ḥarrání, on a deformed woman. (See above, p. 97). |
” | ” | 1939 | Sharafu’z-Zamán Ṭáhir relates the story of a deformed woman in Marw, who used to work with her legs. (See above, p. 88). |
f60b | ” | 1940 | Náṣiru’d-Dawla, the Daylamite ruler, is presented by an Armenian with a pair of twins joined together at birth. (The Ta’ríkh-i-Dayálima as the source (?)). The Author in support of such prodigies cites the birth of the twins, the sons of ‘Abd Manáf. (See above, p. 27). |
” | ” | 1941 | Another instance of malformation, related by Ubaydu’llah b. Bukht-Yishú‘ b. Jibrá’íl in one of his works, of a man whose leg was turned from behind upwards and reached his head after passing between his shoulders. (See above, p. 98). |
” | ” | 1942 | Another contemporary instance of monstrosity. A creature is brought before the Sultan Iltutmish having the face of a monkey, the mouth of a bear without the lower set of teeth, and the rest of the body like that of a human being. (See above, p. 27). |
” | ” | 1943 | Hippocrates’s observation on the cause of the generation of monstrosities. (See above, p. 98). |
f61a | f332b | 1944 | Sharafu’z-Zamán, the court-physician to Maliksháh, explains the cause of sexlessness in either sex, and describes three kinds of such people. (See above, p. 88). |
A note on the contemporary circle of the Wazír, who cultivated literary and administrative talents. The Author concludes the chapter with a splendid panegyric on the Wazír, his illustrious patron. |