Part IV, Chapter XIII = LXXXVIII: On the Wonders of Destiny: Luck and Reverses.
f328a 1921 A short introduction on the inevitability of Destiny. The predictions of a mysterious person about the wicked course of life and the inevitable doom of a new-born female child. (Story related in connection with the Verse: “Wheresoever ye be, death will overtake you” (Qur’án, IV, 80).
f55u 1922 The doomed hoopoe, that falls a victim in spite of having noticed the net. (Cf. Sindbád-náma [Or. 255 Br. Mus.] f129a—f130a).
f55b f328b 1923 A sparrow, that taught three lessons and pointed out a hidden treasure to its owner, but could not avoid a net.
1924 The convictions of the four companions in travel about the workings of the universe and the sources of happiness: one of them, the son of a goldsmith, believes in manual labour, and provides rest for one day with his humble earnings; another, the son of a trader, believes in commerce, and entertains his friends the next day with the proceeds of his business; the third, the son of a Wazír, believes in birth, meets an old family acquaintance, and through his bounty entertains his friends in his turn; while the fourth, the son of a king, believes in Fate, and without any effort of his own is made the crown-prince of that country, and rewards his three companious.
f56a f329a 1925 The curious pleasure which Ibnu’l-Jaṣṣáṣ al-Jawharí, the Jeweller of the Caliph al-Muqtadir, obtained from laying out his jewels; and the sudden raid on his house, in consequence of which he conceals them in a garden until he recovers and repairs his fortune. (Cf. above, IV, vii, 1850; also, Eclipse, vol. I, p. 35, footnotes).
f56b f329a 1926 A person, afraid of ‘Azrá’íl (the angel of death), requests the Prophet Sulaymán to transport him by air to India, a very distant land; but the pre-ordained doom falls on him there only.
1927 The Prophet asks ‘Azrá’íl whether he pitied the lot of any of his victims. ‘Azrá’íl mentions two occasions, which happened to be the birth and the death of Shaddád.
f57a f329b 1928 A pious man of an Arab tribe, when asked about the wholesale death of the dogs and cocks of the tribe, attributes it to the wisdom of Provi­dence, which ultimately proves to be a blessing in disguise, since his tribe remained unmolested and unnoticed, though a strong foe had raided the surrounding district (The Kitáb-i-Samaru’l-A‘ráb (?) as the source).
1929 Luqmán, the philosopher, and his son, detained by accident while travelling, are informed of the calamity which had fallen upon the place previous to their arrival.
f57b 1930 The mystery of the missing head, and how al-Masrúr, the agent of the Caliph Hárún, supplied it to make up the number of forty heads which he was carrying to Baghdád, after killing the band of robbers in Ahwáz; the supplied head also proved to be that of a disguised villain.
f330a 1931 Núshírwán highly surprised at the striking contrasts in the life of an old man; whilst in poverty, the man did not grieve at a severe wound on the sole of his foot, but in prosperity felt indisposed when flowers were showered on his head.
f58a 1932 Moses shown the mysterious working of Providence: The equitable treat­ment of the horseman, the lad, and the blind man. (The Laṭá’if-i-Qiṣaṣ-i-Anbiyá (?) as the source).
f330b 1933 Núshírwán’s earnest desire to know the wonderful workings of Destiny, and Buzurjmihr’s practical demonstration in the court by making Núshír­wán overthrow the Múbad and instal him in the latter’s place.
f59a f331a 1934 Abú Muḥammad al-Muhallabí, the Wazír, relates the curious incident of a person on whom a party of sailors put fetters in joke, which proved to be a portent of his just doom. (The Kitáb-i-Khalqu’l-Insán as the source).
      The chapter ends as usual with a panegyric.