Láhiján, 416, 482
Láhijí, 'Abdu'r-Raḥmán — (commen-
tator of Gulshan-i-Ráz), 148
Lálá-báshí. See Riḍá-qulí Khán
*Lama'át (of 'Iráqí), 127, 132-9,
444-7, 512
Landauer (editor of Sháhnáma), 89
Lands of the Eastern Caliphate, by
G. le Strange, 100
Lane, Edward —, 312
Lane-Poole, Stanley —, 19 n., 178,
379, 387, 390
Langlès, Professor —, 184
Lár, 285
Láranda, 155
Laṭá'if - i - Rashídiyya (dedicated by
the author Maḥmúd b. Ilyás to
Rashídu'd-Dín Faḍlu'lláh), 84-5
Laṭá'if-náma, 362
Laṭá'ifu'l-Ḥaqá'iq (by Rashídu'd-Dín
Faḍlu'lláh), 76
Laṭífa-i-Ghaybiyya (critical essay on
Ḥáfiẓ), 300, 315, 316
Laṭífí (Turkish biographer of poets),
Latin, 9, 10, 11, 43, 62
*Lawá'iḥ (by Jámí), 444, 447-8, 512
Lawámi' (commentary by Jámí on the
Fuṣúṣu'l-Ḥikam), 513
Lawámi'u'l-Ishráq (by Jalálu'd-Dín
Dawání), 443. See Akhláq-i-
Laylá (concubine of Qubád b. Iskan-
dar Qára-qoyúnlú), 402
*Layla wa Majnún (of Amír Khus-
raw, xiii), 109-10; — (of Jámí,
xv), 516, 533-6, 545
*Leaf, Walter — (translations from
Ḥáfiẓ), 303-6, 308, 309
Leyden (in Holland), 367; Dr John
—, 392, 454
Liegnitz, Battle of — (April 9, 1241), 6
Lisánu'l-Ghayb (“Tongue of the Un-
seen,” Ḥáfiẓ so entitled), 311
Lisánu'ṭ-Ṭayr (“Language of the
Birds,” poem by Mír 'Alí Shír
Nawá'í), 505
Lishta-Nishá (in Gílán), 416
Literary History of Persia, by the
author of this volume (vol. i from
the earliest times to A.D. 1000,
vol. ii from A.D. 1000 to 1265,
published by Fisher Unwin in
1902 and 1906 respectively), 5 n.,
6 n., 15 n., 17 n. and passim
Llandudno Junction, 231 n.
Locksley Hall (Tennyson), 218 n.
Lódí, Sulṭán Ibráhím — of Dihlí
(xvi), 393
Lombardy, 102
Lowe, W. H. — (translator of Ḥáfiẓ),
Lubábu'l-Albáb (by Muḥammad 'Awfí,
xiii), 65
Lur, Luristán, 37, 68, 92, 187, 189,
191, 410
Luṭf 'Alí Beg (author of the Átash-
kada, q.v.), 274
Luṭfu'lláh b. Ṣadru'd-Dín 'Iráqí (xiv),
Lyly, John — (the Euphuist), 461
Lyons, 8
Ma'ádhí (satirized by Kamál of
Khujand), 329
McCarthy, Justin —, 303
-Madína, 55, 111, 127, 167, 427
Magas, Mullá —, 315-16
Maghrib (Morocco), 84, 331
Maghribí (mystical poet of Tabríz,
xiv-xv), 159, 211, 330-44, 345,
435, 465, 475
Magians, 234, 278 and n., 300, 342
and n. See also Gabr or Guebre,
Zoroastrian, Zunnár
Máh (the Moon), 113 and n.
Maḥabbat-náma. — (Persian Ḥu-
rúfí work), 373, 450; — -i-Ṣáḥib-
dilán (by 'Imádu'd-Dín Kirmání,
A.D. 1322), 259
Máhán (near Kirmán), 345, 463, 464,
Maḥbúbu'l-Qulúb (“Hearts' Darling,”
by Mír 'Alí Shír Nawá'í), 453
Mahdí. Advent of the expected —,
463, 467, 469, 470; pretended —,
50, 54; Sulṭán — b. Sháh Shujá'
Muẓaffarí (xiv), 169; Ibn —
(physician, xiii), 85
Máhí (the Fish), 113
Maḥmúd. Sulṭán — of Ghazna
(x-xi), 256, 353, 380; — Sháh
Bahmaní (of the Deccan, patron
of Ḥáfiẓ, xiv), 285, 287 n., 290;
Sulṭán — II (Ottoman, xix), 371,
452; — b. Mubárizu'd-Dín Muẓaf-
farí (xiv), 165, 166-7, 360; —
Injú (xiv), 274; — b. Abú Sa'íd
(Tímúrid, xv), 390; Mírzá Sháh
— (Tímúrid, xv), 388; Amír —
b. Rashídu'd-Dín Faḍlu'lláh (xiii-
xiv), 81, 84, 85; — b. Ilyás
(rewarded for dedicating a book
to Rashídu'd-Dín, xiii-xiv), 84;
Khwája — of Sáwa (envoy to
India, xiii-xiv), 85; — Qárí of
Yazd (parodist, xv), 257, 351-3;
— Kutbí (historian of Muẓaffarís),
360 n.; Mawláná — (correspon-
dent of Ḥurúfís, xiv), 368
Maḥmúd-ábád (near Shírwán), 417
Maḥmúd u Ayáz (poem by Fakhru'd-
Dín 'Alí), 504
Majálisu'l-Mú'minín (by Sayyid Nú-
ru'lláh of Shúshtár, xvi), 44 n.,
224, 498
*Majálisu'n-Nafá'is (by Mír 'Alí Shír
Nawá'í), 434, 437-9, 459, 487,
490, 495, 497, 499 n., 508
Majálisu'l-'Ushsháq (ascribed by
Bábur to Kamálu'd-Dín Ḥusayn
Gázargáhí, but generally attributed
to Abu'l-Ghází Sulṭán Ḥusayn),
124, 321, 434, 439-40, 457-8
Ma'jarí (poet of Samarqand, xiv), 329
Majdu'd-Dín. — Isma'íl Fálí (xiii-
xiv), 80, 82; Shaykh — (xiii-xiv),
82; Khwája — b. Rashídu'd-Dín
Faḍlu'lláh (xiii-xiv), 83, 84; —
Hamgar (poet of Yazd, xiii), 115,
116, 118, 119-24; — Muẓaffar
(xiv), 168; Mawláná — (corre-
spondent of Ḥurúfís, xiv), 368
Majdu'l-Mulk of Yazd (minister of
Abáqá, xiii), 22-4, 27, 30, 31
Majma'u'l-Ansáb (xiv), 103
Majma'u Arbábi'l-Maslak (? Mulk:
one of the sources of the Ta'ríkh-
i-Guzída), 89
Majma'u'l-Fuṣaḥá (of Riḍá-qulí
Khán, xix), 111, 115, 119, 139,
140, 141, 211, 216, 222, 230, 272,
274, 331, 345, 495
Majma'u'l-Murúj (Egyptians defeated
by Mongols in A.D. 1299-1300), 41
Majma'u't-Tawáríkh as-Sulṭání (A.D.
1426), 425. See Ḥáfiẓ Abrú and
Majmú'a-i-Rashídiyya (xiv), 76, 79
Majnún. See Layla wa Majnún
Mákání clan or family of Qazwín, 94
Makhzanu'l-Asrár (of Niẓámí of
Ganja), 527
Makhzanu'l-Inshá (by Ḥusayn Wá'iẓ-
i-Káshifí), 504
Malabar, 398
Maláḥat, 348 n.
Maláḥida (plural of Mulḥid, “He-
retic”), 154, 255. See Assassins,
Maláṭí (harper satirized by Kamál of
Khujand), 329
Malaṭya, 204, 205, 412
Malcolm, Sir John —, 182, 183 n.,
203, 311 n., 382, 394
Malfúẓát, or “Memoirs,” of Tímúr,
Maliku'sh-Shu'ará, Qáni'í (xiii)
created — or Poet Laureate, 111
Malthusianism of Ibn-i-Yamín (xiv),
Mamlakh (Mongol ambassador to
Edward II in A.D. 1307), 11
Mamlúks of Egypt, 20
Manásiku'l-Ḥajj (Rites of the Pilgrim-
age), Jámí's treatise on —, 514
Mangú Khán (Mongol, xiii), 8, 174
Mání (Manes) as a painter, 201, 384,
498 and n.
Manichaeanism of Ibn-i-Yamín, 218
-Maníní's commentary on al-'Utbí's
Kitábu'l-Yamíní, 89
Mansúr. Jalálu'd-Dín — (ancestor
of Muẓaffarís, xiii), 163; Sháh —
Muẓaffarí (xiv), 168-9, 173, 189,
191, 206, 290; Shaykh — (corre-
spondent of Ḥurúfís, xiv), 368
Manṭiqu'ṭ-Ṭayr (by Farídu'd-Dín
'Aṭṭár, xiii), 505
Maqṣúd (Áq-qoyúnlú, xv), 414 n., 415
Marágha, 18, 48, 59, 206, 462
Marand, 409
Mardín, 192, 408
Marghíní, Táju'd-Dín 'Uthmán —
(ancestor of Kurts, xii), 174
Marju'ṣ-Ṣuffar (Mongols defeated by
Egyptians at —, A.D. 1303), 42
Markham, Sir Clements R. —, 199,
203, 386
Ma'rúf. Khwája — (nephew of Rashí-
du'd-Dín Faḍlu'lláh, xiii-xiv), 81;
Mawláná — (suspected of com-
plicity in attempt on Sháh-rukh's
life in A.D. 1426), 366
Marta (daughter of Úzún Ḥasan and
Despina Khátún, xv), 407
*Martin, Dr F. R. —, 394-7
Marzubánán (clan or family of Qaz-
wín), 94
Marzubán-náma, 356 and n.
Masálik wa Mamálik (by Ibn Khur-
dádhbih, ix), 99 and n.
Mashhad, 44, 55, 199, 388, 493
“Mashhadís,” men of Transoxiana so
called, 234
Masháribu't-Tajárib (one of the
sources of the Ta'ríkh-i-Guzída), 88
Ma'súd. — son of the Ṣaḥib-Díwán
(xiii), 28, 29; — Injú (xiv), 274 n.
-Mas'údí (the historian, x), 90 n.
Maṭáli'u'l-Anẓár (of al-Bayḍáwí, xiii),
272 n.
Mathnawí (of Jalálu'd-Dín Rúmí,
xiii), 139, 217, 302, 444, 445, 514,
544 n., 548
Maṭla'u'l-Anwár (of Amír Khusraw
of Dihlí, xiii), 527
Matla'u's-Sa'dayn (of Kamálu'd-Dín
'Abdu'r-Razzáq of Samarqand,
xv), 58, 60 n., 159, 174, 361, 362,
389, 397, 428-30, 431, 473
Matthew Paris, 6-8
Mawáqif (of 'Aḍudu'd-Dín al-Íjí, xiv),
276, 356
Mawáhib-i-'Aliyya (of Ḥusayn Wá'iẓ-
i-Káshifí, xv), 442
Mawáhib-i-Iláhí (of Mu'ínu'd-Dín
Yazdí, xiv), 359, 360
Mawṣil, 82, 192, 399, 408, 417
Mayána, 389
Maybud, 163
May-khána (of 'Abdu'n-Nabí, xvii),
Mázandarán, 27, 51, 52, 152, 160,
186, 187, 190, 193, 194, 388, 390,
416, 419, 494
Mecca, 32, 51, 71, 111, 127, 177,
356, 357, 358, 374, 407, 423, 427,
464, 492 n.
Meninski (Latin renderings of Ḥáfiẓ,
1680), 303
Mercury (the planet), 121 and n.
Merv (Marw), 175, 382, 419
Mesopotamia, 6, 66, 99, 190, 192,
272, 357, 368
Mevleví (Mawlawí) dervishes, 479
de Meynard, Barbier —, 94
Michael Palaeologus (xiii), 18
Miftáḥu'l-Ghayb (Jámí's commentary
on —), 514
Miftáḥu'l-Ḥayát (key to the Jáwi-
dán-i-Kabír, q.v.), 372, 452
Miftáḥu'l-'Ulúm (of as-Sakkákí, xiii),
272 n.
Miftáḥu't-Tafásír (of Rashídu'd-Dín
Faḍlu'lláh, xiii-xiv), 76
Mímiyya (or Khamriyya, poem of
'Umar ibnu'l-Fáriḍ), 514
Minúchihr Sháh (killed in A.D. 1422),
Mír 'Alí Sháh Nawá'í (man of letters,
patron of art and learning, and
minister to Abu'l-Ghází Sulṭán
Ḥusayn b. Mansúr b. Bayqará,
q.v., xv), 380, 390-1, 399 n., 422-3,
432, 434, 437-9, 440, 442, 453,
455, 456, 457, 459, 487, 490, 495,
496, 497, 499 n., 503, 505-6, 508;
Mosque of —, 504
Míránsháh (d. A.D. 1400), 71, 180,
186, 190, 194-5, 321, 332, 367,
371 n., 374, 381, 388, 451
Mirátu'l-Khayál, 514
Mirátu'ṣ-Ṣafá, 437
Mírkhwánd (historian, xv), 17, 58,
361, 387, 388, 393, 407, 414,
431-3, 434, 438, 439. See also
Miṣbáḥ (? of al-Muṭarrizí, xiii), 272
*Miṣbáḥu'l-Arwáḥ (by Awḥadu'd-Dín
of Kirmán, xiv), 140-1
Ibn Miskawayhi (historian), 88
Miṣr b. Qára Yúsuf (xiv), 192
Mízánu'l-Awzán (treatise on prosody
by Mír 'Alí Shír Nawá'í), 505
Moguls or Moghuls (“Great —” of
Dihlí, xvi-xix), 107, 183, 184, 319,
364, 380, 391, 393, 420, 433. See
also Akbar, Bábur, Humáyún
Mohl, Jules—(edition of Sháh-náma),
89 n.
Mongols (or Tartars), 4-17, 32, 37,
39-45, 48, 49, 60, 62, 67, 71-4,
77, 87, 95-9, 101, 108, 111, 159,
162, 170, 178, 185, 186, 190, 205,
208, 250, 405; Mongolian lan-
guage, 31, 93, 111
Moravia, 6
Morris, William —, 395
Moṣallá, 283. See Muṣallá
Moscow, 192
Moses, 89, 114, 267 and n.
Mu'áfiyán, or Mu'áfániyán, a clan or
family of Qazwín, 94
Mu'allaqát (the seven —), 492 n.
Mu'ammá (acrostic), 462, 507, 514
Mu'ammá'í Mawláná Muḥammad
— (architect, xv), 311; Mír
Ḥusayn — (poet, xv or xvi), 459
Mu'áwiya (Umayyad Caliph, vii), 90,
Mu'ayyad - záda, 'Abdu'r-Raḥmán
Chelebi (xv), 423
Mubárizu'd-Dín Muḥammad (ancestor
of Muẓaffarís, xiv), 162-6, 225,
275 n., 277-8, 357, 360
-Mufaṣṣal of -Zamakhshari, 357
Mufíd of Yazd (author of the Jámi'-i-
Mufídí, xvii), 360
Mughíthu'd-Dín (grandson of Faṣíhí
of Khwáf, q.v., xv), 428
Muhadhdhib (? Jewish notable who
perished in massacre about A.D.
1291), 35, 36 n.
Muḥákamatu'l-Lughatyn (composed
in A.D. 1500 by Mír 'Alí Shír
Nawá'í), 453, 506
Muḥammad. The Prophet (vi-vii),
32, 49, 51, 73, 74, 76, 89, 90, 95,
101, 144 n., 231 n., 320 n., 424,
427, 441, 492 n., 507, 513, 521;
— Báqir (fifth Imán of the Shí'a,
viii), 464; Shamsu'd-Dín — b.
Qays of Ray (xiii), ser Mu'jam
and Shams-i-Qays; Shamsu'd-
Dín — Juwayní (xiii), see Ṣáḥib-
Díwán; — Sám (Ghúrí captain,
defender of Herát, put to death in
A.D. 1307), 50; — Sháh (last
Mongol Íl-khán, put to death in
A.D. 1338), 59; — of Abarqúh
(editor of the letters of Rashídu'd-
Dín Faḍlu'lláh), 80; Mawláná —
Rúmí (appointed Head of the
College at Arzanján, xiv), 83; —
b. 'Alí of Shabánkára (author of
the Majma'u'l-Ansáb, q.v.),
103; Sulṭán — (Muẓaffarí prince
put to death by Tímúr in A.D.
1393), 169, 190; Malik — Kurt
(put to death by Tímúr in A.D.
1389), 180; Sulṭán — b. Abú Sa'íd
of Ṭabas (revolted against Tímúr
in A.D. 1395), 192; Mawláná —
Quhistání (one of Míránsháh's
intimates put to death by Tímúr
in A.D. 1399), 195; — al-Qáḍí
(accompanied Clavijo from Spain
to Tímúr's court in A.D. 1404),
199; — Kázarúní (a merchant
who befriends Háfiẓ, xiv), 285;
— Qásim Astarábádí (historian of
India), see Firishta; — b. —
Dárábí (author of Laṭífa-i -
Ghaybiyya, q.v.), 300; — Fírú-
zábádí (poet parodied by Maḥmúd
Qárí of Yazd), 352; Malik — of
Sarakhs b. Mu'izzu'd-Dín Kurt
(xix), 354; — b. Sa'du'd-Dín Taftá-
zání (d. A.D. 1434); — I (Ottoman
Sulṭán, A.D. 1402-21), 356, 398,
400; — II (Ottoman Sulṭán, A.D.
1451-1481), 370, 398, 400, 401,
405, 407-12; Mírzá Sulṭán —
(governor of Íráq, xv), 364; —
Júkí b. Sháh-rukh (d. A.D. 1444),
385 n.; — Mírzá b. Jahánsháh
Qára-qoyúnlú (xv), 402; — b.
Abú Sa'íd (xv), 410; — Badakhshí
(poet and bearer of Jámí's letter to
Sulṭán Báyazíd II, xv), 423, 459;
— b. Kháwand Sháh (historian,
xv), 431, see Mírkhwánd; —
Ṣáliḥ (poet contemporary with
Bábur), 459; — b. Báysunqur
(xv), 496; Mírzá — b. 'Abdu'l-
Wahháb of Qazwín (contemporary
Persian scholar), 16 n., 21, 66,
88 n., 106 n., 153 n., 356 n., 448;
— Iqbál (contemporary scholar),
269 n.; — Ḥusayn Khán, see
Abú Muḥammad of Tabríz (father of
Faḍlu'lláh al-Ḥurúfí), 367
Muḥtasib, functions of —, 164 n.,
277 n.
Muḥyi'd-Dín. — (divine, xiii), 27;
Shaykh — ibnu'l-'Arabí (xiii), 63,
127, 128, 132, 139, 331, 446 n.,
447, 484, 514
Mú'ína (near Ahar), 27
Mu'ín-i-Isfizárí (author of a history of
Herát), 173, 430-1
Mu'ínu'd-Dín. — Parwána (xiv),
85, 106, 115, 127; — of Yazd
(historian of the Muẓaffarís), 159,
161-2, 170, 359-60; — of Káshán
(astronomer, xv), 386
Muir, Sir William — (author of Life
of Mahomet), 144 n.
Mu'izzí (panegyrist of the Seljúqs), 522
Mu'izzu'd-Dín. — b. Ghiyáthu'd-
Dín Kurt (xiv), 57, 177, 178, 179,
211-14, 354; — Jahángír b. Sháh
Yaḥyá Muẓaffarí (xiv), 169
-Mu'jam fí Áthári Mulúki'l-'Ajam
(history of the ancient kings of
Persia by Faḍlu'lláh al-Ḥusayní,
xiii-xiv), 68
-Mu'jam fí Ma'áyíri Ash'ári'l-'Ajam
(work on Persian prosody by
Shams-i-Qays, xiii), 16 n.
Mujír of Baylaqán (poet, xii), 65
*Mujmal of Faṣíḥí of Khwáf (A.D.
1442), 426-8. See Faṣíḥí
Mukhayyaṭ-náma (mock-heroic poem
by Maḥmud Qárí of Yazd, xv),
Mukhtárí, clan or family of Qazwín, 94
Mukhtaṣar. — (of -Taftázání, xiv),
354; — u'd-Duwal (of Bar-
Hebraeus, q.v.), 18, 64; —
fí Ta'ríkhi'l-Bashar, see Abu'l-
Ibn Muljam (assassin of the Imám
'Alí, A.D. 661), 256 n.
Multán, 83, 125, 174
Mulúk-i-Ṭawá'if (Parthiansso called),
Mú'minán, clan or family of Qazwín, 94
Munajjim-báshí (by this title, “the
Astronomer in chief,” Darwísh, or
Dervísh, Aḥmad, author of the
history entitled Ṣaḥá'ifu'l-Akhbár,
is generally known), 383 n., 384
and n.; 387, 390, 403, 407, 409,
411, 414, 415, 417 n.
Múnisu'l-Abrár (by 'Imád of Kir-
mán, A.D. 1364), 259
Munkir (name of one of the angels
who conducts the “Questioning
of the Tomb”), 522
Ibnu'l-Muqaffa', 'Abdu'lláh — (viii),
463, 504
Múqán, 39
Ibn Muqla (calligraphist), 84
Murád II (Ottoman Sulṭán, A.D.
1421-51), 383 n., 398, 400, 404
Murád Bey (nephew and envoy of
Úzún Ḥasan, A.D. 1461), 408, 418
Murád Páshá Palaeologus (xv), 412
Murgháb, 175, 388
Murtáḍ, Mír — (philosopher and
chess-player), 456-7
Músá. — (the last Mongol ruler of
Persia, d. A.D. 1337), 17, 59;
— the Kurd (pretended Mahdí,
xiv), 50; — (brother of Sulṭán
Muḥammad I, put to death about
A.D. 1416), 401
Musáfir, Darwísh — (Ḥurúfí corre-
spondent, xiv), 368
Muṣallá (“the Oratory,” near Shíráz),
238, 284, 291
Muséon, le —, 112 n., 366 n., 427,
428, 465, 467, 469 n.
Músh (town in Armenia), 188, 192
*Mush u Gurba (“the Mouse and the
Cat,” poem by 'Ubayd-i-Zákání),
230, 241-4
Muṣṭafá, Prince — (son of Sulṭán
Muḥammad II, campaign against
Úzún Ḥasan, A.D. 1472-4), 411-12
-Mustakfí (titular Caliph at Cairo,
xiv), 164 n.
-Musta'lí (Fáṭimid Caliph, A.D. 1094-
1101), 154
-Mustanṣir (Fáṭimid Caliph, A.D.
1035-94), 154
-Musta 'ṣim (the last 'Abbásid Caliph,
killed by the Mongols in A.D.
1258), 74
Mustawfí, clan or family of Qazwín,
94; Amín Naṣr — (resident in
Qazwín when it was sacked by the
Mongols in A.D. 1220), 96. See
also Ḥamdu'lláh, Ta'ríkh-i-
Mustawfi'l-Mamálik (“Chancellor of
the Exchequer”), 20
Mú'ta, Battle of — (A.D. 629), 144 n.
-Mu'taḍid (titular Caliph at Cairo,
A.D. 1352-62), 164 n.
-Mutanabbí (Arabic poet, x), 547
-Muṭarrizí (grammarian, xiii), 272 n.
-Muṭawwal (of -Taftázání, xiv), 354
Mu'tazila (sect), 521 n.
Mutiny, Indian — (A.D. 1857), 183 n.,
380, 391, 420
Muwaffaqu'd-Dawla 'Alí (grandfather
of Rashídu'd-Dín Faḍlu'lláh), 69
Múy-diráz (“long-haired,” nick-name
of the Ṣáḥib-Díwán's grandfather),
20. See under Juwayní
Muẓaffar, Ḥouse of — (xiv), 60, 139,
160-70, 172, 173, 186, 188, 189,
190, 191, 193, 206, 208, 225, 258,
275, 284, 355, 356, 357; — (gover-
nor of Qazwín when it was sacked
by the Mongols in A.D. 1220), 96-
7; Sháh — (artist, xv-xvi), 456,
459, 505
Muẓaffarí, clan or family of Qazwin,