Ka'ba, 32, 89, 321, 492 n.
Kabíru'd-Dín b. Fakhru'd-Dín 'Iráqí
(xiii), 127, 128
Kábul, 86, 175
“Kábulí thief,” Khwájú of Kirmán so
called, 224
Káfiristán, 193
Káfiya (of Ibnu'l-Ḥájib), 514
Kajaḥání, Shaykh —, 264
Kalát-i-Nádirí, 152 n., 186 (?)
Kalíla wa Dimna (Book of —), 94
(translated into Mongolian); 111
(versified by Qáni'í, xiii); 463,
504. See also Anwár-i-Suhaylí
Kalo Joannes (last Christian Emperor
of Trebizond, xv), 407, 408
Kamál of Khujand (poet contem-
porary with Ḥáfiẓ, xiv), 159, 209,
211, 320-30, 331-2, 350, 352, 435,
491, 498. See also under the next
Kamálu'd-Dín. Khwája — of Síwás
(correspondent of Rashídu'd-Dín
Faḍlu'lláh, xiv), 84; — Isma'íl of
Iṣfahán (poet, xiii), 261, 327 n.,
352, 522; — Ḥusayn (satirized by
'Ubayd-i-Zákání, xiv), 238; —
of Káshán (poet parodied by
Busḥáq), 350; — Ghiyáth al-Fársí
of Shíráz (accused of plagiarism by
Kátibí), 491; Khwája — (corre-
spondent of Ḥurúfís, xiv), 368;
— 'Abdu'r-Razzáq (author of the
Maṭla'u's-Sa'dayn, q.v.), 389,
428-30; — Ḥusayn Gázargáhí
(pseudo-Ṣúfí and poetaster, alleged
to be the real author of the Majá-
lisu'l-'Ushsháq, q.v.), 440, 457-
8; — Ḥusayn b. Ḥasan of Khwá-
razm (author of a commentary on
the Mathnawí entitled Jawáhiru'l-
Asrár, xv), 445
Kamál-náma (by Khwájú of Kirmán,
xiv), 226
“Káma-Shastra Society,” 436
Kámí, Sháh Ḥusayn — (poet con-
temporary with Bábur), 459
Kan'án Beg (xvii), 318
Kanbá'it (Cambay), 398
Kanzu'l-Ishtihá (the “Treasure of
Appetite” by Busḥáq of Shíráz,
xv), 346-50
Karají, clan or family of Qazwín, 94
Karbalá, 42, 44, 191, 256, 449, 510
Karduchín (wife of Amír Chúbán,
xiv), 55
Karím Khán-i-Zand (xviii), 311
Karít, Kerait (a people akin to the
Mongols), 11, 18 n.
Kár-kiyá Mírzá 'Alí (governor of
Gílán, A.D. 1500), 416
Karkúk, 192
Kár-náma (of Rabí'í of Búshanj, xiv),
Kash, 185, 194
Káshán, 81, 118, 389
Kashf (near Euphrates), 42
Kashfa'ẓ-Ẓunún (of Ḥájji Khalífa),
367 n.
Káshghar, 382
Káshifu'l-Asrár (refutation of Ḥurúfí
heresies by Isḥáq Efendi), 371,
Kashmír, language of —, 43; beauties
of —, 283
-Kashsháf (of -Zamakhsharí), 272
Kátibí (poet of Níshápúr or Turshíz,
xv), 352, 353, 438, 487-95, 498,
Ká'ús, Kay — (legendary king of
Persia), 152
Kawthar (stream or fountain in Para-
dise), 134
Kayání dynasty of Persia, 90
Kayfí (name of a place), 82
Kaysí, clan or family of Qazwín, 94
Kazan, 391
Kázarún, 226, 418, 444
Keene, H. G. — (translator of Akhláq-
i-Muḥsiní), 444
Kerá'it, Karít, 11, 18 n.
“Key of Life” (Miftáḥu'l-Ḥayát),
Khabís, 81
Khabíthát (obscene poems of Sa'dí),
232 n.
Khabúshán, 387
Khafája (Arab tribe), 162, 231
Ibn Khaldún (historian, xiv), 462
Khálidí clan or family of Qazwín, 94
Khalíl. — Sulṭán of Shírwán (xv),
400; — Sulṭán b. Míránsháh
(Tímúrid prince, xv), 381, 382,
438; Mawláná — Naqqásh (“the
painter”), 384, 498
Khalílí, clan or family of Qazwín, 94
Khalílu'lláh Mírzá b. Úzún Ḥasan
Áq-qoyúnlú (xv), 408, 413, 414
Khalláqu'l-Ma'ání (“Creator of [new]
Ideas”), 327 n. See above under
Kamálu'd-Dín Isma'íl
Ibn Khallikán (biographer, xiii), 64
Khamriyya (the “Wine-poem” of
'Umar b. al-Fáriḍ, q.v.), 514
Khamsa (“Quintet”) of Niẓámí of
Ganja, 226, 505, 541; — of
Khwájú of Kirmán, 225-6; —
tu'l-Mutaḥayyirín of Mír 'Alí Shír
Nawá'í, 508
Khán-báligh (“Cambaluc,” Pekin),
397, 398
Khániqín, 163
Khán-záda Begum (Bábur's sister),
Kháqání (poet, xii), 65, 224, 522
Khar-banda (original name of Uljáytú
changed to Khudá-banda, q.v.),
Kharjird, 473
Kharpút, 389
Khaṭá (Cathay), 75, 228, 356
Khatimatu'l-Ḥayát (Jámí's last Dí-
wán, compiled in A.D. 1490-1),
Khatlán, 390
Khayálí (poet of Bukhárá), 352, 438,
Khaysár, 152, 174, 175, 176
-Kházin al-Baghdádí, Abú Ṭálib 'Ali
— (historian), 88
-Khazrají (author of al-'Uqúdu'l-
Lú'lú'iyya, a history of Yaman),
Khiḍr, 134, 259, 291
Khiḍr Khán (xv), 383 n.
*Khirad-náma-i-Sikandarí (by Jámí),
516, 536-40
Khiva, 190. See Khwárazm
Khizána-i-'Ámira (biography of poets
by Mír Ghulám 'Alí Khán Ázád,
xviii), 289
Khudá-banda (Úljáytú, A.D. 1305-16),
46-51, 83, 176, 215. See also
Khudá-dád (leader of revolt against
Khalíl Sulṭán, xv), 381
Khujand, 206, 209, 320, 324, 327
Khuláṣatu'l-Akhbár (by Khwándamír,
xv-xvi), 434
Khurásán, 25, 27, 32, 52, 54, 83, 147,
152 n., 160, 162, 175, 177, 185,
190, 193, 210, 233 n., 272, 354,
364, 382, 387, 388, 392, 398, 402,
408, 410, 416, 418, 419, 428, 435,
438, 456, 466, 468, 473, 498, 503,
506, 507, 511, 512
Ibn Khurdádhbih (geographer), 99
Khurram-ábád (Luristán), 187, 410
Khurshíd Beg (ambassador from Uzún
Ḥasan to the Ottoman Sulṭán
Muḥammad II), 409
Khusraw I (vi), see Núshírwán;
— II (— Parwíz, vii), 267, 329,
500; Amír — of Dihlí (poet, xiii),
106, 107, 108-10, 293, 352, 491,
498, 514, 527, 536 n. See also
Chosroes, Kisrá, Sásánians
Khutan, 33, 266
Khúy, 199, 414
Khúzistán, 82, 83, 193, 411
Khwáf, 112, 211, 424 n., 428. This
place is chiefly mentioned in con-
nection with Faṣíḥí, q.v.
Khwájú (poet of Kirmán, xiv), 159,
209, 211, 222-9, 293-5, 296, 348,
350, 352
Khwándamír (historian and bio-
grapher, xvi), 17, 40, 171, 273,
283, 361, 393, 433, 434, 488, 503,
504, 505. See also Ḥabíbu's-
Siyar, Khuláṣatu'l-Akhbár
Khwár, 81
Khwárazm (Khiva), 12, 190, 354, 356,
368, 390, 418, 456
Khwárazm-sháhs, 66, 73, 74, 92, 180
Kichik, 53
Kieff, 10
Kikshik, 53
-Kinása, 254
Kinjik, 53
Kirmán, 47, 48, 81, 85, 92, 115, 139,
160, 161, 163, 166, 168, 169, 190,
208, 223, 224, 258, 259, 280, 325,
345, 357, 360, 387, 389, 402, 406,
410, 418, 427, 463, 464, 465
Kisrá, 120, 121, 285, 467, 469. See
also Chosroes, Khusraw, Nús-
hírwán, Sásánians
Kitáb-i- Yamíní (History of Sulṭán
Maḥmúd of Ghazna), 88
Kitábu'l-Aḥyá wa'l-Áthár (by Rashí-
du'd-Dín Faḍlu'lláh, xiii-xiv), 75,
Kitábu'l-Ma'árif (Ibn Qutayba), 88
Kitábu't-Tanbíh wa'l-Ishráf (-Mas-
'údí), 90 n.
Kiyá, clan or family of Qazwín, 94
Kosti (Zoroastrian girdle), 342 n.
Kubla Khán. See Qubiláy
-Kubrá (treatise on Logic by al-
Jurjání, xiv-xv), 355
Kúcha-i-'Ulamá (“Street of the
Learned” in the Rab'-i-Rashídí
at Tabríz), 86
Kúh-i-Chahil Maqám (mountain near
Shíráz), 167
Kunhu'l-Murád (by Sharafu'd-Dín
'Alí Yazdí), 363
Kunúzu'l-Ḥaqá'iq (commentary on
the Mathnawí), 445
Kur, River —, 417
Kurdistán, 190, 401, 406
Kursí-náma (Persian Ḥurúfí work),
Kurt (dynasty of Herát), 41, 50, 55,
57, 60, 160, 161, 163, 173-80, 186,
208, 211, 354, 431
Kurt-náma of Rabí'í of Bushanj, 174,
Kushtí (Zoroastrian girdle), 342 n.
Kutbí, Maḥmúd — (historian of Mu-
ẓaffarí dynasty, xv), 162, 166, 360
Kuyúk Khán (Mongol Emperor, xiii), 8