Reigns of the Ghaznivide Monarchs, pp. 4-21.
Reigns of the Dehlí Monarchs, pp. 21-133.
From Zahíru-d dín Muhammad Bábar to Akbar, pp. 134-199.
Jalálu-d dín Muhammad Akbar, pp. 200-403.
Mirzá Sulaimán Kází Nizám Badakhshí, alias Kází Khán,
deputed to negociate peace.—Death of Hímún, the grocer, by
the hand of the Emperor.—Khán-zamán's action with Hasan
Khán Bachgotí.—Displeasure of Bairám Khán with Pír Muhammad.—Conquest
of Gwálior.—An account of Shaikh
Muhammad Ghaus of Gwálior.—Serious complaints to the
Emperor against Khán-khánán.—An account of Rám Dás, the
second Tánsen, and his receiving a present of a lac of rupees
from Khán-khánán.—Birth-place of Amír Khusrú.—Pír Muhammad
Khán drowned.—Arrival of an ambassador from Sháh
Tahmásp Safwí.—Death of Mulúk Sháh, father of the author.—
Mauláná 'Aláu-d dín Lárí.—Mirzá Muhammad Hakím, son of
Humáyún Bádsháh.—Murder of the mother of Mirzá Muhammad
Hakím.—Marriage of the Emperor with the widow of
'Abdu-l Wásá'.—Death of Sháh Abú-l Ma'álí.—Death of Shaikh
Muhammad Ghaus.—Capital punishment of Kází Lál.—Fort
of Ágra built.—The bard Mahápátar.—The fort of Rohtás.—
Mu'izzu-l Mulk and Rájá Todar Mal put to flight by Khán-
Shaikhs and holy men, thirty-eight persons, pp. 403-434.
Learned men, sixty-nine persons, pp. 434-477.
Physicians, fifteen persons, pp. 477-480.
Poets, one hundred and fifty-three persons, pp. 480-557.
Conclusion, pp. 557-562.
Size—Folio, containing 562 pages, of 23 lines to a page.