WHAT you have written, relating to Kâlâ Pundit, is duly understood. A letter to him, framed in the manner suggested by you, is sent herewith. Let it be delivered to him: and if, notwithstanding this letter, he should still prove disinclined to repair to our Presence, and persist in his contumacy, an hundred men of the Uskur,* armed with swords and daggers, but without firelocks, must be sent, with orders to approach him gradually, while he is held in conversation [by persons to be instructed for the purpose]. They must then suddenly rush forward, ten men upon every one of his*: and, disarming the Pundit and all his party, bind them hand and foot, put the whole in irons, and [in this manner] dispatch them to the Presence. We enclose a letter of the above tenor to Syed Ghuffâr,* to whom you will deliver it.