Part IV, Chapter X = LXXXV: On Persons who fell into the Whirlpool of love and succumbed to it.
f34a f313b-
1885 Introduction dealing with the various kinds of emotion, illustrated by the verses of Arabian poets. Explanation given by a philosopher about the fits of the love-stricken Wazír, and the differentiation of the spiritual from the sensual affections.
f34b f314a 1886 The ecstasy of ‘Alí, the uncle of Aḥmad b. Sulaymán b. Wahb, in his love for a girl, and the attempt of Sulaymán b. Wahb to cure him of his infatuation.
f35a f314b 1887 ‘Abdu’llah b. Ṭáhir, the ruler of Khurásán, releases a prisoner, who begged for mercy and reminded him of the romance of his youth and of his beloved, in whose neighbourhood he lived.
1888 How Muḥammad b. ‘Abdu’r-Raḥmán b. Thábit, the Ṣúfí saint of Baghdád, fell in love with a beautiful girl and, failing to get her, devoted himself to the love of God and became a famous saint. (The Ta’ríkh-i-Baghdád (?) as the source, see above, pp. 42—3).
f35b 1889 al-Aṣma‘í pays a visit to the tribe of Banú ‘Udhra and sees the pathetic longing of a youth for a girl of the family of his hosts and tries to bring about a happy union of the lovers, which results in the death of the youth. (The Risálatu’l-Qushayriyya as the source, see above, p. 70).
f319a 1890 Mortality among the youth of the tribe of Banú ‘Udhra owing to their amorous tendencies and the chastity of their girls.
f36a 1891 The romantic union of Laylá and Majnún.
f319b 1892 Why Uways-i-Qaraní pulled out his teeth; the lesson of real hero-worship impressed on the minds of the Caliphs ‘Umar and ‘Alí when they met him.
f36a f319b 1893 The ecstatic condition of a youth who burnt himself while addressing his beloved and was unconscious of the fact.
1894 A shoe-maker’s son plucks out his heart and sends it to the son of the prince whom he loved, in proof of his sincerity.
f36b f315b 1895 Masrúr-i-Kabír relates the story of a slave-girl who expired at the shocking news of the death of the Caliph al-Ma’mún. (The Ta’ríkh-i-Khulafá-i-Baní’l-‘Abbás as the source, see above, p. 48).
f316a 1896 A captive of the Muslims in the early wars of the Prophet breathes his last, after remembering his beloved, who had also been made a captive along with the rest of the women of that tribe. (The Kitábu’l-Maghází of Muḥammad b. Isḥáq as the source, see above, pp. 100—101).
1897 The story of the pathetic end of the extreme love of a young student in Balkh.
f37a f316b 1898 A discourse on the exposition of the word “‘Ishq”.
      The chapter ends with a eulogy on the Wazír.