Gabr (Guebre), 38, 39, 541. See also
Magians, Zoroastrians
Ganja, 122, 326 n., 535, 536
Ganj-náma (Turkish Ḥurúfí book),
Gantin, M. Jules — (editor of Ta'ríkh-
), 94
Garm-sír, 52
Gawhar Shád Khátún (or — Áqá, xv),
388, 389, 410, 428
Gaykhátú (Mongol Il-khan, A.D. 1291-
5), 31, 37-9, 43, 163
Gayl (Gêl, Gíl), 480, 481
Gedik Aḥmad Pasha (tutor to the
Ottoman Prince Muṣṭafá, xv), 411
Gêl. See above under Gayl
Genoa, 201
Geoffrey de Langley (English envoy
to Gházán's court), 44
Georgia, Georgians, 9, 85, 160, 188,
190, 192, 197, 199, 362, 406, 409,
414, 503
German, Germany, 6, 542; German
Emperor, 107 n.
Gharjistán, 175
Ghaza (Egypt), 19
Gházán (Mongol Íl-khán, A.D. 1295-
1304), 17, 27, 40-46, 47, 48, 69,
70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 82, 83, 84,
101, 104 n., 163, 176, 275, 361
Gházániyya (suburb of Tabríz), 46,
Gházán-náma (by Aḥmad of Tabríz,
xiv), 103
Abu'l-Ghází Sulṭán Ḥusayn b. Man-
ṣúr b. Bayqará (Tímúrid prince,
xv-xvi), 380, 390-1, 395, 396,
399, 400, 410, 412, 418, 421-2,
430-1, 433, 434, 436, 439-40,
443, 453, 455-9, 487 n., 505, 506,
Ghazna, House of —, 73, 74, 91, 380
-Ghazzálí, Shaykh Muḥammad — (xi-
xii), 479; Shaykh Aḥmad —,
135 n.
Ghibellines, 399
Ghiyáthu'd - Dín. — Muḥammad
Sám (king of Ghúr, d. A.D. 1202),
174, 179; — Kurt ruler of Herát
(d. A.D. 1329), 55, 57, 176-7,
179; — Pír 'Alí Kurt (grandson
of the preceding), 57, 179, 186; —
(Muḥammad b. Rashídu'd - Dín
Faḍlu'lláh (minister and patron of
letters, put to death in A.D. 1336),
56-7, 58-9, 71, 83, 84, 87, 103,
226, 261-2; — Ḥájji Khurásání
(ancestor of the Muẓaffarí dynasty,
xiii), 162; — b. Sulṭán Iskandar
(king of Bengal and correspondent
of the poet Ḥáfiẓ, xiv), 286-7;
Amír — (Ḥurúfí poet), 373; —
Naqqásh (xv), 397
Ghúch Ḥusayn b. Amír Chúbán (xiv),
Ghulám 'Alí Khán Ázád (author of
the Khizána-i-'Ámira, xviii), 289
Ghúr, 152, 175, 176; kings of —,
91, 179
Ghurí, Amír — (Sarbadár, xiv), 180
“Giansa,” 389. See Jahánsháh
Gibb, E. J. W. — (Turkish scholar,
d. 1901), 156, 210 n., 354, 368 n.,
369, 370, 392, 399 n., 404 n., 422,
423, 426, 441 n., 449, 450, 532
Gibbon (author of the Decline and
), 202-3
Gibbons, Professor H. A. —, 198,
401 n.
Gílán, Gíl, 49, 416, 429, 473, 479,
481, 482. See also Caspian pro-
vinces, Gayl
Gird-i-Kúh (stronghold of the Assas-
sins), 368
Gobineau, le Comte de —, 103, 425
de Goeje, 88 n., 99 n.
Gog, 16
Golden Horde, 57, 354
Gomez de Salazar (member of Spanish
mission to Tímúr, xv), 199
Gonzalez de Clavijo (Spanish ambas-
sador to Tímúr), 199-201. See
Gothland, 6
Gottwaldt, 88 n.
Government service to be avoided, 28
Graf (editor of Sa'dí's Bustán), 16 n.,
529 n.
Greece, Greek, 3, 89, 405
Gregory X, Pope —, 19
Griffith, R. T. H. — (translator of
Jámí's Yúsufwa Zulaykhá), 516, 531
Gúdarz (rebel at Sírján, xiv), 192
Guebre (gabr), 38, 39, 541. See also
Magians, Zoroastrians
Guelphs, 399
de Guignes, 382 n.
Guillaume d'Ada (archbishop of
Sulṭániyya, xiv), 54 n.
Gujarát, 318, 398
Gulandám, Muḥammad — (compiler
of the Díwán of Ḥáfiẓ), 272, 283
Gulbarga, 398
Gulistán (of Sa'dí), 16 n., 401 n.,
436, 515
Gulistán (place in Caucasia), 417
*Gulshan-i-Ráz (“Rose-garden of
Mystery”), 146-9, 300, 471 n.
Gurgán, 190, 355, 390. See also
Astarábád, Jurján
Gurjistán (Georgia, q.v.), 188
*Gúy u Chawgán (“Ball and Polo-
stick,” a poem by 'Árifí, xv), 495-7

Habíb-i-'Údí (favourite of Míránsháh
put to death by Tímúr), 195
Ḥabíb, Mirzá — of Iṣfahán (xix),
231, 257, 346, 351
Ḥabíbu's-Siyar (history by Khwánd-
amír, xvi), 39 n., 40 n., 41, 60 n.,
171 n., 174, 258, 264, 273, 282 n.,
283, 331 n., 353 n., 354, 366, 385,
389, 421, 428 n., 429, 430 n., 432,
434, 460, 488 n., 503, 505
Ḥadíqatu'l-Ḥaqíqat (by Saná'í of
Ghazna), 141
Ḥadítha, 81
Hadiyya Malik (daughter of Rashí-
du'd-Dín Faḍlu'lláh), 84
Ḥáfiẓ. Muḥammad Shamsu'd-Dín
— of Shíráz (the poet, xiv), 108,
159, 161, 166, 170, 188-9, 207,
209, 211, 225, 238, 243, 258,
259 n., 260, 269 n., 271-319, 320,
325, 348, 350, 352, 354, 356, 357,
435, 444, 495, 498, 508, 510, 544,
548; tomb of — (Ḥáfiẓiyya),
311, 318-9; — b. Ghiyáthu'd-Dín
Kurt (xiv), 57, 117-8; — Abrú
(historian, xv), 424-6, 430; —
(minstrel of Shíráz), 328; Darwísh
— (copyist, xv), 225
*Haft Awrang (the Sab'a, Septet, or
“Seven Thrones” of Jámí, xv),
515, 516
Haft Birádarán (the “Seven Bro-
thers,” the constellation of the
Great Bear),” 213 n.
*Haft Iqlím (the “Seven Climes,” a
geographical and biographical work
by Amín Aḥmad-i-Rází), 111, 141,
142, 153, 210, 211, 216, 222, 223,
230, 258, 274, 331 n., 345, 362, 363
Haithon (Armenian historian), 25 n.
*Ibn Ḥajar al-'Asqalání (Inbá), 367
*Ibnu'l-Ḥájib (Arabic grammarian,
author of al-Káfiya), 514
Ḥájji Beg b. Amír Chúbán (xiv), 170
Ḥájji Khalífa (Turkish bibliographer,
author of the Kashfu'ẓ-Ẓunún),
88 n., 367 n.
Hakluyt Society, 6 n., 8, 381, 399 n.,
404 n., 405 n., 407, 416 n.
Ḥalláj (wool-carder). See Busháq
(Abú Isḥáq) of Shíráz, who fol-
lowed this trade
Ḥál-náma (“the Book of Ecstasy”)
of 'Árifí, 495-7. See also Gúy
ú Chawgán
“Halul,” 413. See Khalíl, of which
this is an Italian corruption
Ḥama (in Syria), 197
Hamadán, 25, 39, 69, 85, 125, 193,
403, 424
Ḥamdu'lláh Mustawfí of Qazwín (his-
torian and geographer), 56, 87-100,
224, 231 n.
Ḥamídí dynasty, 401
von Hammer, 68, 156, 347 n., 436
Hammer-Purgstall, 147, 401 n.
Ḥamza b. Qára 'Oṣmán ('Uthmán)
Áq-qoyúnlú (xv), 404
Ḥanafí. — sect, 46, 50, 97, 98; clan
or family of Qazwín, 94
Ḥanbalí sect, 301 n.
Ḥaqíqat-náma (Turkish Ḥurúfí book),
Ḥaqqu'l-Yaqín (by Maḥmúd Shabis-
tarí, xiv), 149-150
Ḥaramayn, Sulṭánu'l- — (title as-
sumed by Egyptian rulers, xiv), 205
Harqadáq (Mongol general, xiv), 48
Hartmann, 516
Hárún. — ar-Rashíd ('Abbásid Ca-
liph, ix), 21; Sharafu'd-Dín — b.
Shamsu'd-Dín Muḥammad Ṣáḥib-
(xiii), 20-21
Ḥasan. The Imám — b. 'Alí b. Abí
Ṭálib (vii), 90, 91; Shaykh — b.
Ḥusayn Jalá'ir or Ilkání (Il-Khání)
called Buzurg (“the Great,” d.
A.D. 1356), 54, 55, 59, 60, 170-2;
208, 260, 261, 262, 264;
Shaykh — b. Tímúrtásh b. Chúbán
called Kúchak (“the Little,” d.
A.D. 1343), 59, 60, 170-2; b.
Uways b. Shaykh — i-Buzurg
(killed A.D. 1382), 172, 320; — b.
'Alí Beg b. Qára 'Osmán ('Uth-
mán) Báyandarí or Áq-qoyúnlú
(A.D. 1453-77), 402, 403; see
Úzún Ḥasan; — ['Alí] b. Jahán-
sháh (xv), 402, 403, 408, 409, 410;
—i-Ṣabbáḥ (founder of the Assas-
sins, q.v., xi), 66; Amír — of
Dihlí (poet, xiv), 106, 108, 293,
350, 352, 491, 498; Shaykh-i-
Júrí (xiv), 211-12; Sayyid — of
Tirmidh (parodied by Maḥmúd
Qárí of Yazd), 352; Khwája —
and Shaykh — (correspondents of
Ḥurúfís, xiv), 368; Ḥájji Mírzá
— (author of Fárs-náma-i-Náṣirí,
xix), 162
Hasht Bihisht (a garden near Tabríz,
the “Astibistí” of the Venetian
travellers), 414
Hátifí (nephew of Jámí and poet, xvi),
Ḥátim-Ṭá'í, 276, 383
Ḥaydar-i-Ṣafawí, Shaykh — (xv), 407,
414, 416, 417 n.
Ḥaydar of Shíráz (poet, xiv), 223-4
Ḥaydarábád codex of the Bábur-
, 391
Hazárasp dynasty in Luristán, 37
Hebrews. See Jews
Henry the Pious, Duke of Silesia, 6
Herát, 41, 49, 50, 55, 57, 115, 152,
161, 163, 173, 175, 176, 178, 179,
180, 186, 208, 210, 354, 355 n.,
362, 366, 380, 382, 384, 387, 388,
390, 393, 397, 402, 418, 421, 422,
424, 425, 427-32, 455, 457-9, 462,
464, 473, 488, 500, 501, 503, 506, 507
Hertford (Oriental printing at —),
443, 444
Hiawatha, 523
Hidáyat (takhalluṣ of Riḍá-qulí Khán
Lálá-báshí, xix), 432. See Riḍá-
qulí Khán
Hidáyat-náma (Persian Ḥurúfí book),
Hilálí (poet, xv-xvi), 459
Ḥims (Emessa), 41, 197
Hindús, 193
Hindusháh (poet, xiii), 22
Ibn Hishám (biographer of the Pro-
phet), 88
Ḥiṣn Kayf (fortress), 408
Hít, 81
Horn, Dr Paul —, 107 n.
Houtum-Schindler, Sir Albert — (d.
1916), 80, 100 n., 150 n., 162,
210 n., 360, 426, 430, 474
Howorth, Sir Henry — (History of the
), 13-14, 15, 18 n., 19 n.,
21, 25 n., 26 n., 34 n., 41 n., 42 n.,
44, 45, 58 n., 60, 61 n., 177 n.
Huart, M. Clément —, 365, 375, 449,
450, 462
Húlágú (Mongol Íl-Khán, xiii), 15,
17, 18, 19, 20, 39, 40, 58, 59, 60,
66, 69, 74, 162, 171, 175, 250, 251
Húlájú (Mongol prince put to death
by Arghún, xiii), 33
Ḥulwání (clan or family of Qazwín), 94
Humám, Humámu'd-Dín. — son
of Rashídu'd-Dín Faḍlu'lláh (xiii),
84; Mawláná — (contemporary of
above-mentioned Rashíd), 28; —,
or Humámí, of Tabríz (poet, xiii-
xiv), 152-4, 329, 352
Ḥumayrá ('Á'isha, the Prophet's wife,
so called), 320
Humáyún (“Great Mogul” Emperor
of India, xvi), 391, 393, 418, 419
Humáy wa Humáyún (poem by
Khwájú of Kirmán), 226
Hungary, Hungarians, 6, 9
Hurmuz, 47, 193, 238, 285, 290, 397
Ḥurr b. Yazíd-Riyáḥí, 87
Ḥurúfísect (xiv), 190, 365-75, 449-52,
475, 478, 479
Ḥusayn. The Imám — b. 'Alí Ṭálib
(vii), 256, 441, 449, 510; — b.
Manṣúr al-Ḥalláj (mystic, x), 195
and n.; — b. Amír Chúbán (xiv),
54; Amír — (general of Abú Sa'íd
the Mongol, xiv), 52; — b. Áq-
Búghá b. Aydakán-i-Jalá'ir (or
Ílkání (father of Shaykh Ḥasan-
i-Buzurg, q.v., xiv), 171; — b.
Uways-i-Jalá'ir (killed A.D. 1382),
172; Sulṭán — (Tímúr's rival),
185; Shaykh — Júrí (xiv), 178-9;
Abu'l-Ghází Sulṭán — b. Manṣúr
b. Bayqará (Tímúrid prince, xv),
see supra, s.v. Abu'l-Ghází;
— Kiyá (Ḥurúfí correspondent,
xiv), 368; — Beg Shámlú (coun-
sellor of Sháh Isma'íl the Ṣafawí,
A.D. 1500), 417; — Wá'iẓ-i-Káshifí
(man of letters, xv), 434, 438, 441-3,
463, 503-4; — 'Údí (musician to
Mír 'Alí Shír Nawá'í, xv), 505
Ḥusayní, Amír — of Khurásán (ques-
tioner of Maḥmúd-i-Shabistarí,
xiv), 147
Ḥusn u 'Ishq (“Beauty and Love,” a
poem by Kátibí, xv), 487
Hyde, Thomas — (xviii), 303
Hyrcania, 390. See Astarábád,
Gurgán, Jurján