Ibn Wadih, 150. See -Ya'qubi.
Wahb b. Munabbih, 273
Wahhabi sect, 221
Wahid (Babi “Unity” of 19),
Wahriz (Persian general), 152,
180, 181
Ibnu'l- Wahshiyya, 357
Wales, 446
-Walid (Umayyad Caliph),
163, 215, 231, 317
Walid b. 'Uqba, 216, 218
-Walwalaji, Abu 'Abdi'llah
Muhammad b. Salih —
(Persian poet), 467
Wamiq and 'Adhra, Romance
of —, 12, 347
Waqid b. 'Amr-Tamimi, 324-
-Waqidi (historian), 261, 277,
278, 284, 345
“War of the Methods” (Philo-
logical and Traditional), 68
Warzanin, 350
Washmgir, 365
Wasif (Turkish officer), 342
Wasil b 'Ata-Ghazzal (founder
of Mu'tazilite sect), 281
-Wasit (town), 302, 349, 433,
-Wathiq ('Abbasid Caliph),
251, 254, 284, 285, 290, 336
Wayak (in Haji-abad inscrip-
tion), 153
Wazir, Office of —, 255-257
Weil, Dr. Gustav —, 211, 272
Wessex, 5
West, Dr. E. W. —, 57, 59, 68,
70, 81, 98, 103-106, 109, 151,
159, 169
Westergaard, 43, 64, 68
Wheelock, Abraham —, 19, 41
Whinfield, 282, 441, 444
White as a colour-badge, 311,
312. See Mubayyida, Sapid-
Wickham (place), 48, 49
“Widow,” “Son of the—” (in
Manichæan System), 162
William the Conqueror, 118
Wind, Selling the —, 366
Windischmann, 68
Wine-drinking, 459-460
Wine, Poetical description of
—, 462
“Wise Child” (Kudak-i-dana),
Wives, Community of —. See
Wizards, 366
Wolfe Tone (Irish patriot),
Wool typifying renunciation,
297, 417, 430. See Pashmina-
push, Sufi
World compared to snake,
“World-wise” (Hakimatu'd-
Dahr in Manichæan sys-
tem), 162
Worm of Kirman, 138, 145-
Wright, Dr. W. —, 134, 169,
191, 221, 375
Writing, Art of —amongst
ancient Arabs, 261; —
amongst ancient Persians,
9; — highly valued by
Manichæans, 165; cf. 431
Wüstenfeld, 169, 272, 273, 321,
Xenophon, 91
Xerxes, 56, 61, 79, 92, 113
-Yafi'i, 424
Yahya-Barmaki (“the Barme-
cide”), 259, 277
Yahya b. Bitriq, 277
Yahya b. Ma'adh of Ray
(mystic), 323, 418
Yahya b. Masawayh, 345
Yahya b. Zayd (great-grand-
son of -Husayn), 322
Abu Yahya Tahir b. -Fadl
-Saghani (Chaghani), Amir
—, 467
Yaksum (Abyssinian King),
Yama (in Hindu mythology),
56, 80, 113
-Yaman (-Yemen), 152, 173-
176, 178, 180, 181, 183, 192,
201, 244, 262, 263, 358, 382,
388, 402, 405
Yaminu'd -Dawla. See Mah-
mud of Ghazna
Yaminu'd - Din Faryumadi
(Persian poet), 437
Ya'qub b. Layth -Saffari, 13,
346-348, 349, 352-354, 473
Ya'qub (grandson of 'Amr b.
Layth -Saffari), 359
*-Ya'qubi (historian), 110,
131, 150-151, 155-157, 158,
169, 229, 230, 231, 239, 241,
244, 246, 307, 314, 317, 318,
321, 323, 357-358
Yaqut (geographer), 14, 15,
Yasar (Persian captive), 263,
Yashts, 97, 100
Yasna, 44, 48, 63, 67, 68, 99
Yathrib (ancient name of
-Madina, q.v.), 132
*Yatimatu'd-Dahr (of-Tha'-
alibi), 365-366, 368, 374, 375,
445-447, 450, 453, 465-466,
470, 474, 475, 476
Yatkar-i-Zariran (Pahlawi
romance), 9, 108, 121, 138
Yazd, 26, 27, 83, 86, 109, 343
Yazdan-Gushnasp, 129
Yazdigird I, 135, 166
Yazdigird III, 6, 120, 122, 130-
132, 168, 174, 182, 195, 200,
229, 317
Yazid I (Umayyad Caliph),
215, 224-226, 228, 230
Yazid II (Umayyad Caliph),
215, 283
Yazid III (Umayyad Caliph),
215, 318
Yazid b. -Muhallab (general),
Yazidi sect (“Devil-worship-
pers”), 304
“Year of the Ass,” 241
“Year of the Elephant,” 173,
Yeats (Irish poet), 447
Yellow garments prescribed
for unbelievers, 343. See
also 'Asal-i dukhta
Yima (=Yama, Jamshid,
q.v.), 56, 80, 113
Yishu'-bokht, 145
Yudan - Yim (Zoroastrian
priest), 105
Yuhanna b. Masawayhi
(translator), 305
Yusuf-Barm (heresiarch), 247,
Yusuf b. 'Umar (Governor of
'Iraq), 233
*Yusuf u Zulaykha (of Jami),
439, 442, 444
Abu Yusuf, 349
Abu Yusuf Ya'qub-Ansari
(Hanafite doctor), 276
Abu Yusuf Ya'qub b. Ishaq
-Kindi, 356. See -Kindi
Abu Yusuf-Qati'i, 302
Zab (river), 245, 247
Ibn Zabala (historian of
-Madina), 277
Zabulistan, 116
Zadan, son of Farrukh
(Persian accountant), 205
Zagros Mountains, 19
-Zahi (poet), 370
Zahir (Dhahir) of Faryab
(Persian poet), 389
Zahiri (or Zahirite) school,
357. See also Dhahiri
Zahra (“the Bright,” i.e.,
Fatima, q.v.), 131, 132
Ibn Abi Zakariyya (heretic),
359, 367
Zal (father of Rustam), 116,
Zamakhshari (commentator),
269, 289, 292
Zamzama (“mumbling” of
Magians), 309, 310
Zandakih, 159. See also
Zindiq, Manichæans
Zandaniji (or Zand-pichi),
Zanj Rebellion, 349-350, 356,
Zanjan (town), 325, 378
- Zanjani (-Zinjani), Abu'l-
Hasan 'Ali b. Harun —
(one of the Ikhwanu 's-
Safa, q.v.), 293
Zaradusht. See Zoroaster
Zaradushtakan, Sect of —,
169. See Mazdak
Zaratusht. See Zoroaster
Zaratusht-Khurragan (master
of Mazdak, q.v.), 169, 170
Zaratusht-nama, 43, 109
Zarawa (old Persian book),
Zargun (near Persepolis), 70
Zariadras, Romance of —,
Zarir, Romance of —, 9,
108, 121, 138
Zarwan Akarana (“Bound-
less Time”), 414
Zawzan, 308
- Zawzani, Abu 'Ali — (Sama-
nid poet), 365
- Zawzani, Abu Muhammad
'Abdu'l-Kafi — (author of
Hamasatu 'dh - Dhurafa),
Zayd-'Alawi, 315
Zayd b. Rifa'a (one of the
Ikhwanu 's-Safa), 293
Abu Zayd (Governor of
'Uman), 201
Abu Zayd - Balkhi (geo-
grapher), 372
Zaydan (or Dandan), 407
Zaydi sect (of Shi'ites), 392
Zaynu'l 'A'bidin (fourth Imam
of the Shi'ites), 229, 239,
Zaynatu'z Zaman (Biography
of poets by -Andakhudi),
Ibnu'z -Zayyat, 164, 253, 331-
333, 351
Zefre (dialect of —), 27
Zend, 22-25, 43-44, 56, 58,
78, 79, 81. See Avesta,
Zhukovski, Valentin —, 27,
83, 416
Zikrawayhi (Carmathian
leader), 358, 359, 402
Zindiq (pl. Zanadiqa), 155,
159, 303, 307, 422, 436;
Meaning and etymology
of the term —, 159. See
also Manichæans
Ziyad b. Jariya-Tamimi, 272
Ziyad b. Labid, 215
Ibn Ziyad, 'Ubaydu'llah —,
225, 226, 228, 230
Ibn Ziyad, father of Ja'far,
Ziyarid Dynasty, 359, 360,
364-365, 367, 371, 376, 446,
453, 466, 469, 471
Zohak, Zuhak, Zahhak. See
Zopyrus, 121
Zoroaster, 4, 25, 28-31, 34, 49-
54, 56, 58, 88, 95, 96, 102,
116, 118, 120, 123, 127, 154,
159, 162, 163, 173, 200, 201,
206, 246, 247, 263, 309, 310,
315, 334; — identífied with
Abraham, 113; name of —
changed to Muhammad on
conversion to Islam, 263
Zoroastrian Literature, 7, 8,
43, 44, 46, 118
Zoroastrian Priests, 135, 166,
169, 202, 206
Zoroastrian Religion, 6, 9, 23,
24, 30, 34, 36, 42, 45-47,
127, 161, 165, 167, 170, 171,
202, 203, 206, 301, 414, 459-
Zoroastrians, 200-202, 206-
207, 232, 303, 343, 352, 375,
448, 459. See also Guebres
Zoroastrian sympathies im-
puted to Barmecides, 259
Zotenberg, H. —, 369, 455, 478,
-Zubayr, 217, 388
Ibn-Zubayr, 228-231
Zubur. See Psalms of David
-Zuhri (theologian), 263, 272,
Zuwarishn, 7, 73. See