Roots. Derivatives.
he was able, had power.
<Arabic> power, strength.
he came near.
<Arabic> limits, modes, cir­cumstances.
<Arabic> a mode, condition.
he was tall, long.
<Arabic> prolixity.
<Arabic> extension, usur­pation.
<Arabic> length.
<Arabic> a stable, tether.
he was obedient.
<Arabic> obedience.
<Arabic> obedience, will­ingness.
<Arabic> obedience, obeyed.
<Arabic> obedient.
he reclined.
<Arabic> tranquillity.
it was good, lawful.
<Arabic> good, argeeable.
he marked, impressed. IV, it was fixt by nature. VII, he was mild, obedient.
<Arabic> natural.
it was close to his side. II, he made it conform­able.
<Arabic> conformable.
he came in the night.
<Arabic> the road, man­ner, custom.
he turned, averted.
<Arabic> extreme parts, countries.
<Arabic> part, point, quar­ter.
<Arabic> both sides.
he was light, moved lightly from joy.
<Arabic> mirth.
he threw away.
<Arabic> the place where a thing it thrown to, a place, station.
he stabbed, penetrated, traduced and abused.
<Arabic> reproach.
he was tender, young, he was risen. IV, she had her child with her. V, he attended uninvited.
<Arabic> children.
<Arabic> an humble attendant.
he sought, interrogated, demanded.
<Arabic> desiring, one that desires.
<Arabic> a request, demand, search.
<Arabic> demanded, desired.
<Arabic> demands.
<Arabic> intention, desire, question.
he arose, came forth.
<Arabic> information.
<Arabic> fortune, destiny.
<Arabic> the rising, com­ing forth.
<Arabic> consideration, perusal.
he was set at liberty, dismissed.
<Arabic> absolute.
he desired.
<Arabic> appetite, desire.
he wrote in a book.
<Arabic> a rool, register.
it stood, remained.
<Arabic> a tent rope.
he folded up, he travelled over, reiterated.
<Arabic> travelling, wind­ing.