Caesarea (Qayṣariyya), 83, 85
Cahun, Léon —, 9 n., 14, 15
Cairo, 42, 196, 356, 357
Calcutta, 216
Calf, Golden —, 35, 36
Caliph, Caliphate (Khalífa, Khiláfat),
5, 62, 73, 74, 90, 91, 92, 101,
247 n. See also under 'Abbasias,
Fátimids, Umayyads
Calmucks, 398
Cambay, 398
Cambaluc (Khán-báligh, i.e. Pekin),
Cambridge, 112, 162, 367, 368, 373,
427, 430 n., 440, 443, 445, 496
“Caño” (name of Tímúr's wife as
given by Clavijo), 200
Caracoili, 399. See Qára-qoyúnlu
Carmathians, 451
“Carparth” (corruption of Kharpút,
q.v.), 389
Cashmere, 283. See Kashmír
Caspian Provinces and Sea, 3, 6, 15,
187, 355, 481, 482. See also
Gílán, Mázandarán
“Cassan” (Italian corruption of
Káshán, q.v.), 389
Catalonia, 102
Cathay (Khaṭá), 75, 228
Catholic church, 6
Catkins called “Willow-cats” (gurba-
i-bíd), 118 and n.
Caucasus, 7
Ceylon, 122, 398
Chabistar, or Shabistar (q.v.), 146
Chabot, J.-B. —, 31 n., 52 n.
Chách, Cháchí, 110, 262, 320 n.
Chaghatáy Khán, 66
Chaghatáy language, 391, 438. See
Eastern Turkish, Turkí
Chahár Maqála (by Niẓámí-i-'Arúḍí
of Samarqand, xii), 65, 256, 353 n.,
522 n.
Chansons de Gestes, 394
Chao (Chinese paper-money intro-
duced into Persia), 37-9
Chelebi, 479
Chess, 456-7
Chézy (translator into French of
Jámí's Layla wa Majnún, Paris,
1805), 516
Chilla (forty days' fasting and self-
discipline, in Arabic arba'ín), 125,
527 n.
China, Chinese, 37, 43, 44, 49, 64, 73,
74, 75, 77, 86, 89, 101-3, 202,
206, 228, 362, 383, 397, 398
Chingíz Khán or Qá'án (xii-xiii), 11,
12, 15, 16, 40, 43, 65, 73, 74, 103,
159, 180, 182, 185, 203, 250, 285,
364, 383
Chingíz-náma (or Sháhinsháh-náma
of Aḥmad of Tabríz, xiv), 103
Chosroes (generic name for Sásánian
king, Arabic Kisrá, Persian Khus-
raw, q.v.)
Christ, Christians, 17, 18, 19, 54, 58,
101, 116, 134, 196, 201, 259, 281,
282, 338, 342 n., 372, 467, 476
Chronograms, 58, 282, 283, 385, 386,
387, 512. This list is not ex-
Chronological Retrospect (Major David
Price, 1811-21), 196 and n.
Chúbán, Amír — (xiv), 51-56, 59, 60,
170, 171
Churches destroyed by orders of
Gházán (circ. A.D. 1295), 40
Churchill, Sidney — (rare Persian
books acquired by —), 95, 300
Clarke, Col. H. Wilberforce — (transla-
tor of Ḥáfiẓ, etc.), 299, 300, 302, 303
Clavijo, Ruy Gonzalez de — (Spanish
ambassador to Tímúr, A.D. 1404-
5), 199-201
Clement. Pope — IV, 19; Pope
— V, 49
Cologne (mentioned by the historian
Banákatí, xiv), 102
“Como” (Italian corruption of Qum,
q.v.), 389
Comneni, 407, 408-9
Compass, invention of —, 15
Constantinople, 64, 199, 201, 203,
206, 231, 257, 367, 368, 370, 399,
405, 409, 413, 419
Contarini, Ambrosio — (Venetian
envoy to Persia, xv), 380, 406 and
n., 410
Copts, era of the —, 89
Cordier, M. Henri — (edition of
Odoric of Pordenone), 61 n.
Crusades, 8
“Curlumameth” (Italian corruption
of Oghúrlú Muḥammad, q.v.),
Dabírán (family of Qazwín), 94
Dah Faṣl (by 'Ubayd-i-Zákání, xiv),
237, 252
Dah Waṣl (by Maḥmúd Qárí of Yazd,
xv), 352
Ḍaḥḥák (legendary tyrant of Persia),
Dalmatia, 6
Dámád Ibráhím Pasha (xviii), 384 n.
Damascus (Dimashq), 41, 42, 122, 128,
181, 197, 355, 356, 357, 425, 462
Dámghán, 81, 190, 368, 388
Dánishmand Bahádur (general, xiii),
Dante compared with Ḥáfiẓ, 292-3
Dárábjird, 356
Darband, 175
Darby (translator of Petis de la Croix's
Life of Tímúr into English, 1723),
Darius (Dárá). — Hystaspes, 405;
the last —, 228, 229
Ḍarráb, Sayyid Amír Ḥájji — (xiv),
Dáru'l-Aytám (in Shíráz), 444
Dáru'sh-Shifá (in Shíráz), 166, 355
Dáru's-Siyádat-i-Gházání (at Sí-
wás), 83; — -i-Sulṭání (at Herát),
Dasht, 356
Dastúr-náma (by Nizárí), 155
David's melodious voice, 500
David Comnenas, 408
Davy, Major — (xviii), 184
Dawán (in Fárs), 444
*Dawlatsháh. — (ruler of Kirmán,
xiv), 166; — b. Bakhtísháh of
Samarqand (author of the well-
known Biography of Poets, xv),
40 n., 47, 72, 108, 109 n., 111,
115 n., 118 n., 119, 141, 188, 209,
210, 211, 215, 222, 223, 224, 230,
258, 259, 262, 263, 265, 272, 273,
274, 282, 311 n., 321, 331 n., 344,
345, 346, 347, 362, 363, 382, 383-
4, 434, 436-7, 439, 453, 459,
487 n., 488, 489, 491 n., 497, 498,
499-501, 505, 508
Daylamís, 91. See Buwayhids
Deccan, 285, 464
Defrémery, 64 n.
Delhi. See Dihli
Deluge, era of —, 89
Despina. — (daughter of Michael
Palaeologus and wife of Abáqá
Khán the Mongol Íl-khán, xiii),
18; — (daughter of Kalo Joannes
and wife of Úzún Ḥasan, xv),
Abú Dharr, traditions of —, 514
Dhu'l-Fiqár ('Alí's sword), 467, 468
and n.
Dhu'l-Qadar (one of the nine tribes
supporting Sháh Isma'íl, A.D.
1500), 417
Dhu'l-Qadarí dynasty (xv), 401
Dieterici (editor of al-Mutanabbí),
347 n.
Dihlí, 107, 108, 181, 183, 194, 358,
391, 393
Dilshád. — Khátún (daughter of
Dimashq Khwája, q.v.), 55. 58,
171, 172, 260, 262; — Aghá
(Tímúr's wife, xiv), 186
Dimashq Khwája (son of Amír Chúbán,
xiv), 54, 55, 170
Díwa-Maḥall, 398
Díwán-i-Albisa (by Maḥmúd Qárí of
Yazd, q.v.), 351-3
*Díwán-i-Aṭ'ima (by Busḥáq of
Shíráz, q.v.), 346-51
Díwánu'n-Nasab (source used by
author of Ta'ríkh-i-Guzída), 88
Diyár Bakr (formerly Ámid), 84, 92,
192, 400, 402, 404, 406, 407, 408,
417, 418
Ḍiyá'u'd-Dín (Jámí's son), 514
Dizful, 83, 191
Dolmetsch (suggested Turkish etymo-
logy), 9 n.
Dominican archbishop of Sulṭániyya
(xiv), 54
Doqúz Khátún (wife of Húlágú Khán,
xiii), 18, 52 n.
Dorn, Bernard —, 210 n., 426
Drink, indulgence in — by Tartars,
24, 200, 391, 406; laws against —,
53, 58, 277-8
Dughlát, Mírzá Ḥaydar — (cousin of
Bábur and author of Ta'ríkh-i-
Rashídí, q.v.), 392, 453
Dulafí (clan or family of Qazwín), 94
Dur-duzd, Mawláná 'Alí — (poet
parodied by Busḥáq and Maḥmúd
Qárí), 350, 352