Qaba'il = “Arabs” (as op-
posed to Shu'ub, “Gen-
tiles”), 265
Qabus b. Washmgir, 371, 446,
466, 469, 470-471
Qabusiyya Dynasty, 207
Qadariyya sect, 279, 281-283
-Qaddah. See 'Abdu'llah b.
Qadisiyya, Battle of —, 6, 117,
174, 182, 195-197, 200, 202,
221, 247
-Qahir ('Abbasid Caliph), 364
-Qahira. See Cairo
Qahtaba, 244
-Qa'im (= -Mahdi, q.v.), 408,
-Qa'im (Fatimid Caliph), 403
Qajar, 207
Qalansuwa (Persian hat, pl.
Qalanis), 259, 330
Qaren, 121
Qarmat, Hamdan —, 396
Qarmati, Qirmati, 408. See
Carmathians, Isma'ilis, Sect
of the Seven
Qasida, 472, 474
-Qasim b. Burhan, 208
Abu'l-Qasim b. Abu'l-'Abbas,
Abu'l-Qasim -Dinawari, 365
Abu'l-Qasim Hibatu'llah b.
Sina'u'l-Mulk, 321
Qasr-i-Shirin, 12
Qatran of Tabriz (Persian
poet), 86, 462
Qazwin, 80, 86, 325
*-Qazwini (geographer), 14,
157, 257-258, 319-320, 323
Qissisun (class of Mani-
chæans), 164
Qit'a, 472, 474
Qiwami of Ray (Persian poet),
Qiyam (the upright position
in Prayer), 412
Qohrud (dialect), 26, 27, 80, 86
Quakers, 297, 417
Quatrain, 18. See Ruba'i
Quatremère, 76, 399
Qubad (or Kawad, q.v.), 134
-Qubawi (translator of Nar-
shakhi), 368
Quhyar (brother of Mazyar,
q.v.), 334
Quietism, 297, 300, 427, 428
Qum, History of —, 374
Qumis, 314, 448
Qumri of Gurgan, Abu'l-
Qasim Ziyad b. Muhammad
— (Persian poet), 453, 466
-Qunna'i (disciple of -Hallaj),
*Qur'an, 12, 98, 102, 113, 119,*
166, 175,* 178,* 187, 191*,
200, 201,* 206, 213,* 217, 219,
220, 221, 228, 230*, 231, 236,
242, 260, 261, 265, 270, 271,
272, 274, 288, 289, 293, 303,
320,* 333,* 347, 357, 366, 374,
377, 379, 385, 387, 388, 406,
412-414,* 418, 432, 435, 442,
467, 477; —, created or un-
create, 284-285, 287, 290,
Quraysh, 177, 213, 214, 216,
221, 260, 261, 264, 267, 295
Qurratu'l-'Ayn (the Babi
heroine), 172
-Qushayri, 297
Qushuri, Ibn Nasr —, 433
Quss Bahram, 396
Qussu'n-Natif, Battle of —
Qusta b. Luqa, 278, 306, 345
Ibn Qutayba, 15, 110, 169, 262,
268, 277, 324, 357, 387-388,
Qutrub, 277
Rabi'a (Tribe of), 242
Rabi'a-Adawiyya, 299, 300,
418, 424, 426
Rabshekeh, 66
Racial feeling, 114, 232-233,
242, 264-265 See also Sub-
ject Races
-Radi ('Abbasid Caliph), 364
-Radi, -Sharif —(poet), 448
-Raffa' (poet), 370
Rafidi (pl. Rawafid), 314, 360-
361. See Ghulat, Sect of the
Seven, Sect of the Twelve,
Shi'ites, &c.
Rafsinjan, 87.
<text in Greek script omitted>, 35. See Ranha, Ray
Rajaz (form of verse), 173
Rajputs, 372
Rakhsh, 316, 317
Ram (typifying the Farr-i-
Kayani, or “Royal Splen-
dour”), 137
Ram (Festival of —), 259, 475
Ram-Hurmuz (or -Hurmazd),
157, 347, 368
Ranha, 26, 35. See Ray.
Raqqa, 276
Rashidi of Samarqand (Per-
sian poet), 457
Rashidu'd-Din Fadlu'llah
(Persian historian), 392
Rashidu'd-Din Sinan (grand-
master of the Syrian
Assassins), 396
“Ravens” (Blacks), 179
Rawand (place), 315
Rawandiyya or Rawandis,
240, 315-316
Rawfaryad, 162
Rawlinson, 63, 91, 92
Rawnaqi (Persian poet), 468
Rawdatu's-Safa (Persian his-
tory), 170
Ray, 23, 32, 35, 79, 85, 86, 109,
131, 132, 137, 143, 145, 247,
313, 314, 350, 428, 448
Abu Rayhan. See -Biruni
-Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad
b. Zakariyya (physician),
known in Europe as Rhazes,
“Readers” (Qurra), 228
Realism, 294
Recurrence of Ideas in Persia,
98-99, 100-101
Red as a badge, 311, 312. See
Red Cross Knights, 480
Reid (missionary so named),
Re-incarnation, 311. See
Return, Rij'at, Metempsy-
Religion, Eastern and West-
ern conceptions of—, 405-
Religious Systems of the World
(work of reference), 439,
442, 444
Remanatio, 380
Renaissance, Persian —, 352,
375-376, 465
“Renegades” (Ahlu'r-Ridda),
“Return” (Rij'at), 310-311,
323, 327-328, 363, 435
Rhagæ, 26. See Ray
Rhazes, 363. See -Razi
Rhetoric, 389, 473
Rich, Claude J. —, 64
Richardson (Persian lexico-
grapher), 57
Rida, Imam 'Ali —, 284, 429
Rida-quli Khan (Persian his-
torian and writer), 170, 312,
Rida-quli Khan of Behbehan
(dialect poet), 87
-Rida, -Sharif —, 207. See
Rieu, 54, 450
Rija b. -Walid -Isfahani
(Samanid poet), 365
Rij'at. See Return, Metem-
Risala-i-Hawraiyya, 416
Risala-i-Qushayriyya, 417
Rivayats (Zoroastrian), 48,
Roman, Alexander the —, 118,
139. See also Alexander
the Great.
Romans, 305
Rome, 40, 382, 472
Rope-trick, 431
Rosen, Baron Victor —, 15
Rosenzweig, 444
Rosenzweig-Schwannau, 361
Roth, 68
“Royal Splendour” (Farr-i-
Kayani), 128, 137, 143, 144
Ruba'i, 472-473, 476. See
Ruckert, 389
*Rudagi (Persian poet), 13,
15-17, 82, 340, 355-356, 359,
368, 452, 454, 455-458, 473
Rue (sipand), used as a fumi-
gation against the Evil Eye,
Ru'in Dizh (“the Brazen
Fortress”), 147
Ru'in-tan (epithet of Isfan-
diyar), 150
Ruknu' d-Dawla (Buwayhid),
Ruku' (position in prayer),
Rum, 480
Rumi. See Jalálu'd-Din
Ibnu'r-Rumi (poet), 357
Ruqayya (daughter of the
Prophet), 214
Ibn Rushd, 40. See Averroes
Rustam (mythical hero), 116,
117, 269; — (general), 117,
182, 194-195, 197-198
-Rustami, Abu Sa'id — (poet),
268, 374
Rylands Library, 449, 452
S (Sanskrit) = H, Persian),
Sabæans, 302-306, 384, 387
Sabalan (mountain), 325
Sabat Abi Nuh (place), 396
Sabbath = Shanbadh, 160
-Sabi (“the Sabæan”), Ibra-
him b. Hilal —, 372
Sab'i, Sab'iyya, 407. See
Isma'ilis, Sect of the Seven,
-Sabiq (“the Pre-Existent”),
Sabuktagin, 371, 372, 376
Sachau, Dr. E. —, 123, 154,
158, 163 169, 247, 308, 318,
352, 469
Sacrament of Babak, 327
de Sacy, Silvestre —, 53, 57,
58, 59, 61, 63, 70, 71, 393,
407, 410-415
Sa'd b. Abi Waqqas, 194, 196-
199, 388
Sa'd of Warawin, 478
Ibn Sa'd (secretary of
-Waqidi), 284, 345
Sadah (Festival of), 112
Sadaqat (Alms), 201
Sad Dar (Zoroastrian Cate-
chism), 43, 109
*Sa'di (Persian writer), 52, 85,
135, 145, 294, 343, 389, 423,
*Safar-nama of Nasir-i-
Khusraw, 86, 400
Safawi Dynasty, 294
-Saffah, 210. See Abu'l-
Saffari Dynasty, 6, 13, 341,
346-349, 352-355, 359, 445,
450, 451, 453, 473
Sag (dog), 26
Sagartia, 33
Saghani (Chaghani) Dynasty,
Sagistan (Sistan), Wonders
of —, 109. See also Sistan
Sahibu'l-Amr, 414. See also
-Sahib Isma'il b. 'Abbad, 374,
375, 446, 453, 463, 464, 466,
467, 474
Sahibu'l-Khal, 402
Sahibu'n-Naqa, 402
Sahibu'sh-Shama, 402
Sahibu'sh-Shurta (Captain of
the Guard), 432
Sahibu'z-Zaman, 408. See
also Mahdi
Sahibu'z-Zanadiqa (Inquisi-
tor appointed to detect
Manichæans), 158, 307
-Sahih (of -Bukhari), 351
Sahl b. 'Abdu'llah of Shushtar
(mystic), 357
Sahl b. Harun (-Ma'mun's
librarian), 267
Ibn Sahl. See Hasan b. Sahl
and Fadl b. Sahl
Abu Sahl -Nawbakhti, 429
Said [b. 'Abdu'l-'Aziz …],
governor of Khurasan, 237
-Sa'id, -Amir —. See Nasr
II b. Ahmad
Sa'id b. -'As, 216
Sa'id b. Batriq, 366. See
Said, grandson of -Qaddah,
409. See 'Ubaydu'llah
Sa'id -Harashi (general), 322
Sa'id b. -Musayyib (tra-
ditionist), 273
Abu Sa'id b. Abu'l- Khayr
(Persian mystic and poet),
371, 416, 437
Abu Sa'id Hasan b. Bahram,
402. See -Jannabi.
Abu Sa'id Muhammad b.
Mudhaffar b. Muhtaj -Sa-
ghani (Chaghani), 461
Abu Sa'id -Naqqash (author
of a History of the Sufis),
Abu Sa'id -Rustami (poet),
268, 374
Saint-Martin, 63
-Saji, Abu 'Ali — (poet), 475
-Sajjad. See Zaynu'l-'Abidin
Saka, 94
Sakisa (harper), 18
Sal'a, 192
Saladin (Salahu'd-Din), 54,
Salamanca, 40
Salamiyya (in Syria), 40
Sale's Alcoran, 187, 188
Salemann, 70, 83, 107, 479
Salih (prophet), 387
Salih (Persian accountant),
Salih b. 'Abdu'l-Quddus(poet),
Abu Salik of Gurgan (Persian
poet), 355, 453
Salisbury, E. —, 203
Salm, 115, 116, 128
Abu Salma (Abbasid propa-
gandist), 243, 246, 257
Salman the Persian, 203, 204,
Salman Sawaji (Persian poet),
Salmonassar-Sargon, 20
Salsette, 103
Sam. See Shem
Sam (the son of Nariman),
Saman, 207, 352, 461, 467, 468
Samani, Dynasty, 6, 15, 16,
123, 207, 317, 341, 346, 348,
352, 354, 355, 358, 359, 363,
365, 367, 368, 371, 372, 374-
376, 396, 445, 446, 450, 451,
453, 455, 456, 460, 461, 463,
465, 467, 474, 477
-Sam'ani, 456
Samaria, 20
Samarqand, 164, 456,
Samarra, 342. See Surra-
Samawa, Vale of —, 174
Samit (in Isma'ili system),
409, 413
Samma' (“Listener,” “Audi-
tor,” a grade of the Mani-
chæans), 159, 165
Samnan, 86
San'a (in -Yaman), 176, 273
Sana'i (Persian mystical poet),
416, 437
Sanam (stronghold of -Mu-
qanna', q.v.), 321
Sani'a (a governor's follow-
ing), 233
Sanjan, Story of —, 47, 109
Sanskrit, 34, 37, 56, 59, 63, 64,
67-69, 89, 106, 167, 419, 477
Sapid-Jamagan (“the White-
clad”), 318. See -Mubay-
Sara, Saraw (in Azarbayjan),
Sarakhs, 35, 244
Sargon, 21
Abu Sarh, 216
Sari -Raffa (poet), 306-307.
Sarv (or Surv), 115
-Sarvi (or -Sarwi), Abu'l-'Ala—
(poet), 476
Sasan, 117, 118, 122, 137, 139-
142, 268
Sasanian Dynasty, 4-7, 9-12,
14-18, 31, 36, 37, 39, 57-58,
61, 67, 70-71, 78, 79, 89, 91,
93, 96, 97, 103, 104, 108, 111,
117-122, 127-184, 212, 229,
255, 259, 262, 305, 364, 388,
392, 419, 480
Satagydæ, 94
Satih (soothsayer), 173-174
Saturn (planet), 458, 461
Savary de Brèves, 41
Sawa, Lake of —, 173-174;
— Town, 244
Sawad, 196. See Chaldæa
Sawad b. 'Amr, 192
Saxons, 5
Sayce, Professor —, 64
Sayf b. Dhu Yazan, 178-181,
Sayfu'd-Dawla, 370-372, 446
Saysaniyya (Bih-afaridh's
followers so called), 310
-Sayyid-Himyari, 276
Sayyidu't-Ta'ifa (Junayd so
called), 427
Sayyids, 101
Schefer, 85, 86, 169, 171, 312,
313, 353, 374, 400, 456, 478
Schmidt, C. —, 160
Schmölders, 212
Scholastic Philosophy, 381,
382, 386, 422
Schultz, 63
Sciences, Classification of —,
Scorpion, Tresses compared
to —, 461
Scot, Michael —, 40
Scotch and English, 33
Script and creed associated
in East, 8-9
Sebeos, 168
“Sect of the Seven,” 130, 229,
296, 352, 391-415. See also
Carmathians, Ghulat, Is-
ma'ilis,Fatimid Caliphs, &c.
“Sect of the Twelve,” 130,
229, 246, 283, 296, 392, 393,
413, 429 See Shi'ites.
Sects of Islam, 279. See also
Ibn Hazm, -Shahristani
Seleucidæ, 480
Seligmann, 12, 450, 478
Selim I (Ottoman Sultan), 209
Seljuqi Dynasty, 6, 312, 348,
449, 451, 464, 474
Semitic influences on Per-
sians, 36, 37
Sennacharib, 20
Ibn Serapion, 367
Serpent, World compared to
—, 467
Seth, 162
Seven, The Number —, 146,
310, 408-412
Severus, Bishop —, 399
Shabdiz (horse of Khusraw
Parwiz), 17, 18
Shabib b. Dah (one of Abu
Muslim's da'is), 310
Shabib b. Yazid-Shaybani, 232
Shabistari, Mahmud—(author
of the Gulshan-i-Raz), 444
Shaburqan (book of Manes
composed for Shapur), 154,
156, 158, 163, 165
-Shafi'i, -Imam —, 277, 295, 386
Shafi'ite school, 294-295
Shahan-shah, Title of —, 66,
71, 75, 76
*Shahid of Balkh (Persian
poet), 453, 454, 455
Shah-i-Zanan, 131. See
*Shahnama (“Book of
Kings”) of Firdawsi, 15, 69,
79, 88, 108, 110-123, 136-
138, 140-142, 144-145, 147-
150, 151, 166, 169, 372, 460,
464; Arabic translation of
— by -Bundari, 43, 115, 464;
of Daqiqi, 372, 460, 473;
other Persian versions of
—, 123; — of Gushtasp
(= Yatkar-i-Zariran, q.v.),
108. See also Khuday-nama
Shah-Parand (grand-daughter
of Yazdigird III), 317-318
-Shahrazuri (biographer of
Philosophers), 293
Shahr-banu, Bibi — (daughter
of Yazdigird III, said to
have been married to -Hu-
sayn b. 'Ali, the Third
Imam, and therefore called
“Mother of Nine Imans”),
Shahr-baraz (usurper), 129,
174, 182
Shahr-gir, 147, 150
*Shahristani (author of the
155, 169, 220, 221, 279, 289,
296, 310-311, 312, 313, 314,
322, 323, 328, 396, 420
Shahriyar (father of Yazdi-
gird III), 195
Shakespear, 13, 82
Shakir (da'i of -Hallaj, q.v.),
Ibn Shakir, 331
Abu Shala'la, 397
Shamanists, 163
Shamsa (in Pahlawi), 58
Shams-i-Qays (Persian writer
on Prosody and Rhyme),
Shams-i-Tabriz (Persian mys-
tic and poet), 167, 420, 440
Shamsu'd - Din - Andakhudi
(author of an Anthology of
“post-classical” Arabic
poets), 448
Shamsu'd-Din Iltatmish, 450
Shamsu'l-Ma'ali. See Qabus
b. Washmgir
Shanbadh (= Sabbath), 160
Shapur (place in Fars), 123,151
Shapur I, 10, 93, 103, 138, 150-
159, 266
Shapur II, 75, 96, 97, 101
Shaqiq of Balkh (mystic), 299
-Sha'rani (da'i of -Hallaj,
q.v.), 435
Shargh (or Jargh ? = Chakhra
of Vendidad), 35
*Sharif-i-Mujallidi (Persian
poet), 15, 16
Ibn Sharwin (Prince of Taba-
ristan), 329
Shathil (Seth), 162
-Shaybani, 'Ali b. Harun —
(Samanid poet), 365
-Shaykhu'l-Yunani, Plotinus
so called by the Muslims,
Shea, 54
Sheba, Queen of —, 385. See
Sheil, Lady —, 312
Shekina, 128
Shem, 114, 116, 409
-Shibli (Sufi), 298, 367, 433, 434
Shibl b. -Munaqqa-Azdi, 325
Shid (= Khshaeta), 113
Shihabu'd-Din Suhrawardi,
Shi'ites, 98, 100, 101, 130, 131,
203, 214, 220, 226-229, 231,
232, 236, 238-240, 243, 246-
247, 252, 276, 278, 279-280,
283-285, 292, 295-296, 310-
311, 314, 315, 328, 342-343,
345, 348, 349, 350, 352, 358,
360, 362-363, 364, 367, 375,
386, 391-415 passim, 429, 430,
437. See also Carmathians,
Fatimid Caliphs, Ghulat,
Isma'ilis, “Sect of the Seven,”
“Sect of the Twelve”
Shikand-gumanik-vijar (Pah-
lawi book), 106, 157
Shimr, 225, 226, 228, 230
Shi'r (Poetry), Etymology of
the word, 451
Shiraz, 19, 70, 85, 364, 437
Shirin (mistress of Khusraw
Parwiz), 17
Shirin (Sirin), one of the
captives of Jalula and his
sons, 204, 263
Shiru'è, 56, 113, 174, 181
*Abu Shu'ayb Salih b. Mu-
hammad of Herat (Persian
poet), 454
*Abu Shukur of Balkh (Per-
sian poet), 466-467
Shurat (“Sellers” of their
lives), 221. See Kharijites
Shushtar, 434
Shu'ubiyya, 265-269, 277 278,
336, 345, 357
Sibawayhi (grammarian),
261, 276-278
Si-bokht, 146
Siddhanta (=Sindhind), 160
-Siddiq (name of a class of
Manichæans and origin of
name Zindiq, q.v.), 160, 165
Sidra Rabba (book of Man-
dæans), 302
Sifatiyya (sect), 279
Siffin, Battle of —, 218-219,
Sifru'l-Asfar (Manichæan
book), 156
Sifru'l-Jababira (Manichæan
book), 156
Signacula oris, manuum et
sinus, 165
Sikandar- (or Iskandar-)
Nama of Nidhami of
Ganja, 119
Ibnu's- Sikkit (grammarian
and Shi'ite), 343, 345
Silhin (fortress in -Yaman),
-Simari (disciple of -Hallaj),
Simjur, 466
Simplicius (Neo-Platonist),421
Simurgh (mythical bird), 121
Ibn Sina, 40. See Avicenna
Sinan, Abu Sa'id — -Harrani,
Sinan b. Thabit b. Qurra, 367
Sinbadh the Magian, 311, 313,
314, 323
Sind (= Hind), 34, 347
Sindhind (=Siddhanta), 160
Sinimmar (Sinnimar), 175
Sipand (=Rue, q.v.), 452
Sipihri (Persian poet), 468
Siqadanj (near Merv), 242
-Sirafi (grammarian), 372
-Sirat, Bridge of —, 107
Sirawand (near Nishapur), 308
Sirri -Saqati (Sufi), 424
Si-ruza (Zoroastrian), 48, 101
Sistan (Sagistan, Sajistan), 87,
109, 116, 117, 123, 205, 317,
346, 347, 350, 359, 448.
Siwand (dialect of —), 26-27,
Siyamak, 112
Siyaq (form of cypher), 67
*Siyasat-nama (“Treatise on
Government”) of the Nidh-
amu'l-Mulk, 169, 171-172,
312, 313, 323, 324, 328, 349,
353, 401, 456
Skudra, 94
de Slane, Baron McGuckin—,
208, 320. See Ibn Khallikan
Slavery, 186
Smerdes (= Bardiya), 31, 32
Social Code of Zoroastrians,
Socialism, 170
Socin, 83
Solomon, 112-114, 385
Sol-takin, 263
“Sons of Tenderness,” 164;
“— of Knowledge,” 164;
“— of Understanding,”
164-165; “— of the Un-
seen,” 165; “— of Intelli-
gence,” 165. See also Mani-
chæans, who are divided
into these five grades
“Sons of the Nobles”
(Banu'l-Ahrar), Persian
Settlers in -Yaman so
named, 181
Sophists, 382
<text in Greek script omitted>, 269, 417
Spain, 9, 215, 245, 251, 266,
279, 294, 340, 381
<text in Greek script omitted> (Medic word for
“dog”), 26
Span (Avestic word for
“dog”), 26
Spada, 64, 94
Spencer, Mr. —, 47, 50
Spendedat (Isfandiyadh, Is-
fandiyar), 116
Spiegel, 33, 36, 62, 63, 66, 68,
91, 116, 155, 161, 162
Spitta, 290, 291
Sprenger, 188, 452
Ssufismus (by Tholuck), 362
Stakhar Papakano(= Istakhr),
97, 118, 139
Stanley Lane-Poole, 214, 254.
See also Lane-Poole
Steiner, 279, 281, 282, 288, 289,
Steinschneider, 368
Stolze, 64, 153
Stot-yasht, 97
Strabo, 5
<text in Greek script omitted>, 23-24
Stylite, Joshua the —, 134
Subject Races, 235 237, 241,
247. See also Mawali,
Racial Feeling
“Sub-Parthian,” coins, 80
“Subsequent” (in Isma'ili
System), 414
Suf (“wool”), 297
Sufi System, Brief outline of
—, 438-444
Sufis, 167-168, 282, 293, 296-
301, 352, 361-363, 367, 373,
386, 416-444
Sufis, History of —, by Abu
Sa'id-Naqqash, 436
Sufyan-Thawri (Sufi), 417,
418, 424-426, 434
Abu Sufyan, 215, 261
Sughd, 35, 94, 164, 268, 322,
331, 333
Suhrab (Rustam's son), 116
Suhrak, 325
Suhuf (of Abraham), 113
Sujud (position in Prayer),
Ibn Sukkara, 348
-Sukkari (philologist), 357
-Sukkari, Abu'l-Fadl—(poet),
-Sulafa (one of the names
given to Shahr-banu, q.v.),
Sulayman Mountains, 372
Sulayman. See Solomon
Sulayman (Umayyad Caliph),
Sulayman b. 'Ali (uncle of
-Saffah, the first 'Abbasid
Caliph), 254
Abu Sulayman Muhammad
b. Nasr -Busti -Muqaddasi
(one of the Ikhwanu's-Safa,
q.v.), 293
-Suli, Abu Ishaq Ibrahim—
(poet), 263, 310
-Suli (historian), 367, 430, 435
Sumerian, 23
Sunnis 224, 276-277, 280,
284, 286, 290, 294-295, 298,
311, 343, 348, 351, 423, 429,
430, 437
Surat, 44, 46-48, 206
Surkh'alam (“Red-Stan-
dards”), 323. See-Muham-
mira, Red as a Badge
Surrạ-man-ra'a (=Samarra),
329, 336, 342
Sus (place), 430, 434
Sus (in Isma'ili System), 409,
Susa, Susiana, 19, 64, 94
Syncellus, 21
Syria, 128, 218, 223, 224, 236,
238, 243, 251, 263, 272, 276,
278, 283, 298, 305, 358, 388,
396, 398, 400, 402, 410, 445,
Syriac, 14, 21, 41, 42, 73, 78, 89,
117, 118, 127, 134, 135, 160,
163, 165, 304
Syrian Desert, 173
Syrian heathens, 395. See
Harran, Sabæans
Syrians, 4, 8, 103, 134, 266,
305, 345, 373, 396; —as par-
tisans of Umayyads, 217,
218, 221, 238
Swinton, Dr. —, 50