When he called out they lit
The lamps and kindled aloe-wood before him,
And ambergris. The lady asked again:—
“O prudent prince! what sawest thou in sleep?”
Then Siyáwush made answer: “Tell not thou
This dream of mine to any of the folk.
My dream was this, O silvern Cypress-tree!
I saw a mighty river stretching far,
And on the further bank a mount in flames;
The river-side was held by men in mail.
On one side was the swiftly rolling fire—
A fire whereby Siyáwushgird was burned.
Here fire, there water, while Afrásiyáb
Stood right before me with his elephants.
He looked upon me with a louring face,
And blew the already fiercely burning flames.”
The lady answered him: “It bodeth well,
Unless thou slumberest for this one night.”
Then Siyáwush assembled all his guards
And posted them about the court and hall;
He mounted in full armour, sword in hand,
And sent out scouts upon the road to Gang.