D. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
Part IV, Chapter VII = LXXXII: On the Stories of Persons who fell into the Whirlpool of Persecution and escaped through good Luck. | |||
f21b | f303b- f304a |
Introduction discussing the subject of deliverance after trials, and the fruits of patience, with an important note on the interesting work of the Qádhí Abú ‘Alí al-Muḥassin at-Tanúkhí, mentioning the Persian Translation of the above work by the author Muḥammad al-‘Awfí himself, and also an account of the incorporation of the anecdotes from that translation into the present collection. (See above, pp. 14—18, 90—4). | |
f22a | ” | 1848 | A short account of the ordeals and sufferings of the ancient prophets, their admirable behaviour and the Divine rewards. (This is chiefly based on the first two chapters of T. F. S.). |
” | ” | 1849 | Armiyá (Jeremiah), the Prophet, is directed by God to relieve Dániyál from the horrible dungeon of Nebuchadnezzar. (Cf. T. F. S., I, i, pp. 17—18). |
” | ” | 1850 | The story of the hundred belts of Ibnu’l-Jaṣṣáṣ, the jeweller, as related to the Caliph al-Muqtadir. (Cf. Index to the Eclipse, p. 69, also T. F. S., I, vi, pp. 113—4). |
D. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
f22b | f304a | 1851 | Qays b. Qaysabát (Qaysaba) b. Kulthúm as-Sakúní, a chieftain of Yaman, is captured by the tribe of Banú-‘Uqayl. Abú Ṭamaḥán, the poet, carries the news to the Sakún; Qays b. Ma‘díkarib of Kinda and Jawn b. Málik of Sakún make common cause and attack the Banú-‘Uqayl, wreak vengeance and release their chief. (Cf. T. F. S. I, v, p. 130)*. |
f23a | f305a | 1852 | ‘Abdu’llah b. Ṭáhir arrests Muḥammad b. Qásim b. ‘Umar b. ‘Ali b. al-Ḥusayn, the ‘Alawí pretender and sends him to the Caliph al-Mu‘taṣim, who confines him in a torture-cell, but the ‘Alawí contrives to escape. (Cf. T. F. S. I, v, pp. 132—5). |
f23b | f305b | 1853 | Returning from Pilgrimage in 233 A. H., Muḥammad b. ‘Abdu’l-Ḥamíd al-<Arabic> (?) meets a very eloquent and beautiful girl called Muhannáh (?), the daughter (?) of Haytham ash-Shaybání, a contemporary of the Prophet, who was reduced to poverty; and commends her virtues to Málik b. Ṭawq, who marries her and rewards him amply for the information about her. (Cf. T. F. S. II, vii, pp. 8—9). |
f24b | f306a | 1854 | How Muḥammad b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik az-Zayyát, the Wazír of al-Mu‘taṣim, rewards Mu‘ammar-i-Baghdádí. (Cf. T. F. S. II, vii, p. 26—7). |
f25a | ” | 1855 | The story of Abú Ja‘far Hamadhání and the pearl necklace. |
* | f306b | 1856 | How Abú Ghálib, a secretary of Isḥáq b. Ibráhím b. (Muṣ‘ab) at-Ṭáhirí, goes into hiding and luckily finds a hidden treasure. (Cf. T. F. S. II, xii, pp. 147—8). |
* | ” | 1857 | Aḥmad b. Masrúq, the governor of Ahwáz, relates a personal anecdote, as to how he obtained a ruby from an old woman, repaired his condition, and appeared before Fatḥ b. Kháqán. |
* | f307a | 1858 | ‘Abdu’llah of Tustar, the Amír of Baṣra, relates the story of his early misfortunes. (Told on the authority of Abú ‘Alí Muḥassin at-Tanúkhi, the author of the Faraj). |
f25a | ” | 1859 | Quṭrabbulí’s prodigal neighbour relieved of distress through an unexpected inheritance. (Cf. T. F. S. II, vii, pp. 29—31). |
The chapter concludes with a note on the Faraj, and as usual ends with a eulogy. |