Bábá Ḥusayn (murderer of 'Abdu'l-
Laṭíf the parricide in A.D. 1450),
Bábá Kúhí (Shrine of — at Shíráz),
Bábá Sangú (holy man of Andakhúd,
xiv), 185
Bábá-Sawdá'í (poet, xv), 438, 497, 501
Bábís, 432, 452, 465, 470
Bábur, Mírzá Abu'l-Qásim (Tímúrid,
d. 1456-7), 311, 387, 388, 390,
421 n., 429; Ẓahíru'd-Dín Mu-
ḥammad (Tímúrid, founder of the
“Great Mogul” Empire in India,
xv-xvi), 184 and note on pro-
nunciation of the name, 311 n.,
380, 391-3, 418-19, 433, 440,
453-60, 505, 507
Báburí (favourite of Ẓahíru'd-Dín
Bábur), 455
*Bábur-náma (autobiography of Ẓa-
híru'd-Dín Bábur), 391-3, 440,
453-9, 505 n.
“Babylon,” “Sultan of —,” 199, 201
Bachú Núyán (Mongol general, his
letter to the Pope), 10
Badakhshán, 388, 390, 393
Badakhshí (poet, xv), 438
Badáyi'u'ṣ-Ṣanáyi' (a work on Rhe-
toric by Mír 'Aṭá'u'lláh of Mash-
had, xv), 458
Bádghís, 179, 427
Badí'u'z-Zamán. — al-Hamadhání
(man of letters, x-xi), 139 n.; —
b. Abu'l-Ghází Sulṭán Ḥusayn
(Tímúrid prince, xv-xvi), 399, 416,
Badr. — (poet of Chách or Shásh in
Transoxiana, xiii), 106, 110; —
(poet satirized by Kátibí, xv),
Baghdád, 4, 20, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34,
54, 55, 60, 62, 66, 70, 78, 82, 111,
160, 161, 162, 164 n., 166, 172,
183, 191, 195 n., 196, 197, 204,
205, 206, 208, 223, 225, 226, 230,
234, 250, 257, 261, 263, 264, 284,
285, 317, 357, 361, 366, 368, 396,
399, 402, 409, 510, 511
Baghdád Khátún (daughter of the
Amír Chúbán, xiv), 54, 56, 57,
58, 170, 171
Bahádur (title assumed by the Mongol
Íl-khán Abú Sa'íd in A.D. 1318),
Baháristán (the “Spring-Land,” by
Jámí, xv), 258, 273, 347 n., 436,
489, 515
Bahárlú tribe, 399
Bahá'u'd-Dawla, Bahman Mírzá (Qá-
jár Prince and bibliophile, xix),
80, 100 n.
Bahá'u'd-Dín. — Juwayní (great-
grandfather of Shamsu'd-Dín Mu-
ḥammad Ṣáḥib-Díwán, xii-xiii),
20; — Juwayní (son of the above-
mentioned Ṣáḥib-Díwán, xiii), 21-
22, 29, 119; — Zakariyyá (saint
of Multán and spiritual guide of
'Iráqí, xiii), 125, 127, 174; —
Aḥmad (commonly called Sulṭán
Walad or Veled q.v., son of
Mawláná Jalálu'd-Dín Rúmí, xiii),
155; — (father of the poet Ḥáfiẓ,
xiv), 274; — Qára 'Osmán (known
as Qára Iluk, “the Black Leech,”
of the Áq-qoyúnlú, or “White
Sheep” Turkmáns, xiv-xv), 404
Bahman Mírzá, 80, 100 n. See above
under Bahá'u'd-Dawla
Bahman Sháh (of India, xv), 400
Bahrám u Gul-andám (poem by
Kátibí, xv), 487
Bakhshís (Uyghúr priests and scribes),
50, 111, 112 and n.
Abú Bakr. — (the first Caliph, vii),
74, 255 and n.; — b. Sa'd-i-Zangí
(Atábek of Fárs, xiii), 100; —
(father of Mubárizu'd-Dín, founder
of the Muẓaffarí dynasty, xiii),
162; — (son of Míránsháh b.
Tímúr, xiv-xv), 362, 399, 400
Bákú, 175, 368, 417
Bala'bakk (Baalbek), 197
Baladu'l-'Ayn, 81
Balkh, 108, 432, 456
-Balkhí, Abú Zayd Aḥmad b. Sahl —
(geographer and author of the
Ṣuwaru'l-Aqálím, one of the
sources of the Nuzhatu'l-Qulúb,
q.v.), 99 and n.
Bam, 81, 165
Bámiyán, 122
Banákat (or Fanákat in Transoxiana),
100 and n., 320 n.
Banákatí, Ta'ríkh-i- —, 100-103.
See Rawḍatu Uli'l-Albáb
Banátu'n-Na'sh (Arabic name for the
constellation of Ursa Major), 213 n.
Bang (Cannabis Indica or Ḥashísh),
150 and n., 151 and n.
Bankipore (Library and Catalogues),
108, 109 n., 259 n., 260, 287 n.,
293 n., 312 n., 317 n., 319
Banná'í (poet, xv), 438, 457, 458
Bánú Jahán (wife of Mubárizu'd-Dín
Muḥammad, xiv), 163
Báqir b. Ghiyáthu'd-Dín Kurt (xiv),
Barandaq (poet of Bukhárá, xv), 501
Bárbad (minstrel of Khusraw Parwíz,
vii), 267 and n.
Barbaro, Josafa — (Venetian envoy
to Persia, xv), 380, 399, 404
Barbier de Meynard, 431
Bardí Beg (xv), 381-2
Bar-Hebraeus, Abu'l-Faraj — (Chris-
tian historian and physician, xiii),
12, 18, 19 n., 25 n., 26 n., 27 n.,
48 n., 64, 106 n.
Barmak, House of —, or “Barme-
cides,” 21
Barqúq (al-Maliku'ẓ-Ẓáhir, ruler of
Egypt, xiv), 191
Bashárat-náma (Turkish Ḥurúfí poem
by Rafí'í, xv), 375, 449-50
Baṣra, 81, 85
Batnír, Massacre of — (xiv), 194
Bátú (Mongol prince, xiii), 54, 354
Ibn Baṭúṭa (Arabian traveller, xiv),
47 n., 55 n., 56 n., 58, 61, 64
Báyandarí (the “White Sheep” Turk-
mán dynasty, xv-xvi), 402, 404.
See Áq-qoyúnlú
Bayánu'l-Ḥaqá'iq (by Rashídu'd-Dín
Faḍlu'lláh, xiv), 77, 79
Báyazíd. — (of Bisṭám, saint and
mystic), 479; — b. Mubárizu'd-
Dín Muḥammad, founder of the
Muẓaffarí dynasty (xiv), 163; —
b. Sulṭán Uways of the Il-khání
or Jalá'ir dynasty (xiv), 173; — I,
known as Yildirim, the “Thunder-
bolt” (Ottoman Sulṭán, A.D. 1389-
1402), 173, 196, 198-9, 203-6,
365, 399, 400; — II (Ottoman
Sulṭán, A.D. 1481-1512), 398
(where “II” is twice erroneously
given as “III”), 418, 419, 422,
423; Khwája — (Ḥurúfí, xiv),
Báyazíd (Turkish frontier fortress), 188
Baybars (al-Maliku'ẓ-Ẓáhir, Sulṭán of
Egypt, xiii), 19
-Bayḍá (the Arabic name of Turbat-i-
Safíd in Fárs), 63
-Bayḍáwí, Qáḍí Náṣiru'd-Dín — (com-
mentator, historian and judge, xiii),
63, 88, 100, 101, 272 n.
Baydú (Mongol Íl-khán, A.D. 1295),
Bayhaq, 178
Bayqará (Tímúrid prince, nephew of
Sháh-rukh, xiv-xv), 427
Bayrám, Khwája — Bahárlú (of the
dynasty of the “Black Sheep” or
Qára-qoyúnlú, q.v.), 399
Báysunqur. — (Tímúrid prince, son
of Sháh-rukh, xv), 108, 366, 380,
385 and n., 386, 387, 395-6, 400,
424, 427, 438, 453, 473, 499-501;
— b. Ya'qúb (of the Aq-qoyúnlú
or “White Sheep” dynasty, circ.
A.D. 1500), 415
Bázdárí family of Qazwín, 94
Bázigha (her love affair with Joseph),
532 and n.
“Beard,” “Book of the —” (Rísh-
náma, by 'Ubayd-i-Zákání, xiv),
235, 251
Bektásh, Ḥájji — (d. A.D. 1337-8),
371-2, 374, 451
Bektáshí order of dervishes, 365,
370-5, 450-2
Belgian professors at Cambridge (A.D.
1915), 112 n., 427. See also
Faṣíḥí, Muséon
Belin (Notice sur Mir Ali-Chir…,
1861), 391, 439, 506, 508
Bell, Miss Gertrude Lowthian —
(Poems from the Divan of Hafiz,
1897), 162, 273, 286, 291, 292,
303-6, 308-11
Bengal, 286, 287, 393, 398
Bernhauer, 156
Beveridge, Mrs — (edition of Bábur-
náma, 1905), 391
Bianchi, 399
Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris), 237,
Bicknell, Herman — (translator of
Ḥáfiẓ, d. 1875), 283, 290, 291 n.,
302-3, 304-7, 309, 310
Bihnám (his fatal banquet at Hama-
dán, A.D. 1282), 25 n.
Bihrúz, Mírzá Dhabíhu'lláh — of
Sáwa (contemporary), 541, 542,
Bihzád (miniature painter, xv), 456,
459, 505
Bíjanagar, 398, 429
Birjand, 155
Bisáṭí (poet, xv), 438, 501
Bishárí (family or clan of Qazwín), 94
Bisṭám, 59, 178
Bitlís, 192
“Black Sheep” Turkmáns. See
Blochet, M. Edgar — (edition of part
of the Jámi'u't-Tawáríkh, q.v.),
74 n.
Blochmann (Persian Prosody, 1872),
514 n.
Blue Banner (Léon Cahun), 15
Blüthensammlung aus d. Morgenl.
Mystik (Tholuck, 1825), 147
Blütenkranz (Wickerhauser, 1885-8),
Bodenstadt (translator of Ḥáfiẓ, 1877),
Bohemia, 10, 102
Bombay, 231
“Bousaet,” “Boussay” (Italian cor-
ruption of Abú Sa'íd, q.v.), 61
Brahmins, 342 n.
Britain, British, 102, 183
British Museum, 367, 430, 445
Brockelmann, Karl — (Gesch. d. arab.
Litt., 1898-1902), 63 n., 64 n.,
99 n., 354, 355, 356, 357
Brockhaus (editor of Ḥáfiẓ), 299 n., 302
Broussa, 199
Buddhist, Buddhism, 44, 73
Buhlúl (rebellion of —, A.D. 1395),
Bukhárá, 82, 186, 188, 189, 234, 238,
Búlá Tímúrí (family or clan of Qaz-
wín), 94
Bulgarians, 15
Bulqán Khátún (mentioned in Rashí-
du'd-Dín's will), 28
Búqá, Amír — (mentioned in Rashí-
du'd-Dín's will), 28
Buráq (rebellion of —, A.D. 1268-9),
-Burda (the “Mantle-poem” of al-
Buṣírí), 363
Burgundy, Dukes of —, 395
Burhán-i-Jámí' (Persian dictionary),
Burhán-i-Qáti' (Persian dictionary),
351 n.
Burhání (family or clan of Qazwín),
Burhánpúr, 289
Burhánu'd-Dín. Qáḍí — (Turkish
warrior-poet, xiv-xv), 404; Say-
yid — (father of Mírkhwánd the
historian), 432
Burújird, 187, 190, 368
“Busech” (Italian corruption of Abú
Sa'íd, q.v.), 389, 410, 429 n.
Búshanj, 150, 175, 186
Busḥáq (Abú Iṣḥáq, parodist of
Shíráz), 159, 209, 211, 257, 299,
344-51, 353, 492
-Buṣírí (Arabic poet, author of the
Burda), 363
Bustán (of Sa'dí, xiii), 16, 354, 529
Buwayhid dynasty, 91, 522
Byzantine Empire, 205, 409