Nabathæans, 247, 266, 306,
324, 328
Nabidh (Date-wine), 285, 329
Nadr b. -Harith -'Abdari, 269
-Nadim -Warraq -Baghdadi
(author of -Fihrist, q.v.),
373, 378, 383
*Nafahatu'l-Uns (of Jami).
299, 362, 417, 418, 423, 425,
Nahawand, 79; Battle of —,
200, 247
Nahid (Venus), 461
-Nahrajuri, Abu Ahmad —
(one of the Ikhwann's-Safa,
q.v.), 293
Nahr Bashir, 197
Nahruwan, 222, 432
Na'ila('Uthman's wife), 217
Na'in (dialect), 86
-Najashi (Negush, the ruler
of Abyssinia), 175, 186-188
Najda the Kharijite, 228
Najmu'd-Din-Rawandi, 85
Najran, Christians of —, 175
Nakhshab, 244, 318, 319
-Nami (poet), 370
Napper Tandy (Irish patriot),
Naqibs (in 'Abbasid propa-
ganda), 240
Naqsh-i-Rajab, 44, 151
Naqsh-i-Rustam, 5, 70, 150,
Nariman, 116
Narshakhi (historian of Buk-
hara), 368
Nasa, 35, 242
-Nasa'-i (traditionist), 351,
Nasaf, 244. See also Nakh-
-Nashi (poet), 370
Nasikhu't-Tawarikh, 170
Nasimi (Turkish poet and
Ḥurufi), 423-424
Nasir-i-Khusraw, 86, 268, 278,
295, 389, 399, 400, 401, 437,
Nasiru'd-Din Qubacha, 450
Nasiru'd-Din Shah Qajar, 172
Nasiru'l-Haqq (Sayyid ruler
of Tabaristan), 207
Nasr I b. Ahmad (Samanid),
Nasr II b. Ahmad (Samanid),
13, 16, 359, 365, 456, 458
Nasr b. Sayyar (Umayyad
governor of Khurasan),
232, 241-244, 265
Ibn Nasr -Qushuri, 433
Abu Nasr -Farabi, 368
Abu Nasr -Dharifi (Samanid
poet), 365
Abu Nasr, Shaykh —, 446
Nassau Lees, Capt. —, 299
Nat' (executioner's carpet),
Natanz, 26
Natiq (in Isma'ili system),
408, 409, 413, 414
Natural Science, 289
Nawbahar (in Balkh), 257
Nawbandajan, 364
Naw-ruz, 114, 259, 475
Nazar, -'Aziz Abu Mansur —
(Fatimid Caliph), 371
Nazuk (Captain of the Guard),
Nehemiah, 61
-Nejashi (= -Najashi, q. v.),
175, 186-188.
Nejran (= Najran, q. v.), 175
Neo-Platonists, 96, 167, 300,
301, 304, 381, 420-421, 441
Neo-Pythagoreans, 381
Neriosengh, 63, 67, 68, 106
Newcastle, Coals to —, 456
Niçaya, 32, 35
Nicholson, R. A. —, 167, 299,
420, 421, 440
Nidhami -'Arudi -Samarqandi
(author of Chahar Maqala,
q.v.), 15-17, 317, 449, 456,
Nidhami of Ganja, 15, 18, 52,
Nidhamiyya College, 293
Nidhamu'l-Mulk, 169, 171, 172,
312-314, 328, 349, 353, 401,
Niebuhr, 59, 62
*Nihayatu'l-Irabfi Akhbari'l-
Furs wa'l-'Arab, 183
Niki-nama (poem in Tabari
dialect), 478
Nile, 400
Nine (number), 410
Nineteen (number), 98, 100,
Nineveh, 21
Nirangistan, 99, 102
Nirvana, 443
Nishapur, 12, 244, 308, 309,
314, 347, 351, 355, 368, 400,
428, 445
Noah, 114, 320, 408, 409, 430
Noble, Sons of the — (Banu'l-
Ahrar), 181,
*Nöldeke, Prof. Th. —, 6, 9,
10, 22, 24, 70, 75, 106, 108,
109, 111, 115, 117, 120-123,
129, 134, 135, 137, 138, 140,
141, 145, 146, 150, 152, 154,
166, 168, 170, 180, 183, 188,
221, 241, 262, 302, 312, 332,
347, 349, 350, 353, 459, 460
Nominalism, 294
Normans, 95
Northumbria, 5
Nosks (of Avesta), 21, 97-99,
“Nouer l'aiguilette,” 366
Ibn Nubata, 373
Nudhar, 121
Nudnud (Babak's execu-
tioner), 329
Nufayl, 177
Nuh. See Noah
Nuh I b. Nasr II (Samanid),
Nuh II b. Mansur (Samanid),
123, 371, 374, 375, 460, 463
Nu'man, King of Hira, 264
Numbers, Signification of —,
310, 408. See also Seven,
Twelve, Nine, Nineteen
Nuru'd-Din (Atabek of Syria),
Nuru'llah … Mar'ashi-
Shushtari, 349
Nusayri Sect, 203, 304, 395
Nushirwan (Anushak-rubano,
Khusraw-i-Kawatan), 12,
107, 108, 110, 128-129, 131,
132, 135 (why so entitled),
136-137, 166-172, 173, 174,
179, 181-182, 194, 301, 305,
347, 419, 421
Abu Nuwas (poet), 277
-Nuwayri (historian), 410, 411
Nuwikath, 164
Nyayish(Zoroastrian prayers),
Oath of Allegiance, Isma'ili
—, 413
Occultation (Ghaybat) of
Imam, 310, 352
Occult Sciences, 274, 276, 374
Oculists, Biography of —, 368
Odatis, 121
“Old Bactrian” (or “Zend”)
language, 25, 78. See
“Old Man of the Mountain”
(Shaykhu'l-Jabal), 396
Old Persian language and
inscriptions, 7, 23, 24, 39, 43,
44, 56, 59-65, 67, 78-80, 82,
88, 89, 91-95
Olearius, 42
Olshausen, 19, 79
Omar. See 'Umar
Oneiromancy, 274
Oppert, 23, 24, 64, 65, 78
Oracles, 190
Oral tradition, 251
Oriental Studies in Europe,
History of —, 39 et seqq.
Origen, 293
Ormazd, 25. See Ahura
Mazda, Hurmazd
“Orthodox Caliphs” (al-
188-189, 194, 210, 212, 224,
388, 417
Orthodox Reaction, 255, 290-
291. See also Ash'ari
Oshederbami (Oshederma),
Zoroastrian Messiah, 246
Ossetic, 83
Ostend, 49
Ottoman, Poetry, History of
—, by E. J. W. Gibb, 390,
Ottoman Sultans' claim to
Caliphate, 209, 343
Oudh, Catalogue of MSS. of
King of —, 452
Ouseley, 71
Oxford, 40, 41, 48-50
Oxus, 16, 189, 318
Pahlapat, 15. See Barbad
Pahlawi inscriptions, 7, 44,
57, 58, 60-61, 70-72, 91, 93,
151-153; language, 7, 10-11,
37, 56, 69, 79-81, 205-206;
— literature, 7-8, 9, 68, 81-
82, 89, 91, 103-110, 117, 118,
121-123, 165, 168, 169, 340;
“Modern —” (“Pehlevi-
Musulman” of Huart), 26-
28, 80-81, 86-87; — script,
7-10, 66-67, 72-77, 80, 81-82,
152, 165, 205-206
Palestine, 245
Palmer, Professor E. H. —,
254, 255
Pamirs, 25, 35
Panah-Khusraw (Fana-Khus-
raw), 448
Panjab, 33, 35, 376
Pantheism, 297, 300, 427, 428,
436, 438-444
Papak (father of Artakhshatr-
i-Papakan or Ardashir
Babakan, q.v.), 70, 71, 93
122, 137, 139-142, 153
Paraclete, 395
“Paradise of Light” (Mani-
chæan), 161
Paris, 40, 41, 45, 447, 464
Parsa, 4, 26, 32, 105, 128, 137,
139, 143, 170, 200, 264, 347,
360. See also Fars, Persis
Parsi (Parsee), 4, 25, 42, 69,
72, 96, 102, 206. See Guebre,
Magian, Zoroastrian
“Parsi language,” 81, 82
Parthia (Parthava, Pahlava,
Fahla), 5, 36, 79, 94
Parthians, 5, 41, 79, 81, 90, 96,,
103, 111, 119, 121, 136, 137,
154, 158
Parwiz, Khusraw —, 6, 12, 15,
17, 107, 122, 129, 174, 181,
182, 183, 194, 218, 266, 269
= Sufi), 297, 417
Pashto (Pakhto), 28
“Passing of Shahr-banu,” 131
Pataka, Patecius, <text in Greek script omitted>,
Patricius, 157
“Path” (Tariqat) of the
Sufis, 441
Paulus, H. E. G. —, 54
Payne, John —, 444
Pazend, 69, 77, 81, 82, 101,
106, 107
Pazawari, Amir — (Mazan-
darani poet), 83
“Pehlevi - Musulman” (of
Huart), 26, 27. See also
Pahlawi, Modern —
Pentateuch, 29, 113, 479
de Perceval, Caussin —, 212
Persæ (of Æschylus), 91
Persepolis, 5, 56, 62, 64, 66, 70
93, 112-113, 118, 153
Persian contributions to
Arabic Literature and
Science, 3-4, 204, 275, 278,
Persian influence on Arabs,
251, 252, 255, 260, 278, 300
Persian language, 5-7, and
Persian literature, Birth of
modern —, 11-14, 340-341
Persian Martyrs, Acts of the
—. See Acts
“Persian,” Meaning of the
term —, 4-5
Persian scholar, Qualifi-
cations of —, 377
<text in Greek script omitted>, 122
Persis (= Parsa, Fars, q.v.),
4, 5, 25, 30, 79, 105
Pertsch, 449, 452
Petermann, 302
Pharaoh, 333, 334, 440
Pharmacology. See Muwaffaq
Phatecius, 157
“Phil-Hellenes,” 79
Philip III of France, 40
Philip of Macedon, 119
Philo-Judæus, 97, 381
Philology, Arabic —, 260, 269,
270, 275
Philology, Dangers of —, 36-
“Philosopher of the Arabs,”
356. See al-Kindi
Philosophers, Neo-Platonist
— in Persia, 167
Philosophy, 284, 288-289, 292-
294, 304-307, 363, 364, 378-
381, 437
Photius, 21
Phraortes (Fravartish), 21
Pigeons, Carrier —, 396
Pindar (or Bundar) of Ray,
85, 86, 348, 437
Pir (spiritual director), 424
Piruz (Peroz, Firuz), 75, 121,
Piruz - i - Gushnaspdeh, 174,
Pishawar, 372
Pishdadi Dynasty, 55, 111-
115, 119
Pisiyauvada, 31
Pits, People of the —, 175
Plato, 167
Pleroma, 408, 410
Plotinus, 420
Pluto, 114
Pococke, 41
Poetry, Origins of Persian —,
12-15, 18, 110
Pognon, M. —, 302
“Point” (Nuqta), 98
Polak, 26, 27, 172
Poll-tax, 201. See Jizya
Polo, 138; — -bat, crescent
moon compared to —, 463
Polygamy, 186, 288
Polyhistor, 21
“Polyphony,” 72
Polytheists (Mushrikun),
Mu'tazilites call their oppo-
nents —, 281
Pondichery, 46
Porphyry, 420
Portents of Fall of Persian
Empire, 173
Portsmouth, 48
Portuguese, 302
Postel, William —, 40
Predestination, 281-283, 285-
286, 386
“Pre-existent” (in Isma'ili
system), 414
Primal Matter (Hayyula),
Priscian (Neo-Platonist Philo-
sopher), 421
Procopius, 169
Profanation of Tombs, 245
Proper names Arabicized, 263
Prosody, 275, 389, 471-474
Psalms of David, 113
Pseudo-Callisthenes, 118
Pseudo-Sabæans of Harran
(q.v.), 301-306
Ptolemy, 381
Pulwar River, 70
Puran - Dukht (Sasanian
Queen), 174, 182
Puran, daughter of Hasan b.
Sahl, and wife of al-
Ma'mun, 255
Puritans, 37
Putiya, 94