La (in Pahlawi), 58
de Lagarde, Paul —, 19, 260,
-Lahham, Abu'l-Hasan —
(Samanid poet), 365
Lahiq (“the Subsequent” in
Isma'ili system), 414
Lahma (= nan, “bread,” in
Pahlawi), 66, 76
La hukma illa li'llah (Khari-
jite war-cry), 222
Lakhi'a Dhu Shanatir (King
of Yaman), 174
Lalla Rookh (of Moore), 318
Lama'at (of 'Iraqi), 420
Lane-Poole, Stanley —, 214,
254, 364, 371
Lar (town in Persia), 294
Lassen (of Bonn), 63, 64, 67
Lata'ifu'l-Ma'arif (of -Tha'a-
libi), 255, 317, 354
Latifa-i-ghaybiyya, 283
Latin verses, 446
Laud, Archbishop —, 41
Laudian Professor of Arabic,
19, 41
Lawh-i-Mahfudh (“Preserved
Tablet”), 427
Layla (wife of -Husayn,
mother of 'Ali Akbar), 131
Layla (the beloved of Maj-
nun), 84
Layth, House of —. See
Legend, National — of Persia,
111. See Shahnama, &c.
Le Strange, Guy —, 367
Levy (of Breslau), 103
Leyden library, 383
*Light of Asia, 442-443
Lingam, 52
Lisanu'l-Ghayb, 225. See
Lisanu'l-Mulk, 170, 312
Literatures, Arabic and Per-
sian, comparative value of
—, 211
Loftus, 64
<text in Greek script omitted>, 97
Longimanus, 137, 142. See
Artaxerxes, Bahman, Diraz-
dast, <text in Greek script omitted>
Lord, Henry —, 42
L'Orient, 46
Love, typal and real —, 442
*Lubabu'l-albab (of 'Awfi,
q.v.), 13, 262, 449-451
Lughat-i-Furs (of Asadi, q.v.),
86, 450, 457
Lukari, Abu'l-Hasan 'Ali b.
Muhammad - Ghazzali —
(Persian poet), 463
Abu Lulu'a (assassin of the
Caliph 'Umar), 203, 215
Lull, Raymond —, 40
Luri dialect, 83
Luristan, 19, 87
Lydians, 21
-Ma'arri, Abu'l-'Ala — (philo-
sophical poet), 320, 321, 371
Ma'bad -Juhani, 282
Macedon, 119
Machiya (people), 94
Mada, 77. See Media, Mah-
Mada'in, 132, 199, 222, 311,
324. See Ctesiphon
-Mada'ini, 278
-Madina, 36, 132, 133, 183,
189, 195, 196, 199, 203, 205,
210, 213, 218, 224, 226, 228,
230, 245, 271, 274, 277, 295,
299-300, 307
Madrid, 294
Abu'l-Mafakhir of Ray, 437
*Mafatihu'l-'ulum (“Keys of
the Sciences”), 372, 378,
Magi (tribe of —), 30
Magians (Magush, Majus), 12,
22, 23, 28, 31, 282, 309, 314,
347, 362, 367, 372, 426, 434,
443, 448. See Guebres,
Magic, 320, 379, 436; “Law-
ful —,” 366
Magopat (Mubad), 9. See
Zoroastrian priests
Mahabadian Dynasty, 55
Mahabeli, 55
Ibn Mahabzud (Mah-afzud),
Mahafarid (wife of Iraj), 116
Mahan (= Maymun), 263
Mah- (as prefix, in Mah-
Basra, Mah - Nahawand,
&c.), 19, 42, 77
Mahbul, 55
Mahdi, 241, 395, 397; -Saffah
so considered, 244; — of
Sudan, 245; Abu Muslim
so considered, 246; Fatimid
—, 397. See also Messianic
-Mahdi (/Abbasid Caliph),
159, 162, 207, 254, 267, 276,
307, 317, 318, 322, 328
Mahdiyya (city of —), 353,
359, 397
Mahfurudhin, 308
Mahmud of Ghazna, 111, 337,
339, 371, 376, 456, 457, 468, 471
Mahmud Shabistari (poet and
mystic), 282, 444
Mahmud Warraq (Persian
poet), 355
Mahmud (elephant), 177
Mah-Sazanda (“Moon-
maker”), 319. See -Mu-
Mahyar b. Marzuya-Daylami,
Mainyo-i-Khirad, 82, 106, 159
Ibn Maja, 357
Majalisu'l-Mu'minin (of Say-
yid Nuru'llah -Shushtari),
349, 437
Majaz (“the Metaphorical”),
Abu'l-Majid Rayagani (dialect
poet), 86
Majma'u'l-Fusaha, 449, 455
Majnun, 84
-Majusi, 'Ali b. -'Abbas
(physician), 375
Makhul (traditionist), 272
<text in Greek script omitted>, 117. See Longi-
-Mala. See Pleroma
Malabar Coast, 103
Malahida, 408. See Assassins
Malahim (Apocryphal books),
Malalas, John —, 169, 172
Malcolm, Sir John —, 212
Malik b. Anas, 274, 276, 277,
295, 298, 386
Malikite sect, 294, 295, 298
Malka, Malkan-malka, 58, 66,
71, 76
-Ma'mari, Abu Mansur —
(author of Persian prose
version of Book of Kings),
Mamelukes, 209
-Ma'mun ('Abbasid Caliph),
13, 104, 105, 164, 166, 168,
252, 254, 255, 259, 267, 276,
283, 284, 288, 302-303, 307,
323, 336, 339, 340, 343, 346,
351, 352, 452, 479, 480
Manaqibu'sh-Shu'ara, 449
Ma'nawi of Bukhara (Persian
poet), 468
Manchester Library, 452
Mandæans, 158, 302
Manes (Mani), 136, 137, 154-
159, 308, 415, 422; Gate of
—, 158
Manichæans, 43, 104, 106, 154-
166, 170, 172, 202, 207, 301,
307, 362, 382, 387, 431, 443.
See also Zindiq
-Manini (commentator of
-'Utbi), 456
Manjak (dialect poet), 453,
-Mansur ('Abbasid Caliph),
254, 257, 258, 265, 276,
288, 295, 305, 313-317, 343,
-Mansur (Fatimid Caliph), 403
Mansur-i-Hallaj. See Husayn
b. Mansur
Mansur b. Ishaq (Samanid),
Mansur b. -Mahdi ('Abbasid),
Mansur I b. Nuh (Samanid),
11, 356, 368, 455, 461, 477
Mansur II b. Nuh (Samanid),
Abu Mansur of Aba (Persian
poet), 464
Abu Mansur 'Abdu'l-Malik.
See Tha'alibi
Abu Mansur b. 'Abdu'r-
Razzaq, 123
Abu Mansur-Ma'mari, 123
Ibn Mansur (disciple of
-Hallaj), 435
Mansuri (of -Razi), 363
*Mantiqi of Ray, Mansur b.
'Ali — (Buwayhid poet),453,
463, 465, 466
Mantiqu't-Tayr (of 'Attar,
q.v.), 444
Manuchihr (legendary Per-
sian King), 116
Manuchihri, Dastur —, 47
Manushchihar (author of
Datistan-i-Dinik, 105
Manuchihri (poet). See
Manuscript, Oldest Post-
Muhammadan Persian —,
Maqamat (of Hariri), 464
-Maqdisi (geographer), 293
Mara-bokht (name), 145
Marcion, 160
Marcionites, 382, 387
Mardanshah (Persian gene-
ral), 200
Mardanshah - i - Zadan-i-Far-
rukh (Persian accountant),
Mardan-Sina, 129
Mardawij b. Ziyar, 359, 360,
Mardin, 302
Marianus (alchemist), 274
Maria Theresa, 153
Markham, Clements —, 212
Marriage Contract, Form of
—, 109
Mars (Planet), 461
Martyn, Henry —, 423
Ma'ruf -Karkhi (Sufi), 298, 424
*Ma'rufi of Balkh (Samanid
poet), 463
Marv, Marw. See Merv
Marv-Dasht, 70
Marvels of India ('Aja'ibu'l-
Hind), 368
Marwan I. (Umayyad), 215,
Marwan II. (Umayyad), “the
Ass,” 215, 240-245, 265
Marwan b. Abi Hafsa (poet),
Marwarudh, 242, 244
Maryam, Suratu — (ch. xix
of Qu'ran), 187
Maryam Utakhim (mother of
Manes), 158
Marzuban (Ispahbad), 478
Marzuban b. Rustam (Ispah-
bad), 159
Marzuban-nama, 478
Abu Ma'shar (astronomer),
Ma siwa'a'llah (“What is
beside God”), 438
Masjid - i - Madar-i-Sulayman,
Masruq (Abyssinian King),
Masrur (executioner), 254
Ibn Mas'ud (Companion), 217
*-Mas'udi (historian), 14, 109,
110, 119-120, 127-128, 169,
217, 218, 230, 257, 267, 297,
314, 324, 328, 368, 417
Abu'l-Mathal of Bukhara
(Persian poet), 468
Mathalib (satires), 269
Mathematics, 380, 382, 386
Mathnawi form of verse, 18,
473-474, 476
Mathnawi (of Jalalu'd-Din
Rumi), 423, 434, 437, 440,
441, 444
Matn (text of a tradition), 271
Ibn Matran, Abu Muhammad
— (Samanid poet), 365
-Maturidi (theologian), 367
Mawali (“Clients,” pl. of
Mawla), 229, 230, 232-235,
242, 247, 260, 263, 264, 266.
See Racial Prejudice, Sub-
ject Races
Ma wara'u'n - Nahr. See
Max Müller, 33-34, 57
Maymadh (or Mimad), 324
Maymuniyya (sect), 396
Mays (mother of Manes), 158
Maysara -'Abdi ('Abbasid
da'i), 236
Mazamir (Psalms of David,
q.v.), 113
Mazandaran, 19, 26, 83, 86;
Dialect of —, 348, 478
Mazda. See Ahura Mazda,
Mazdak, 135, 136, 137, 166-
172, 202, 247, 312-313, 316,
318, 323, 324, 326, 328, 382,
Mazdak-nama, 169, 332
Mazyar, 330-331, 334-336
Mecca, 173, 174, 176-178, 186,
189, 213, 216, 224, 228, 230,
231, 245, 261, 270, 307, 316,
345, 357, 358, 359, 367, 402,
403, 405
Medes, 19-24, 26, 28, 30, 31,
33, 37, 41, 65, 90, 121;
Language of —, 22-24, 77-78
Media, 5, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 31, 32, 42, 94, 96
Medicine, 289, 304, 305, 307,
381, 382, 430
Meiners, 57
Menant, Professor J. —, 64;
Mademoiselle —, 102
Mercia, 5; Dialect of —, 479
Mercurius, St. —, Church of
—, 399
Merv, 13, 35, 237, 242, 244,
295, 318, 320, 340, 428, 452,
467, 475
Mesopotamia, 305, 402, 421,
Messiah, 162, 395, 480. See
also Jesus Christ
Messianic Idea, 232, 241, 479
Metempsychosis, 279, 311, 316.
See Tanasukh
Metrical system of Persians
and Arabs, 472
Meyer, W. —, 59
de Meynard, Barbier —, 365,
368, 447
Michael, Archangel —, 427
Microcosm, 412
Middle Persian, 7, 80, 82. See
Mihriyya (sect of Mani-
chæans), 165
Mihrgan, Festival of —, 259,
Mihrjani, Abu Ahmad —, 293
Mihyar, Abu'l-Hasan —, 207
Abu Mikhnaf Lut b. Yahya,
-Azdi, 273
Milky Way, 161
Milton, 37
Mim b. Mim b. Mim, 241
Mimad (or Maymad), 325
*-Mi'mari (or -Mu'ammari),
Shaykh Abu Zura'a —
(Persian poet), 458-459
Mino (“celestial,” meaning
“Royal”), 153
Minuchihri (Persian poet), 12,
13, 331, 340, 369, 474. (The
allusions are all to A. de
Biberstein Kazimirski's
Preface to his edition of
the Diwan)
Miqlasiyya (sect of Mani-
chæans), 165
Mishkatu'l-Anwar (of -Ghaz-
zali), 362, 436
Mission. See Da'wa
Missionary driven from Persia
by name, 270; Missionary's
dislike of Sufis, 423; Reason
of Missionaries' failure in
Asia, 265
Mithr (Mihr) Fire, 139, 140
Mithra, Zoroastrian worship
of —, 95, 101
Mithrak (Mihrak), adversary
of Ardashir Babakan, 138
“Modern Medic” (of M. Cl.
Huart), 27
Modern (i.e., Post-Muhamma-
dan), Persian, 5, 8, 11, 39,
89; — defined, 82
Mogul, Great —, 209
Mogutbish (“Magicide”), 31
Mohl, Jules —, 369
Mohsan (Muhsin) Fani, 54
Molten Brass Ordeal, 157
Mongol Invasion, 6, 82, 197-
198, 209-211, 274, 275, 286,
377, 391, 479
Monophysites, 168
Moody, 43
Moon (Beauty), 320, 321
“Moon-maker” (Mah-sazan-
da), 319. See Muqanna'
Moore, Thomas — (Irish
poet), 318, 447
Moors, 9, 39, 275, 334, 335.
See also Spain, Africa,
Umayyads of Cordova, &c.
Morality at 'Abbasid Court,
Mordecai, 21
Morier, 423
Morocco, 340. See also Moors
Morris, Lewis —, 447
Moses, 29, 113, 119, 188, 288,
408, 409, 427, 430, 436, 440
Moses of Khorene, 117
Mosheim, 155
“Most Great Name,” 314
“Mother of Nine Imams,”
131, 132
Mu'allaqat, 276, 369-370
Mu'allimun (grade of Mani-
chæans), 164
Mu'awiya I (Umayyad
Caliph), 212, 215, 217-219,
221, 223-225, 261, 291
Mu'awiya II (Umayyad
Caliph), 215
Mu'awiya b. Hisham, 215
Mu'ayyidu'd-Dawla (Buway-
hid), 374
Mu'ayyidu'l-Mulk (Persian
poet), 464
Abu'l-Mu'ayyad of Balkh
(Persian poet), 468
Abu'l-Mu'ayyad of Bukhara
(Persian poet), 468
Mubad (Magopat), 309, 331.
See Zoroastrian Priests
-Mubarrad, 221, 350, 357, 375
Mubayyida (= Sapid-Jama-
gan, the “White-clad”
heretics), 311-313, 318, 319,
322, 323
Abu'l-Mudhaffar, Amir —, 460
*Abu'l - Mudhaffar Nasr
-Istighna'i(Persian poet),467
Abu'l-Mudhaffar Tahir b.
Fadl b. Muhammad Muhtaj
-Saghani (Chaghani), 471
-Mufaddal -Dabbi, 276, 278
-Mufaddaliyyat, 276
-Mufid (the ‘Pre-existent” in
the Isma'ili system), 414
Mughammas (place near
Mecca), 177
Mughtasila, 158, 303. See
also Mandæans, Sabæans
Muhajirun, 186, 213, 220
Muhammadan Religion. See
Muhammad (the Prophet),
birth of —, 173, 214; —
threatened by Khusraw
Parwiz, 183; aim and
achievement of —, 186-190,
194, 212-213, 234; — and
Abu Talib, 193; — and
Magians, 201-202, 206; —
and spoils of war, 205;
dislike of — for Persian
legends, 269; — in Isma'ili
system, 408 409, 412-414;
— and Sufiism, 418; — in
Apocrypha of Daniel, 479-
480; minor references, 113,
130, 132, 166, 177, 181, 200,
203, 209, 210, 216, 229, 275,
276, 287, 297, 299, 408, 409,
Muhammad b. 'Abdu'llah b.
… 'Abbas, 254
—— b. —— -Azdi, 276
—— b. —— b. Maymun, 397,
—— b. 'Abdu'l - Malik. See
—— b. 'Abdu'r - Rahman
-'Amiri, 273
—— b. 'Abdu's-Samad (Sahi-
bu'sh-Shurta), 432
—— b. Ahmad -Farsi (=
Hallaj, q.v.), 431
—— b. 'Ali b. 'Abdu'llah b.
'Abbas, 236, 237, 240
——b. —— b. 'Umar -Salimi,
—— Baqir, Imam —, 409
—— ——, Mirza, of Bawanat,
——Darabi, 283, 285
—— b. Hasan -Shaybani, 276
—— b. Humayd, 323
—— Husayn, Mir, 54
—— b. Ishaq (author of
Fihrist, q.v.), 76, 110
—— b. Isma'il, 296, 393, 394,
397, 404 408, 409, 414. See
also Isma'ilis, &c.
—— b. Khalid b. Barmak, 164
—— b. Khunays ('Abbasid
da'i), 236
—— b. Marwan (Umayyad
Prince), 215
—— b. -Mu'tasim ('Abbasid
Prince), 254
—— b. -Rawwad -Azdi, 325
—— b. Sa'ib -Kalbi, 275
—— b. Shirin, 274
—— b. -Zayyat. See Ibnu'z-
Abu Muhammad b. Yaminu'd-
Dawla -Ghaznawi, 471
Muhammira (“those who
wear Red as their badge”),
311-313, 323, 329
Muharram, 227
-Muhasibi (Sufi), 345, 424
-Muhit (of the Sahib Isma'il
b. Abbad, q.v.), 374
Muhitu'l-Muhit (Arabic Dic-
tionary), 326
-Muhtadi ('Abbasid Caliph),
254, 345
*Muir, Sir William —, 188,
191, 192, 210, 211, 219, 220,
222, 224, 226, 227, 229, 240,
251, 317, 342 345
Mu'izzu'd-Dawla (Buwayhid),
164, 364, 367
-Mu'izz (Fatimid Caliph), 367,
Mujallidi, Sharif — of Gurgan,
15, 16
-Mu'jam fi Ma'abiri Ash'ari
'Ajam, 473
Mujmalu't-Tawarikh, 110
-Mukhtar, 228, 229, 231, 233,
234, 238
-Muktafi ('Abbasid Caliph),
357, 358
Mulamma' poetry, 467
Ibn Muljam, 224
Müller, Friedrich —, 64, 153
Müller, Joseph —, 64, 72
Muluku't-Tawa'if, 79, 111, 118.
See also Parthians
Mundhir (King of Hira), 179,
Munk, 479
*-Munqidh mina'd-Dalal (of
-Ghazzali), 422
-Muntasir ('Abbasid Caliph),
254, 345
Münter, 60
-Muqaddasi (geographer), 293
Ibnu'l-Muqaffa', 76, 110, 113,
123, 169, 207-208, 275, 306,
319, 332
-Muqanna' (“Veiled Prophet
of Khurasan”), 247, 309, 311,
313, 318-323
Ibn Muqla, 76, 275, 364
-Muqtadir ('Abbasid Caliph),
164, 358-360, 363, 364, 428,
429, 431
Murghab, 113
-Muriyani, Abu Ayyub —,
-Murjiya (sect), 279-281, 386
Abu Murra, b. 'Urwa-Thaqafi,
Murshid (spiritual director),
*Muruju'dh-Dhahab(of -Mas-
'udi, q.v.), 169, 230, 257,
267, 297, 324, 368, 417
Muruwwa (“Virtue,” as con-
ceived by Pagan Arabs),
190, 193
Musa b. 'Ali … b. 'Abbas,
Musa -Kádhm (Seventh Imam
of “Sect of the Twelve”),
296, 393
Abu Musa -Ash'ari, 216, 219
Abu Musa b. Nusayr, 263
Mus'ab b.-Zubayr, 228, 229
Musawwida (“Those who
wear Black as their badge,”
i.e., the partisans of the
'Abbasids), 242, 243
Mushabbiha. See Anthropo-
Mushammasun (grade of
Manichæans), 164
Music, 380, 382, 383
Muslim -Nishaburi (tradi-
tionist), 351
Muslim b. -Walid (poet), 276
Abu Muslim, 240-244, 246,
247, 256, 308-310, 313-315,
317, 320, 322, 328, 392, 410.
Muslimiyya (the Sect of Abu
Muslim), 313, 315
-Mustafid (“the Subsequent”
in the Isma'ili system), 414
-Musta'in ('Abbasid Caliph),
254, 345
Mustakfi ('Abbasid Caliph),
-Mustansir (Fátimid Caliph),
-Musta'sim bi'llah (last
'Abbasid Caliph of Bagh-
dad), 6, 164, 209, 210
-Mu'tadid ('Abbasid Caliph),
254, 358, 405
Mutahhar b. Fatima (the
grandson of Abu Muslim),
-Mu'tamid ('Abbasid Caliph),
254, 350, 353, 354, 356, 388
-Mutanabbi (the poet), 369,
446, 472
-Mu'tasim ('Abbasid Caliph),
252, 254, 278, 329 336, 342.
Mutawakkil('Abbasid Caliph),
253, 254, 259, 289-291, 332,
337, 339, 341-345, 347
Mu'tazilite sect, 254-255, 279,
281-289, 291-292, 294, 298,
306, 342, 344, 351, 352, 366,
386, 395, 423, 430, 437
-Mu'tazz ('Abbasid Caliph),
254, 345, 347
Ibnu'l-Mu'tazz (son of the
above), 254, 358, 363
Muthanna b. Haritha (one of
the “Companions” and
early conquerors of Persia),
-Muti' ('Abbasid Caliph), 367,
Muti' b. Ayas (poet and Mani-
chæan), 307
-Muttaqí('Abbasid Caliph),364
-Muwaffaq ('Abbasid prince),
Muwaffaq, Abu Mansur —
(author of old Persian phar-
macology), 11, 450
-Muwatta (title of two works
on Law), 273-274
Muzdawija (= Mathnawi
poetry), 476
Mystics, 296-301. See Sufis.
Mystics, Vaughan's classifi-
cation of —, 424